“You ever heard of Murphy’s Law?”
“Uh, yes. I think so. Everything that—”
“Can go wrong, will,” he finishes for me. “Yessir. But let me tell you a little something about Murray’s Law. When you’ve lost it all and you have nothing left to lose, when you’re stripped of all choices but to live or die, that’s when you get to choose whether to rise above or fall, defeated. That’s what you get to do now. It’s time to go back and make it right, Grace.”
I was broken before I was reborn, rebuilt from the ground up.
I was a devastated plane with no hope for life.
A toxic wasteland with no human survivors.
But I made it out, miraculously.
And I know who I am, now.
I’m Grace Anne Vincent, daughter of Eileen and Henry Vincent, sister to Corbin Michael Vincent, and best friend to Lucy Eve Davisson. I’m in love with a mystery named Gideon, and I have a will to live, lit by a fire deep in my soul.
The fire comes from loss.
It comes from longing and pain and thirst for vengeance.
It comes from agony and passion and loneliness.
I’ll survive.
I know I will, because I have, and I’ve even been given a second life. A life where I know who I am and what’s right.
I see the light of truth,
even in the darkness
of mental
“It’s what we’ve all become now: hidden lights in the dark.”
**Content Advisory/Trigger Warning**
Murray’s Law/The Night Blind Saga is a dark apocalyptic romance series with some very steamy, sometimes rather dark F/F scenes, M/F scenes, and other mixes (later books in series). In these books you will find a buffet of language, gore, drug use, violence, assault/abuse, and a bunch of other stuff of this nature. If you don’t ingest your literature occasionally (or often) on the edge, gritty, in the dark, and/or possibly in a random stairwell, this series may not be right for you.
*Recommended for mature readers 18+
*Those sensitive to the topics of angel babies and sexual assault should read at their own risk.
*Not recommended for those with PTSD (though the main character herself suffers from PTSD, so… your call)
*The books in this series may contain possible cliffhangers
*Book three releases in the fall, and book four release late winter. There will be six books in the series. To be notified as soon as they become available, sign up for my newsletter (and get a free book!) here: http://bit.ly/TTMIF
OMFG! I can’t begin to tell you how incredible this story is! This is all about having your quality of life leveling up on a permanent f’ing opposite day with some giggly trips down memory lane. 🙂 Just like the first story, Murray’s Law stays INTENSE! No matter what obstacle Grace is up against she remembers Murray’s Law. She has a choice. Not always an easy choice but a choice nonetheless. Grace is an amazingly flawed character that is continually growing emotionally and mentally. Gideon saved her and they have fallen in love. This author knows how to make the apocalypse romantic and STEAMY! As a matter of fact, all the characters that are introduced into this story are all fighting some sort of demon, their own apocalypse. I absolutely could not put this down. So many plot twists! I can’t really go into what happens because I will end up writing a book report and I am sure you want to know what happens without being told. With that being said, this story compliments Dysphoria and Grace perfectly. Even though Murray’s Law is the second in this series it is just as great, if not better, than the first. This series has made it to my top favorite, ever. If you like beautifully flawed characters with intense, action packed, and HAWT plots then you will love this just like I do. Well done, Christina Rozelle!!!! I’m hooked!!!!
Ever since I can remember I’ve observed life, people, and things with a sense of awe and wonder. The stories I write are a conglomeration of my life’s observations, experiences, heartbreaks, and triumphs, bits and pieces of the beauty and devastation inherent all around us, and inside each of us. But for many years I thought I was broken. My “overactive” imagination was seen as a defect by me and those around me. Through my struggles with PTSD, BPD, suicidal depression, and debilitating addictions, I clawed at the earth in my hole, gazing toward the sun high above me. Would I ever make it out alive? Would I one day be able to walk beneath that blue sky a free woman, and share that gift with others? For a long time I doubted that would ever happen for me . . .
One day, my eleven-year-old came home from school, excited that they had just started reading “The Hunger Games” in her fifth grade class (teacher skipped the kissing parts—GASP!). Having been newly sober, and looking for ways to rebuild my relationship with my daughter who’d been through so much during my sickness, I brought up the idea of writing a YA novel of my own, and she’d help with the plotting and characters. I’d been writing poetry and prose forever, and never pictured myself as a fiction writer, but if it meant strengthening my bond with my child, I was willing to give it a try. What happened as I began this story about orphaned angel-humans, reptilian antagonists, and shadow-animal people, was . . . well, I scrapped that and started something else. Haha
My first full-length novel, “The Butterfly Prophecy,” was unpublishable, riddled with plot holes and a plethora of other errors, and ultimately ended up in a box. As a high school dropout with little college under my belt, I took to the local library and Google to learn how to (really) write a novel, and I was soon on my way to creating a work of art I’d be proud to share with the world. Though The Butterfly Prophecy wasn’t published, many elements, themes, settings, and a few characters from that story were used in the Treemakers Trilogy, which was really cool! Micah Greenleigh, Ms. Ruby, Emerson, Ty, and Aura (Joy’s mom) were so real to me that I couldn’t help but transplant them into their forever story home.
During the nine months it took to write that first book, I realized that writing was medication for me. When I wrote, my life made sense, I had purpose, I could breathe, and think clearly. I could use my tattered past to create a beautiful work of art, and that alone turned my life around completely. Two novels later I gave birth to “The Treemakers” during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month in November)2013. I scrapped that and rewrote the whole thing, publishing The Treemakers a year later. During its creation, I realized this was what I was put on this planet to do. Creating these characters for you to experience and feel, to love and hate, to laugh and cry and escape from reality into remarkable worlds with, brings me immense joy and fulfillment. So, thank you for your part in my journey, for being the receivers of this gift that was so freely given to me. You complete me. (Cheesy, but true! 😉 I’m continually amazed at the outpouring of love and support for me and my work, and I promise to do my best to continue creating quality stories for you to get swept away into.
I’m an eclectic writer with books and works-in-progress in many genres. My goal as an author is to make each series distinctly different from the last, so if one of my series’ isn’t for you I’d encourage you to give the others a try! Thanks again for all you do, and I wish you the very best in all of your endeavors.
Happy reading!
Xoxo Christina
Works by Christina Rozelle/Christina L. Rozelle
The Treemakers Trilogy:
Book 1- The Treemakers
Book 2- The Soultakers
Book 3- The Seeker’s Keys
The Night Blind Saga:
Book 1- Dysphoria and Grace
Book 2- Murray’s Law
Book 3- (late 2017)
Book 4- (early 2018)
Book 5- (mid 2018)
Book 6- (late 2018)
The Truth About Mud: Book One in the Mangleblood Rose Series
(This series will resume upon completion of The Night Blind Saga)
For a free book, as well as news on exciting upcoming events and subscriber-exclusive promotions, sign up for my mailing list! http://bit.ly/MudIF
You can also visit my website for more information: http://christinalrozelle.com/