#WOTR Author Spotlight – Amanda Meredith


Amanda Meredith

Amanda Meredith

About the Author

I’m a wife, mother, amateur zoo-keeper, author, blogger, and wanna-be Betty Crocker from Central Illinois. I love to write, specifically romance, though I am working on a children’s picture book series. I’m also addicted to Pinterest, but who isn’t? My blog consists of writing tips and advice, author interviews and reviews, and other random bits of awesomeness. This year I plan on releasing my children’s book, attending my first major author event, and welcoming our third child into the world. I’m not sure which of those is going to be the craziest thing I do in 2016.

When and Why did you start to write?

I started writing in the second half of first grade. Before that, I was going to get held back because I just couldn’t read and write. But thanks to an amazing teacher who devoted a lot of time to finding the right ways to get me to WANT to read and write, I became one of the best in the class. I ended up writing my first story for the Young Author’s contest that year and won runner up out of the entire school (K-6). Since then, I’ve been writing and reading like it’s the only thing I CAN do. 🙂
Now, writing is a way for me to help others find that place where they discover a book (or genre) that takes them to another world, helps them forget about their problems, makes them happy, changes their life. If anything I write does that, for even one person, I consider myself a success.

What authors do you always read or suggest to others?

My list is endless. I’m a big supporter of finding the books or genres that speak to you personally. A lot of kids have problems, or no interest, in reading because they are forced to read books they aren’t interested in. My son loved to read books on dinosaurs at an early age. He didn’t have much interest in anything else. So that’s what he got the most of. I kid you not, he was reading paleontology books from the adult science section by nine years old. And he loved it. He’s now moved on to chapter books spanning multiple genres from Diary of a Wimpy Kid to Harry Potter. He loves to read. And part of that comes from being able to read what he enjoyed from a young age.
I was the same way as a child. Horse books were my epiphany. Marguerite Henry especially. But once I hit Jr High, I had moved on to JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, even Nora Roberts (don’t tell my mom I read romance that early, lol).
Now I stick to genres instead of authors, so I know I’m not missing out on any hidden gems by new/unknown authors. I used to read specific to romance, but now, I don’t limit myself to any one category, and I suggest other authors and readers do the same. You never know what you’ll find or what inspires you.

What is the most surprising thing you have found out with the writing process?

It moves at its’ own pace. There’s tons of websites and books, even a whole month of the year, devoted to writing a novel, in a short period of time. But I’ve found that deadlines and expectations can create forced writing and forced writing is not good writing. I’m a firm believer in writing what you feel and you can’t invent feelings if you just aren’t having any. I’ll sometimes go weeks without inspiration to write, then all of a sudden it hits me and I can’t stop. I’ve written 50K words in the span of a few days before. And when I read back through it, it felt natural and right. I’d rather take as much time as I need to write a novel that flows naturally, then force myself to write a certain amount of words a day and find half of them to be lacking in everything that makes a novel good. Which is also why I chose self-publishing. I make my own deadlines, which are usually non-existent, and have all the time I need to create my story without anyone breathing down my neck. The freedom of it keeps those creative juices flowing.

What are you working on now?

I’m the type of person that has too many irons in the fire… all the time. My next project due out is a children’s picture book that will be in the Zoo Adventures Series. The first story will be Manda Panda’s Tummy Ache, which is a remake of the book I wrote way back in first grade. I’m also working on two different contemporary romances, and a historical romance.
If I don’t feel like drawing, but I’m on a historical kick, I get out my historical romance. If I’m inspired by something in the now, I’ll pull out the contemporary romance. If I feel like not writing at all but want to be artistic, I pull out the children’s book. Add to that, I have a dozen notes on my iPhone of book ideas that popped into my head. I write them down so I can go back to them later.


When writing are you a pantser or plotter?

Definitely a panster. I tried writing a general outline for my Irish Treasures Saga and gave up before I’d gotten the first book plotted out. It took all the fun out of writing for me. It was hard enough doing character charts/family tree/relationship tree to help keep track of the plethora of characters.
I write when I feel it. So that means I might write the end of the story before I’ve even started the beginning. I might have the middle all written out with nothing on either end. I might skip from one thing to another. It sounds crazy, and if you’re a plotter, you’ll definitely be wondering how I manage to write anything to completion, but it works.
Write the way that works best for you. Everyone’s brain work in different ways. Find the way that speaks to you and go for it. 🙂


Social Links

Website http://www.authoramandameredith.com/
Blog http://authoramandameredith.blogspot.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/authoramanda.meredith
Facebook Author Page https://www.facebook.com/AmandaMeredithAuthor/?ref=tn_tnmn
Twitter https://twitter.com/AuthorAMeredith
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Deviant Art http://authoramandameredith.deviantart.com/
Author Central http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00DQQ9FWY
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/httpAuthorAmandaMeredith
Shelfari http://www.shelfari.com/o1514702115

Buy Links

You can find print and eBook versions on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00DQQ9FWY

You can order print books straight from the printer from Createspace https://www.createspace.com/pub/simplesitesearch.search.do?sitesearch_query=1394803&sitesearch_type=STORE

You can also order print from Barnes & Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22Amanda%20Meredith%22?Ntk=P_key_Contributor_List&Ns=P_Sales_Rank&Ntx=mode+matchall


#Shifter #ShortStory – Full Moon Madness by Jenny Donovan

GoodreadsFull Moon Madness


Savannah has no need for a mate. Her alpha father has been pushing her to start looking since becoming of age but she has absolutely no interest in losing her freedom or of becoming someone’s baby-maker. How does all of that seem to come crashing to a halt in just one night.

Jaxon left Texas with no final destination in mind and no family to worry about him or to go home to. He really had no idea where he would end up, or what he would find when he got there. Somehow he seems to find everything he was missing and what he didn’t know he was looking for all at the same time.



Buy Links

Amazon 99P or Free on KU

angies review



I received this book from the author for an honest review.

If you love sassy and strong women then you will love Savannah.  If you love confident and sexy shifter males then you are gonna be drooling over Jax.

I loved the story of the girl who refused to get a mate and then moments later is barreled over by one.  The short is funny and sexy. If you are a shifter lover like I am you will enjoy the dynamic between our H/h.



#CoverReveal – INTO THE LIGHT by Aleatha Romig

We are very excited to share the cover for INTO THE LIGHT by Aleatha Romig. Into the Light will be published through Thomas and Mercer and scheduled to be released June 14, 2016. Look for thrills and suspense in this brand new series.


Into the Light

Into the LightAn investigator’s search for a friend draws her into a world darker than she could have imagined.

Sara Adams awakes blind, unable to remember the most basic details of her life, but her darkness seems a blessing when she discovers the terrors of The Light.

Stella Montgomery investigates the news on the mean streets of Detroit, where she’s noticed a disturbing trend: young women are vanishing. When her best friend disappears, Stella investigates—despite warnings from her police detective boyfriend—following a twisted trail that leads her through the city’s most dangerous and forsaken precincts. There she uncovers something more sinister than she could have imagined: a shadowy organization known as The Light, led by the enigmatic Father Gabriel.

As Sara struggles to understand her place in the strange world she’s awakened to—an oppressive cult demanding unquestioning obedience—and her feelings for Jacob, the husband she can’t recall and whose harsh and tender attentions confuse and beguile her, Stella risks all to discover the truth. But enlightenment always comes with a price…


Published through Thomas and Mercer and scheduled to be released June 14, 2016



aleatharomig1Aleatha Romig is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana. She grew up in Mishawaka, graduated from Indiana University, and is currently living south of Indianapolis. Aleatha has raised three children with her high school sweetheart and husband of nearly thirty years. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she’s not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time a with her family and friends. Her other pastimes include reading and creating heroes/anti-heroes who haunt your dreams!

Aleatha released her first novel, CONSEQUENCES, in August of 2011. CONSEQUENCES became a bestselling series with five novels and two companions released from 2011 through 2015. The compelling and epic story of Anthony and Claire Rawlings has graced more than half a million e-readers. Aleatha released the first of her series TALES FROM THE DARK SIDE, INSIDIOUS, in the fall of 2014. These stand alone thrillers continue Aleatha’s twisted style with an increase in heat.

In the fall of 2015, Aleatha moved head first into the world of dark romance with the release of BETRAYAL, the first of her five novel INFIDELITY series. She also began her traditional publishing career with Thomas and Mercer. Her books INTO THE LIGHT and AWAY FROM THE DARK will be published through this mystery/thriller publisher in 2016.

Aleatha is a “Published Author’s Network” member of the Romance Writers of America and represented by Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates.











The Killing Season (Fear University 2) by Meg Collett



In the far Alaskan north, there are places the winter sun cannot reach. Places where light won’t shine for months. These are the places we hunt the monsters who feed on fear.

So begins the Killing Season.

For the next sixty-five days, we will face the darkness. Some will hunt the aswangs in the ever night, but I, Ollie Andrews, am here for one purpose: to search for answers to my past.

They told us to fear the arctic tundra and the monsters hiding in the deep, dark shadows. But, locked inside a base known for driving even the best hunters mad, I fear it’s not the outside we should worry about, but the deepest, darkest parts of ourselves.

The real monsters are within.

When a brutal murder brings with it the secrets of Fear University—and the threat of an unknown killer on the loose—we all must fight to stay alive. But with madness and paranoia setting in during a whiteout snowstorm, all we can do is hope we don’t destroy ourselves before the sun finally rises again. Because no matter how hard we fight, reality will always threaten to tear us apart.

And when faced with the most terrible of truths, even the strongest break.



kellys review

This series is un-freaking-believable! I had such a book hangover from Fear University. I read it in one sitting and could not get it out of my head. Then I get the opportunity to read The Killing Season and Meg Collett did it again. The author had me completely sucked in from the start. I spent hours reading (trying to do housework and normal every day things) but noooooo! All I could think about is what is going to happen next. This series is so full of twists and turns that you get to the point that you are not sure if you can trust yourself, almost as if you are the bad guy! Ugh! Trust is a very valued commodity for this story and the rollercoaster of emotions and actions will keep you on your toes for the duration!

We start right where Fear University ends. Ollie and Sunny are sent with the other hunters to Barrow for the killing season. Hatter and Luke are with this group as well. With the exception of Luke’s mother and NyNy (the scientist), Ollie and Sunny are left alone in the estate during the day while the hunters are on their hunts. Some strange things are happening and Ollie is at the middle of it. They get some diturbing news about Peg, one of the hunters are murdered, and Luke’s father seems out to get Ollie but gives her a mission to find the leak within the University. One thing after another, after another keeps happening and Ollie keeps finding herself in the middle. Then the Taber’s reappear! Boom! More craziness! The story never slows down and holds you in it’s clutches to the very end.

“He thought we were too screwed up to be together, and maybe he was right. But I liked our kind of screwy. It was just the right kind of dark and twisted, sprinkled with the perfect amount of crazy.”

“I can love you because I know where all your cracks are. Because I know when you need to be cussed out and when you need to be held. I know how to destroy you and I know how to repair you. I know you’re not a good man, but I know you’re the best kind of man in the world: ruthless and wicked and loyal and brave. I’ll help you fix the cracks and keep out the shadows but only when you need me to. And when you want to kill your father, I’ll hand you the knife. When we go to kill Max, I know you’ll watch as I dig his grave, and afterward, when he’s dead, I know you’ll kiss my bloody lips and still love me just the same. That’s why I can love you, Luke. Because we’re the only ones who can love each other the right way.”

“You can be my monster in the dark and I’ll be the shadows to shield you.””

This story is all about finding out who you are, where you belong, and embracing it. Absolute must read!!!



about the author


Meg Collett lives deep in the hills of Tennessee where the cell phone service is a blessing and the Internet is a myth of epic proportions. She is the mother of one giant horse named Elle and three dogs named Wylla, Mandy, and Drax the Destroyer. Her husband is a saint for putting up with her ragtag life. Her paranormal romance series, End of Days, is currently available in its entirety. Fakers, a contemporary romance, is also available.


#PreOrder #March2016 #SportsRomance- Debt by Rachel Dunning @RachelDAuthor



99c Pre-Order Sale
Over 400 Pages
Standalone Novel
New-Adult Romance / Sports Romance


By Rachel Dunning

Expected Release Date:

March 2016


The Debt Collector

I pay my debts, and I expect others to.

I was raised in the slums of London, I knew nothing of privilege. My father was murdered when I was seventeen. Morty figured my father’s passing meant I would automatically take on dad’s debts. I refused.

And I paid for that refusal.

So did my sister.

So now I fight. All I know how to do is fight. The best cash is in the states, so that’s where I am now. A big fish called Vito came along offering me a “favor” when I arrived.

Another debt.

I paid for that one too.

I knew Kyla Hensley would be trouble when I met her. But I wanted her. I could see through the falsehood of her wannabe-slutty clothes and her sexy legs. So I chased her.

Besides, trouble is my middle name.

Kyla Hensley

I was brought up in privilege, but I lacked everything else. My father is a business tycoon who buys and sells and doesn’t care who gets rolled over in the process.

I never knew my mother, and all I have of her is a photo with a note scrawled on the back in French saying “I’m sorry.” The only Female Figure I had growing up is my dad’s wife who is a bleach blond with seven boob jobs. We never bonded.

I drink. I party. I meet guys.

But I wasn’t always like that.

I’ve had a string of lovers in the last few years, the worst and most recent of which was Vince Somerset. My best friend Vera was dating a guy called Rory Cansoom who is the opposite of Vince in so many ways, and yet so the same.

She and I hit the road for the summer, getting away from the two college psychos and just trying to have some fun.

But there’s a funny thing about trouble, the more you run from it, the more it finds you.

Which is when I met the Debt Collector.

It was only supposed to be sex. He made that clear. I made that clear.

That’s all it was supposed to be.

I never expected to fall in love. I never expected to fall so deeply, madly, uncomfortably in love with a man who is wrong, so wrong for me.

And yet…so unbelievably right.

Content Warning

Not intended for readers under the age of seventeen.




I have no desire to settle down.

I have no desire to make Kyla be the last woman I’m ever with.

But, damn it, I’d like to be given a chance to do those things. Does she even feel anything for me?

I know I do.

I feel something.

Not love. Something else.

Like I need her.

Like I’d stop breathing without her.

Like the sun would stop being so bright or the sounds of the world so sweet if she disappeared.


He stops. Lifts his head up again, still smiling. “You’re afraid,” he says.


“Of me.”


“And yet, you’re here.”

I clear my throat. “Y—yes.”


Because I’m an idiot. And you turn me on. And I’m an idiot. And you turn me on. 

Buy Links

Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01A02LNLC

Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01A02LNLC

Amazon Canada: http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01A02LNLC

Amazon Australia: http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B01A02LNLC

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/debt/id1071559413?mt=11
Nook / B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/debt-rachel-dunning/1123196983?ean=2940152548570

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/603988

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28400056-debt


Rachel Dunning hit the scene in August 2013 and is the author of the highly praised Naive Mistakes Series, Truthful Lies Trilogy, Johnny Series and the paranormal romance series, Mind Games.

A prolific writer, she sticks to stories where Alpha Males aren’t pricks and where women have guts.

She’s lived on two different continents, speaks three different languages, and met the love of her life on the internet. In other words, romance is in her blood.

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Where Else to Find Rachel
Blog / Website: http://www.rdunning.com
Facebook: http://bit.ly/RachelDunning
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RachelDAuthor
Amazon: https://amazon.com/author/racheldunning
Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/RachelDunningBN
iTunes: http://bit.ly/RachelDunningiTunes
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/racheldunning


#WOTR – Enchanted by the Earl by Amanda Mariel




Enchanted by the Earl

Amanda Mariel

Release Date: February 5, 2016 (As part of the Once Upon A Regency box set)

Length: 31k/ novella

Heat Rating: 2

Genre: Historical Romance, Regency



Long Blurb:

Will Rose and Hunter overcome their differences and embrace true love?

Rose Woodcourt, a poor seamstress, is too proud to accept help, even when her home and freedom are threatened by the nefarious Mr. Wolfe. Especially not from Hunter Thorne, a titled gentleman far above her station. Earls only court common misses for one reason, and Rose has no interest in being a wealthy man’s mistress–however handsome and charming he may be.

Hunter is an honorable man; he refuses to turn his back on the spirited beauty regardless of how hard she pushes him away. As Mr. Wolfe’s threats evolve into actions Rose has little choice but to turn to Hunter.

Can the pair put an end to Wolfe’s nefarious deeds before Rose loses everything she holds dear, including her freedom?


Hunter watched the sway of Miss Woodcourt’s hips as she strolled ahead of him. The way those breeches hugged her curves begged for his attention. He could not help but take note of her shapely legs, rounded derriere, and the flair of her hips. For a split second, he contemplated pulling her into his arms and ravishing her right there in the street.

The woman was off limits. An innocent, and he would not tarnish her, especially when he knew they could never wed. He tore his gaze from her luscious body, and tossed a glance at Sinclair, grateful his friend walked in front of her. The thought of the viscount admiring her assets caused his blood to heat. Pure madness, yet he seemed powerless to stop his reactions to her.

A scowl marred Rose’s dirty face as she glanced back at him. Hunter’s pulse sped at the sight of her displeasure. She must be miffed over the way he had handled her. With a weak smile, he stepped past her and reached for the door.

He did not care for the effect she had on him. The sooner they got this over with, the better. He withdrew a small tool and began to poke within the lock’s chamber.

“It refuses to budge. I need something longer.” He glanced over his shoulder. Sinclair stood so close to Miss Woodcourt, their arms touched. A ping of discomfort raced through him. Jealousy? He had to get away from this woman before she drove him to Bedlam.

Rose removed her hat, ran a hand across her auburn tresses, and pulled out a hatpin. “Try this.”

“Have you a history of breaking and entering?” Sinclair teased her.

Hunter’s body heated in anger, pulse throbbing in his neck. He did not want Sinclair teasing Miss Woodcourt, touching her, or even standing close to her.

What was going on with him? She meant nothing to him. He only helped because he was unable to ignore her plight. It was lust, plain and simple. Once he returned her home, these feelings would cease. For now, he needed to focus on gaining entry to Wolfe’s office.

Rose gave a quick smile and shook her head. “No, but I knew I would need something if I wished to open the lock. My pin was all I could think of.”

Hunter took the hatpin from her. His fingers tingled where they brushed hers.

“See? I told you I would be of use.” She winked.

He raised a brow at her scandalous behavior before turning back to the door. The woman was positively vexing. That she even imagined breaking into Wolfe’s office angered him. Still, her calculated plan was impressive.

Had he and Sinclair not had the same idea, she may have pulled her mission off without incident. He had never known a woman who would dare dream up such a thing, let alone attempted to carry it out, breeches and all.

“It should do the trick.” Hunter pushed the pin in the lock, wiggled it, and gave the pin a slight turn. The mechanism gave with a click. He allowed the door to open a crack before he pulled the pin out. “Sinclair, let us know if anyone comes.”

The viscount offered a nod before moving to the corner of the building.

Miss Woodcourt held her hand out. “My hatpin, please.”

Hunter put the pin in her palm before pushing the door open farther. He stepped aside for her. “After you.”

She entered the office without a word, leaving a trail of rose-scented air in her wake.

With a last glance at Sinclair, Hunter stepped into the office and closed the door behind them. He took another step into the dark space and suddenly her body was pressed against him. Instinctively, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

Her soft form molded to him as if she were made to fit against him. Still embracing her, he gently moved her to his side before she could feel the effect she was having on him.

She pushed his arm away and stepped from his embrace. “We need light.”

The cool night air quickly replaced the warmth of her body. He scowled, already missing her closeness. Bloody hell. She would be his undoing if he did not return her home posthaste.


Author Bio and Links

Bestselling historical romance author Amanda Mariel dreams of days gone by when life moved at a slower pace. She enjoys taking pen to paper and exploring historical time periods through her imagination and the written word. When she is not writing she can be found reading, crocheting, traveling, practicing her photography skills, or spending time with her family.

Amanda lives along the Lake Huron shoreline in northern Michigan with her husband and two kids. She holds a Master of Liberal Arts Degree with a concentration in literature and has a long-standing love affair with sugary junk food.

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/AuthorAmandaMarie1

Twitter www.twitter.com/AmandaMarieAuth

Website: http://amandamarieauthor.wix.com/amandamariel

Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bhkzmj

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Once-Upon-Regency-Timeless-Fables-ebook/dp/B018HSNFM6/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/once-upon-a-regency-samantha-grace/1123052625?ean=2940152740561

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/once-upon-a-regency

iBook: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/once-upon-a-regency/id1063566786?mt=11





Condemned Series Teaser 2

You get the whole enchilada on Rafe & Alex for only $2.99, but there’s a catch, you gotta buy it NOW before the price goes up. Seriously peeps! Get your #OneClick fingers at the ready and pick this #Dark #Gritty #Serial up TODAY!


One lie. One act of revenge. One obsessive love.

I was only fifteen when I sent the love of my life to prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Rafe Mason, rising MMA star, my brother’s best friend, and the guy my foolish heart yearned for. The guy my foolish heart won’t forget even now that eight years have gone by. But now he’s free and only wants one thing: me at his mercy.

And I am.

I’m a prisoner on his island, held captive by his deviant desires, bound by his justified fury. Even worse, I’m a hostage of my own treacherous heart. But the lie I told eight years ago is ricocheting, destroying lives and altering the course of fate. Neither of us saw it coming.

The violence and death. The betrayal. The utter destruction that leaves us in ruins.

How can a single lie cause so much devastation? Redemption seems impossible because neither of us can undo what’s been done. I belong to him as much as he belongs to me, and we’ll fight for each other or go down in flames trying.

Includes Torrent, Rampant, Fervent, and Vagrant. Intended for mature readers who enjoy a dark romance with a lot of suspense, disturbing themes, and a HEA. Not for the faint of heart. You’ve been warned.


Amazon US | UK | CA | AU | Kobo | iBooks | B&N

Condemned Series Teaser 1



Gemma James is a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author of a blend of genres, from new adult suspense to dark erotic romance. She loves to explore the darker side of human nature in her fiction, and she’s morbidly curious about anything dark and edgy, from deviant sex to serial killers. Readers have described her stories as being “not for the faint of heart.”

She warns you to heed their words! Her playground isn’t full of rainbows and kittens, though she likes both. She lives in Oregon with her husband and their four children–three rambunctious UFC/wrestling-loving boys and one girl who steals everyone’s attention.

Like her on Facebook or sign up for her newsletter so you don’t miss out on future releases!

Connect with Gemma.. or as I like to call it… Stalking Gemma…

Facebook | Twitter | Webpage | Goodreads | Amazon

Hosted by Rough Draft Book Blog

Release Blitz – Fighting Solitude by: Aly Martinez

fighting solitude release blitz

fighting solitude it's live

Fighting Solitude is Book Three in the On The Ropes Series by Aly Martinez and is Quarry’s highly anticipated story.


Now Available!

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1HToXGM

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1OgAs7R

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1NU89lo

iBooks: http://apple.co/1Qu2XTZ

Kobo: http://bit.ly/1lsjHQt

**Each book in the series can be read as a standalone**

fighting solitude cover


**Special Pre-order Pricing!**

I was born a fighter. Abandoned by my parents, I spent my life forging my own path—one guided by my fists and paved with pain.

Untouchable in the ring, I destroyed everyone who faced me, but that’s where my victories ended. Outside the ropes, I repeatedly failed the few people who loved me. Including my best friend, Liv James—the one person I’d die to protect.

Even though I didn’t deserve her, Liv never stopped believing in me. Never gave up. Never let go. After all, she understood what I’d lost, because she’d lost it too.

Liv was everything to me, but she was never truly mine.

That was going to change.

I lost my first love, but I refused to lose my soulmate.

Now, I’m on the ropes during the toughest battles of my life.

Fighting to be the man she deserves.

Fighting the solitude of our pasts.

Fighting for her.

fighting solitude

Fighting Silence (Book One) On the Ropes

ONLY $0.99

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1Lhhn62

B&N: http://bit.ly/FightingSilenceBN

Kobo: http://bit.ly/1A2cSnr

iBooks: http://bit.ly/1zbJT0u


Fighting Shadows (Book Two) On The Ropes

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1HE3kt8

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1faAHHy

B&N: http://bit.ly/1CaD9rN

Kobo: http://bit.ly/1LKEurE

iBooks: http://apple.co/1TcpHIa

About the Author

aly martinez

Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, Aly Martinez is a stay-at-home mom to four crazy kids under the age of five, including a set of twins. Currently living in South Carolina, she passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a glass of wine at her side.

After some encouragement from her friends, Aly decided to add “Author” to her ever-growing list of job titles. Five books later, she shows no signs of slowing. So grab a glass of Chardonnay, or a bottle if you’re hanging out with Aly, and join her aboard the crazy train she calls life.

STALK HER: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads



Cover Reveal & Giveaway – Havoc (Storm MC #8) by: Nina Levine

Book 8 in the bestselling Storm MC series by Nina Levine is coming on March 8th 
Title: Havoc
Series: Storm MC #8
Author: Nina Levine
Genre: MC Romance
Cover Designer: Letitia Hasser from Romantic BookAffair Designs

Photographer: Sara Eirew

Models: Mike Chabot and Carolyn Seguin
Release Date: March 8th, 2016

This is a stand alone biker romance.
You do not need to have read any other books in the series to read this one.

I was happy doing my own thing.
No connections.
No demands.
No problems.
Just me, my club and a whole lot of dirty work to take care of.
She never wanted a biker.
She wanted stability and I gave up on that years ago.
We tried to fight it.
Neither of us wanted it.
But she calms my fury and I show her a man who accepts every part of her.
Now we’re trying to figure out how to be together.
Because when the need for each other is this strong, to deny it will only cause complete havoc.

Start the series for free today!!


Check out the rest of the series!



I’ll be over on Facebook at my author page doing a takeover today! It’s been a long time since I’ve done one on my page! I’ll have ARCs to give away along with heaps of other stuff. I’ll do a Q&A session – so get your questions ready. And I’ll share a NEW sneak peek from Havoc.

TIMES: 2nd Feb US EST at 7.30pm | 3rd Feb AUS EST at 10.30am | 3rd Feb UK time at 12.30am


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USA Today Bestselling Author Nina Levine, is an Aussie author who writes stories about alpha men and the strong, independent women they love.
When she isn’t creating with words, she loves to create with paint and paper. Often though, she can be found curled up with a good book and some chocolate. 
She loves to chat with readers of her books so please visit her on social media:

Facebook |  Website | Amazon | Pinterest | Instagram | Newsletter | Stormchaser Facebook Group

Release Boast – Hell Bent by Becky McGraw




Title: Hell Bent
Series: Deep Six Security #3 
Author: Becky McGraw
Genre: Romantic Suspense
 Release Date: January 26, 2016
When you leave home to find yourself, sometimes the best place to look first is there… Former Delta Force Operator turned CIA Ghost Ops Operative Cade Winters has been dodging his dysfunctional family for years. He isn’t supposed to have a family, it’s too dangerous, but Cade can’t let go of the only person he gives a shit about, his sister Veronica. When he makes his yearly call to her and finds out she’s receiving death threats from a homegrown terrorist group, Cade knows he has no choice but to go back to Texas to make sure she’s safe.

Fresh out of a six-year hitch in the Army, Cee Cee Logan thinks she’s finally earned her brother David’s respect when he finally offers her a job with his security firm. She quickly sees that isn’t the case when the job she’s hired for turns out to be that of the team secretary, a nice safe, desk job like he told her to get when she graduated college. Cecelia is frustrated, but takes the position because she is determined to prove to her chauvinistic and overprotective sibling once and for all she’s capable of so much more.

By the end of the first week, Cee Cee wishes she’d have just re-enlisted. Her body is stiff from sitting, her fingers sore and her mind numb, but what really makes her want to run back to Afghanistan where she would at least be respected by her colleagues is the company’s other new hire. Cade Winters, her ex-lover, is back in town and the hardhearted, hard-bodied operator is a man she definitely doesn’t know anymore.

 When a trafficked woman’s repatriation clinic is bombed, and Cade’s sister Veronica, a judge, is in grave danger, Cecelia is presented with her opportunity to prove herself as an agent. But the question was, did she want it? Could she trust her partner to have her back when he seemed to be on a mission of his own to make her look bad every chance he got?

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18+ Excerpt from HELL BENT: Deep Six Security Book 3 (c) Becky McGraw, January 2016“If you’d have talked to me before you lef—“ he started, but her sharp bark of laughter cut him off and he shot her a hot glare.

“I did come to talk to you but figured you weren’t much into talking or listening to anything I had to say with that brunette’s lips wrapped around your dick,” Cee Cee snarled, a brow lifted over her angry, hurt eyes.

A shock of electricity shot through his body to boil his blood which crept up to the base of his throat as memories of that night, the last time he’d seen her, flashed through his mind. He cringed, and his hands tightened on the steering wheel.

That night he’d been as cruel as he could be to her because he wanted to hurt her as much as she’d hurt him. Cade wanted to show her she didn’t mean an iota more to him than she’d proven he meant to her by leaving him dangling on a limb without an explanation or excuse for two fucking weeks. That she showed up on the night before the morning he knew she was leaving for boot camp, the absolute worst night of his life, made things worse. He couldn’t be held responsible for his actions or reactions that night.

“You broke into my apartment, and I was drunk,” he said defensively. And in so much fucking pain, neither the alcohol nor the hot, nameless woman sucking my dick could make it better.

“I didn’t break in, I had a key, remember? And thank God you were drunk enough to finally tell me how you really felt about me. You saved me a lot of future complications.” Her harsh laugh rang hollowly inside his skull. “It was a hard and painful lesson, but totally worth it. I learned not to trust a man with anything more than my body, or expect anything from him in return for a good fuck. Because I went in with that attitude, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to learn you were right—I am a damned good fuck—and the act is a lot more fun when satisfaction is all you expect in return. Sure makes things less messy in the morning, doesn’t it?”

Cade didn’t know what to say as his eyes flew to hers. The vulgarity falling from her soft lips made him want to wash her mouth out with soap for some reason. Blood crept up his face to set his scalp on fire, as the hard little smile that curved the corner her mouth, the knowing look in her eyes caused a tight band of regret to constrict his chest.

He had done this to her, turned her into this kind of woman. His hasty, drunken, and yes immature, words meant to hurt her had done so much more. They turned a soft-hearted girl into a one-night-stand kind of woman like the brunette.

Were you really naïve enough to believe I wanted more than a fuck, Brat? You were a good fuck to me, Cecelia, nothing more. Wise up about men—we’re only looking for one thing and you’re keeping me from getting that right now. Go away, little girl, I’m busy.

Pressure built in his skull and his breaths came hard and fast as he studied her, tried to find that girl he used to know somewhere in her eyes but failed. Cecelia’s chin lifted a notch as her arms tightened around her middle, before she leaned back against the seat and looked out the side window.

“You’re better than that, Brat.” God, so much better, and guilt for his hand in turning her into what she’d become closed off his throat, so his words were choked. “You may have gotten confidence in the military, but you sure lost any delicacy you may have possessed before, and that’s a damned shame.”

“No, I’m not delicate in the least anymore. You toughened me right up.” She looked at him with a lifted brow and a smirk curving one corner of her mouth. “I’ve become a woman not to be messed with and I thank you for starting that transformation, Cade.”
Also Available




Till Death Audio Sample Narrated by Matt Haynes
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Author Bio


A Jill of many trades, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Becky McGraw has been an optician, a beautician, a legal secretary, a real estate broker, web designer, graphic artist, and romance writer. She knows just enough to make her dangerous, and her humor-laced contemporary cowboy, military and romantic suspense novels varied and interesting.

Becky has three adult children, a precious new grandbaby and resides in Florida with her husband of thirty-plus years and her dog Abby. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America Published Authors Network, Novelists, Inc. and The Sisters In Crime.

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