Category Archives: Cops/Detectives

#wotr #attendingauthor #seriesstarter Mostaccioli Murder (Jade Summer Mystery 1) by Nicolette Pierce

Murder with a side of mostaccioli.

Jade returns home to Chicago after being wrongfully fired from her dream job. When she had left a decade ago, she had made two promises to herself. One, never ever work for the family restaurant again. And, two, never ever see Logan, her cheating ex-boyfriend, again.

Unfortunately, when the restaurant delivery driver is found murdered, Jade assumes his position. The detective assigned to the case is none other than Logan.

As Jade comes to term with her new life at the restaurant, clues surrounding the murder develop. Jade receives odd delivery orders and threatening messages. Suspects appear in a thrilling mystery that Jade must solve or find herself as dead as the driver.

To save herself and the family business, she must play nice with the detective. But how can she play nice when she vowed to never speak to the jerk again? To solve the case, the pair must put their past aside.

Will Jade solve the murder before it’s too late? Can she move past her feelings for Logan? Get your copy of Mostaccioli Murder and find out.



Review by Twinsie Dee

I bought this book and her is my honest review

Jade came home for a vacation from her advertising job or at least that’s what her family thinks, is the reason shes home. actually her life is down teh drain, her fiance used their condo to ahve afterhours meetings with his assistant alone and no clothes, and she lost her job. but while shes home she needs to fake that everything is fine and she is so happy at work and she just needed to come home to help the family out at the restaurant while her dad is in the hospital, but honestly thats all she has going for her right now. one thing she didnt want to have going for her was finding the body of the delivery driver dead in the garbage area behind the restaurant. Now not only was she in the middle of her own crisis of life she found herself in the middle of a murder investigation, because she found the body. How will Jade over come this to get her life back together all with the unknown help of her family members, friends oh and 1 ex boyfriend who happens to be the lead dectitive on the case. oh this book was so good, Mr. Lee will have you laughing out loud, cant wait to read the rest of this series.

Best-selling author Nicolette Pierce started out as a daydreamer. Truly, she could never be a teacher’s pet due to the number of times she had to be scolded to pay attention. When she received an assignment to write a story, suddenly life made sense.

Nicolette daydreams in Wisconsin with her husband and son. In her free time, she adores finding treasures for her little free library, annoying her family, and finding unique places to vacation. Her husband still won’t forgive her for having to sleep surrounded by camel dung. She’s not sorry.

The three things that are consistant in her work: 1) A mystery. 2) A woman trying to get through life without injury. 3) A hot guy looking to be a hero. Level of heat depends on the hero. A couple of them are quite naughty. Level of hilarity is from ha-ha to ROFL.

#WOTR24 #Review – Tempered Beats (Getaway Chronicles) by Michel Prince

Blowing Hot Sand Studio has created a respite for those suffering from PTSD. The glass blowing studio in Denver evolved to host a tightknit community of veterans looking for an adrenaline rush and a bit of danger in an otherwise safe environment.

Quieting the demons plaguing them for long enough they can return to enjoying life, not just surviving it. When Specialist Paul Castor is found dead a group that had already lost too much now is trying their best to not fall back into darkness.

Detective Lisa Donald has enough problems relating to others, now she has to walk the line with well-trained soldiers on hair triggers to get to the truth. Her pragmatic style has many questioning her sanity.

Can she discover who turned molten glass into a deadly weapon? Or will she be too disoriented by reflective colors to see the danger beyond the shimmering glow?



Review by Twinsie Kelly

I honestly don’t even know where to start with this review, SOOOOO you should probably just stop reading my review and scroll on up to one-click the buy now button. However, if you are still here, I will do my best to explain how much wow is in this story. The short version and very high level about the book is that glass blowing is being used by some amazing veterans for therapeutic purposes and one of them is murdered. The journey that Lisa goes on to learn about these veterans and the rush they are after in an attempt to quiet their demons is one that I won’t forget for a long time. Let’s face it, we all have our demons and things from our past that we want to stay there, some are definitely more traumatic than others, and some of our bodies and brains react differently to these traumas. While the story never goes into great detail about what these veterans have experienced, while reading about their triggers and how they handle life really touches you deeply. I felt so many incredible emotions throughout the story as Lisa was working to solve the homicide.

“Demons and nightmares plague these guys even when they are awake. Making these items in a high-risk way takes them from the memories because you don’t have the space to let your mind wander.”

“A perp’s a perp, and here, the want to break them down to give me the answe3r to the ultimate question wouldn’t be satisfied with the number forty-two.”

This was an absolute page turner! With every word, line, page, and chapter, I needed more. Even when I thought I knew exactly what happened, I didn’t. And when I did figure it out, I couldn’t figure out the motive. The author did an amazing job of making me feel like I was right in the middle of the story beside Lisa working on the case. I had all sorts of FEELS going on throughout. I highly recommend it!

Ok, now that you are at the end of my review, go on back up and one-click Tempered Beats!!! You won’t regret it!

Michel Prince profile image

USA Today Bestselling author, Michel Prince, graduated with a bachelor degree in History and Political Science. Michel writes young adult, new adult and adult paranormal romance as well as contemporary romance.

“Ms Prince writing is like summer breeze caressing your body, slow and sultry.”-Amazon review of First and Ten.

“Michel Prince is a wonderful author with a real talent for writing.”-Amazon Review of Triple B Baking Co.

“Prince explores in her novels is interracial romance and friendships. Prince pokes fun at stereotypes, but never allows stereotypes to guide her plot. The focus is on creating two strong, independent characters who can stand on their own, but complement each other as a couple.”- Amazon Review of Silly Girl

“One Last Sunset is a well written story by the awesome Michel Prince that left me wanting to learn more about the rest of the Long family.”- Amazon Review for One Last Sunset.

“I could not put it down, and will definitely be looking for more from this Author.”-Amazon Review of Silly Girl.

With characters yelling “It’s my turn damn it!!!” She tries to explain to them that alas, she can only type a hundred and twenty words a minute and they will have wait their turn. She knows eventually they find their way out of her head and to her fingertips and she looks forward to sharing them with you.

When Michel can suppress the voices in her head she can be found at her son’s games in a variety of sports. She would like to thank her family for always being in her corner and especially her husband for supporting her every dream and never letting her give up.

Michel has been awarded Elite Status with Rebel Ink Press in 2013, the service award for her local RWA chapter Midwest Fiction Writers 2013, 2014, won 2015 Sweetest Romance from IREA for Chrysalis, a 2022 finalist for the Minnesota Book Awards for The Amalgam and was a PAN member of RWA. She lives in the Twin Cities with her husband, son, and new puppy.

#WOTR24 #Audio #SeriesStarter #SmallTown #2ndChance #Sheriff #Audio – Perfect Risk, Mason Creek book 1 by C.A. Harms, narration by Kelli Tager and Ryan Stone

Mason Creek, Montana is my home. It always has been and truth is, there is no place like it.

I can hide away in a big city, pretend as if I’m not drowning. I can ignore the sadness inside my heart that is begging for a change. But if I’m being honest, my sense of belonging has disappeared. I thought I wanted the big city life, the fast track and all the glamorous things. Turns out, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than home.

Coming back to help run my mom’s business gave me the perfect escape.

But there is one problem.

An unresolved past has a way of haunting anyone. Things can sure get complicated when the man that broke your heart all those years ago is now your new landlord.

It may get a little messy, I may regret my decision to stay…
But then again, this might just be the Perfect Risk.


Review by Twinsie Angie

I won this audiobook from the author.  I also purchased the ebook from Kindle.

I am a fan of a good 2nd chance love story.  I admit I am not a huge fan of Bully romance, so I was initially skeptical when we found out Wyatt and his friends were mean to Sadie in high school.  But I was glad that was all in the past and we didn’t see that.

Sadie is coming home to help her family and using that as a reason to leave the big city she ran too after high school and her humiliation at the hands of the boy she loved.  She knew she would have to see him and hoped she would be ok.

Wyatt always regretted his choices with Sadie.  When he sees she is back in town…after crashing into her…her sass and fire make him determined to earn her forgiveness.  However, he also soon realizes she is quite a different person from when she was a kid and this woman is lighting his fire in a lot of ways.

I was a fan of Wyatt.  I know he was a gross kid but we all have regrets in high school right.  Plus high school is so over and we are all adults now.  Sadie is no hung up on never forgiving him until she starts to notice things about the man he is.

When he start to live near each other, they have to cohabitate with peace.  As the story goes on we see Wyatt and how much he regrets hurting Sadie.  We see him trying time and time again.  Of course the bad choice he made does rear its ugly hair in the story causing any women to fear what they really have.

I really enjoyed the story and characters.  I wish so badly that Wyatt’s brother’s book was in audio because I would have that downloaded so fast. He is going to be a great book for sure.

The narration for the story was well done. Both narrators did a great job bringing the characters to life for me.

C.A. Harms is an avid romance and mystery reader. She’s always had a love for books, getting lost in writing and storytelling even as a young girl. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories.

She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. She holds an addiction for Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha’s and KitKat when she should really be focusing on water and maybe a fruit or two to make herself feel less guilty, but that feeling quickly passes…thankfully.

She is easy going, fun, and although she may seem like one of the quiet ones at first, you just wait until she gets to know you better…that quietness changes, fast








#WOTR23 #Audio #RomCom #GrumpySunshine – Worth the Fall, Brew Ha Ha #2 by Bria Quinlan, Narration by Brittnay Goodwin

Worth the Fall: Brew Ha Ha, Book 2

Who could possibly lose her job, apartment, and boyfriend in one day?

This girl.

I won’t lie. When my boyfriend took me out for a fancy-shmancy dinner, I was thinking jewelry not “please return your security deposit” the weekend I was moving in. Which, can we just talk about the fact I was going to move in with a long-term boyfriend who wanted a security deposit?

Instead, I got a lecture about not being able to pull my weight and a breakup. In public.

I’m over it. I’m over the good-paying job that kept me trapped in the wrong spot, the fear of moving on…and men. New rule: World Domination Without Men.


There’s only one thing slowing me down. That cop.

Yeah. Okay, so I may have accidentally broken some laws this weekend. Nothing big. But that hot cop has shown up everywhere. Now he’s living across the street from my new place and doing super hot cop things like cooking and salsa dancing.

I can’t help but wonder: Can I do the Single Girl Takes on the World thing and let Mr. Hottie Officer in or do I need to put him in the slammer of my big picture plan?

Now I just need to decide: Take over the world solo or risk another heartbreak with Officer Hottie?


Review by Twinsie Angie

I purchased this audiobook.

I want to start by saying RomCom and sweeter romances are not typically my thing.  However, I found these stories from Bria and fell in love with them.  I also admit her narrator is on point.  She makes me feel like “Hey that totally sounds like me and my friend’s reactions” when she tells the story.  She is the perfect voice for the women in the series.   They are all kinda a fun hot mess if that is possible.  LOL

Kasey’s entire world is falling apart.  Her boyfriends dumps her…she loses her apartment…she loses her job….I mean what else could do wrong.  Oh yeah having to deal with the police a few times in a 24 hour period.  Until Kasey rolls into the Brew and John is there like a guardian angel to help her with a couple issues she fears for her current situation.

Kasey meets a great cast of characters like Jessa, Ben, Hailey, Dean and Max….grumpy Max.  Max who has seen her in her undies.  Max, who is so alpha, he can’t help himself.  Max who is also scared to death of sweet Jenna.  Those were the best convos!!!  LOL  Jenna is a sweet evil thing.

Max has seen enough to know Kasey is not the girl for him.  She IS the definition of Hot Mess Express and yet he can’t stay away.  He is drawn to her with every encounter which makes him so mad at himself.  Yet he still makes her dinner and takes her to the movies. Also seeing a jealous Max was kinda fun!!

Kasey refused to look at the reasons why Max does the things he does for her.  Until all of a sudden, she can see him for him and that sends her over the edge (due to a couple extra drinks the bartender gave her) into confused heart land.

These two cracked me up.  They both are so stubborn to see what could be because they both are NOT into the other for XYZ issues.

Bria Quinlan is an award-nominated bestselling author of eight Romantic Comedies and YA Issue Books (that she swears are funny…really. They are.) Her books make you snort Diet Coke out your nose or tear up and curse her name.

#WOTR23 #NewRelease#ReleaseDay – Fully Covering Her, RYD Service Book 2 by Michel Prince

Fully Covering Her (RYD Series Book 1) by [Michel  Prince, Leonore  Elliott]

Noah Wagner is finding his place among the veterans at AYS. Earning brownie points by not pushing back and keeping to the rules. When he’s assigned as lead for a movie star client, Cecelia Chambers, being threatened by a stalker he’s prepared with a full game plan. The problem is, stalkers look beyond their obsession, and he has to make sure Cecelia’s twin Chloe is part of Noah’s playbook. One pushing against every one of his rules with eyes tempting him to give her more than grace.

Chloe Chambers has enough to worry about with her budding fashion line. The small company is being thrown into the spotlight thanks to A list clients seeing red carpet gowns making headlines thanks to her twin. The last thing she has time for is being tasked with using an app to call for a ride every time she wants to leave. She’s not the superstar or the one getting threatening notes, but again much like the rest of her life Cecelia’s problems become hers. The last thing she wants is to be controlled, especially by a man that makes her whole body warm when he insists she behave.

Can Noah keep both sisters safe? Or will the threat strike before he’s free to claim the one capturing his heart?

Previously published as a Kindle Vella Series


Review by Twinsie Angie

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Fully Covering Her by Michel Prince

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

I am a huge fan of Michel’s book so pretty much anything she offers, I will read.  I loved the first book in this series and couldn’t wait to read Noah.  He is an all-American good-looking guy who also is a bit of a playboy.  The book starts out with Noah and Harrison nattering in typical fashion.  When Harrison informs Noah, he will be the lean on CeCe Chambers…THE CeCE Chamber case he is floored.  He will be the boss of the security detail over a stalker she is dealing with.  He will also be protecting her fashion designer sister Chloe.  Not too bad of a set up.  Keep eye on a sexy movie star and run the whole job…YES PLEASE!

Chloe and CeCe have traditional twin banter.  They harass and annoy each other.  CeCe loves the limelight whereas Chloe is happy sketching, sewing, and designing for her fashion business.  When they are told they will need security both women are none to thrilled.

The slow burn chemistry between Noah and Chloe is pretty much from the start.  Both see the other as some deliciousness but as they learn to deal with the stubborn other, they start to have some fireworks.  The chemistry Is pretty off the charts.  I will say Kennedy was my absolute favorite BFF a girl can want/need.

As the story builds, we see the stalker might have been caught buuuuuut not really.  The twist of who the stalker is and why was pretty good.  I didn’t see it coming and then I was like “GASP is it THAT PERSON!!”  I admit I was reading more for the sexy times then the who done it aspect of the story. LOL  Noah is a DIRTY boy ladies and just want this reader wanted to read!!

I can’t wait for more from this series.

Michel Prince is an author who graduated with a bachelor degree in History and Political Science. Michel writes young adult and adult paranormal romance as well as contemporary romance.

With characters yelling “It’s my turn damn it!!!” She tries to explain to them that alas, she can only type a hundred and twenty words a minute and they will have wait their turn. She knows eventually they find their way out of her head and to her fingertips and she looks forward to sharing them with you.

When Michel can suppress the voices in her head she can be found at a scouting event or cheering for her son in a variety of sports. She would like to thank her family for always being in her corner and especially her husband for supporting her every dream and never letting her give up.

Michel is a member of RWA Pro and Midwest Fiction Writers. In 2013 she was awarded Elite Status with Rebel Ink Press. She lives in the Twin Cities with her husband, son, and cat.

#review #partofaseries More Than a Memory ( Cole Creek 2) by Molly McLain 

More Than A Memory is a small town, brother’s best friend, second chance romance!

We were more than we pretended to be.

Or maybe we were never anything at all.


I loved him when I shouldn’t have. And I left him to save us both.

Now my life is in danger and he’s the only one who can offer the protection I need.

I hate being so vulnerable, so weak…

But if I’m going to bare my secrets to anyone, it’s him. Even if he hates me for them.


I would have risked it all for her, but she quit before she ever gave us a chance.


I don’t hate her like she thinks I do, but this is more than a job for me.

This is my chance to prove that Olivia and I…

We’re more than a memory.



Review by Twinsie Dee

I was given this book by the author for an honest review

Olivia had her life turned upside down after her husband was killed by the mob and left her in a dangerous spot o much so she was handed a picture with a target on it. So now shes under 24 hour surveillance, and they want to put her with a bodyguard/fake boyfriend who else is she gonna trust with her life but the first guy she ever loved. Aiden will never forget what Liv did and how she broke his heart. So when he finds out he’s picked to be her fake boyfriend he puts the brakes on as fast as he can. Will Aiden put his feelings aside to keep Liv safe or will he say your on your own and let her deal with this issue without him. Secrets from their past will come to the surface rather they are ready or not.

Author of sexy, small town romance. Lover of banana Laffy Taffy, 80’s ballads, 90’s rock, and road trips. Location: Wisconsin. Sign: Sagittarius. Religion: Coffee and naps.

#review #partofaseries Perfect Night (Mason Creek 4) by Terri E. Laine  

Emma Hawkins is sure her life is set. She’s finally leaving Mason Creek behind, the small town she’s lived in her entire life.

That is until her former high school crush, Aiden Faulkner, strides back into town. The hot new Deputy Sheriff still gives her butterflies and is in a perfect position to help as she deals with the mystery surrounding tragedy that has struck her life.

When she asks for his help, she knows it’s a lot for him to keep her request a secret. Only, the time they spend together doesn’t go unnoticed. Rumors threaten everything, including their growing connection.

Undeniable attraction has never been their problem.

Timing is.

With her not so perfect fiancé in the rearview mirror, it becomes impossible for Aiden and her to remain just friends.

They say love is patient.

And Aiden’s been patiently waiting to give Emma that one perfect night.



Review by Twinsie Dee

I bought this book and this is my honest opinion

Emma came back home to show her Fiance her small town and to meet her dad. But after a fight her dad left the house and never came home next thing Emma knew she was having to plan his funeral and nothing made sense. Things were changing for her in more ways then one both her parents where gone, and now she had a house and her father’s bar in Mason creek and she wasn’t ready to give up either yet. Aiden came back to town after being with the LAPD but was ready to be home and took a job at the police station. They both had a thing for each other but it was never the right time but the feelings were there and everyone knew it. When Emma had a weird feeling that her dad didn’t die of a heartattack like they claimed she asked Aiden to help her off the records and to prove her father was murdered… will these 2 find their way into each other’s arm despite their being a wedding in Emmas future or will they hold onto their feelings and move on with their lives

Terri E. Laine, USA Today bestselling author, left a lucrative career as a CPA to pursue her love for writing. Outside of her roles as a wife and mother of three, she’s always been a dreamer and as such became an avid reader at a young age.

Many years later, she got a crazy idea to write a novel and set out to try to publish it. With over a dozen titles published under various pen names, the rest is history. Her journey has been a blessing, and a dream realized. She looks forward to many more memories to come.

#wotr #attendingauthor #partofaseries Perfectly Wicked (Magical Bureau of Investigation 3) by Albany Walker

Too bad nothing is ever as it seems.

I’m back in Hill Crest, and it looks like I may have made an enemy last time I was in town.

I’m supposed to lie low, but when a long-time friend of dad comes looking for help to find his missing wife, I have a very hard time telling him no.

As if finding a missing woman wasn’t enough, I’m starting to think I might be haunted. Add in three men that want to finish what we started years ago and I’m thinking my dance card might be a little over booked.

Perfectly Wicked is the third book in the Magical Bureau of Investigation series. This is a slow burn RH or whychoose novel with adult situations.



Review by Twinsie Dee

I was given this book by the author for an honest review

Wow wow wow what away to wrap up this series. Frankie has a new task at hand keeping her dad and his girlfriend safe from her ex husband who is willing to do anything to get her back just to torture her. With her dad and his lady safely tucked way in a safe house and Frankie acting like nothing is wrong things start acting strange. A member of town comes to her to help find her father because his wife has wondered off and her dad always helped him in the past. So Frankie and her guys help him out and when they come up with nothing they are stumped, well Frankie isnt going to be satisfied until she finds out what she needs to find out and gets to the bottom of things. With some strange things happening to them with spirits and other things unexplainable. Will Frankie and her fellas with the help of another agent be able to get to the bottom off what spirit connected itself to her and when it ones to her family she’s gonna stop at nothing to get them safe at all cost.

Albany lives in Michigan where she’s happily married to her high school sweetheart. She spends most of her time juggling her four children’s extracurricular activities, with her nose stuck in a book. When not reading you can find her writing her very own book boyfriends. Albany’s passion is writing romance with real characters that are far from perfect, but always seem to find their own happily ever afters.

#wotr #attendingauthor #seriesstarter Homecoming Homicide ( Magical Bureau of Investigation 1) by Albany Walker

“Hey Frankie, we need ya.”

One phone call, five words, and I’m back in the town I swore I’d never return to.

Hill Crest Library smelled bad, and it wasn’t just the corpse in front of me causing it. The once beautiful building had fallen into disrepair over the past few years.

Belinda the new librarian was doing her best to clean it up, but a dead body wasn’t helping matters.

Dad needs help to solve the murder, so that’s what I’m here to do, then get out of town before anyone even knows I’m back

The case should be easy for an MBI agent, even a newly minted one like me, but before I can check into the hotel my three reasons for leaving, corner in the lobby.

My life just got a lot more complicated.

Homecoming Homicide is a Cozy style Slow Burn RH with an adorkable Heroine and Three not so normal Fellas thrown into the mix.



Review by Twinsie Dee

I was given this book by the author for an honest review

Life is good for MBI agent Frances Bishop, she’s an important member of the bureau. Then she got a phone call from her dad saying he needs her for a case back home, so she return home after she said she never to return. When the case gets crazy with a guys head basically exploded and magic lingering around but not able to pinpoint from where. Frances also has to worry about the 3 guys she ran from in the first place. This case goes from a normal mystery to the ultimate mystery. Sexual tension through the roof and 3 hot witches trying to keep their girl. Wow this book was amazing not gonna lie the title is what drew me in because I love a good mystery and homicide is right up my ally, I completely loved Frances and her fellas and I’m so ready for the next book.

Albany lives in Michigan where she’s happily married to her high school sweetheart. She spends most of her time juggling her four children’s extracurricular activities, with her nose stuck in a book. When not reading you can find her writing her very own book boyfriends. Albany’s passion is writing romance with real characters that are far from perfect, but always seem to find their own happily ever afters

#wotr #attendingauthor The Worst Thing I Could Do by Kristy Lee

Maddie is a driven F.B.I. forensic researcher following a detailed life plan, until divorce turns her world, and plan, upside down. In an attempt to get her life back, she begins a research project at North Branch Correctional Facility with the determination that the success of the project, and subsequent promotion, is all that she needs to be happy. Enter Jonah, her handsome but off-limits research subject, is serving a thirty-eight-year sentence for armed robbery and assault. Unable to keep herself from doing the worst thing she could do, falling in love with Jonah, Maddie’s life unravels, forcing her on an unexpected journey of self-discovery. Through love, loss, and one spontaneous trip, she must question her own assumptions about what makes for a happy life.



Review by Twinsie Dee

I bought this book and this my honest opinion

Maddie wants nothing more then to live life to her plan everything was going to plan married by a certain age, 2 kids by this age well her life going great until she finds herself getting a divorce and still no kids. But she has a great job with the F.B.I and was a part of a research project that had her in prison and talking to 3 violent criminals. 1 didn’t want to talk, number 2 wouldn’t stop talking and number 3 was gorgeous and she couldn’t help but risk her job and catch feelings for him. Now her job is gone, she fines herself in a spot she never seen in her life plan, but he has to do what she has to do. With a new pen pal with inmate number 3 Jonah, Maddie finds herself with a new look on life and not sure how the hell she is going to make it with lol the curveballs thrown her way tipping her world upside down. This was such a good book you cant help but feel for Maddie and her just wanting to be happy and live life again, its a great read and I’m glad i grabbed it.


I was born in Bangor, Maine. I attended the University of Maine in Presque Isle where I graduated with a BA in English. I spend as much time as I can with my family, and love my two boys more than anything in this world. I also have three adorable furrbabes (2 dogs and 1 cat). I have some amazing friends (you know who you are) and I spend a lot of time conversing with people online through games and other platforms. I have met many from all over the world this way. I am so incredibly thankful for the people in my life, because I am constantly inspired by their presence. You can either find me behind my phone, laptop, or pc — writing, texting, gaming, or playing silly Facebook games like candy crush ( I will win some day!).

If I were to be characterized, I would want to be described as a quirky romantic. That is why you will find romance in all of my books, with some suspense and drama and a little mind sorcery to make everything just a bit more quirk-minded.