#WOTR24 #NewRelease #Shifters #Weres #FatedMated – Devoted, Alumbra Pack book 5 by AJ Renee

No matter how much you try, you can’t outrun the past.

Opening old wounds is the last thing Ignacio Lupita wants to do. He’d literally and figuratively shed his blood, sweat, and tears to pull himself out of the darkness and open an auto shop in Boston. At last, business is picking up, so he’s working with a local pack to keep his life moving forward.

Pepper Michaels is living her best life in Vermont. One of her best friends has returned after three years in captivity, she’s working on her teaching degree, substitute teaching, and life on Malite land has been carefree to say the least. She thought she couldn’t be happier, but then she spotted him, her mate.

When the past is thrust before Ignacio, Pepper witnesses a side of him she can’t ignore. She knows she only gets one chance at a mate, but she hadn’t expected she’d need to be so careful around hers. Meanwhile, someone or something has been lurking on pack grounds. Can Ignacio confront enough of his demons before everything closes in?




Review by Twinsie Angie

Check out this review and others at:

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

I am a GIANT fan of this series.  I think I fall in love with each character and pairing to be honest. 

We briefly met Ignacio when he took Carrie on a date last book…woops good things Lance didn’t kill him.  LOL  But this book we learn it is because he smelled his mate and thought it was her.  Needless to say, he was wrong.  He left the pack with a very grumpy wolf who demanded they find and claim their mate. 

Pepper was stunned when she felt the mark on her hip and even more shocked when she realized it was the man who asked Carrie out.  She loves her friend and lets her go knowing nothing would come of it. However, Pepper was going crazy not knowing who her mate WAS and when he would return.

To say the chemistry exploded when they finally got face to face is an understatement.  These two were all about the sex and then the “get to know ya”. That may have caused issues when they didn’t know each other except between the sheets.  Ignacio’s tragic past comes back and causes issues with Peter’s pack. 

I loved the way the story turned, and we see so much past trauma and hurt. Ignacio learns the truth about what he THOUGHT he knew.  He also must fix the bonds with his new mate due to his reactions to everything because they didn’t really know one another. The story takes another twist when we find out someone is after Ignacio. Pepper is bound and determined to find her mate with the help of our other pack friends.

Seriously I loved this book.  I had planned on getting a few chapters in but didn’t stop reading until it was done. I was captivated by the story, the packs growing, the family ties between the 2 packs, and the love story of Pepper and Ignacio.


AJ Renee is a military wife and mother of three. She graduated from the University of Central Florida with her Master of Science in Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

She loves to read and write steamy romance with a happily ever after. When not working, you can find her playing World of Warcraft, board games, or outdoors for a run or hike.


Celebrating Pride Month with Savannah Verte #spotlight #wotr24 #attendingauthor

Hello, and thanks for being here to Celebrate Pride Month with Twinsie Talk. I’m Twinsie Tenise, self proclaimed resident MM reader and reviewer over here at TwinsieTalk. Throughout the Month of June we will be sharing Q&A sessions we had with over a dozen authors who write LGBTQIA Romance or books with LGBTQIA characters. Each day will Spotlight a different author. We hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful authors and find lots of new books to fill your TBR.
Special thanks to all of the authors who signed up and took the time to answer the questions.
Shoutout and HUGE thank you to Twinsie Jo for the amazing rainbow graphics and Twinsie Angie for her input and assistance. Love you both!
Today we are celebrating Pride month with Savannah Verte. 
Savanna is a wonderful human. I met her through Writers on the River and she quickly became a person I look forward to seeing each July. I enjoy our yearly chats and I can’t wait to squeeze her next month.

A lifelong lover of words and reading, Savannah Verte hasn’t quite figured out what she wants to write when she grows up. Born and raised in the upper Midwest, Savannah’s gypsy spirit and never quit attitude keep her busy and seldom idle. For so many reasons, Savannah considers herself a ‘Contemporary Vagabond’ when it comes to writing and hopes others find her diverse offerings as enjoyable to read as they are to write.

That’s the official Savannah, the unofficial version is this: just a girl who loves experiencing life with every twist and turn it takes. When she was born, she had such fine, light hair that her mother used to tape bows to her head so people would know she was a girl. She’s had a host of crazy unrelated jobs- everything from cake decorator, dry cleaner, and insurance agent to Emergency Room assistant, bartender, crime lab tech and bouncer. Savannah loves air hockey but completely sucks at it. She loves good jazz, good scotch, and antiques but also old rock, a quiet tea, and a tidy home. She’s completely technology impaired and can get it after she’s broken the computer or done it ass-backwards a few times… Thank Gods that there are some amazing meme creators that let her pilfer images or she’d be lost.

Lime green is her color, the rhinoceros is her logo & philosophy, and she’s completely mad about seeing new authors try.

🏳️‍🌈What is your name and a little bit about you?
Savannah Verte – I’m a vagabond writer and work in multiple genres, but almost always with a twist of some kind. I like to take readers somewhere they don’t see coming necessarily.
🏳️‍🌈What made you decide to write LGBTQIA romance?
I don’t know that I “decided.” And, I don’t know that I write LGBTQIA, I think that’s a byproduct of listening. I write the story that reveals itself to me…whatever that story is. It has to be the right story for the characters. One of them (Fil) completely surprised me, and the others were where the story made sense. I think romance is romance. LGBTQIA folks are romantic…they should see what they prefer in the genre too. I can’t say that I’m actively looking for those stories to tell. I just don’t walk away from them when they are revealed.
🏳️‍🌈Do you prefer to write standalones or series? Why?
That truly depends on the story. Some tales are too too big for a single stand alone. Others, would be painful to stretch to a series. I’m a slave to the characters. 🙂 One I’m writing currently needs to let me sleep if they want to be properly represented. lol
🏳️‍🌈Do you have a current WIP? Care to share any details?
I have seven current projects. One with another author, (Royal Squall), and the other six are works to wrap up an open series (Una-Mor, Making Waves re-releases), or to continue a series that needs updating, (HEART Flights, Custos). OR, there is a work based on real life recent events and what has kept me from my writing desk, tentatively titled Truth Will Out, and then a new story that spins from Gravedigger and will likely become a series of its own tentatively titled The Devil’s Kitchen.
🏳️‍🌈What are your must have writing snacks and drinks?
The only “MUST” that I have when writing is total quiet so I can submerge into the world. I have gun-block ear covers for emergencies.
🏳️‍🌈If someone has never read your work, which book would you recommend?
For LGBTQIA work? Either HEART Flights LIftoff, which is a series table-setter mostly, or there a Tale in 13 chapters called Immortal Deflagration. Kiss My Splash is the 3rd book in a series that the first two books really set the stage for, so I wouldn’t start with that. Non-LGBTQIA, Gravedigger is the book of my heart, but it has triggers, Portals is a crazy epic fantasy that starts with a simple love story…but it’s over 700 pages.  Uhmmm…you do realize this question is rather like asking my to choose a favorite child, yes? I love all the stories for different reasons.
🏳️‍🌈If you could recommend 1 LGBTQIA Romance (not your own) to readers, what would that book be?
OOOOF. I think I’m partial to Lover at Last, but that’s part of a LARGE series.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
lol. I don’t think I have ‘free’ time. I have time I’ve borrowed from something else, but that’s working a full-time job elsewhere and working to grow my word-world.



#review #sapphicromance #duet Captive of the Crime Queen (Underworld Duet #1) by: Persephone Black

Years ago, Hadria Imperioli vanished after her father refused her mafia inheritance in favor of her younger brother. Now, she’s resurfaced as “Hades”—ruthless leader of the Styx Syndicate mercenaries that terrorize Chicago—and she’s hell-bent on finally claiming what’s hers.

When her brother announces his engagement to sheltered beauty Aurora Verderosa, Hadria decides it’s time to take back her mafia crown and everything else that belongs to her…

Including Aurora.

Abducted from her wedding altar, Aurora is thrilled at first to have escaped marriage to the violent heir to the Imperioli Family. But she finds herself a prisoner still, at the mercy of Hadria’s whims and desires.

And soon Aurora begins to crave the intoxicating taste of Hadria’s lips on hers…and the wicked pleasures of a life lived outside the law.

Can Aurora resist giving into the darkness Hadria draws out in her? Or will Hadria corrupt her captive completely, coaxing Aurora to turn her back on innocence for the love of a vicious underworld queen?



Review by Twinsie Tenise

Kidnapping Crime Queen or not, Hadria is hot af with a soft side under her tough exterior. Aurora- her captive- has basically been used as a pawn her entire life. When she’s kidnapped from her arranged marriage, she is grateful until she finds out she is still not free.

This story certainly doesn’t begin as a romance but what starts to build between these 2 women as the book progresses is quite exquisite. It held my rapt attention from the beginning with an addicting storyline as well as super hot sexy scenes. There are some wonderful side characters also that I’ve enjoyed getting to know such as Lyssa and Mrs. Graves. This author is new to me. I’m now addicted to her words! Thank goodness I can dive right into book 2 since I’m late to the game. While I love a good cliffhanger and this ending was written extremely well, I know I would have been freaking waiting for the conclusion to this story.

Persephone Black likes Ice Queens who melt behind closed doors, Underworld Empresses who protect what’s theirs, and Bad Girls who stay bad to the end…but win the love of a good woman.

If that sounds enticing to you too, you should read her books. Villains are (anti)heroines and danger is an aphrodisiac in Persephone Black’s thrilling Sapphic Mafia romance novels.

Celebrating Pride with N.R. Walker #authorspotlight #mmromance

Hello, and thanks for being here to Celebrate Pride Month with Twinsie Talk. I’m Twinsie Tenise, self proclaimed resident MM reader and reviewer over here at TwinsieTalk. Throughout the Month of June we will be sharing Q&A sessions we had with over a dozen authors who write LGBTQIA Romance or books with LGBTQIA characters. Each day will Spotlight a different author. We hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful authors and find lots of new books to fill your TBR.
Special thanks to all of the authors who signed up and took the time to answer the questions.
Shoutout and HUGE thank you to Twinsie Jo for the amazing rainbow graphics and Twinsie Angie for her input and assistance. Love you both!
Today we are celebrating pride month with Author NR Walker

Author also writes as A. Voyeur

N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance. She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn’t have it any other way.

She is many things; a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who she gives them life with words.

She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things…but likes it even more when they fall in love. She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.

She’s been writing ever since…

🏳️‍🌈What’s your name and a little about you?
I’m N.R. Walker. I’m an Aussie author of LGBTQIA romance, and I’ve been published since 2011.
🏳️‍🌈What made you decide to write LGBTQIA romance?
I found queer romance in fanfiction a loooong time ago and began reading and then writing it. It’s been my passion ever since.
🏳️‍🌈Do you prefer to write standalones or series? Why?
I don’t really prefer one over the other. I write what the characters tell me to write, and if that’s one shorter standalone book, or a whole series, that’s what I write. However long it takes. I wish I could plan/map out series and write to market but unfortunately, that’s not how my brain works.
🏳️‍🌈Do you have a current WIP? Care to share any details?
I just finished writing my latest WIP. It’s an 80,000 word standalone, Australian historical, cowboy – very Man From Snowy River ish. I’m aiming for a May release.
🏳️‍🌈What are your must have writing snacks and drinks?
Coffee and/or Pepsi Max. I love snacks I keep on my desk, like a little bento box of grapes, apple, cheese, crackers etc.
🏳️‍🌈If someone has never read your work, which book would you recommend?
My catalogue is very big and varied so it would depend on their preferences and mood. If you like light and funny, then Bloom or Upside Down. If you like steamy, EWB or Bossy. If you like angst, Galaxies and Oceans.
🏳️‍🌈If you could recommend 1 LGBTQIA Romance (not your own) to readers, what would that book be?
Oooooh… tough question LOL  I always recommend Widdershins by Jordan L Hawk.
🏳️‍🌈What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love watching BL (Boy Love) shows! And reading, of course 😉
🏳️‍🌈Anything else you would like to add?
Thank you for having me here!



My 5 star review for 65 Hours

An ad agency has 65 hours to put together a campaign that will wow the client. The best 2 ad executives are put on the job. In order to get the job done, they are basically stuck together for the next few days. One begins to wonder is it even possible for them to complete this job in the time allotted? As the clock counts down to the final hour, a new– dare I say– romance begins to form. And what these 2 men discover about themselves and each other as the chapter numbers climbed was incredible. But will any of what they experienced even matter when Monday arrives and reality comes crashing through their bubble?

Oh my gosh! I already want to reread this book. I loved these 2 men, their chemistry, banter, and the entire storyline. Coming out is not easy, it should be but sometimes fear over what others think or how others may react, make coming out for some a bit more difficult, sadly sometimes impossible. I felt Cameron’s pain and struggle but I also was pleased with response from those he loved most. I was rooting for a HEA and I just cannot say enough great things. 65 Hours is going to be one of my annual Pride Month rereads. I give this cute, enemies to lovers, super steamy, coming out story– 5 rainbow stars!

#review #mmromance Pretty Boy (Perfect Boys #1) by: K.M. Neuhold

Once upon a time, in a little Texas town in the middle of nowhere, there lived a boy who everyone called ugly…

When half your face is covered in a big, blotchy birthmark, you get used to the staring and the whispers. You get used to feeling unwanted. Until he walks into my bar… Tall, gorgeous, and all kinds of out of place.

And the way he looks at me ain’t like no way I’ve ever seen before. Does he mean it when he says he wants to take me away from here? Nobody’s ever wanted me around for long. Can I believe Barrett when he says that’s what he wants?

Something about the word Daddy on my lips makes it all seem possible. Even if I don’t really believe anyone would want to keep an ugly boy like me forever…

*** Pretty Boy is a low-ish angst, steamy, sweet Daddy story with NO age play.



Review by Twinsie Tenise

Sterling has a huge birthmark on his face that he has been teased and ridiculed about his entire life. He knows this makes him ugly. Which also makes him unworthy of the love of another.

Barrett stops on his way through town and can’t seem to keep his eyes off the bartender. This man is beautiful and he will make him his.

Sterling thinks this must be some sort of a joke, no one is attracted to him so there’s no way this is real. Barrett leaves town but vows to stop again on his way home. He wants the Pretty Boy bartender so bad. He’s gotta have him. But proving himself to the bartender is going to be more difficult than Barrett ever imagined. He’s got his work cut out for himself but he’s up for the challenge. Sterling is worth it.

K.M. Neuhold is a complete romance junkie. bisexual and polyamorous, she often describes herself as being in love with love. She loves to write stories full of bearded, cinnamon roll men who get super swoony HEAs. Her philosophy is there’s so much angst and sadness for LGBT characters in media, all she wants is to give them the happiest happily ever afters she can with little angst, tons of humor, and SO MUCH STEAM. K.M. fully admits to her tendencies of making sure every side character has a full backstory that will likely always lead to every book turning into a series or spin-off. When she’s not writing she’s a lion tamer, an astronaut, and a superhero…just kidding, she’s likely watching Netflix and snuggling with her huskies while her amazing husband brings her coffee.

Celebrating Pride Month with J.M. Walker #authorspotlight #wotr24 #attendingauthor

Hello, and thanks for being here to Celebrate Pride Month with Twinsie Talk. I’m Twinsie Tenise, self proclaimed resident MM reader and reviewer over here at TwinsieTalk. Throughout the Month of June we will be sharing Q&A sessions we had with over a dozen authors who write LGBTQIA Romance or books with LGBTQIA characters. Each day will Spotlight a different author. We hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful authors and find lots of new books to fill your TBR. 
Special thanks to all of the authors who signed up and took the time to answer the questions. 
Shoutout and HUGE thank you to Twinsie Jo for the amazing rainbow graphics and Twinsie Angie for her input and assistance. Love you both!
Today we are celebrating pride month with J.M. Walker! 
J.M is another WotR Family member. As some of you know she is also a Twinsie, I met J.M. at the first Writers on the River and since then she has become so much more than just an author I read. She is also a good friend and I appreciate her so much. I look forward to our yearly visits with J.M. and her amazing husband and table assistant, Michael. They are a couple of the kindest people I know. 
J.M. has already published a couple of LGBTQIA titles with a MM series in the works set to release in 2025 so keep an eye out for updates about that series on social media.
 J.M. hugging her favorite Lasagna, my wife Robyn.
 Twinsie Photo courtesy of Eric McKinney 6:12 Photography

J.M. Walker, a Canadian author, writes stories across several different genres. She’s passionate about traveling the world with her husband, reading all the books, training for that next race, coffee, and all things spooky. She can be found with a coffee in one hand and a book in the other.

“Above all, be the HEROINE of your own life…” ~ Nora Ephron

Professional Inquiries:

I am represented by SBR Media. For inquiries regarding foreign rights, audio, and other media outlets, please contact Stephanie Phillips.

stephanie @ sbrmedia . com

🏳️‍🌈What’s your name and a little about you.
My name is J.M. Walker and I’m a Canadian author who writes erotica romance, romance suspense, dark romance and now MM!
🏳️‍🌈What made you decide to write LGBTQIA romance?
I started reading MM romance and fell in love with the dynamic between 2 guys. It just hits different, ya know? So I thought I’d challenge myself and try to write it myself. It seems to be going okay so far.
🏳️‍🌈Do you prefer to write standalones or series? Why?
I don’t have a preference but I can say that after writing a giant 11 book series, I was definitely ready to write a standalone and/or shorter book series.
🏳️‍🌈Do you have a current WIP? Care to share any details?
I do! I’m currently working on a 4 book MM series of novellas about 4 best friends who own a coffee shop/bar. The themes are light taboo and these little books are oh so dirty but light and fun. I needed a break from the heavy subjects because my next books are not going to be easy ones.
🏳️‍🌈What are your must have writing snacks and drinks?
I don’t usually snack while writing but for drinks, coffee in the morning, water throughout the day and if I have any, wine or beer in the evening.
🏳️‍🌈If someone has never read your work, which book would you recommend?
Broken Scars – it’s a dark romance standalone and it’s one of my favourites I’ve ever written.
🏳️‍🌈If you could recommend 1 LGBTQIA Romance (not your own) to readers, what would that book be?
Bully King by Andi Jaxon – It was my first book I read by her and I just loved it. It is darker and does have some trigger warnings, so please read with caution but it’s definitely at the top of my list.
🏳️‍🌈What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Running – I usually complain during said runs but after, I feel amazing. Lol!
Anything else you would like to add?
Thank you!



This is my review for her MMF book With Us

I received a copy of this book from the author. This is my honest review.

Honestly, I’m not even sure how to write this review. It took me 2 days after finishing this beautiful story to even collect my thoughts enough to try and write them down.

Meadow has always felt like things were lacking as far as her sex life was concerned. Plain old vanilla just wasn’t enough to satisfy her needs. One night while out with friends she meets not one but two bikers, Sunny and Shade, who are twice her age. The mutual attraction between the 3 of them is instantaneous.

This book was so freaking H-O-T!!! I mean, like you are going to need a cold shower to cool down kinda hot. There were plenty of hot moments, but lots of oh-so-sweet moments, too. The way these two men took care of Meadow was heartwarming. The three of them were perfect for each other.

With Us is one of those rare books that consumed me. It touched my soul. I will never EVER forget Sunny, Shade, and Meadow. Their story will stay with me. I may even be able to read it again. Someday.
I’m throwing out the normal rating system and giving it 5×3 stars!

Social Media Links – 

Twinsie Dee top 5 January- June #ya #thriller #romcom #rh

GOODREADS- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/211301664-once-upon-a-paperback

AMAZON- https://amzn.to/3UqJBHb

Going home isn’t easy.

Finding my comatose aunt deep in debt is harder.

What really sucks, though, is cleaning up the mess she’s made of her finances while living next to the enemy I moved away from.

He’s loathsome. Always wrong. And still an arrogant jerk like he was in high school.

I’ve got two weeks to turn in my aunt’s expected manuscript to her publisher and hope it helps with the money issue.

The catch?

She never wrote it. There is no book. Unless I try to save the day and write it on a deadline.

So, really, how hard can it be to whip up a paperback about falling in love…while tolerating a sexy man who doesn’t believe in it?

the last thing Ava wanted to do was be driving back home but here she was heading to her aunts, as she was now jobless, homeless and found out her boyfriend wasn’t just hers. Life up in flames and on the way home she gets a call that her aunt was in an accident and in critical condition. But she’s alive and can fight to get better. having to find any kind of medicine or proof of insurance, Ava was now in way over her head then she ever imagined she would be coming back home. Gage the jock that was an ass to nerdy Ava back in high school found out that she was next door when her broom met his nuts and fresh thigh tattoo, these two will butt heads and have all the sexual tension between them but will they give each other the shot they secretly want or continue to throw gasoline on the fire. Oh, and on top of everything else she now needs to write her aunt’s new romance novel, so she doesn’t get in trouble and have to pay back the publishing company the advance they gave her aunt. Ava’s world is getting flipped upside down rather she’s ready for it or not. OMG great rom-com perfect banter and the AC needs to be cranked for some of those hot and spicy I hate you moments. this is a fast pace read i couldn’t stop AMAZING….

GOODREADS- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/87375990-protect-me-not

AMAZON- https://amzn.to/3xFDLJ8

At Fairview-Teller High, light mixes with dark. Good with evil. And heroes with villains. But there’s a reason students call it Fairy Tale High. They’ll get their happily ever after– even if they have to fight for it.

Popular girl Jessa is caught off guard when the school bad boy—the guy she hates—moves into her house temporarily.
Not knowing how her friends, or the rest of the school, will react, she keeps her new housemate a secret.
Though Jessa loathes Adam for humiliating her at school last year, the more they’re around each other, the more her hatred starts to wane.
And when Adam kisses her?
She doesn’t hate it—or him.
But it does ruin everything.

Welcome to Fairy Tale High well not really but that’s what everyone calls it. You have the queens, wolves, kings and of course a beast, everyone has their roles a d they know how to stay in their own lanes. Jessa got stuck with Adam for a present or fail project and when he didn’t show up to class, she failed and weeks later she still hasn’t let it go, it’s the only time she’s failed at something, and it wasn’t even her fault. Jessa’s dad wanted her with Jay who is from a powerful family and wanted them to rule the kingdom together, but Jessa isn’t having any of that. Jessa wants her own happily ever after even if it’s with someone her dad probably won’t approve of. this queen is her own hero and maybe with the right guy by her side she can truly do good. this was such a cute great story with a plot twist you might not see coming. who will truly rule the kingdom and how will it all play out.

GOODREADS- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/191342252-the-panty-plot

AMAZON- https://amzn.to/3xLPy8U

what happens when your brother’s best friend buys your dirty panties.

Laney Wyatt has problems. She’s just been fired from her brand-new paralegal job. To make matters worse, her student loans are coming due and her medical bills from a past skiing accident are piling up.

When Laney learns about a website where she can sell her dirty panties, she initially laughs at off as a lark. But it’s no lark when she starts making hundreds of dollars a week and has more than enough to pay her medical bills and rent.

Too bad Milo Coulson, her old crush from high school and her brother’s best friend, finds her page and buys her underwear for his own naughty use…

Someone needs to take a cold shower after reading this book. Laney just got fired from her job and can barely pay her half of the rent now. her besties take her out to get drunk and they call her brother Landon and his super-hot friend Milo to come meet them at the bar. Landon and Milo will do anything to help Laney out, but Milo will do anything he’s always found her attractive, but lately it’s just hit him that she’s not just his best friend’s little sister but a woman. After a bit of a pity party Laney gets set up with a temp job with Milo’s help when one of his coworkers is about to have her baby. still needs more cash so she’s going to start selling her dirty panties online after her friend said it as a joke. Little does she know Milo is her biggest buyer after he overheard her 2 best friends talking about her profile on the site. but when both Milo and Laney finally tell each other about their feelings for each other will Milo’s obsession with her panties come between them or will it continue to be his dirty secret. Also, how will Landon take it when he finds out about his best friend and his sister. All the sexy time, talk and that time of the month are happening. You might want a fan on high to cool you off while reading this sexy, steamy book.

GOODREADS- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61381555-run-on-red

AMAZON- https://amzn.to/3Ju0VFa

A rural country road. No cell signal for miles. A terrifying game of cat-and-mouse.

By the time Laura and Olivia notice the headlights tailing them through the hills, it’s too late. What seems, at first, like a case of road rage quickly unfolds into a heart-pounding chase—and a battle for survival.

Who are the men in the truck? What do they want? And can Laura and Olivia outrun—and outsmart—them long enough to call for help, even if it means taking their chances in the hills on foot?

As their situation grows more perilous, the girls realize that the real terror has only just begun. But flight won’t save them from their pursuers. If they’re going to make it home alive, they’ll have to fight.

Olivia and Laura were on their way to a bonfire out in the middle of nowhere going on backroads, twist, turns and hills. Olivia was getting car sick in the old beat-up Volvo that Laura’s sister let them take for the night. Olivia noticed a truck following super close to them and was able to grab the plate number and text it to her bestie you know to be safe in her true crime mind you can’t be careful enough in a time like this, well this wasn’t because they were in the middle of nowhere she did it all the time so they didn’t think too much of it but she wanted them to have a lead just in case something bad were to happen to her. next thing the truck passes them and sits in wait blocking them from their path and now the girls were in their very own Dateline episode that they didn’t want to be in, with 2 mask men coming towards their car what happens next you will never see coming. What do these guys want to hurt them, or possibly kill them, what did they do. So many twists, turns, and gut retching pain that will have you on the edge of your seat till the last page.

GOODREADS- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/199264768-honed-in-havoc

AMAZON- https://amzn.to/3JNuAcJ

They want an heir and I’m the only way they can get it. With or without my cooperation.I thought Cadieux Island would be a new beginning, but the privileged estates and elite college turned into a nightmare.My once tormentor and his twin brother somehow became my unlikely saviors while the grandparents, I didn’t know existed, lured me here with the promise of family have shown themselves to be the true tyrants.The Umbra’s want an heir and I’m the only way they can get it, but I’m not the same girl I was when I stepped onto this island. The Morningstar twins have honed me, sharpened me into something my family will never see coming. Honed in Havoc is the final book in the Corrupt Credence series. A dark college romance with mature content for adult readers.

With the Umbra’s having kidnapped Nova, Lucian and Nox are on a mission to get her back and never let her out of their sights again. When 7 students die tragically Nova is allowed to leave the house with her captures, I mean grandparents to attend the memorial. Her heart breaks when Lucian and Nox barely look at her, but little does she know that’s all a part of their plan. 1 gps tracker placed and unknown Lucian is ready to get his lam back at all costs and who knows how much blood will be shed. OMFG this book WOW, swoon, makes you all hot and bothered, and have all the feels the Morningstar twins are so perfectly written Nova is definitely one lucky lady.

Celebrating Pride Month with Jennifer Laslie #Spotlight #Wotr24 #attendingauthor

Hello, and thanks for being here to Celebrate Pride Month with Twinsie Talk. I’m Twinsie Tenise, self proclaimed resident MM reader and reviewer over here at Twinsie Talk. Throughout the Month of June we will be sharing Q&A sessions we had with over a dozen authors who write LGBTQIA Romance or books with LGBTQIA characters. Each day will Spotlight a different author. We hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful authors and find lots of new books to fill your TBR.

Special thanks to all of the authors who signed up and took the time to answer the questions.
Shoutout and HUGE thank you to Twinsie Jo for the amazing rainbow graphics and Twinsie Angie for her input and assistance. Love you both! 😘
Today we are celebrating Pride Month with Jennifer Laslie.
Jennifer is another Writers on the River family member. Her sarcasm and wit match ours and she has a heart of gold. She and her husband are so supportive, even behind the scenes. They literally jumped in and assisted with moving tables one night before event day. She and Twinsie Angie share a mutual love for Disney and Taylor Swift! I am also a Swiftie. And while I can’t get on the Disney bandwagon, their love for the place is adorable. I mean look at her face in the pic below. Pure bliss! I love it! We cannot wait to see you next month.

Jennifer Laslie is a crazy cat lady who lives in Utah with her wonderful family. Her office affords her a mountain view that she loves! When she’s not thinking about cheesecake or cats, she can be found in the bookstore in the Young Adult section, coffee in hand.

🏳️‍🌈What’s your name and a little about you?
My name is Jennifer Laslie. I currently live in Layton, Utah with my family. I absolutely love the mountains! I’d also say I’m a crazy cat lady, but we determined a few months ago that my husband is the problem! HAHA!
🏳️‍🌈What made you decide to write LGBTQIA romance?
I’m bisexual myself and there just didn’t seem to be a lot of good bisexual or lesbian romance out there.
🏳️‍🌈Do you prefer to write standalones or series? Why?
I prefer to write standalones when it comes to the F/F stories, but I’m open to writing a series. A lot of it has to do with just coming up with a good series arc for it.
🏳️‍🌈Do you have a current WIP? Care to share any details?
I’m currently writing Forsaken Bonds with my friend Julie, who writes her LGBTQ+ stiff under Jenesis St. Clare. Part of it is currently up on Kindle Vella. It’s a rejected mates, enemies to lovers F/F story.
What are your must have writing snacks and drinks?
I’m good with some honey roasted pecans, chocolate peanut butter pie oreos, or a good cup of coffee to help me write!
🏳️‍🌈If someone has never read your work, which book would you recommend?
If they’re looking for LGBTQ+ and like series, I’d recommend my Unfortunate Spells Series, but only the last book has a F/F storyline. If they’re wanting a good, quick read, they can try Forbidden Throne which is my LGBTQ+ Fantasy Novella, which is one of my best sellers!
🏳️‍🌈If you could recommend 1 LGBTQIA Romance (not your own) to readers, what would that book be?
If you like F/F, I would recommend you try Ariel Marie’s Sailing with Her Wolf!
🏳️‍🌈What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy read, formatting books for other authors, and binging reality TV shows like Love is Blind and Married at First Sight.
🏳️‍🌈Anything else you would like to add?
I’d like to counter with a question myself to the readers out there. If you could find the perfect F/F story to read, what genre would it be and what tropes would it include?



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#audio #memoir #truecrime – A Stolen Live by Jaycee Dugard

On 10 June 1991, eleven-year-old Jaycee Dugard was abducted from a school bus stop within sight of her home in Tahoe, California. It was the last her family and friends saw of her for over eighteen years. On 26 August 2009, Dugard, her daughters, and Phillip Craig Garrido appeared in the office of her kidnapper’s parole officer in California. Their unusual behaviour sparked an investigation that led to the positive identification of Jaycee Lee Dugard, living in a tent behind Garrido’s home. During her time in captivity, at the age of fourteen and seventeen, she gave birth to two daughters, both fathered by Garrido.

Dugard’s memoir is written by the 30-year-old herself and covers the period from the time of her abduction in 1991 up until the present. In her stark, utterly honest and unflinching narrative, Jaycee opens up about what she experienced, including how she feels now, a year after being found. Garrido and his wife Nancy have since pleaded guilty to their crimes.



Review by Twinsie Angie

I purchased this audio book.

Woof.  This book. I hate to “rate” a book when it is about someone’s life experiences because how can I say oh that is only worth 3 stars or 5 stars.  I have to say the way Jaycee laid herself out bare for this novel was something I didn’t think I expected her to do so fully.

I saw reviews where people criticized the way the book is written/told.  I have to say I can understand but at the same time I see her reasoning.  I loved her “Reflections” in the chapters to give us current thoughts and feelings about some of the trauma she endured at the hands of Phillips and Nancy.

This book I think I was somewhat prepared for but at the same time I wasn’t.  I liked how she seemed to compartmentalize and tell us significant moments in her captivity. The first half of the book when she is telling about her SA, was difficult.  Please know that it is not graphic, but she doesn’t shy away from the things that happened to her either.

The scene where she is finally able to say her name and she can’t for fear had me in tears for her.  After 18 years she was able to be HER and not Snoopy or Alissa.  It was emotional for sure.

I really hope she and her girls are in great places now as this book is 10 years old.

The kidnapping of Jaycee Lee Dugard occurred on June 10, 1991, when she was 11 years old. Dugard was abducted from a school bus stop within sight of her home in South Lake Tahoe, California. Searches began immediately after the kidnapping, but no reliable leads were generated. She remained missing for more than 18 years.

On August 25, 2009, convicted sex offender Phillip Craig Garrido visited the campus of UC Berkeley accompanied by two young girls. Their unusual behavior there sparked an investigation that led to his bringing the two girls to a parole office on August 26, accompanied by a woman who was then identified as Dugard.

Garrido, 58, and his wife Nancy Garrido, 54, of Antioch, California, were arrested for kidnapping and other charges; they pleaded guilty on April 28, 2011 to Dugard’s kidnapping and sexual assault. Law enforcement officers believe Dugard was kept in a concealed area behind Garrido’s house in Antioch for 18 years. During this time Dugard bore two daughters who were aged 11 and 15 at the time of her reappearance.

On June 2, 2011, Philip Garrido was sentenced to 431 years’ imprisonment; his wife received 36 years to life.

#WOTR24 – #NewRelease #Review – A Bargain With The Shadow Prince – By: Genevieve Jack

It takes a monster to stop a monster.

Light the candle.
Stand naked before the symbol.
Offer your blood.

The advocate will come.

I left my abusive crime boss husband expecting to start over from nothing. After all, the prenup I signed when I married him is ironclad. But when Tony uses a loophole in the law to go after my ancestral family home—the one I’m currently living in and my grandmother is dying in—I’m desperate to stop him.

My witch best friend Maeve offers a solution. She lends me a family spell to call a supernatural advocate to deal with Tony. After all, it takes a monster to stop a monster.

But when I follow her instructions, I’m not expecting the darkly handsome Damien to form from the shadows, or to learn that he’s been a prisoner of Maeve’s family for centuries. From the moment he accepts my bargain and drinks my blood, he awakens a passion in me, one charged with latent magic. Magic formidable enough to restore my true self. Magic that holds the promise of Damien’s freedom.


Review by Twinsie Melinda

I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.

This is the first book I have read of Genevieve Jack.  I was not disappointed and I’m so ready for the next book.  This is a cliffhanger and I believe is book one of four.  This book takes us on a wild ride.

Eloise soon to be ex-husband, Tony, is making it so she has nothing.  He is even trying to take her family home from her.  Her best friend and Attorney, Maeve, has another way for Eloise to keep her family home.  Maeve gives her a family candle where Eloise summons a shade, Damien, to make a bargain to help her. Eloise has no idea what she was getting herself into.  Damien was sexy and there was something about him that caught Eloise’s attention (and mine to be honest). There was so much chemistry between these two it had my heart racing.

Damien is a shade and has been tied to Maeve’s family for centuries by the candle. Anytime he is summoned he has to come and has to do Maeve’s family biding.  When Maeve lends the candle to her BFF Eloise to help he. Eloise summons Damien to make a deal and allows him to drink her blood.

I love Eloise she seems like a weak female but she really surprises me throughout the book.  She makes a deal with Damien but then realizes what he is going to do and has a change of heart.  Eloise just cannot live with herself if Tony dies because of her choices.  So now Damien and Eloise make a new deal.

I fell hard for Damien even though we are told he is a monster there is more to him than what Maeve and her family has seen.  He has such a big heart and you see it when he is with Eloise.  You can tell the frustration he has with her but he always treats her like a princess. Now that Eloise is away from Tony her personality starts to show though. I enjoyed seeing Eloise open up and become the woman she was always meant to be. Eloise falls for Damien no matter how many warnings Maeve gives her. She is not afraid of Damien and knows there is more to him than the monster she is told he is.

I enjoyed learning of Damiens world and seeing the love between Eloise and Damien evolve.  There are so many twists and turns in this book it kept me flipping those pages.  Like I said before I am so ready for book two, I need more of Eloise and Damien.  I cannot wait to see where the next book will take us. I want to learn more about Damien and Eloise future and their families past.

USA Today bestselling and multi-award winning author Genevieve Jack writes wild, witty, and wicked-hot paranormal romance and romantic fantasy. She believes there’s magic in every breath we take and probably something supernatural living in most dark basements. You can summon her with coffee, wine, and books, but she sticks around for dogs and chocolate. Her novels feature badass heroines, fiercely loyal heroes, and fantasy elements that will fill you with wonder. Learn more at www.genevievejack.com.