Category Archives: Mythology

#WOTR24 #releaseday #Newrelease #Mythology #GreekGods #paranormal – A Biker’s Guide to Saving a Goddess, The Gods of DC book 6 by Tricia Andersen

Artemis Story in the series.



Review by Twinsie Angie

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A Biker’s Guide to Saving a Goddess, The Gods of DC book 6 by Tricia Andersen

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

I am a GIANT fan of this series,  I still love my Freddy the demigod but all the characters are pretty yummy.

This book is Artemis’ story. She is just living her life and not wanting any drama when she is kidnapped.  Her brother Apollo is pretty much raging to bring down the world for his sister.  They know Zeus had a lot of enemies but who would take her??  I mean she surfs and rides her motorcycle.  Who would want to hurt her??

Artemis is not sure why she has been taken or by whom, yet she is attracted to her “capture”???  She doesn’t know why but she sure is liking the way Micheal looks.  She also feels like he is attracted to her buy WHY IS HE HOLDING HER CAPTIVE!!!  Micheal was such a great storyline and addition to the “Mates” of the Gods and Goddesses. When he find out his story, I was like no way!!

The story is a fun, quick read.  Artemis and Micheal get to working together while her brother and the whole family are also looking for her.

The twist of who has her is pretty awesome.  I had no clue who it could/would be and when it came out…I was like DAYUM GOOD ONE!     The story does end on a cliffy so sorry cliffy haters but it’s a really good way to end it IMO.

Tricia Andersen lives in Iowa with her husband and her three children. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in English and from Kirkwood Community College with an Associate of Arts degree in Communications Media/Public Relations.
For the past five years, Tricia has been a member of Hard Drive Performance Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, an affiliate of Roufusport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has experience in kickboxing and currently trains in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Even though she has never competed in an MMA cage, she’s witnessed and been a part of a fighter’s journey from fight camp to their walk to the cage. She also has competed in jiu jitsu.

#WOTR #AttendingAuthor #PartofaSeries Love and War (Gods of DC 2) by Tricia Andersen

Jealousy doesn’t look good on Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom. Escaping her half brother’s happiness, Athena takes a prototype military jet for a joyride. An unexpected malfunction crashes it in a Georgia swamp. She wakes up to find herself in the cabin of the sexy yet surly Mack Bradshaw, a tow truck driver who pulled her from the blaze but doesn’t seem to want her or anyone around him. The attraction to Mack is primal, a force she can’t deny. Can she fight the urge to have sex with him or will she give up being one of the three Maiden Goddesses and surrender to him? And what will the rest of the Pantheon have to say about her big, bad savior?

She literally fell from the sky. Mack frees the blonde from the burning wreck of the jet and brings her into his home despite his dislike of virtually everyone. When the fiery beauty is near him, she sets off an ancient need, one his bloodline calls to him to act on. Can she accept his true nature and be his mate? And when an ancient evil threatens to take her from him for eternity, can he partner with her family, the Greek Pantheon, to save her?



When the goddess of wisdom and war takes a prototype jet out for a little joy ride things end up going wrong and she’s ends up crashing the jet in the swamp in Georgia. There she wakes up in the cabin of a man named Mack who saved her from the flames of the jet and even he doesn’t know how she survived. Little did Athena know that she was in the presents of a werewolf, and Mack didn’t know he aced a goddess, they both attracted to each other and after Mack deflowered a maiden goddess they became mated. With ups downs twist and turns can a goddess really care about or even fall in love with a werewolf, and can a werewolf put the things that haunt him from his past away and let hi true feelings come to the surface. This was an amazing book with a lot of fire and passion and funny sibling moments after all they are gods and goddesses after all.

Review by Twinsie Dee

Tricia Andersen lives in Cedar Rapids, Iowa with her husband, Brian and her three children – her sons, Jake and Jon, and her daughter, Alex. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in English and from Kirkwood Community College with an Associate of Arts degree in Communications Media/Public Relations. Along with writing, Tricia enjoys coaching and competing in track and field and traveling to cheer on her children in their various activities.

#NewRelease #BlogTour #mythology – Memories of Fire by H.R. Savage

Memories of Fire (Abandoned Gods Book 1) by [H.R. Savage]

Title: Memories of Fire

Author: H. R. Savage

Series: Abandoned Gods, #1

Release Date: March 29th, 2022.

Earth buckled under the weight of the anger of a few abandoned Gods.

The Greek Gods were something from history books as fiction. However the beings that abandoned Olympus and caused mass destruction across Earth were very much real. I’ve done everything I can to survive away from their reign.
Until her.
A flash of red hair and a lost, confused gaze and I was sucked into a black hole of heated desire and a need to protect.
Yet she could destroy me in a way that even the Gods couldn’t.

That’s all I felt as I opened my eyes without an idea of who I was. Knox’s no bullshit attitude challenged me to be more than an unknown. I was determined to make sure that “Callie” was not just the beaten girl lost in the desert.
Until my memories reveal more than what broke me…but how I could break them.


Review by Twinsie Angie

I was given the book by the author for an honest review.

When I saw the author was writing a new book, I was in.  I have really enjoyed all the books I have read….I think I have read them all??…anyway, but when  I Found out it was mythology….DUDE I WAS SOLD!!!!

This book starts out with a rag tag team of humans hiding away form Zeus the Douche Bag (yes the capitals are needed) since he has ruined Earth and decided to run it from Hollywood.  The dude is seriously a jerk.  Anyway back to our team of humans hiding out.  Knox, Alex, Eric, Reyna, and Dwayne are all living the best life they can trading with other communities and just getting buy.  They see some God loving Hawks dump a body in the desert.  They run over and decide to save her not knowing what trouble she could be bringing to their door…..UHM yeah it’s a lot of trouble.  LOL

The red headed women awakens and is clueless who she is or why she was dumped.  The team takes her in but yeah Reyna is not thrilled, and neither is Knox.  The humans decide to work and see if the woman remembers stuff.  Slowly she remembers her name and her pet shows up too….kinda sus but hey ok.  When the big twists start to unravel it was insane and soooooo good.

Legit I was loving all that we learn about Callie.  Her relationship with Knox was actually pretty hilarious as well.  They really were enemies to lovers in the best way and the way it mirrors her family….Chef’s Kiss…I loved it so much.

For real I need the next book like today at 5PM!!!  LOL

Author H.R. Savage started reading romance at an age that made her father cringe as she tried to hide the cover behind her hands. Due to the encouragement of her English teachers at her small town school in La Verne, California, her love for the art of writing only grew and blossomed. Now a woman who swears by the power of coffee, Chinese food, and wine (not necessarily in that order), she decided it was time to create stories from the characters in her head.

When she isn’t writing, outlining, or pinning pictures of hot ‘character inspirations’ on Pinterest™, she is spending time with her three beautiful children and handsome hubby at their home in Southern California

#wotr #attendingauthor #shifters Lightweight (Hallow Brothers 7) by Tricia Andersen

Is this the end of the Hallow family?

The Hallows have been exiled from their home and the cell towers that sustained their income are burned to the ground. Their only hope rests on Caleb and Joshua who fly to Tokyo to plead for their contracts with LunaBit, the app company they work for. The night before their big meeting, Joshua is drawn to a blonde at a bar. After a night of amazing, sensual sex, he wakes up alone, bearing the mating mark of his ancestors, similar to the ones his six brothers already share with their mates.

When the brothers finally meet with Maya Johansson, LunaBit’s Vice President of the North American Division, Joshua discovers she is the woman who was his bed the night before. Maya holds secrets of her own, which includes being aware of what the tattoo she now bears means. She demands that Joshua returns to Los Angeles to negotiate the family’s contracts with LunaBit. Joshua agrees, willing to do anything to protect his loved ones in Minnesota. However, can he withstand a fabricated marriage, tension with an ex-boyfriend, and a new father-in-law that is pure evil incarnate? And can he save the Hallows home before they all fall to the vampires who want them dead?



Review by Twinsie Dee

I was given this book by the author for an honest review

Wow wow wow this book you might want to have a fan on when you are reading this one. Josh is the last single brother bound and determined that he don’t care if he finds his mate or not after dealing with all his brothers finding their mates. Well with the fate of the family business in the hands of their boss, Caleb and Josh find themselves in Japan for a huge meeting to try to save their jobs while fighting to save their homes and family from vampires who want them dead. At eh bar josh started feeling this odd urge he’s never felt before then walks in a beautiful woman no he’s at a lost for words he just knows he wants her naked in his bed, and that’s what happens. Little does he know that his new mate is the boss he’s about to have a meeting with to save the family’s contract and job. Maya does one thing work and don’t like to deal with feelings after her ex used her to try and get her VP job she has a hard time trusting men, while hiding a secret of her own. But when she spots Josh and wakes up with the mating tattoo she already knows what he is and what it means but she’s not willing to let it affect her job and what she needs to do. Will their new found relationship get in the way of business, and the vampires get what they want. Or in true Hallow fashion will the brothers over come everything against them with their mates at their side to take what is theirs. This book is hawt, hawt, hawt, and full of mystery  that will not disappoint at all.

Tricia Andersen lives in Iowa with her husband and her three children. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in English and from Kirkwood Community College with an Associate of Arts degree in Communications Media/Public Relations.

For the past five years, Tricia has been a member of Hard Drive Performance Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, an affiliate of Roufusport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has experience in kickboxing and currently trains in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Even though she has never competed in an MMA cage, she’s witnessed and been a part of a fighter’s journey from fight camp to their walk to the cage. She also has competed in jiu jitsu.

#wotr #attendingauthor #partofaseries At the Speed of Light (Gods of DC 5) by Tricia Andersen

The tears in reality have put the gods and goddesses of Olympus on edge. Despite the stress his family is under, Apollo finds himself first in the arms of a mysterious jinn then a feisty Foirmir. While exploring the deep emotions he has for his new lovers, the tears begin to appear wheremortal now live and play, putting the innocent humans in danger of an alternate, deadly realm the Olympians and their loved ones have already experienced. He and his family race against the clock to find the source of the rends. But what will he do when he finds out that the one creating the trouble is closer to him than his own heart? What will the god of the sun sacrifice to keep the world as he knows, as well as the man and woman that he loves more than his own existence, safe?



Review by Twinsie Dee

I bought this book and this is my honest opinion

The sun god Apollo is getting his chance at finding his forever he just didn’t know it would come in the form of a jinn or as we know them as genie. One night at a bar Apollo sees this stud Khalil who seems to know a lot about who he really is, which throws the god for a loop. After a hot and steamy night they two go their separate ways hoping to see each other again. With tears appearing out of nowhere the god all need to come together to try and save the world since they have know idea where they are coming from or who is making them appear. Apollo is love struck once again when he runs into a red head at the same bar he met Khalil but little did he know that Khalil would also be there and he would be taking them both home with him. But it’s the secret Khalil has that could tear these lovers apart and possibly the world. Wow this is a great book i love this series and each book get hotter and hotter and i cant wait to see who’s next in the series.

Tricia Andersen lives in Iowa with her husband and her three children. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in English and from Kirkwood Community College with an Associate of Arts degree in Communications Media/Public Relations.

For the past five years, Tricia has been a member of Hard Drive Performance Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, an affiliate of Roufusport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has experience in kickboxing and currently trains in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Even though she has never competed in an MMA cage, she’s witnessed and been a part of a fighter’s journey from fight camp to their walk to the cage. She also has competed in jiu jitsu.

#WOTR21 #Audio #SeriesStarter #Review #Mythology #Paranormal – Blood Lust, Gods of DC Book #1 by Tricia Andersen; Narrator is Claire Joseph

Blood Lust (The Gods of DC Book 1) by [Andersen, Tricia]

She doesn’t believe she has a soul.
She believes it was stolen from her when that bastard turned her into the creature she is now.
But little does she know, she does. What is there isn’t dark and twisted, defiled by the lust for blood. She is pure and loving, with a body and attitude that arouses me every moment of the day. And I will move universes and defy my father and mother to make her into something I’m worthy of loving, someone that will stay by my side through eternity.
I will fight the forces of the gods to make her mine. I won’t stop until she belongs to me forever. And how am I, just a mere fighter, going to do that?
Because, baby, I’m a god.


Review by Twinsie Angie

I received this book from the author for an honest review.

I want to start by saying I LOVED Claire’s narration.  I loved how she brought the characters to life.  A bad narrator can ruin a book but I loved what she did and how she helped the story come to life.

HOLY MOLY this book knocked my socks off!!!  Paranormal meets the Greek Gods??  Uhm YES PLEASE!!! When Tricia told me about this book, I was super excited.  When I finally got the book, I was ecstatic.  I can’t say enough how much I loved reading this book.  But remembering all the Gods from college, I was like “OMG Yes I remember them.”

Juliet is a typical vampire looking to score some blood.  Well our little vampire is a little more than usual because she actually cares about who she drains dry.  She strolls into the underground MMA fight looking for meal, when she sees the most beautiful and sexy man EVAH!!  She is all “Game on” with this one.  She knows he might be a bit more of a challenge, but she is ready for it.  She is stunned when all of a sudden, the man of hour is right there at the bar hitting on her …along with others things he does with her at the bar *snickers*

Ares, the God of War, is mesmerized by the vampire at the club.  He knows she will be able to “handle his appetites” so he dives into a night of fun with the little minx.  He is loving spending time with her because she challenges him at every turn and he loves it.  He can’t get enough of her telling HIM, the God of War, No!!  I love the banter the two have because they cracked me up a lot.

When Ares and Juliet discover there are serious emotions at play, they both freak.  The last person Ares loves was Aphrodite and we all know how wonderful their relationship turned out….not good if you weren’t aware.  The last person who Juliet loved broke her heart and turned her into the creature she is now.  Love and Trust is not something these two people can willingly accept from others.

His family hates her and wants her dead.  His ex has become a bit too clingy and needy…ya know I don’t want you but I don’t want anyone else to have you type of chick *eye roll*….her maker is all about claiming what is his again after hundreds of years, PLUS the vampire hunter is closing in on Juliet.  There is so much action and so many plot twists you never see what will happen next!!  I seriously hope we get another book really soon and I am BEGGING for it to be Aletha because I just loved her so hard but Pan would be pretty funny to see which nymph captures his heart.

Tricia Andersen lives in Iowa with her husband and her three children. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in English and from Kirkwood Community College with an Associate of Arts degree in Communications Media/Public Relations.
For the past five years, Tricia has been a member of Hard Drive Performance Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, an affiliate of Roufusport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has experience in kickboxing and currently trains in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Even though she has never competed in an MMA cage, she’s witnessed and been a part of a fighter’s journey from fight camp to their walk to the cage. She also has competed in jiu jitsu.

#review #seriesstarter Blood of Zeus (Blood of Zeus 1) by Meredith Wild and Angel Payne

An ancient grudge. A forbidden love.

The only thing worse than being a demon is being a Valari. As an undergraduate at Los Angeles’s Alameda University, Kara Valari can sometimes succeed at forgetting she’s both. Lost between the pages of the classics and tucked into the shadows of lecture halls, she can dodge the paparazzi’s lenses as well as her family’s publicized dramas—not to mention their private expectations. She has one more year to feed her true passions. Then she’ll be expected to fulfill a much darker destiny.

Cursed with inexplicable strength and god-like stature, literature professor Maximus Kane knows all about darkness. Every day he’s reminded of the missteps of his childhood and the devastating consequences they’ve had on those dearest to him. To atone, Maximus spends his nights alone and his days submerged in the quiet life of academia. His existence has become a study in control, and he’s become a master at it—until Kara Valari walks into his toughest course.

Viscerally, Kara’s everything he craves. Logically, she’s everything he rejects. She’s a starlet of privilege. She’s also a student. And after one touch, he can’t deny that she’s awakened something in him that may never go dormant. Nothing about her makes sense, but everything about her feels right. Especially in the deepest strands of his DNA, which are still shadows of mystery to him—a mystery Kara seems determined to uncover.

She’s Hollywood royalty. She’s forbidden fruit. And he’s pretty sure she could be the answer to everything.



Review by Twinsie Dee

I bought this book and this my honest opinion

So Kara has a dark family secret that she doesn’t want to get out she also a see herself as the black sheep of her family. She goes to class and hides in the shadows away from the paparazzi the best she could away from the cameras but with her last name it’s easier said then done. Maximus Kane the sexy college professor who catches the eye of every female student he has walk into his classroom.  But the moment his eyes landed on Kara there was a spark neither one of them could explain but they did know that they didn’t want to stay away from each other. They both had secrets hiding from one another the only difference is that Kara knew about hers and Maximus didn’t. Will these secrets rip them apart before they have even begun or will they protect each other at no cost. This was a pretty good story overall a very slow burn building up everything to topple over and leave you hanging ready for the next book.

Meredith Wild is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author. After publishing her debut novel Hardwired in September 2013, Wild used her ten years of experience as a tech entrepreneur to push the boundaries of her “self-published” status, becoming stocked in brick-and-mortar bookstore chains nationwide and forging relationships with the major retailers.

In 2014, Wild founded her own imprint, Waterhouse Press, under which she hit No. 1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers lists. She has been featured on CBS This Morning, The Today Show, the New York Times, The Hollywood Reporter, Publishers Weekly, and The Examiner. Her foreign rights have been sold in over 23 languages.

USA Today bestselling romance author Angel Payne has been reading and writing her entire life. She has written for four publishing houses, and is also independently published. She most enjoys focusing on high heat and adventurous plots starring memorable alpha men and their headstrong heroines.

Angel’s bestselling book series include the Bolt Saga, the Honor Bound series, the Suited for Sin series, the Cimarron Saga, the Temptation Court series, the Secrets of Stone series (with Victoria Blue), and the Shark’s Edge Saga (Also with Victoria Blue).

Angel lives in Southern California with her soul mate husband and beautiful daughter. They enjoy traveling and cosplaying together.

#Wotr #AttendingAuthor #SeriesStarter Deranged a Hades and Persephone Story (Twisted Myth Book 1) by Monica Corwin

Since I was old enough to understand I knew I was worthless. A girl child when my powerful politician of a mother prayed for a boy. Someone to mold in her image. I stayed out of her way, until I couldn’t, and she made me regret every stumble, every misstep, every breath.

Like clockwork, she paid off doctors to drag me into a mental hospital at her most crucial career moments. I rotted behind cinderblock walls for six months at a time. It became my life…until I met him.

Ash. A one night stand in the back seat of his car turns into my only solace while locked away. He pretends I’m just another patient, until I force him to see me…the woman…Kory…someone who needs him more than anyone else.

My mother is a monster. I’m nothing more than a pawn. But Ash…he’s my salvation.

Hades and Persephone like you’ve never seen them. This is magic, this is menace, this is myth…with a dark twist.


Universal Link

I was given this book by the author for my honest opinion

When six months of the year Kory’s mom puts her up into a mental institution so that she isn’t in the way during her political campaign. One thing Kory’s mom never figured was that the doctor would actually look into her daughters past and figure out that there was really nothing wrong with her and there’s no reason she need to be mentally instituted. Until Ash came along he was a doctor that was going to look into all of his patients passed and try to figure out the real reason why all the past doctors would allow this to happen. It didn’t matter to him that Kory’s  mom was famous political personnel running for presidential office and had paid all the doctors to basically babysit her daughter. He was going to do what his rights were to make it his patient and get her out of the mental institution. But things seem to get tricky when lust fogs both Kory and Ash’s mine and they start falling for each other things get tricky and some might have to sell their soul to the devil. It’s over it was very enjoyable book not as dark as I thought it was going to be, but I really enjoyed it and it was pretty quick read.

Review by Twinsie Dee

Monica Corwin is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author. She is an outspoken writer attempting to make romance accessible to everyone, no matter their preferences. As a Northern Ohioian, Monica enjoys snow drifts, three seasons of weather, and a dislike of Michigan football. Monica owns more books about King Arthur than should be strictly necessary. Also typewriters…lots and lots of typewriters.

#WOTR20 #TwistedTales #NewRelease – Deranged: a Hades and Persephone Story (Twisted Myth Book 1) by Monica Corwin

Deranged: a Hades and Persephone Story (Twisted Myth Book 1)

Since I was old enough to understand I knew I was worthless. A girl child when my powerful politician of a mother prayed for a boy. Someone to mold in her image. I stayed out of her way, until I couldn’t, and she made me regret every stumble, every misstep, every breath.

Like clockwork, she paid off doctors to drag me into a mental hospital at her most crucial career moments. I rotted behind cinderblock walls for six months at a time. It became my life…until I met him.

Ash. A one night stand in the back seat of his car turns into my only solace while locked away. He pretends I’m just another patient, until I force him to see me…the woman…Kory…someone who needs him more than anyone else.

My mother is a monster. I’m nothing more than a pawn. But Ash…he’s my salvation.

Hades and Persephone like you’ve never seen them. This is magic, this is menace, this is myth…with a dark twist.



I received this book from the author for an honest review.

Mythology nerd here.  I was mega pumped to read this story because who does not know the love story of Persephone and Hades??

I loved the twist of the story that Demeter, Persephone’s mom, is a politician because weren’t all the mythological Gods essentially politicians???  She hides her daughter away in a mental institution when she is on tour for the Presidential campaign.  She is also a super awesome mom….said no one ever in this book!!

Hades or Ash, is a super great doctor who is flummoxed as to why this patient is constantly locked up with no read diagnosis.  He is also stunned stupid that this patient is also the hottie he picked up at the bar last night for some hot car sex action….whoops!!  That is getting really close and personal with your patients!!!

The couple keep building the chemistry before they erupt, and Ash is fully invested in helping his patient out of the hospital.  A few twists and turns later, and we see Demeter doing her best to derail the couple.  We get a visit from Zeus and well its good to see he is still cheating on his wife Hera….again Mythology you make me so happy!!

I loved the story and look forward to more from the series because again…mythology nerd!!

Monica Corwin is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author. She is an outspoken writer attempting to make romance accessible to everyone, no matter their preferences. As a Northern Ohioian, Monica enjoys snow drifts, three seasons of weather, and a dislike of Michigan football. Monica owns more books about King Arthur than should be strictly necessary. Also typewriters…lots and lots of typewriters.

#WOTR #AttendingAuthor #PartofaSeries Death Do Us Part (Gods of DC 4) by Tricia Andersen

Hades and Persephone share a love that is known by millions over thousands of years. But even the greatest of love affairs can hit rocky ground. Zeus forces them apart, banishing Hades into the deepest, darkest parts of Tartarus and into the hands of Hades’s father, Cronus. If that isn’t enough, the king of the Greek gods tears Persephone away from her mother, Demeter, promising to find her a more suitable husband.

The rest of the family races to find a way to bring Hades home and reunite the lovers before a deity ends up dead. But when the mysterious tears in reality show their true purpose, will any of them survive?



Hades and Persephone has an never ending romance. But after their last stunt with the family her good old dad Zeus wasn’t happy with either of them so what does he do, condemned her marriage and banished Hades into Tartarus and makes Persephone come to DC with him basically holding her prisoner in his house. So the rest of the family has to band together to save Persephone and get Hades back before things get wore then they already are. Will they save everyone in time and get the love birds back into each other’s arms. This is overall a really great book can’t wait to read more. The quick wit and bantering that comes from these God and goddesses is hilarious.

Review by Twinsie Dee

Tricia Andersen lives in Cedar Rapids, Iowa with her husband, Brian and her three children – her sons, Jake and Jon, and her daughter, Alex. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in English and from Kirkwood Community College with an Associate of Arts degree in Communications Media/Public Relations. Along with writing, Tricia enjoys coaching and competing in track and field and traveling to cheer on her children in their various activities.