Category Archives: Extreme Horror

#Review – Sewer Rat by Meera Masen

Ben Jansen has been bullied relentlessly since the third grade by his ex-best friend, Jimmy Norton, after he spills an important secret that destroys not only each of their families but also their friendship.

In an odd twist of fate, Ben finds friendship and comfort in a new and unlikely ally under the city streets. His new friend, Henry encourages Ben to stand up for himself.

Armed with newfound confidence, Ben seeks revenge on Jimmy and his Goon Squad, one by one.

This is an extreme psychological horror story. If you are not familiar with the genre, please note that this is extremely dark and twisted.

I really liked this one. I knew something was off, especially when the author said that she hopes the ending makes the reader mad. But I wasn’t sure how it was going to play out.

Ben had been bullied by the Goons for years for reasons that he truly honestly believed happened. But did they?

He ends up meeting a rat, Henry, and this rat and his family help Ben. Not sure it ends exactly how Ben expected though.

I read this one in a single sitting and while it was short, it didn’t feel like it. I think it packed the perfect punch for the length it was. I can’t wait to read more from this author!

Can be read in KU –

#Review – Gaping Wound by Meera Masen

Caden always knew that he was different and now he would stop at nothing to match who he is on the outside with who he is on the inside. With a mother who doesn’t share his ideologies, Caden begins research on the deep dark web, looking up do-it-yourself gender reassignment surgeries.

This is a splatterpunk/extreme horror story. If you are not familiar with the genre, please note that this is extremely dark and twisted.

This story instantly hurt my heart. To not have the support from your parent where you have to take things upon yourself in the most drastic way. I know this is just a book but I also know that so many people in the world, feel exactly like this character does. I also wonder just how many people do these kinds of things on their own. This was my first book from this author and I can’t wait to read more. This story is extreme and has several triggers. It made me wince and take deep breaths at times. Which is saying something, given the books I’ve read in the past year. Most of all, I loved that Delilah is finally happy. But oy, what a way to find that happiness. Makes me sad that she had to go through all of that.

Can be read in KU –

#Review – Tapewyrmin’: An Extreme Horror Short by Judith Sonnet

Clyde thinks he’s in luck when the hottest babe on campus starts asking after him . . .
Until he’s confronted by her ex. A jock, who claims that Amira isn’t all she seems to be. And that getting her into bed . . . might not be a great idea.
Ignoring his warnings, Clyde meets up with Amira, hoping to have some fun.
But he quickly learns that something unnatural is going on inside Amira’s body.
Something . . . inhuman.

WARNING: This is an extreme horror short. If you don’t like crude content or gore . . . don’t read this story.

This book was gross in the best of ways. I just love the way Judith always comes up with something utterly disturbing in her stories and makes it awesome.

So we meet Clyde who is nothing super special. He’s not popular and only okay looking. He can’t get the ladies either.

After an unexpected encounter with a popular and beautiful girl, his world takes a turn for…the better? I guess it depends on how you look at it. 

This book is a short and super quick read and doesn’t disappoint in the odd department. 

Can be read in KU –

#Review – Vasectomy by R.J. Powell

Scott has an appointment for a vasectomy. Dr. Mudgett has other plans in mind.
Reader discretion is advised.

“R.J. Powell returns with a story that is sure to leave you wincing in pain and second guessing your next medical procedure. The stuff of nightmares.” – John Lynch, Author of The Warrior Retreat

Other books by R.J. Powell include Dollface, Madness in Tandem, and Eight Cases of Jane.

Well this was fun in a painful disturbing kind of way. So I know there’s such a thing as medical voyeurism on the dark web, but I’ve never actually read a book about it. Until now.

Scott is going in for a standard procedure. After his wife had their twins, they decided they shouldn’t have anymore kids, so Scott is getting a vasectomy. Seems pretty normal, right? 

Much to Scott’s dismay, the procedure does not go like he thought it would. 

After some hardships and money issues, Scott’s wife takes it upon herself to use him to get paid. In quite unconventional ways.

This was a quick extreme little reason that I read in a single sitting. 

Available in KU –

#Review – Dollface by R.J. Powell/Ryan J. Powell

Papa has his victims, but Dollface holds his heart. His perfect little Dolly. Now, she’s awake and ready to seek revenge for all she was forced to witness and endure. *TW: Contains SA

Other works by the Author include Madness in Tandem and Eight Cases of Jane.

I came across a TikTok video about this book and without even listening to the whole thing, I instantly added this book to my KU library and read it in one sitting.

This little story is short, disgusting and so much fun.

We meet Papa who is a monster. Literally. From the things he does to his victims, the ages of said victims, and how he treats them, his final outcome was far too soft for him if you ask me.

Papa has a doll, Dollface, and she is his everything. Until she isn’t.

With the help of Dollface, Rebecca is able to seek her revenge. But what lengths do these two actually go through to avenge all of Papa’s victims?

If you like extreme horror, I suggest picking this one up! There are possibly triggers in this, so please read with caution.

Can be read in KU –

#Review #ExtremeHorror – Jane Doe: An Extreme Horror by Ash Ericmore


Gordon is an everyday seaside psycho, kidnapping and killing for fun, with a quality torture basement to boot. His latest victim is Jane. Sadly for Gordon, Jane turns out to be a handful of energy. Cosmic energy. And everything is about to go wrong, in the bloodiest way possible.

Jane Doe is a novella that some people might find distasteful. Actually, most people might find it distasteful. If you are of a nervous disposition, or have a weak stomach, perhaps you might want to give this one a miss, yes?

Full of blood, gore, brain matter and more, Jane Doe is an extreme horror, painted with the blackest of humour. Consider this a trigger warning for just about everything.

This was a fun quick little read that didn’t take me very long to read. This doesn’t happen often, so I really like when it does. The book starts out with Gordon who is a taxi driver looking for his latest victim. A woman gets in his cab and he convinces her to go home with him for some coffee. Super innocent right? Why, nothing could ever go wrong over some coffee.

Gordon ends up drugging Jane and places her in a room in his basement. He goes to bed and wakes up somewhere else, with no recollection as to how he got there. Things take a different turn for him right away and I was intrigued from the very start.

While reading, I really had no idea who this Jane person was and why Gordon ended up unknowingly doing the things he did. It was hard to predict and that was what I liked about it.

If you want something quick, fun and with some gory details, grab this one now!

Available in Kindle Unlimited

#Review #ExtremeHorror – Call Me Son by Mique Watson

George Marley has it all: the loving wife, the perfect family, and the job that pays all the bills.

It starts with an innocent chat. What harm could come from entertaining a longing he’d had for years?

He never expected to encounter someone like Chasten. The perfect specimen; the embodiment of all his fantasies come to life. Maybe just one meet-up wouldn’t hurt. After all, what his wife doesn’t know can’ hurt her.

But how far is he willing to go? How will he keep his fantasy a secret? What will he do when he finds out just how dangerous a game he is playing?

Oh boy. Okay so this was a delicious slow burn and something I was not expecting. Mique wrote in the beginning of the book how he hopes this story ruins your day. Lol! I didn’t ruin mine. Nice try. Better luck next time. Challenge accepted, Mique? 😉

Anyway. We meet George, who I instantly didn’t like by the way. He has a good life, a loving wife, a family, two beautiful kids, a successful job but of course, something is missing and he wants more.

George ends up on this app and meets Chasten. We find out that George is into some things that involve someone younger. Did I say how much I did not like him?

One thing leads to another and George and Chasten meet. Things take a turn for the worse and George makes a decision that doesn’t just affect him.

We learn that Chasten isn’t such a sweet kid after all.

Like I said in the beginning, this book was more of a slow burn horror for me and once the “stuff” started happening, it happened fast. It involved a lot of blood, gore, fluids, gore and so on. It was extreme.

I did predict one part and was wondering why George was so surprised when this certain thing was revealed. He clearly didn’t understand who he was dealing with and I was like, “Do you know nothing about the people on the dark web?”

This was another perfect extreme horror by Mique. He compared it to Broken Dolls but I think this one is completely different. Still gruesome with plenty of triggers but definitely a horror masterpiece all on its own!

Purchase here.

#Review #ExtremeHorror – Rural Decay by Jason Nickey

Jack Buckley always admired his father. even after he found out he was a serial killer. As Jack grows older, and he begins helping his father, he begins to develop an unhealthy obsession with him; an obsession that would send both of their lives crumbling into decay.

From Jason Nickey, Author of ‘Wreckage’, comes a new story of extreme horror.

This was a quick fun gory little read and my very first by Jason Nickey. I was in the mood for a short book, so I went to my trusted horror group and came across this one and it did not disappoint.

We meet Jack who caught his father murdering a woman. But that didn’t stop him from loving his dad. In fact, it seemed to only make his love and admiration for the man, more intense.

As the years go on, Jack ends up working with his dad but things take a little turn that throws the father off his course. He doesn’t know how to handle it. After making a wrong decision that costs them both quite a bit, someone looking for revenge makes a little appearance.

If you like quick, gory reads, then I suggest this one. Please remember that this one is an extreme horror. So nothing is off limits.

Available in Kindle Unlimited –

#Review #ExtremeHorror – Them by Mique Watson

Jeanette thought she’d get to enjoy the cozy, rainy evening after the hellacious week she’d just endured.

Snuggled up on her couch with her Labrador, Nico, everything seemed perfect. Rest couldn’t come sooner.

Then it happened.

The program on the television cut to black.


Jeanette’s heart stops. The signal is choppy, yet the message is clear: “They look like people.”

And then the power goes out.

Someone knocks on the door. It is soon made clear to Jeanette that the world she once knew has ended. The place she once called home is now anything but. The world beyond the threshold of her door is a passageway to the deepest bowels of hell itself. Will she survive?

This book started out as a slow burn type horror novel and then when the horror stuff finally happened, it was like a slap in the face. I knew going in that this book was extreme but I wasn’t expecting what I read. Did I love it? Yes. Of course. Not sure what that says about me though.

Jeanette intends to have a quiet night at home with her dog and then suddenly, her world changes for the worst.

Like Mique’s other books, the scenes in this one are detailed, gruesome, and not for the faint of heart. If you like creepy, maybe alien type people who do things that are…awful doesn’t even begin to describe what they did, then this one could be for you.

This book was also beyond gory, which I feel like Mique likes challenging himself and making his gory scenes that much more…well…extreme.

This one is a fun little read and it definitely has some disturbing parts to it.

Now onto the next one!

Available in Kindle Unlimited: