Category Archives: Kidnapping

Twinsie Dee top 5 January- June #ya #thriller #romcom #rh



Going home isn’t easy.

Finding my comatose aunt deep in debt is harder.

What really sucks, though, is cleaning up the mess she’s made of her finances while living next to the enemy I moved away from.

He’s loathsome. Always wrong. And still an arrogant jerk like he was in high school.

I’ve got two weeks to turn in my aunt’s expected manuscript to her publisher and hope it helps with the money issue.

The catch?

She never wrote it. There is no book. Unless I try to save the day and write it on a deadline.

So, really, how hard can it be to whip up a paperback about falling in love…while tolerating a sexy man who doesn’t believe in it?

the last thing Ava wanted to do was be driving back home but here she was heading to her aunts, as she was now jobless, homeless and found out her boyfriend wasn’t just hers. Life up in flames and on the way home she gets a call that her aunt was in an accident and in critical condition. But she’s alive and can fight to get better. having to find any kind of medicine or proof of insurance, Ava was now in way over her head then she ever imagined she would be coming back home. Gage the jock that was an ass to nerdy Ava back in high school found out that she was next door when her broom met his nuts and fresh thigh tattoo, these two will butt heads and have all the sexual tension between them but will they give each other the shot they secretly want or continue to throw gasoline on the fire. Oh, and on top of everything else she now needs to write her aunt’s new romance novel, so she doesn’t get in trouble and have to pay back the publishing company the advance they gave her aunt. Ava’s world is getting flipped upside down rather she’s ready for it or not. OMG great rom-com perfect banter and the AC needs to be cranked for some of those hot and spicy I hate you moments. this is a fast pace read i couldn’t stop AMAZING….



At Fairview-Teller High, light mixes with dark. Good with evil. And heroes with villains. But there’s a reason students call it Fairy Tale High. They’ll get their happily ever after– even if they have to fight for it.

Popular girl Jessa is caught off guard when the school bad boy—the guy she hates—moves into her house temporarily.
Not knowing how her friends, or the rest of the school, will react, she keeps her new housemate a secret.
Though Jessa loathes Adam for humiliating her at school last year, the more they’re around each other, the more her hatred starts to wane.
And when Adam kisses her?
She doesn’t hate it—or him.
But it does ruin everything.

Welcome to Fairy Tale High well not really but that’s what everyone calls it. You have the queens, wolves, kings and of course a beast, everyone has their roles a d they know how to stay in their own lanes. Jessa got stuck with Adam for a present or fail project and when he didn’t show up to class, she failed and weeks later she still hasn’t let it go, it’s the only time she’s failed at something, and it wasn’t even her fault. Jessa’s dad wanted her with Jay who is from a powerful family and wanted them to rule the kingdom together, but Jessa isn’t having any of that. Jessa wants her own happily ever after even if it’s with someone her dad probably won’t approve of. this queen is her own hero and maybe with the right guy by her side she can truly do good. this was such a cute great story with a plot twist you might not see coming. who will truly rule the kingdom and how will it all play out.



what happens when your brother’s best friend buys your dirty panties.

Laney Wyatt has problems. She’s just been fired from her brand-new paralegal job. To make matters worse, her student loans are coming due and her medical bills from a past skiing accident are piling up.

When Laney learns about a website where she can sell her dirty panties, she initially laughs at off as a lark. But it’s no lark when she starts making hundreds of dollars a week and has more than enough to pay her medical bills and rent.

Too bad Milo Coulson, her old crush from high school and her brother’s best friend, finds her page and buys her underwear for his own naughty use…

Someone needs to take a cold shower after reading this book. Laney just got fired from her job and can barely pay her half of the rent now. her besties take her out to get drunk and they call her brother Landon and his super-hot friend Milo to come meet them at the bar. Landon and Milo will do anything to help Laney out, but Milo will do anything he’s always found her attractive, but lately it’s just hit him that she’s not just his best friend’s little sister but a woman. After a bit of a pity party Laney gets set up with a temp job with Milo’s help when one of his coworkers is about to have her baby. still needs more cash so she’s going to start selling her dirty panties online after her friend said it as a joke. Little does she know Milo is her biggest buyer after he overheard her 2 best friends talking about her profile on the site. but when both Milo and Laney finally tell each other about their feelings for each other will Milo’s obsession with her panties come between them or will it continue to be his dirty secret. Also, how will Landon take it when he finds out about his best friend and his sister. All the sexy time, talk and that time of the month are happening. You might want a fan on high to cool you off while reading this sexy, steamy book.



A rural country road. No cell signal for miles. A terrifying game of cat-and-mouse.

By the time Laura and Olivia notice the headlights tailing them through the hills, it’s too late. What seems, at first, like a case of road rage quickly unfolds into a heart-pounding chase—and a battle for survival.

Who are the men in the truck? What do they want? And can Laura and Olivia outrun—and outsmart—them long enough to call for help, even if it means taking their chances in the hills on foot?

As their situation grows more perilous, the girls realize that the real terror has only just begun. But flight won’t save them from their pursuers. If they’re going to make it home alive, they’ll have to fight.

Olivia and Laura were on their way to a bonfire out in the middle of nowhere going on backroads, twist, turns and hills. Olivia was getting car sick in the old beat-up Volvo that Laura’s sister let them take for the night. Olivia noticed a truck following super close to them and was able to grab the plate number and text it to her bestie you know to be safe in her true crime mind you can’t be careful enough in a time like this, well this wasn’t because they were in the middle of nowhere she did it all the time so they didn’t think too much of it but she wanted them to have a lead just in case something bad were to happen to her. next thing the truck passes them and sits in wait blocking them from their path and now the girls were in their very own Dateline episode that they didn’t want to be in, with 2 mask men coming towards their car what happens next you will never see coming. What do these guys want to hurt them, or possibly kill them, what did they do. So many twists, turns, and gut retching pain that will have you on the edge of your seat till the last page.



They want an heir and I’m the only way they can get it. With or without my cooperation.I thought Cadieux Island would be a new beginning, but the privileged estates and elite college turned into a nightmare.My once tormentor and his twin brother somehow became my unlikely saviors while the grandparents, I didn’t know existed, lured me here with the promise of family have shown themselves to be the true tyrants.The Umbra’s want an heir and I’m the only way they can get it, but I’m not the same girl I was when I stepped onto this island. The Morningstar twins have honed me, sharpened me into something my family will never see coming. Honed in Havoc is the final book in the Corrupt Credence series. A dark college romance with mature content for adult readers.

With the Umbra’s having kidnapped Nova, Lucian and Nox are on a mission to get her back and never let her out of their sights again. When 7 students die tragically Nova is allowed to leave the house with her captures, I mean grandparents to attend the memorial. Her heart breaks when Lucian and Nox barely look at her, but little does she know that’s all a part of their plan. 1 gps tracker placed and unknown Lucian is ready to get his lam back at all costs and who knows how much blood will be shed. OMFG this book WOW, swoon, makes you all hot and bothered, and have all the feels the Morningstar twins are so perfectly written Nova is definitely one lucky lady.

#review #shortstory #short #mystery Red X (Run on Red short) by Noelle W. Ihli

A short story from RUN ON RED by Noelle W. Ihli.

Learn what happened to Ava Robles.

Fair warning: This short story contains spoilers for RUN ON RED.


Amazon   (buy run on red and get this short story at the end)

Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book and here is my honest review

if you read Run on Red you will know that the girls found the body of the missing girl Ava Robles, they solved the crime but now we get to find out how and why she got in the crawlspace the way she did. Ava was a new recruit to a sorority on campus and at a crazy college bonfire when she takes a breather before leaving one of her new sisters car she was met by a sister’s brother, they start talking and he takes her back to his truck they are drinking and making out, he’s got to be safe right I mean she knows his sister, but Ava couldn’t be more off on her gut feeling.

Noelle’s two great passions are murder and horses (separately, never together).

She lives in Idaho with her husband, two sons, and two cats. When she’s not plotting her next thriller, she’s scaring herself with true-crime documentaries or going for a trail ride in the foothills (with her trusty pepper spray).

#review #thriller #standalone Run on Red by Noelle W. Ihli

A rural country road. No cell signal for miles. A terrifying game of cat-and-mouse.

By the time Laura and Olivia notice the headlights tailing them through the hills, it’s too late. What seems, at first, like a case of road rage quickly unfolds into a heart-pounding chase—and a battle for survival.

Who are the men in the truck? What do they want? And can Laura and Olivia outrun—and outsmart—them long enough to call for help, even if it means taking their chances in the hills on foot?

As their situation grows more perilous, the girls realize that the real terror has only just begun. But flight won’t save them from their pursuers. If they’re going to make it home alive, they’ll have to fight.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book and here is my honest review

Olivia and Laura were on their way to a bonfire out in the middle of nowhere going on backroads, twist, turns and hills. Olivia was getting car sick in the old beat-up Volvo that Laura’s sister let them take for the night. Olivia noticed a truck following super close to them and was able to grab the plate number and text it to her bestie you know to be safe in her true crime mind you can’t be careful enough in a time like this, well this wasn’t because they were in the middle of nowhere she did it all the time so they didn’t think too much of it but she wanted them to have a lead just in case something bad were to happen to her. next thing the truck passes them and sits in wait blocking them from their path and now the girls were in their very own Dateline episode that they didn’t want to be in, with 2 mask men coming towards their car what happens next you will never see coming. What do these guys want to hurt them, or possibly kill them, what did they do. So many twists, turns, and gut retching pain that will have you on the edge of your seat till the last page.

Noelle’s two great passions are murder and horses (separately, never together).

She lives in Idaho with her husband, two sons, and two cats. When she’s not plotting her next thriller, she’s scaring herself with true-crime documentaries or going for a trail ride in the foothills (with her trusty pepper spray).

Twinsie Dee’s Top 5 January- June

#wotr #attendingauthor #partofatrilogy Feeling Forever (Tasting Madness 3) by Albany Walker 

They say the truth can set you free… That’s exactly what I’m worried about. 

Secrets never last long, but mine get exposed before I’m ready, leaving me betrayed by someone I love. 

Now I have to pick up the pieces and hope it doesn’t end with me losing the men I love, or my freedom. 

She thought she could scare us away. 

Brutal words spoken in an effort to shake our foundation only serve as proof of why we belong together. 

There’s nothing we won’t do to keep her, and we’re ready to prove it. 

Feeling Forever is the third book of the Tasting Madness Series. This is Whychoose novel with adult themes and situations. 




i was given this book by the author for an honest review 

Waylynn just witnessed her mom telling the guys about her past before she was ever able to. and she is just so shocked and embarrassed to say the least. but once her mom leaves, she lets the guys ask questions and tries to explain the voices and her past the best she can, and the biggest bomb shell that the voices she’s always heard belonged to her guys. things finally settle down and they get back into a flow of life with, Bates introduces Waylynn to his mom and her husband, and they plan to have a big thanksgiving dinner with Bates’ mom and her husband and Waylynn’s parents of course Oz and Memphis. but Waylynn’s mom always has some shit up her sleeve because she has nothing better to do, but Thanksgiving with a surprise guest and a whole lot of crazy hits the fan and a whole new round of I’m not surprised but are you kidding me happens. Will Waylynn stand up to herself with her mom, can Bates, Memphis and Oz really protect her from her past. this is an amazing story with so much heart and love and emotions that get you wrapped up and makes you feel it to your core. I’m so sad this is the last book but what an amazing ride. 


#wotr #attendingauthor #partofaseries Liberate Us (TNG 8) by J.M. Walker  

He was mean. 
Sammy Butcher had an outer layer he showed to the world. But I got the side of him I had been craving since I first met him. 
After the first man I had ever loved was taken from me, I didn’t know how to open up and trust again. But Sammy made it his mission to let me see him. The real him. 
Kind and gentle, two things I never thought I would get from him. He also showed me that as long as it was with the right person, I could embrace my deepest and darkest fantasies. 
I wanted to be his pet but more than that, I wanted to be his. In every sense of the word. 
For good. 
She was beautiful. 
And a brat. 
Amber Bishop could very well bring me to my knees just from saying my name alone. With her vibrant red hair and pale skin, I wanted to leave my touch on every inch of her. 
She had a hard time trusting. Couldn’t say I blamed her. I wasn’t known to be a nice guy. I wasn’t the hero in a romance book. I said and did whatever I wanted, whatever the outcome. 
But I wanted to be better. 
For her. 
For us. 
No matter how long it took, I would show her she could trust me, and I would take care of her. 
I would fight for her. 
Even if it destroyed us. 

Goodreads- Liberate Us (Next Generation, #8) by J.M. Walker | Goodreads 



I was given this book by the author for an honest review  

Sammy is the big grump of the group and had to recently share his brother as Cyrus had finally found his other half and was completely changed. Now that Sammy had gotten use to sharing his brother he wanted his own pet and happily ever after or his version of it, and he had his eyes set on Amber aka red. Amber has been through a lot of past trauma with her new dead husband who was a part of the same biker club as Sammy just a different chapter, Amber has a lot of trust issues but she loves being a brat and Sammy loves a challenge, these two are absolutely perfect together, he pushed her to find herself more and she test his patience more than he ever thought someone could, but they make it work. But will her past come in between them faster than Amber thought it would and will Sammy really be able to save her from not only herself but from her past club that isn’t fully done with her, or can they overcome everything and be happily in and out of the bedroom. OMG this book was on fire so freaking hot, I love Sammy and Red’s chemistry and the banter between them is the best. Red is so sassy and I’m all for it. 


#wotr #attendingauthor #seriesstarter The Sweetest Things (Starlight Harbor 1) by Bria Quinlan  

Starlight Harbor’s Sweetheart has had enough… 
Lyra Grigor is the easy going, sweet, smile-at-everyone owner of The Sweetest Things.  When an annoying travel site puts Starlight Harbor on their Top Ten Tacky Tiny Towns list for the fourth year running, she knows it’s time to give the writer a bit of spicy tart instead of a teaspoon of sugar. 
An outsider who just wants out… 
Spence Côte has no idea what hit his site. Nearly a thousand replies on some little baker’s comment and everything has blown up. Since the site is up for sale, it couldn’t have happened at a worse time. Now he has to drive up to the middle of nowhere coast of Maine and get this resolved. ASAP.  
Two worlds collide… 
Between the puppies dressed as pirates, the older women masquerading as tavern wenches, and the sweetest little baker he’s ever seen, Spence knows Starlight Harbor might not just be freakishly adorable….it might be what he’d been looking for. 

Goodreads- The Sweetest Things (Starlight Harbor #1) by Bria Quinlan | Goodreads 



I was given this book by the author for an honest review  

All it took was one comment on a blog site to set Lyra off, she didnt know what she was getting herself into but noone was going to tarnish her business or small town as long as she was around. After the comment on his site Spence thought he should drive all night to Starlight Habor and apologize to the older lady who owns the bakery there and threated to sue him if he didnt fix it. well little did he knew he was walking into the shop of a 5 foot 4 spitfire that wasnt backing down until her little town was righted. Once Spence say Lyra it was game over he was love struck and had really opened his eyes and fell in love with the small town and even more with the bakery owner. but will this riff bring them together or with Lyra listening in on a phone call Spence was having ruin them. Fall in love with this small town the spat between Lyra and Spence and even Captain Jack (you will need to read to find out) but this was such a sweet story and a fast read. 


#wotr #attendingauthor #partofaseries #standalone Novelty (Dollhouse 3) by Albany Walker  

A Standalone Novel created in the Dollhouse World. 
Retribution has been my only friend. The desire to make those that hurt me pay, my only solace but one act of humanity and I’m taken with my would be rescuer. 
Thoughts of him fill my head until I’m as obsessed with him as I am with getting rid of those that tried to break me. Too bad for him being in my crosshairs only brings death, proving no good deed goes unpunished. 
She thinks I don’t know she’s there, waiting, watching, but I see her. I don’t know what she wants, but I’m willing to let her play her game until I decide to end it. 
Novelty is a MF contemporary standalone novel created in the Dollhouse World. It is intended for mature audiences and contains adult content. 

Goodreads- Novelty: A Stalker Romance by Albany Walker | Goodreads 



I was given this book by the author for an honest review  

A dead lawyer in the area of the Dollhouse has Winger wondering if it was meant to be a hit or a warning to his guys, either way he was on guard. Maxine was someone he never thought was a killer and when she followed him home one night, he was all about wanting to know who sent her and was he her next target. After Maxine got stabbed Winger took her to a safe apartment and got her on the road to getting better. But neither of them had any idea just how dangerous the other is or could be. and being in the same place 24/7 will they start to catch feelings for each other, or will Winger really land his name on Maxine’s hit list when or if he ever lets her leave. ugh once again Albany hits it out of the park and the bantering  between these two is just hilarious, I love the dollhouse world and can’t wait for more. 

#wotr #attendingauthor #seriestarter #audio Reckless (Room for Love 1) by Kate Hawthorne narrated by Evan Carolina 

Pursuing your best friend’s dad is never a good idea, but Cameron Motel is feeling reckless. His life is about to change, and Luke is older, attractive…and he represents something Cameron has never had before. 
Luke didn’t mean to get involved with his son’s best friend, but Cameron needed a strong hand and Luke was willing to deliver on his promises. 
This thing between them is supposed to be a secret, but something as big as love can’t stay hidden for long. Then a single phone call sends Cameron further away from home than he’d ever planned to go, and Luke’s subconscious keeps him grounded in the past unable to move on. 
Cameron is gone, and to get him back, Luke needs to do something big, something bold, something…reckless. 

Goodreads- Reckless (Room for Love, #1) by Kate Hawthorne | Goodreads 



I was given this audiobook from the author for an honest review  

Luke was getting over dealing with a brake up with his partner, now it was just him and his son Eddie and his friend Cameron was over most of the time. Well, when Cameron had to listen to Eddie wack one out one of the nights he was staying over while Eddie was in the shower, Cameron thought he might as well jerk one out too while he was alone. Cameron didn’t time his ending very well and next thing he knew not only was Eddie back in the room, but Eddie’s dad was now looking at him and well it made him feel things he didn’t know if he wanted to feel. Luke and Cameron started hooking up behind Eddie’s back and oh did the steamy fling happen. Both were happy until Cameron’s dad died, and he was forced to move to help his brother’s run the family hotel. Will distance slip these two up, will the huge age gap be the issue, or will they make it work and be happy for the rest of their life. OMG this audio was amazing, and this story was just as great the brattiness from Cameron with Luke and the steamy chemistry between them was just woah steamy. 

#BookBlitz #KU #DarkMafia #Kidnapping – Black Wedding, Beautifully Brutal book 1 by Emma Luna

Black Wedding: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beautifully Brutal Book 1) by [Emma Luna]

How far would you go to prove your family wrong?

My name is Liam Doughty and I’m a hit man.

All I wanted was to get what I was owed. I carried out the hit as I was hired to do by Irish Mob boss, Vernon O’Keenan. It’s not my fault they found out too late that they had the wrong man. All I wanted was my money. I thought I could kidnap the Mafia Princess Brianna O’Keenan and get the ransom money. What I got was so much more!

Ruthless, feisty, and incredibly sexy, she’s far from the timid daddy’s girl I was expecting. Bree has her own agenda. She wants to dominate in a world ruled by men. I have no doubt she can do it, but she will need my help. Her family rules state only males can run the business. So, Bree proposes we get married. She gets to rule, and I get more money than I ever dreamed of.

Two dark, evil worlds collide when we agree to our black wedding. We will fight each others enemies and come out on top. But what happens if we develop real feelings and we realise our wedding wasn’t all that black?

Author Warning
Black Wedding is a dark mafia, kidnapping romance. This book features dark themes which may be a trigger for some people. If you would like more detail then please email:


Emma Luna is a midwife and lecturer who lives in Cambridgeshire, UK, despite her heart still very much being Northern. She lives surrounded by her crazy family; her Mum, who is her best friend and biggest fan; her Dad who helps her remember to always laugh; her Grandparents and Brother who can never read what she writes and her long suffering man-child Boyfriend who she couldn’t live without (but don’t tell him that!).

In her spare time she likes to create new worlds and tell the stories of the characters that are constantly shouting in her head. She also loves falling into the worlds created by other authors and escaping for a while through reading.

When she’s not adulting or chasing her writing dream she loves dog-napping her Mums shih-tzu Hector, chilling curled up on the sofa with her Boyfriend binge watching the latest series or movie, drinking too much diet coke (it’s her drug of choice), buying too many novelty notebooks, and completing adult colouring books as a form of relaxation. Oh and she is a massive hardcore Harry Potter geek. Ravenclaw for life!

Thank you for taking a chance on a newbie author – hope you enjoy and come back for more!