Category Archives: Small Town Romance

#review #newrelease #partofaseries Tempting Southern Days (Magnolia Grove 7) by L.P. Dover

Declan Parker thought he left the thrill of being an undercover FBI agent behind him when he moved to the small town of Magnolia Grove. But when he meets Ayla Carington, the town’s beautiful and feisty dentist, his heart starts racing again.

With her sweet smile and sparkling eyes, Ayla seems like the perfect distraction from his past. But as they get to know each other, Declan realizes that Ayla is much more than just a pretty face. She’s smart, tough, and not afraid to speak her mind.

But could someone like Ayla really be interested in a guy like him, with a past as checkered as his? Only time would tell, but one thing was for sure – life in Magnolia Grove was about to get a lot more interesting!



Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

Small towns don’t always allow you to run away from your past or problems like most think they will. Declan was one of those people after resigning from his job after his brother got killed, Magnolia Grove was his fresh start or so he thought. Til he was confronted by his new neighbor yelling at him to quiet down and let her relax. Judging a book by the cover Declan thought Ayla was just a normal small-town woman relaxing at home next to the pool while her husband brings home the paycheck for her to spend. Fact Ayla is the town dentist after graduating from dental school and her dad handing the practice over to her, but Ayla had one day a week off from work where she can relax and decompress, and the rest of the neighbors knew that, so they respected her quiet. Declan wanted to keep his past pushed down but Ayla wasn’t one to let that happen, she was going to keep pushing to knock those walls down or will Declan keep adding brick by brick to those walls. will Ayla be the key to help Declan through his past trauma or will it cause him to self-destruct. omg this was such a great read, and I couldn’t put it down, the mystery behind it while the small-town love perfect combination

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author L. P. Dover is a southern belle living in North Carolina with her husband and two beautiful girls. Everything’s sweeter in the South has always been her mantra and she lives by it, whether it’s with her writing or in her everyday life. Maybe that’s why she’s seriously addicted to chocolate.

Dover has written countless novels in several different genres, including a children’s book with her daughter. Her favorite to write is romantic suspense, but she’s also found a passion in romantic comedy. She loves to make people laugh which is why you’ll never see her without a smile on her face.

#review #newrelease #partofaseries Slow Southern Kisses (Magnolia Grove 5) by T.C. Matson

When my grandmother asked me to run her bed-and-breakfast while she took a three-month vacation, I should’ve said no.
Now I’m stuck in this godforsaken town hours away from the pampered life I live in New York City.
Gone are my days filled with luxury and glamour. I’ve been reduced to being domesticated.
What can possibly go wrong?
Decker Black, that’s what.
He walks into my life—more like breaks in, but whatever—and immediately irritates the hell out of me.
I can’t stand him. He’s moody, grumpy, and surly all rolled into one annoyed glare.
Until one severe storm changes everything.
I never could’ve imagined a slower, simpler life was everything I was missing.
Unfortunately, my home is in New York and my heart is stuck in Alabama.

My life is quiet and calm. Just how I like it.
Until Wrenley comes barreling in out of nowhere and disrupts everything.
Gone are my days of balance and routine. She brings turbulence and chaos.
She’s quick-tempered with a bold mouth full of sharp jabs and is entirely ungrateful.
She’s a headache, and I’m ready for her to go back to where she came from.
So why can’t I stay away from her?
The more time we spend alone, the more I realize underneath all the anger is something beautiful. And I like it. I like her.
I never thought love and happiness was missing in my life.
Unfortunately, my small town no longer has everything I need.
It doesn’t have her.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

Wrenley was dreading having to go to Alabama, she didn’t like it one bit but since she drew the short straw against her brother, she’s got no choice but to go to Magnolia Grove for 3 months. 3 months of taking care of her granny’s bed and breakfast, but Wren is going to get a huge awaking when she learns that she not just watching over the place, but she has to cook, clean, wash and change the bedding, cleaning toilets, let’s just say living in New York has spoiled her a little bit. With 3 months in a small town can Wrenley slow down her fast-paced life and enjoy her surroundings or will she be on the next flight back to New York before her Granny’s plane hits the runway. Or will Decker the not so southern charmer in Wren’s eyes swoop her off her high horse and get her to really love Magnolia Grove. When fast pace of New York meets the slow pace of Magnolia Grove bantering will the cool whip on top of the pancakes.

TC Matson is an international best-selling contemporary romance author with a passion for all things romance. Love is never perfect and easy, so her stories share all the ups and downs of finding that spark and falling hard while bringing heat, heart, laughs, and swoony moments to every couple.

She lives in the peaceful Piedmont area of North Carolina with her husband, kids (#boymom), and her spazzy Doberman.

When TC isn’t writing or forced into adulting, you can find her feeding her coffee addiction with her Kindle in hand. She often wins employee of the month for her stay-at-home mom and housewife duties and has won the award for “Mom’s dinner is awesome!” countless evenings.

#review #newrelease #partofaseries Rugged Southern Charmers (Magnolia Grove 4) by Fabiola Francisco

A childhood friends to lovers, small town romance

I never imagined I’d be back in my hometown, unemployed, and feeling like a failure. Getting involved with someone at work is a huge mistake, especially when he’s a famous football player, and I’m just a therapist they can easily replace.

The silver lining is reconnecting with my best friend…even if he is hot now. I can ignore that detail, right? I hope so because Dean’s helping me fix my grandma’s old cabin so I have a place to stay, and between seeing him shirtless and working with his hands, I might just give in to temptation.

Crossing that line should be awkward, but when he kisses me on a dare, I feel like he’s sparked life into me.

My time in Magnolia Grove is temporary while I figure out my next steps, and falling for Dean is not a part of my plans.

But sometimes challenges lead us back to where we’re meant to be.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review.

RaeLynn moved back home after getting fired from her personal trainer job with the NFL, but most people think she’s home to help her sister-in-law whose doctor has made a point to tell her to destress and relax for at home for the rest of her pregnancy. So RaeLynn is now running her niece to school and in charge of her sister-in-law’s flower shop. but soon she will run into well more like yell at her former friend from high school Dean she didn’t even realize it was him at first. Not one memory from her past doesn’t involve Dean in one way or another. But now that they are older and Rae isn’t just the tomboy hanging out with the guys or just a member of the football team, she’s a grown woman and Dean is just as good looking as he was in high school just more muscles. But they both don’t know that each other is starting to have feelings that are more than friends. Will they give in to these feelings and possibly ruin their friendship or keep their feelings buried deep down to keep what they already have.

Fabiola Francisco traded her flip flops for boots when she moved to Spain to live out her small town dreams. She loves the escape books offer. She writes contemporary romance, mostly small town romances with swoony book boyfriends and strong and sassy heroines.

Writing has always been a part of her life, penning her own life struggles as a form of therapy through poetry. Now, she writes novels that will capture your heart and make feel a range of emotions.

She is continuously creating stories as she daydreams. She also enjoys country music, exploring the outdoors, and reading.

Fabiola is represented by Two Daisy Media Literary Agency.

#review #partofaseries Fake Southern Fiancé (Magnola Grove 3) by Brittany Holland

When you’re a famous wedding planner, planning your own wedding, everyone expects it to be the event of the year.

Just one problem… I don’t actually have a groom.

I did—but then he decided to walk away before I even walked down the aisle.

Now if I want to save my reputation, and my business, I need to find someone willing to play the part of my fake southern fiancé and pull off my small town wedding without a hitch.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

Ever since Lucy was a little girl she has been dreaming and planning her perfect wedding down to the littlest detail. She couldn’t wait to get married, she started her own wedding planning business, and found her groom to be, he proposed through a ring sent to Lucy from FedEx. Yes, you read that right he shipped her a ring and asked her to marry him, this wasn’t how Lucy wanted it to go but it is what it is. the day had finally come where they were going to be featured in a magazine telling the whole world about their crazy happy story. but when he starts to realized Lucy isn’t coming to him, he calls everything off and she is devastated, all the red flags were there she just never seen them. Lucy picks herself up she isn’t going to let Mr. Wrong ruin her perfectly ever after, she has some twist turns and complete stops, but Lucy is determined to find her prince charming. this was a well written story, kind of felt rushed in some spots but overall, still enjoyed the town, characters.

Once upon a time, Author Brittany Holland’s passion for reading and an active imagination inspired her to pursue her dream of writing. A lover of fairytales, folklore and mythology, the hopeless romantic pens a modern twist on happily ever after. Her books range from Contemporary Retellings to New Adult Romantic Fantasy. In her free time, she enjoys traveling with her husband and two children, perfecting her latte making skills at home and binge-reading her never ending TBR.

#wotr #attendingauthor #seriesstarter Perfect Risk (Mason Creek 1) by C.A. Harms

Mason Creek, Montana is my home. It always has been and truth is, there is no place like it.

I can hide away in a big city, pretend as if I’m not drowning. I can ignore the sadness inside my heart that is begging for a change. But if I’m being honest, my sense of belonging has disappeared. I thought I wanted the big city life, the fast track and all the glamorous things. Turns out, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than home.

Coming back to help run my mom’s business gave me the perfect escape.

But there is one problem.

An unresolved past has a way of haunting anyone. Things can sure get complicated when the man that broke your heart all those years ago is now your new landlord.

It may get a little messy, I may regret my decision to stay…
But then again, this might just be the Perfect Risk.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book here is my honest review

Sadie had enough of the big city life and once she got the call that her mom broke her hip, and she found her boyfriend cheating on her that was all it took for her to pack up her and head back home to Mason Creek. Moving home brought excitement and joy it also brought back the memoires of high school and bring made fun of for being dumped and humiliated by the high school quarterback Wyatt Murphy who was now the town deputy. Wyatt first found out that Sadie was back in town when he ran into her spilling her coffee all over the front of her, and then Sadie found the perfect cottage to rent not reading the fine print that Wyatt was the owner. Will these two leave their past in the past or will they make it awkward in town, it could be the risk that they both need to take. omg this is the perfect book to introduce someone into the best town that is Mason Creek.

C.A. Harms is an avid romance and mystery reader. She’s always had a love for books, getting lost in writing and storytelling even as a young girl. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories.

She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. She holds an addiction for Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha’s and KitKat when she should really be focusing on water and maybe a fruit or two to make herself feel less guilty, but that feeling quickly passes…thankfully.

She is easy going, fun, and although she may seem like one of the quiet ones at first, you just wait until she gets to know you better…that quietness changes, fast

#wotr #attendingauthor #partofaseries Sweet Southern Memories (Magnolia Grove 2) by C.A. Harms


Life doesn’t always go according to plan, a lesson I learned the hard way during my divorce. My first love returns home just in time to watch me pick up the pieces, and the moment I lay eyes on him every memory rushes back.

Jayson Lincoln, the man who still makes my heart beat fast, after all these years. But he’s Doctor Lincoln now and I’m a far cry from the carefree girl he left behind.

I’m learning to navigate life as a single mother of twin girls and he’s reluctantly home to take over the family practice. We may be back in the same small town, but we’re still worlds apart.


It’s always been her. No one could ever measure up to Zoey Harding.

And I’ll always regret walking away from her and our hometown, for the big city to chase my dreams.

The longer I’m back, the more the echoes of our past whisper what could have been. But it’s not just about us, and her daughters steal my heart and mend what’s been broken for far too long.

Zoey’s afraid to trust me, but I’m determined to heal the fractures of her heart and prove that this time I’m not going anywhere.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review.

Tragic hits Magnolia Grove when the town doctor passes away. bringing Jayson back home to bury not only his grandpa, but his mentor and his best friend. Now back home after the funeral Jayson found himself in now his office of his new practice, that his grandpa left him. but being back home gave him a chance to get the love of his life back. Zoey is dealing with her hopefully soon to be ex-husband who keeps dragging out their divorce, and also trying to keep her twins safe from it all. So having the boy that makes her heart flutter coming back to town is the last thing she needs right now. Jayson is going to try everything he can to break Zoey’s walls down and get back into her life. But will she allow him to not only into her heart again but into the heart of her twin girls? oh this book had my heart especially from Zoey’s point of view with having my divorce being drug out, and doing everything i could do to keep my son safe and happy.

C.A. Harms is an avid romance and mystery reader. She’s always had a love for books, getting lost in writing and storytelling even as a young girl. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories.

She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. She holds an addiction for Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha’s and KitKat when she should really be focusing on water and maybe a fruit or two to make herself feel less guilty, but that feeling quickly passes…thankfully.

She is easy going, fun, and although she may seem like one of the quiet ones at first, you just wait until she gets to know you better…that quietness changes, fast

#review #newrelease #seriesstarter Single Southern Flirt (Magnolia Grove 1) by Cary Hart

After my divorce, I was looking for a good time—no strings, no feelings, no complications.

What I went and found… a single, southern flirt who wanted more than one night, who made me feel things I wish I didn’t. Oh and to make it even more complicated—he’s my brother’s best friend.

And our little rendezvous? Yeah, it’s about to make big waves in the small town of Magnolia Grove.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

Emmalee has just ended her 6-year relationship with her lawyer fiancé because he cheated but somehow made it her fault (insert eye roll). she’s been back home for 2 weeks and is being forced to listen to her parents’ special time. her brother just offered her to live in his new retail property and her bestie is making her go out. Wanting to make it big in the NFL, Mattie was on his way to make it as the famous quarterback that he wanted to be, but one stupid night basically ended his career trying to stop a fight, ended up with a cut down the middle of his throwing hand all from a broken beer bottle. Both back in Magnolia Grove for a different reason could it be fate or just flirting around with each other. Also, Mattie is Emmalee’s bog brother’s best friend and is totally off limits or at least it was. Will that cause a flag on the play or will it head for a touchdown.

Cary Hart hails from the Midwest. A sassy, coffee drinking, sometimes sailor swearing, Spotify addict, lover of all things books!

When not pushing women down the stairs in the fictional world, Cary has her hands full. Soccer mom in all sense of the word to two wild and crazy, spoiled kiddos, and wife to the most supportive husband. In addition to writing full time, she enjoys binge watching Netflix, laying around in her hammock and baking up cookies for her family and friends.

Cary writes real, raw romance! In her stories the characters deal with life’s everyday struggles and unwanted drama, they talk about the ugly and they become the broken. Everyone deserves a happy ending, but sometimes before you can appreciate the light, there has to be darkness.

As a child, if someone would have told her she would become a writer, she wouldn’t have believed them. It wasn’t until she got her hands on her first romance novel, that the passion grew. Now she couldn’t imagine her life any other way – she’s living her dream.

#NewRelease #ReleaseDay #DualReview #SmallTown #OppositesAttract #contemporary- Meeting My Forever by Red Phoenix

In the smallest towns you find the biggest heartsWhen Avery visits the small town of Crested Butte, she only has a short time to decide if she will put roots here as their new librarian or return home. As charmed as she is by the mountain town and the kind people there, it’s a chance encounter with a kitten and a handsome fireman that really make an impression on her heart.The Macallan family is a pillar of the Crested Butte community, but they’ve got a reputation for being eternally single. Lance is no stranger to relationships. As the youngest Macallan and a fireman, he’s an extremely eligible bachelor in the small town. But no woman has ever made him want to settle down. When he meets a cute out-of-towner while rescuing an adorable kitten, the life he knows is about to be shaken to its core.



Review by Twinsie Angie

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

I am a big fan of Red’s books. I have read so many and all of the different genre’s she has written in, I was excited for the new contemporary series.  She promised we would love the brothers and she is 100% correct. She neglects to tell us we would love the boy’s dad, Leith, and I think everyone needs to be ready for this strong, lovable man who steals a few scenes.

I felt 100% connected to Avery in the first pages.  I am TERRIFIED of the roads in the Rockies. I have also cried a time or two so we became besties INSTANTLY!!  LOL  Avery is a bit of a city girl but due to the lay offs she has to take a opportunity at a small town library.

Lance is a local fireman and works at grandma’s lodge when Avery steps in.  The chemistry is off the charts from the beginning of the story.  Lance is one of “THOSE” single brothers who no one thinks will ever get married much to the single town ladies dismay.

The story of the two was sweet initially and then got some spicey if ya know what I mean reading a Red story.  I enjoyed seeing the couple grow and experience the insta love.  I also liked seeing them both try to heal their trauma’s from the past together.

The story was super enjoyable.  As much as I liked Lance, I am super stoked for Malcom.  He will be a good read between his love of numbers and the single mom baker with her adorable daughter.

Review by Twinsie Melinda

I received a copy of this book from the Author for an honest review.

I love Red’s stories and reading the adventures her characters go on. I was so ready for a new adventure and she did not disappoint. I have fallen in love with the Macallan Brothers and honestly cannot wait to read all their stories.  I cannot wait to see all these Brothers fall and fall hard.

This is Avery and Lance’s story the librarian and the HOT fire fighter. Avery lost her job as a librarian due to cutbacks and decides to leave her family to see what small town living is like. Avery has to face her fears in this small town of Crested Butte but meeting Lance helps this a little. Lance also has things in his past that he is trying to overcome. I loved watching these two mesh together and help on another to overcome their fears. This book is filled with the most wonderful love story. Really with fairs, games, flowers, kittens, flying, family and seeing if fears can be overcome you cannot go wrong with this book.

I not only fell in love with Avery and Lance but I adore his grandmother and his dad. The kitten even stole some of my heart and I am not a cat person.  I am so invested in this story that I need to know more about the Macallan family not just one of them but all of the brothers and even their dad and grandma. This was the best start to a new series and I cannot wait to see what wonderful adventures Red has in store for us with this story.

USA Today Bestselling Author

Red Phoenix is an award-winning romance author who gained popularity with her BDSM series, Brie’s Submission.
To join in the Brie experience begin with the 1st Boxed Set (Books 1-3) and start your journey into a sensual world…
Brie's Submission Books 1-3 by Red Phoenix
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#Review – The Fall of Us: A Grumpy Sunshine, Fake Dating, Age Gap Romance (Love in Isolation Book 5) by Kennedy Fox

What happens when you travel across the country for your dream job and end up sharing a bed with an older man who volunteers you to be his fake girlfriend? You hope you don’t fall in love when it’s time to say goodbye.

The Fall of Us is an age gap, fake dating, grumpy/sunshine, forced proximity romance.




Review by Twinsie Kelly

Wit and banter… check!

Super steamy scenes (wags eyebrows)… check!

Crazy exes… check!

All wrapped up in the most adorable happily ever after Hallmark movie… CHECK!!!

First, I have to say that when I picked this book up, I didn’t realize it was part of a series. Second, you don’t have to read the others in the series. This is a complete stand alone. There were some areas that I figured there was another backstory but in no way shape or form did it impact this story at all. This story has just about a little bit of everything.

Oakley and Finn are absolute opposites, including their age. Oakley has been commissioned to paint for Finn’s family celebration. Finn fights everything when it comes to Oakley, small talk, ogling each other, thinking about her, and the list goes on and on. Oakley tries to hate Finn for the way he is treating her. However, they these two end up crawling under each other’s skin and when Finn uses Oakley to try and get his ex off his back, Finn and Oakley are forced into positions that they can no longer fight.

I don’t usually care for a lot of books that are super sweet and sugary. In fact, when I first started reading this, it immediately felt Hallmark-esque. However, that did not last long at all. Finn and Oakley keep each other on their toes and became an incredible love story that I could NOT PUT DOWN! I am so in love with them that I am ready to go back and read the entire series.

Kennedy Fox is a new author for me but I am here to stay! You, my friend, have a new fan!

Author Logo

Brooke Cumberland and Lyra Parish are a duo of romance authors under the USA Today pseudonym, Kennedy Fox. Their characters will make you blush and your heart melt. Cowboys in tight jeans are their kryptonite. They always guarantee a happily ever after! View our full reading order here:


#Paranormal #FairyTales #Dark #AgeGap #bestfriendsdad #novella #steamy #FriendstoLovers #Nanny #BestFriends #SingleDad #EnemiestoLovers #SmallTown #Audio -Twinsie Angie Top 5 from July – December 2023 – Beastly Tales Trilogy by MJ Haag, Beekeeping Age by Sophie Stern, Confessions of Ti,ber Creek by S.J. Chaynie, Perfect Risk by CA Harms, and Worth the Fall by Bria Quinlan

These are my favorite books the 2nd half of the year.  The first half of the year favorite’s can be found here

Want tickets to Writers on the River #2024?    You can meet all of the following authors at the event.

They are available starting November 6th at

SOLD OUT –$75 VIP Plus – 11-12 Lunch with the Authors , 12-1 VIP hour, 1-4 General Admission time. You get a filled VIP bag and admission to the after party is included. *Limited Quantity expected to sell out first day*

SOLD OUT –$50 VIP -12-1 VIP hour, 1-4 General Admission time. You get a filled VIP bag and admission to the after party is included. *Expected to sell out first day*

SOLD OUT –$25 Early Access – 12-1 VIP house, 1-4 General Admission time. You also get a filled VIP bag but NO admission to the after party. *Expected to sell out opening day*

$10 General Admission – 1-4 General Admission time. You can purchase a bag but it is not filled with VIP swag. There is no admission to the after party included.

$35 After party – 7-11 After Party with food and cash bar. Dj with a photobooth is also included in the fun.

Here is my top 5 in no order

Beastly Tales Trilogy by MJ Haag

From Book 1: ** Adult Romance **
Benella is concerned with two things–avoiding the two village boys who torment her and scrounging for food to help feed her family. Unfortunately, the best wild fruit and vegetables are near the walls of the estate, a dark misty place inhabited by an unforgiving beast.

When her tormentors lock her behind the massive gates, Benella knows her fate is sealed. Yet, the fate isn’t one she expects. Her encounter with the beast starts a bizarre cycle of bargaining for her freedom, a freedom the beast seems determined to see her lose.

A classic fairy tale with a seductively dark new twist, the Beauty and the Beast saga begins with Depravity.

Intended for mature readers due to sexual situations and moderate language. This book is part 1 of 3.

The completed Beastly Tales
Depravity, Part 1
Deceit, Part 2
Devastation, Part 3

My favorite is book 2 so here is the review –HERE


Beekeeping Age by Sophie Stern

He’s older. Wiser. Hotter.
More mature.
And he’s my best friend’s dad.

Remington West is the kind of guy who can get me into a lot of trouble. He’s twenty years older than me, for one thing. He’s Anna’s dad, for another.
Still, there’s an electric energy between us that I just can’t push away.
My body doesn’t seem to care that he’s all wrong for me.
It only seems to care that he’s of beekeeping age, and I…
Well, I’m ready to be kept.

Beekeeping Age is a standalone age-gap contemporary romance.

My review HERE


Confessions of Timber Creek by SJ Chaynie

Elle Andrews is my best friend. The one I let slip away, and now, she’s my four year old daughter’s new nanny. I may have had ulterior motives when I convinced her to take the job, but she needed work, and I needed a replacement. The plan was easy. Get her into my space, and prove to her that despite the past, I’ve always been hers. But when disturbing news about her parents surfaces, and four years of buried tension comes out, the plan takes an unexpected turn. There are three sides to every story. Yours. Theirs. And the truth.Book 2 of the Timber Creek Series. Series will contain interconnected standalones.

My Review HERE


Perfect Risk by CA Harms

Perfect Risk (Book #1 in a 12 Book Series)

Mason Creek, Montana is my home. It always has been and truth is, there is no place like it.

I can hide away in a big city, pretend as if I’m not drowning. I can ignore the sadness inside my heart that is begging for a change. But if I’m being honest, my sense of belonging has disappeared. I thought I wanted the big city life, the fast track and all the glamorous things. Turns out, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than home.

Coming back to help run my mom’s business gave me the perfect escape.

But there is one problem.

An unresolved past has a way of haunting anyone. Things can sure get complicated when the man that broke your heart all those years ago is now your new landlord.

It may get a little messy, I may regret my decision to stay…
But then again, this might just be the Perfect Risk.

My Review HERE


Worth the Fall by Bria Quinlan

Who could possibly lose her job, apartment, and boyfriend in one day?

This girl.

I won’t lie. When my boyfriend took me out for a fancy-shmancy dinner, I was thinking jewelry not “please return your security deposit” the weekend I was moving in. Which, can we just talk about the fact I was going to move in with a long-term boyfriend who wanted a security deposit?

Instead, I got a lecture about not being able to pull my weight and a breakup. In public.

I’m over it. I’m over the good-paying job that kept me trapped in the wrong spot, the fear of moving on…and men. New rule: World Domination Without Men.


There’s only one thing slowing me down. That cop.

Yeah. Okay, so I may have accidentally broken some laws this weekend. Nothing big. But that hot cop has shown up everywhere. Now he’s living across the street from my new place and doing super hot cop things like cooking and salsa dancing.

I can’t help but wonder: Can I do the Single Girl Takes on the World thing and let Mr. Hottie Officer in or do I need to put him in the slammer of my big picture plan?

Now I just need to decide: Take over the world solo or risk another heartbreak with Officer Hottie?

My Review HERE

Beastly Tales

Beekeeping Age

Confessions of Timber Creek 

Perfect Risk

Worth the Fall