Tag Archives: T.C. Matson

#review #newrelease #partofaseries Slow Southern Kisses (Magnolia Grove 5) by T.C. Matson

When my grandmother asked me to run her bed-and-breakfast while she took a three-month vacation, I should’ve said no.
Now I’m stuck in this godforsaken town hours away from the pampered life I live in New York City.
Gone are my days filled with luxury and glamour. I’ve been reduced to being domesticated.
What can possibly go wrong?
Decker Black, that’s what.
He walks into my life—more like breaks in, but whatever—and immediately irritates the hell out of me.
I can’t stand him. He’s moody, grumpy, and surly all rolled into one annoyed glare.
Until one severe storm changes everything.
I never could’ve imagined a slower, simpler life was everything I was missing.
Unfortunately, my home is in New York and my heart is stuck in Alabama.

My life is quiet and calm. Just how I like it.
Until Wrenley comes barreling in out of nowhere and disrupts everything.
Gone are my days of balance and routine. She brings turbulence and chaos.
She’s quick-tempered with a bold mouth full of sharp jabs and is entirely ungrateful.
She’s a headache, and I’m ready for her to go back to where she came from.
So why can’t I stay away from her?
The more time we spend alone, the more I realize underneath all the anger is something beautiful. And I like it. I like her.
I never thought love and happiness was missing in my life.
Unfortunately, my small town no longer has everything I need.
It doesn’t have her.

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/200608083-slow-southern-kisses

Amazon https://amzn.to/48hpaAC

Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

Wrenley was dreading having to go to Alabama, she didn’t like it one bit but since she drew the short straw against her brother, she’s got no choice but to go to Magnolia Grove for 3 months. 3 months of taking care of her granny’s bed and breakfast, but Wren is going to get a huge awaking when she learns that she not just watching over the place, but she has to cook, clean, wash and change the bedding, cleaning toilets, let’s just say living in New York has spoiled her a little bit. With 3 months in a small town can Wrenley slow down her fast-paced life and enjoy her surroundings or will she be on the next flight back to New York before her Granny’s plane hits the runway. Or will Decker the not so southern charmer in Wren’s eyes swoop her off her high horse and get her to really love Magnolia Grove. When fast pace of New York meets the slow pace of Magnolia Grove bantering will the cool whip on top of the pancakes.

TC Matson is an international best-selling contemporary romance author with a passion for all things romance. Love is never perfect and easy, so her stories share all the ups and downs of finding that spark and falling hard while bringing heat, heart, laughs, and swoony moments to every couple.

She lives in the peaceful Piedmont area of North Carolina with her husband, kids (#boymom), and her spazzy Doberman.

When TC isn’t writing or forced into adulting, you can find her feeding her coffee addiction with her Kindle in hand. She often wins employee of the month for her stay-at-home mom and housewife duties and has won the award for “Mom’s dinner is awesome!” countless evenings.

#COVERREVEAL – No Hesitations (The Fighter Series #5) by T.C. Matson

  Title: No Hesitations
Series: The Fighter Series #5

By: T.C. Matson
Publication Date: August 11, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Mayhem Cover Creations

My life is perfect.
I have it all—the woman of my fantasies and my shot at the championship.
It’s all right in front of me. In my grips. I can see it, taste it, feel it.
No chance in hell I’ll lose.
Until I fall at the mercy of another man’s hands.
I’m torn apart and forced to make difficult decisions while staring malicious hatred in the eyes.
Doors open and others close—ones I’m not ready to see go.
My course changes. My dreams begin evading me.
You think I fought hard to get where I’m at now?
You haven’t seen the depth of my perseverance yet.
This isn’t the end of me.

He has everything in his hands—his career, me, our future.
One costly mistake, a defiant decision, and everything vanishes.
As he holds my hand through the darkness, he loses it all.
I watch with anguish as he struggles to put the torn pieces back together.
It’s not as easy as he had hoped.
But his strength proves powerful. His determination unbreakable.
Together we’ll conquer.
Together we don’t accept defeat.

Pre-Order Links!


The Fighter Series Book One
The Fighter Series Book Two
The Fighter Series Book Three
AMAZON – http://amzn.to/2gLDQDa

No Holds

The Fighter Series Book Four


“Dreaming in Reality…You dream in reality when you pick up a book and get lost in it. In my writing, I strive to take you to a place where reality and fantasy become a blurry line. Everything should be relatable. It could happen…couldn’t it?” ~ TC Matson

TC Matson loves to let her character’s voices be heard. With a head full of stories, she puts her keyboard through a beating daily. With an understanding that love isn’t always instant and full of flowers—her writing mirrors it.

She’s a romance junkie at heart and an avid reader. Add those two together and she will devour books within hours, getting lost in the world the author creates.

Matson resides in the peaceful Piedmont area of NC with her husband and three boys, where staying hopped up on caffeine is the key to her sanity. Chaos is indefinite and a sense of humor is an absolute must.

Social Media Links
Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1p2TVMf
Twitter – @TC_Matson
Instagram – tc_matson
Author Amazon Page – http://amzn.to/10sZnTF

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