Category Archives: Coming of Age

#Review #Apocalyptic – Killshot: Icarus Series Book 1 by Aria Michaels

After the death of their parents, seventeen year old Liv Larson and her younger brother are separated by the foster care system. Her grades slip, her friends drift away, and she gives up on her plans for college. The only thing that matters is keeping the promise to get back to her brother. After months of solitude and anti-social behavior, Liv’s best friend Riley drags her to their high school’s rooftop solar flare party. Despite the beautiful lights dancing in the sky, Liv finds herself captivated by Zander, a mysterious boy with a crooked smile. For a few hours, she allows herself to feel normal again.

That is until what should have been a small flare erupts into a massive solar storm. Cut off from the rest of the world with no sign of rescue, fear and paranoia begin to take their toll on the group. Battle lines are drawn and their ranks are divided. Soon, those left behind must embark on a perilous journey to save one of their own…but, something sinister awaits them in the shadows and it’s undeniably connected to Liv.

Can she keep her promise to reunite with her brother? What are Liv and her friends willing to do to survive? Will their bravery and determination be enough to save them all from a rogue military unit, a terrifying virus, and the things that go bump in the night?

Or was Icarus really the KILLSHOT?



Review by Twinsie Kelly

It is not often that I have a difficult time writing a review because it left me speechless. I have had this book living in my TBR pile on my kindle for longer than I like to admit. I decided to go waaaay back and find something that caught my attention and wow, am I glad that I did. This book, just wow. I cannot find the words. If you like post apoc, conspiracy theories, military, teenagers overcoming obstacles, Sci-Fi, just some overall unexplainable craziness, (I am sure I am missing things) then I recommend Killshot.

Icarus is supposed to be a solar flare event but turns into so much more. We experience life just before and for the three days after Icarus. That’s right folks, this book gives us just before the solar flare and for three days after. So much happens and we get to experience is through Liv’s eyes. It is tough, emotional, frightening, mysterious, and overall…just WOW!

“Change is the only thing in this life that is ever guaranteed.”

There are things that people should never be exposed to but after a wicked event like Icarus, it has brought out the worst, but sometimes the best in people. Even if the best, hurts some of those people. It’s a strange combination but one that you won’t understand until you are put in those situations. Liv and her friends, well, experience it throughout this book.

I am now on my way to the next book. Not waiting around for this one!


Aria Michaels profile image

Aria Michaels is the author of The Icarus Series, a bestselling young adult dystopian saga as well as a contributor to ATZ’s Chronology of the Apocalypse. Aria is an avid reader, die-hard zombie fan, and enthusiastic lover of bonfires and red wine. When she is not glued to her computer pouring out the voices in her head, this busy single mom can be found playing in the dirt with her boys, painting, or binge-watching The Walking Dead. Aria is currently hard at work on the next installment of the Icarus Series and reveling in her role as instigator of literary mayhem and stealth assassin of fictional characters.

“You are never more than one chapter away from a different future.” –Aria Michaels


#Review – Late To The Game by Brian Anthony Ziroli

High School football is as important as religion in states like Texas, Alabama, and Georgia. Not in a little town on the North Carolina shore. No, there it’s more important than religion. A story that takes place in 1985 and is told by its star quarterback, Johnny Pelligrino, this is the best chance for the West Pennington Pirates to win that elusive state championship. What can stop them?

Where do we begin?

Johnny is trying to deal with the pressures and struggles of high school, his first love, an overbearing father, and the entire town depending on him and the Pirates to win the school’s first state championship. He could not have imagined what he’d experience in this senior year. One night, at the County Fair, something happens to one of the
seniors, and a friend of Johnny’s. What happened? Who did it? How does Johnny get so involved? How will this impact their season? Johnny will eventually find out that his head coach holds many old secrets, let alone being the most powerful figure in the entire community. Who can Johnny trust? His friends? His coaches? His family? Anyone?

A story that is filled with drama, love, lost relationships, and twists and turns along this very important season in West Pennington history. How will it end?



Review by Twinsie Kelly

First things first, high school in the 80’s! What a different time it was. It will definitely remind you how different things are today. Johnny, the star quarterback in small town North Carolina and a lot is riding on him taking the team to the championship. It’s his senior year with lots of classes, girls, and lots of pressure trying to lead the team and be who everyone expects him to be. It’s a LOT of pressure. Things are going good, really good. Things go from great to bad in about 3 seconds flat. Johnny walks away but it eats at him. One thing leads to another and an unexpected party brings out the truth. With the turmoil and the guilt eating at Johnny, he finds out that some people, even the ones you really trust, are not trustworthy at all. Tons of secrets are coming out and he really struggles with what and how he should handle things. He was learning at a young age that you really could not trust anyone and to be careful who you hold out as heroes. When everyone is telling you to “do the right thing” but they are not taking their own advice, how do you really know what the right thing is?

I have to tell you that Late to the Game was like going back in time. It was very refreshing to go back to the 80s and hang out. The author does a great job at the world building and giving the characters some depth. While there are some very heavy parts of the story, there is a lot of wit and banter that will have you laugh out loud (or LOL as we say nowadays)! It is a great coming of age story that will throw a few curveballs your way (I know this is baseball, not football, but I couldn’t think of a better way to say it), but it keeps you on your toes right to the very end. Then BAM! PLOT TWIST!

Give it a try, you won’t regret it, even if you are late to the game!

#Review – Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson


Orange Is the New Black meets Walter Dean Myer’s Monster in this gritty, twisty, and haunting debut by Tiffany D. Jackson about a girl convicted of murder seeking the truth while surviving life in a group home.

Mary B. Addison killed a baby.

Allegedly. She didn’t say much in that first interview with detectives, and the media filled in the only blanks that mattered: a white baby had died while under the care of a churchgoing black woman and her nine-year-old daughter. The public convicted Mary and the jury made it official. But did she do it?

There wasn’t a point to setting the record straight before, but now she’s got Ted—and their unborn child—to think about. When the state threatens to take her baby, Mary’s fate now lies in the hands of the one person she distrusts the most: her Momma. No one knows the real Momma. But does anyone know the real Mary?


Review by Twinsie Kelly

Whoa! Holy what the heck did I just read?! I have the worst (best) book hangover! A friend of mine read this and immediately recommended the book to everyone. She said the best way to go in was completely blind. Okay, I’ll bite. I purchase the book without reading the blurb on the back, I have no clue who this author is, and did not check out any of the reviews. I highly suggest doing the same, you won’t regret it. Now, if you refuse to go in blind, please continue on and I’ll tell you a little about the story.

This story is about Mary, who is now 16, but at age 9 was convicted of murdering an infant. The story dives deep into the life she has led leading up to this point. In jail, mostly in solitaire because no one knew what to do with such a young murder. She experienced mental and physical abuse…this will make you cringe. She is trying to survive. She is now in a group home and ends up getting pregnant by Ted. He is another group home convict. Mary is truly trying to make something for herself and with some help she starts advocating for herself. She is smart and wants to keep her baby, but she also must literally watch out for her life while living in the group home. A necessary evil. Some of the people in her life are incredibly terrible, but some are really genuine. The hardest part is trying to figure out exactly who you can trust. I went through most of this story just knowing that she was going to win but then you start to feel the doom and gloom. Then, all of a sudden, this crazy curve ball comes flying from out in left field and I sat here like, I can’t believe that just happened. But then the end actually happens, and I just sat there trying to comprehend what I just read. Like, did that just happen? Yeah, that did just happen…OMG! The twist at the end made my head spin!

Author Logo

Tiffany D. Jackson is a TV professional by day, novelist by night, awkward black girl 24/7. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Film from Howard University and her Master of Arts in Media Studies from The New School University. A Brooklyn native, she is a lover of naps, cookie dough, and beaches, currently residing in the borough she loves most likely multitasking.

#Review – The End of August: Part Three by Rue Volley

The End of August : Part Three by [Rue Volley]

It’s 1985.
Leaves are falling.
The pumpkins are lit.
Bedroom walls are filled with posters of Teen WolfFright Night, and A Nightmare on Elm Street.

But for August East and his small band of unlikely friends, it’s all about defeating a demon that’s ruled the town of Whynot, Ohio, for half a century, all while hosting a killer party on Halloween.

You know. Normal stuff.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

Just WOW! I have no words. I have been sitting here for two days trying to figure out exactly how to describe this book. I have been left speechless and this does not happen very often. I am a bundle of all sorts of feels. There is an incredibly strong pull between East and Keller and you get all the deets on why! I love the bond within their circle of friends. Shy, Evie and Vincent absolutely make this story. They are the glue that really held this entire series together. The relationships between all of the characters is written in a very real way. So much so that when part three ended, I was completely wrecked. And I can’t even get started with the Halloween party and the demon that needs defeated. I did NOT expect the ending, at all!  I had a horrible book hangover, LOL! This series has gotten better and better with each book…..and I seriously am hoping for a spinoff or continuation because, dayum! I NEED MORE! The story is absolutely unforgettable! I feel like the characters are begging for more!! I highly recommend this series!!

Rue Volley

Rue Volley is a USA Today Bestselling Author and award-winning screenwriter who is best known for creating compelling storylines with a multitude of twists and turns that leave her readers virtually speechless.

She specializes in paranormal romances that include otherworldly characters who, regardless of their supernatural abilities, feel oddly familiar, or in other words, human. This, coupled with her easy reading style, a wicked sense of humor, and excellent world-building skills, has garnered her a fiercely loyal fan base over the past decade who support her regardless of what genre she chooses to write in.

Some of her best works include Hemlock, The Dead Boy’s Club, 13 Ways to Midnight, Hellhound, The Devil’s Gate, and A Vampires Tale of Blood and Light. All of which utilize her skill at piecing together compelling dramas that highlight her love for vampires, witches, angels, and demons across many genres, including young adult, new adult, urban fantasy, and erotic romance.

Rue Volley’s work seems to be synonymous with one phrase in the publishing world.

Thoroughly addictive.

She is accredited with two award-winning screenplays for film, Hellhound (original script, 2014) and Awakening (contributing screenwriter, 2015). IMDb:

Connect with Rue:




Twitter: @RueVolley


#Review The End of August, Part Two by Rue Volley

The End of August: Part Two by [Rue Volley]

It’s 1985.

Jelly bracelets are on every wrist.

Beaded friendship pins are on every shoelace.

Cellphones are not a thing.

Slumber partiesroller skating rinks, and arcades are all the rage.

Every kid has a key to their home and knows how to babysit themselves.

And Molly Ringwald is everyone’s fantasy girl.

But for fifteen-year-old August East, his world revolves around his new house, his new friends, and a boy by the name of Keller West, that has stolen his heart.

Not to mention that whole haunted victorian home, the mysterious death of the last owner, and, oh yeah, the empty mausoleum in his backyard.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

This story has me all messed up! I am literally all over the place with this, but in the best possible way! Part one ended in a cliff hanger and this one is no different, but WHOA! I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! I mean, I am strolling along reading the story, and we take a sharp right turn into a place I had no idea we were going, then ALL of the feels exploded! I audibly gasped and had to stop for a moment to catch my breath, and then I just couldn’t stop reading. I had to know everything. I NEEDED to know what was going to happen next. I am on the edge of my seat because I know the next collision is going to happen, but when it doesn’t happen right away because there is a different plot twist…..well, I am just beside myself. Please excuse me for keeping this review short, but I need to start Part Three. I literally can’t wait any longer. Ms. Volley, you have a new stalker because you have me hooked!

Rue Volley

Connect with Rue:




Twitter: @RueVolley


#Review – The End of August, Part One by Rue Volley

The End of August: Part One by [Rue Volley]

Heartstopper meets Stranger Things!

It’s 1985.
Everyone is wearing a Swatch Watch and carrying a Trapper Keeper.
GooniesBack to the Future, and The Breakfast Club are killing it at the theaters.
Super Mario Brothers is a lifestyle.
Posters of Duran Duran and Madonna are on every bedroom wall.
But for fifteen-year-old, August East, the biggest news is the move his family made to the odd little town of Whynot, Ohio, a cute boy named Keller West, and, of course, that whole murder thing.
*This is a DUAL POV*


Review by Twinsie Kelly

“I’ve seen this movie and it turns out bad. Like really bad.” There’s a haunted house and all the makings of a classic horror movie! Ok, so it’s not a movie but I LOVE that this is set in 1985 with none of the tech-y stuff teens have now. This is a great YA, coming of age book with a spooky backdrop. People are always hiding things, wearing masks, and things are no different with the team of teens in this story. Each character is struggling or working through something. August is new to Whynot and has a bit of a difficult past but gets befriended immediately by the spooky Evie (OMG, she’s a ghosthunter!). Very soon after, he has quite a few friends that just need to see the house he is moving into. Why? Because it is a funeral home, complete with the cremation burner! There are some spooky, and not so spooky but still very scary, things (emotionally and physically) happening to the group. I do need to add that MM romance isn’t really a go to for me, but this just worked. There are very real feelings happening that will keep you hooked to the story. August and Keller, they are falling in love, or at least falling in like, with each other. The rest of the characters really round the story out and help put some perception into what and how the boys and others are feeling. The only con to the book is that since this is told in a dual POV, there are several chapters that basically repeat themselves so that you can get the thoughts and feelings of both characters that happened within the same conversation/scene. Those parts were a little redundant for me. However, the storyline is great and there is much more to come. The cliffhanger has made me immediately want to dive right into Part Two because, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!

Rue Volley

Connect with Rue:




Twitter: @RueVolley


#WOTR23 – #Review – Between the Pines by Jennifer Daniels

Between the Pines by [Jennifer Daniels]

On her eighteenth birthday, Sloan Remson thought it would be just like any other day. She went to school, was excused early to get her driver’s permit, then was taken out for a nice lunch by her mother.

Waking up the next morning was an entirely different story. Shivering and in the middle of the clearing up the road and being warmed by a wolf should have scared Sloan stupid. Instead the beautiful snow-white wolf was calming and gave her peace.

Jump seven years into the future, and after several beers with her BFF Mary, once again Sloan finds herself alone in the middle of a clearing. But this time with the handsome Fletcher Remington watching over her. They were friends throughout school and she’d had a secret crush on him for as long as she could remember. Within a few minutes of catching up, secrets are revealed. After a quick mind-dive from Mary, who also happens to be a witch, Sloan finds out Fletcher is a wolf and that he is her mate.

How can Sloan be anyone’s mate when she can’t even shift into the one thing she should be able to? She is a supernatural dud who is in love with a snow-white wolf. Let the adventures begin.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

One can really start questioning their self, especially when they sleepwalk and wake up in the clearing between the pines…with a wolf. However, the second time this happens, she wakes up with Fletcher watching over her. These two have been friends since they were little, but nothing ever came of it. Ultimately, the more these two are together, the stronger the pull is between the two.

Between the Pines was a really sweet, YA/NA fated mates story that did have a sweet happily ever after. The relationship evolving between Sloan and Fletcher is very cute and the fact that they are learning with each other is super adorable. Chivalry is not dead, folks!

I feel that some parts of the book were rushed and not enough explanation in some areas. There was a sort of restlessness that I felt waiting for some turbulence to happen that would really push our MC, but it wasn’t quite as grand as I expected. I wish it was a bit longer so that we could learn more about the other characters’ pasts and to possibly give the antagonist a bigger part. Overall, this was a cute read.

**********Spoiler Alert***************

There are a few things that I felt needed more explanation and the reason why I am giving this 4 stars, instead of 5. A lot of familial secrets are uncovered and Sloan finds out that her father is a wolf. This was kept from her for her entire life. I was a little confused by this because she knew of her mother and her BFF being witches, so I am not really sure why her father being a wolf, and a high-ranking wolf at that, was being kept from her. Sloan really just sort of “went with it”. She questioned things to herself but there were never any real explanations. So, the entire time I waited for something really crazy to happen so that this would eventually be uncovered, but it never did. Additionally, when Sloan and Fletcher bonded, it was discovered that they are the King and Queen of all the wolves. Things were then very rushed and I think some of the “meat and potatoes” of the story were missed.

An image posted by the author.

#Review – Nuclear Dawn: The Post Apocalyptic Box Set by Kyla Stone (Kindle and Audible)

Nuclear Dawn: The Post-Apocalyptic Box Set: The Complete Apocalyptic Survival Thriller Series by [Kyla Stone]

A nuclear terrorist attack. American cities devastated. Chaos erupts as the fallout descends…
Dakota Sloane, a tough-as-nails former foster kid, has spent her life running from the past. A man haunted by secrets, Logan Garcia has only one goal: to drink himself into oblivion.

They’re two strangers in a bar, until the news reports nuclear detonations in New York City and D.C. Before they can escape Miami, everything explodes.

As buildings collapse, anarchy erupts. Dakota knows of a place to ride out the storm: a safe house deep in the Everglades.

But her little sister is still trapped in the radioactive ruins of the city. Dakota needs Logan’s help, but can she trust him? And how far is she willing to go to save the only family she has left?

The radiation isn’t the only threat. At every turn, deadly foes are determined to stop them. And in the background, a formidable enemy rears its head…

Featuring high-octane action and compelling characters, the acclaimed Nuclear Dawn apocalyptic survival series follows the struggle of ordinary people desperate to survive after a coordinated nuclear attack on the United States.

Perfect for fans of Bobby Akart, Harley Tate, Jack Hunt, and Boyd Craven. Grab all five full-length thrillers at 70% off and start binge reading the series reviewers are calling “Masterful,” “Thrilling,” and the “Best apocalyptic series I’ve ever read!”

The complete series is also available on audiobook! Get started with the three-book bundle here:

*Rated PG-13 for mild language and moderate violence.*


Review by Twinsie Kelly

I am so happy I had the entire box set! Kyla Stone is a first-time author for me and now has a fan for life! I had this series on Audible and Kindle which worked out perfectly because I never missed a beat with the story. The narrator was awesome and kept you engaged, but at the same time, while reading the story you were still right in the middle of it all. This series had me on the edge of my seat the ENTIRE time. I was completely engrossed. This story has everything. It has action, craziness, insanity, and anarchy. BUT, it has an intense show of loyalty and love. It even has crazies in a cult! The most exciting part of this story is that it could actually happen. The entire story keeps you engaged from start to finish. You won’t be able to help yourself and will have to continue to turn the pages. It is so real that you can actually picture yourself in the middle of the chaos and it will have you thinking about how you would react in the same situation. On top of it, the action never stops. The story is told in a very vivid way that puts you right in the middle. And as the story escalates, it never falls flat. Very well done and I look forward to reading more by Kyla Stone.

Kyla Stone

#WOTR22 #Review – Analissa, Guardians of the Origin by Miranda Shanklin

Analissa: Guardians of the Origin by [Miranda Shanklin]

Everybody always knew that Analissa would be the new Leader of the Guardians of the Origin. She took it for granted that she would take over for her mother with her best friends by her side. It didn’t exactly work out the way that she thought it would. Now, she has to take on the new responsibility while her best friends moved on to something else, without her, while she tries to deal with her insecurities. When she finally meets her soul mate those insecurities are doubled. She knew she was not good enough for him. Ozias knew that he was not the type to find one person and settle down with her. He had yet to meet a woman that could hold his attention for even a first date. When he first saw Analissa all of his beliefs were put into question. Now, he is expected to walk away from his realm and take on responsibilities he didn’t ask for while trying to decide if he has been wrong about himself and what he believes. He is certain she would never want to be with him if she knew how he had treated women in the past. This is a new adult spin off the Soul Series and is intended for an older reader. This does contain some adult content and is not intended for young adult.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

This is an intriguing read full of emotion but most of all it is about overcoming the crazy obstacles life gives us. Analissa and her family, including aunts, uncles, and cousins, all live in the same home near the origin. The Origin has tasked the adults as the Guardians of the Origin. She always knew that she would become the leader but wasn’t ready for what was in store for her. Having your life determined for you before you were even born makes you question a lot about life. She found here soul mate, from another realm no less. Other species have not been together in the past and this tosses a curveball into the already crazy mess of emotions that she is going through. She is often questioning whether she actually wants to be with Ozias or if she is just supposed to be with him. On the other hand, he questions the same thing. They both go through what I call “normal” relationship issues with insecurities and what not but they do make it through. And it is a sweet love story.

“You were meant to help each other and be there for each other. Neither one of you is stuck with the other. Your souls were created to complete each other. You’re a part of each other.”

I really enjoyed the story. However, I was hoping for a bit more information regarding the Origin itself and possibly more action. They are the Guardians of the Origin, so I assumed that there were be some crazy fight that ensues. There is one, but it was more of a skirmish. I do look forward to reading the rest of these because I feel like there is so much more to unfold.


Miranda Shanklin



#Review – Rebellious and Reckless by Michelle A. Valentine

Rebellious and Reckless (Campus Hotshots #1)

He’s Rebellious in the ring and Reckless in Love.

Sky Cold knows exactly what she wants, and it’s Luke Finnegan, the college campus star quarterback. The only problem is she’s not even a blip on his radar. In order to get noticed by her crush, she’s willing to exchange the extra bedroom in her apartment to Luke’s tattooed, older brother to find a way into his social circle.

Baker Finnegan is determined to get out of his father’s shadow and do things his way. When he falls on hard times, and the sexy, slightly nerdy co-ed Sky offers him a place to live in exchange for a fake friendship, he can’t pass up the opportunity. But when Baker quickly realizes the only match he wants to make for Sky is one with himself, he has to convince her to look past his reckless ways.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

Sweet torture and a glutton for punishment. Life isn’t perfect and we don’t always get what we think we need. Think, being the key word. Things never seem to go the way you want but in the end it just works. The story is a bit on the cliche’ side because ultimately we have a nerdy type of girl who essentially has a makeover and then gets the attention of the hot guy. Only in this story, she has the attention of two brothers…both are hot in their own ways. Sky gets Baker to agree to help her get a date with his brother, Luke. Then the fun starts! Baker moves in with Sky as part of the deal. But then they start to get close. Both of them have secrets…and both involve part of their family. These secrets are most definitely not cliche’. You seriously need to read this.  As things continue to unfold they can’t deny the pull that they have between each other but Sky still can’t decide if she wants Luke or if she is falling in love with Baker. 

“Do you have your Finnegans confused?” This is one of my favorite lines because this sums Sky up completely!

We have the hot jock, the rebel fighter, and the sweet librarian. All of the makings of a romantic comedy that will keep you turning the pages. Even though some of the story is cliche’, it is still a fun read with its own twist. And that makes it a must read!

Michelle A. Valentine

New York Times Best Selling author Michelle A. Valentine is a Central Ohio nurse turned author of erotic and New Adult romance. Her love of hard-rock music, tattoos and sexy musicians inspires her naughty characters. She loves connecting with her readers in “Valentine’s Vixens.”
Book teasers and excepts can be found on her website: