Category Archives: BDSM

#WOTR24 #Audiobooks #SerialKillers #Paranormal #FatedMates #Shifters #FootballPlayer #BestFriendsSibling #Hockey #Pirates #ForcedMarriage #BDSM – Twinsie Angie top 5…errr 6 books from January – June 2024, Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver, Devoted by AJ Renee, Shadows of Timber Creek by SJ Chaynie, Ryker by Samantha Lind, Scallywag by Sophie Stern, and Corrupted Innocents by Measha Stone

Attending authors for WOTR24 -AJ Renee, Measha Stone, Sophie Stern, SJ Chaynie, and Samantha Lind


Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver This book has massive trigger warnings so check them before reading.

Synopsis –

Every serial killer needs a friend.
Every game must have a winner.

When a chance encounter sparks an unlikely bond between rival murderers Sloane and Rowan, the two find something elusive—the friendship of a like-minded, pitch-black soul. From small town West Virginia to upscale California, from downtown Boston to rural Texas, the two hunters collide in an annual game of blood and suffering, one that pits them against the most dangerous monsters in the country. But as their friendship develops into something more, the restless ghosts left in their wake are only a few steps behind, ready to claim more than just their newfound love. Can Rowan and Sloane dig themselves out of a game of graves? Or have they finally met their match?

Butcher & Blackbird is the first book in the Ruinous Love Dark Romance trilogy of interconnected stand-alone dark romantic comedies. This dual POV novel ends on a HEA.

Amazon Link

Goodreads Link

My Review –

I purchased the audiobook.
The narration was amazing. I haven’t listened to a story by either narrator but thought the killed it 8see what I did there* with the story.
My friend Kate messaged me and was like “GIRL you need this book.” I opened Goodreads to get the blurb and was SOLD….serial killers who kill other serial killers and fall in love…DUH This is a no-brainer.8 I looked up the triggers and was like WTF list was that. I laughed even. But when I downloaded the book and they read the list of triggers I laughed so hard. Like crazy hard. I knew I was going to be in for an epic ride when the story began.
So Blackird/Sloane is caught when Butcher/Rowan finds her. They have a bit of a chat and decide t have to “friendly” competition every year. And this is how the delicious story begins.
Sloane is a neurotic mess and Rowan is a bit of one too. They two of them grow to be friends and even kinda wanna be with the other…granted Rowan admits this right away in the beginning but Sloane was a little thick to get the point.
The chemistry was a slow simmer until the pot was boiling. I was dying much like they were for “more” to happen…when I does KABOOM. Hold on to your butts because this rocket is full throttle. They two are soon exploring each other and what could be.
Of course we have some drama and a mega plot twist but the story made my heart so happy. I also am looking forward to book 2 with Lachlan and Lark. These two are going to be a riot. I feel like the banter will be just as amazing and Rowan and Sloane.
I didn’t think the story was super dark until about chapter 21 and I got a little squeamish BUT I have read way worse. I will say I don’t know that I can eat Cookies and Cream ice cream again…IYKYK!!


Devoted by AJ Renee

Synopsis –

No matter how much you try, you can’t outrun the past.

Opening old wounds is the last thing Ignacio Lupita wants to do. He’d literally and figuratively shed his blood, sweat, and tears to pull himself out of the darkness and open an auto shop in Boston. At last, business is picking up, so he’s working with a local pack to keep his life moving forward.

Pepper Michaels is living her best life in Vermont. One of her best friends has returned after three years in captivity, she’s working on her teaching degree, substitute teaching, and life on Malite land has been carefree to say the least. She thought she couldn’t be happier, but then she spotted him, her mate.

When the past is thrust before Ignacio, Pepper witnesses a side of him she can’t ignore. She knows she only gets one chance at a mate, but she hadn’t expected she’d need to be so careful around hers. Meanwhile, someone or something has been lurking on pack grounds. Can Ignacio confront enough of his demons before everything closes in?

Amazon Link

Goodreads Link

My Review –

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.
I am a GIANT fan of this series. I think I fall in love with each character and pairing to be honest.
We briefly met Ignacio when he took Carrie on a date last book…woops good things Lance didn’t kill him. LOL But this book we learn it is because he smelled his mate and thought it was her. Needless to say, he was wrong. He left the pack with a very grumpy wolf who demanded they find and claim their mate.
Pepper was stunned when she felt the mark on her hip and even more shocked when she realized it was the man who asked Carrie out. She loves her friend and lets her go knowing nothing would come of it. However, Pepper was going crazy not knowing who her mate WAS and when he would return.
To say the chemistry exploded when they finally got face to face is an understatement. These two were all about the sex and then the “get to know ya”. That may have caused issues when they didn’t know each other except between the sheets. Ignacio’s tragic past comes back and causes issues with Peter’s pack.
I loved the way the story turned, and we see so much past trauma and hurt. Ignacio learns the truth about what he THOUGHT he knew. He also must fix the bonds with his new mate due to his reactions to everything because they didn’t really know one another. The story takes another twist when we find out someone is after Ignacio. Pepper is bound and determined to find her mate with the help of our other pack friends.
Seriously I loved this book. I had planned on getting a few chapters in but didn’t stop reading until it was done. I was captivated by the story, the packs growing, the family ties between the 2 packs, and the love story of Pepper and Ignacio.


Shadows of Timber Creek by S.J. Chaynie


Seven years.
Seven years ago, I did the right thing. I broke her heart. I had always planned to come back. Planned to make things right. But time wasn’t on my side anymore. She was engaged. Another man’s ring was on her finger, and it was time to fight for what I’d always known was meant to be mine. Our history was painted with regret and unspoken truths, but now, I finally have the chance to close the distance between us. To show my best friend’s little sister she’s always been my end game. But something comes lurking out of the shadows. Something neither of us saw coming.
Book 3 of the Timber Creek Series. Series will contain interconnected standalones.
Please read reader note for TW.

Amazon Link

Goodreads Link

My Review –

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.
Oh boy. Greyson Roy you are one naughty and swoon worthy man. Look I am coming out of the gates with my favorite lines….”You are everything” followed by “Sit on my face NOW Rosie!!” Yes girls the same man who made me swoon also made my knees a little bit weak.
I gotta say Easton is still my main man but damn did Grey give him a run for his money.
This book is EVERYTHING you want with a Best Friend’s sibling and a little bit enemy to lover. The chemistry and sexual tension between Tilly/Rosie and Grey are OFF THE CHARTS!! Holy Moly. These two are meant to be together and yes there are legit reasons why Grey does the shady when he leaves 7 years ago…but he makes it up to her in so many ways as we discover through the novel. Every single time we learned of the ways Greyson “took care of Rosie” made my heartbeat faster. For real this book….swooooooooon. Tilly, as any heartbroken woman does…hides behind another man. LOL The story of her and Blaine is a wild ride.
The twists and turns of this story are great. I really had no clue who the bad guy was and was shocked when it all played out at the end. The end of the story gives us a glimpse into the next books and LAWD is it going to be good!! Whit is in trouble in a lot of ways.
I do want to say this is the 6th book I have read by this author. I love how her writing style is developing and her writing is just getting so much better. The first books were GREAT. I loved them but I feel like she is more confident. Her story telling had improved with each book. Her flow is much better. She is blowing me away with each additional story she is writing.


Ryker by Samantha Lind

Synopsis –

After years of trying to get back home to be closer to my daughter, I finally secured a spot on the newly expanded San Francisco Shockwaves.

Juggling being the newly appointed Captain of the team and taking on full-time fatherhood to a teenager sends my life into chaos.

I quickly find myself needing someone who can pick up the pieces and keep my life in order as I certainly can’t do it alone.

I just never thought my savior would be the sexy woman next door- the one I can’t keep my mind or eyes off every chance I get.

Amazon link

Goodreads link

My Review –

I purchased this audiobook.
I want to start by saying that the narration was great. I enjoyed both James and Aria’s Voiced during the story. They both did a great job voicing the characters for the story.
I am a huge fan of Samantha’s stories. She does a great job writing characters that are relatable to me. This story is another one that I enjoyed as well.
Ryker and his daughter are looking for a place after she decided to live with him when he meets his super kind neighbor Avery. Avery is excited to meet the new neighbor and shocked at how sexy he is.
Fast forward to Ryker and Avery spending time together regarding his daughter and Avery helping him with her. I enjoyed Rykers daughter Ellie trying to push her dad and Avery together. She seemed a little more mature than a 15-year-old but still I loved her persistence.
Avery and Ryker have normal relationship issues and thankfully there wasn’t any OWD because I can’t stand that. LOL I loved the story and how Avery and Ryker were so supportive of each other. They are what an older couple in life would be concerned with….finances, kids, and time.
I enjoyed the start of the series and look forward to another story from the characters and the new players from the expansion team.


Scallywag by Sophie Stern


ou won’t catch him spending the night.

The Dread Pirate Stone takes no survivors. He’s ruthless. Fearless.

He’s unstoppable, especially now that he’s so close to finding the Cat’s Eye – an emerald so big it will buy him a thousand ships. Or, in his case, pay off his debt to the man who’s been holding his sister hostage. Stone will do anything to get that damn rock. He’ll fight. He’ll pillage. He’ll even kill if he has to.

Nothing can stand in his way, but then he finds a stowaway on his ship.

Eleanor knows she’s nobody to write home about. She’s plain. Homely. A little boring. There’s nothing very special about her. She was training to be a teacher before she witnessed the murder of the town mayor. Now she’s on the run and the only person who can keep her safe is one the entire world has labeled a villain.

Oh yes, she’s heard all about the Dread Pirate Stone, but the stories have missed a couple of important details. The legends don’t talk about how stunning his deep green eyes are. They don’t talk about his long, wavy locks. The stories all missed the part about his steely abs or the fact that just one look from him is enough to make her knees quiver.

Nobody warned her about that.

Nobody would warn her that she might start to care about the man who could throw her out to sea – but doesn’t.

Soon their worlds are colliding in ways Eleanor never thought possible…

And she doesn’t know if she’s going to make it out alive.

Amazon Link

Goodreads Link

My Review –

I purchased this book.
I have to admit I love a good Sophie book. I love the worlds and the characters. When I grabbed this book, it was to read on vacation. I needed a shorter read for the drive. It was the perfect book!
The book starts right away with major drama. The dream pirate Smith is attaching her family boat. Eleanor escaped with the cook. He saved her and took her home to raise as his own with his wife. They loved Eleanor with all they had. When things go bad, Eleanor is on the run. She joins a pirate ship to escape and hide.
Pirate Stone is taken by the beautiful and PURE woman. He can’t say no to her and makes a very nice bargain for himself. Eleanor agrees as she has zero other opportunities. The first night with the two was a nice and delicious treat for more night ahead.
Stone is looking for his sister who was kidnapped by Pirate Smith. When he finds a witch to help him, parts of Eleanor’s past sneak up on her and I was like WHOOOOO! The twist of the book had my mouth wide open because you think you have part of it figured out and then NOPE you don’t!!
The story was a great read, and I would totally read more from them or even the crew members.


Corrupted Innocence by Measha Stone


He wouldn’t take my money. He wanted my innocence instead.

When Nikolai Romanov came looking for my brother, I emptied my savings hoping I could pay off his debt. But it wasn’t even close to enough, so Nikolai Romanov decided to take me instead.

I didn’t expect a Russian mafia boss like him to be gentle with me… and he wasn’t.

Not when he spanked me for daring to wear panties under the dress he chose for me, and certainly not when he stripped me out of that same dress and made me scream in his bed.

He told me I would be his for a month, but the way he looks at me says I’m his forever…

Amazon Link

Goodreads Link

My Review – 

I bought this audiobook.
OHH This book!! I have read one other book from Measha and it was hella dark so I felt this one was a light dark?? Is that a thing? LOL
Charlie’s DB brother, Oliver, ran into some trouble. That trouble was in the name of Nikolai. I gotta admit. I loved Nikolai when he was refusing to take Charlie’s money and well when he made the “deal”, I was a little excited for what would happen.
Nikolai and Charlie are both amazing characters. They both love their family and will do anything for them. I also loved how Charlie pushes Nikolai’s limits and sometimes it was a good result and other times it wasn’t so nice…or maybe it was?? LOL
As the story progressed seeing them two develop feelings and then of course have miscommunications. But I loved how possessive Nikolai was with her. I can’t wait to read more from the series.
The narration was great for the 2 characters. I enjoyed the life they brought to the characters and story.

#WOTR24 #darkRomance #BDSM #Cartel – Surrendered Innocence, Innocent Brides book 4 by Measha Stone, narration by Jay Alder and Kylie Stewart

He didn’t ask for my surrender. He took it.

Maybe I let myself get a little too tipsy this evening, but I didn’t expect to wake up next to a Russian mobster without my panties on. Fortunately, Maxim Volkov isn’t here to ravage me.

At least not tonight…

He’s made it his business to look out for me, and if that means taking me over his knee with my bottom bare for a spanking with my own hairbrush, then that’s exactly what he’s going to do.

I shouldn’t have surrendered so easily, but I was soaking wet even before he ordered me to spread my legs, and the moment I felt his touch where I needed it most, I knew I was his.


Surrendered Innocence is a standalone novel in the Innocent Brides series. It includes spankings and rough, intense sexual scenes.



Review by Twinsie Angie

I purchased this audio book.

Again, I listened to an audio book so sorry if I get the names spelled wrong.  Anyway, I enjoyed the life that Jay and Kylie added to the characters.  They really do embrace the story when they tell it, and it makes it that much for enjoyable.

This story overlaps with book 2 and 3.  Maxin and Mandy. He is the babysitter bodyguard, and she is the new bestie at Anya’s work.  They are both interested in the other we find out in the story.  We SEE the attraction in book 2.

Maxim is 100% like his cousins…take charge is all things, Mandy.  Mandy is much like the other ladies…strong willed and always into trouble.  LOL  She is one brave girl bringing a gun to a Romanov’s house …smh…..GIRL WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!!!!????

What I have absolutely loved about this series are characters you think are just random names because a major part of the overall arching plot.  We meet Viper in another book, and I didn’t think anything of him and then BOOM Measha shocks us with the importance of this character to Mandy.

If you enjoy BDSM and have read the other books in the series, you will enjoy this story as well. Mandy and Maxin are fun to read.  She will not come to heal so quickly and that makes Maxim a wee bit upset.  He gets imaginative at times with her “punishments” which of course are delicious reads.  *Wink*

Measha Stone is a USA Today bestselling romance author with a deep love for romantic stories, specifically those involving the darker side of romance, all the possessive dominant heroes, and their feisty heroines. If you love a well deserved happily ever after, you will enjoy her books.

WOTR24 #BDSM #Mafia #dark #Audio – Ravaged Innocence, Innocent Brides book e by Measha Stone, narration by Jay Alder and Kylie Stewart

He didn’t come for me just to make me scream his name. He came to make me his.

When Luka Romanov burst into the bar where I work to take care of some mafia business, I was still an innocent virgin. I woke up the next morning sore, spent, and feeling much less innocent.

He tracked me down to punish me for trying to run from him, but it wasn’t just his hard hand reddening my bare bottom that left me soaking wet and ready to be ruthlessly claimed. I was breathless and desperately in need the moment he pinned me to the wall and kissed me.

Then he carried me off to his penthouse to show me what it means to belong to a man like him.

Because he isn’t just going to ravage me. He’s going to keep me.

Publisher’s Note: Ravaged Innocence is a stand-alone novel which is the third book of the Innocent Brides series. It includes spankings and rough, intense sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.



Review by Twinsie Angie

I bought this audiobook.

Now because I listened to the audio books, please forgive any misspelled names.  LOL I want to say I think Jay and Kylie did a great job with the narration in the story. I enjoyed the way they brought the characters to life.  I really loved the Russian accents they used for these characters.

Avery, we meet at the bar when Arman, in book 2, comes to get information from Mario.  We see Luka take interest in the feisty waitress trying to help her boss and bar patrons.  He takes her home and immediately needs more from this crazy woman.  She is on her own and independent.     Luka is the assassin for the family.  He is only here in the states for a job but the little waitress he can’t seem to get out of his head.

Their story seemed to have a lot more sex filler, which I know some people love, but I find to be a bit tiring.  I did enjoy their story and how they fell in love hard and fast for the other.  They both are so scared to admit things and so of course things happen.  Avery kept her fire and Luks did hide like a coward for a bit. But when he admits his fault, they have a great HFN.

I did like the story, but the sex filler left me bored at time.  I mean I love sexy times but I felt like every chapter was a sexy time.  27 chapters it gets as smidge redundant.  I am looking forward to starting book 4 with Mandy and Maxim.

Measha Stone is a USA Today bestselling romance author with a deep love for romantic stories, specifically those involving the darker side of romance, all the possessive dominant heroes, and their feisty heroines. If you love a well deserved happily ever after, you will enjoy her books.

#WOTR24 #BDSM #Mafia #ForcedBride #Audio – Ruined Innocence, Innocent Brides book 2 by Measha Stone, narration by Jay Alder and Kylie Stewart

Ruined Innocence: Innocent Brides, Book 2

First he made me his. Then he made me his bride.

Arman Romanov has looked out for me since I was a little girl, yet now when I need him more than ever I can’t stand the idea of accepting help from the son of a man my father betrayed.

But it isn’t up to me.

A powerful mafia family is demanding that I pay my father’s debts and Arman is the only one who can protect me, but that isn’t the reason I’m sore, spent, and sleeping by his side tonight.

I’m sore because his belt across my bare bottom taught me that he expects to be obeyed, and I’m spent because when he was finished he ravaged me even more shamefully than he punished me.

But I’m not lying naked in his bed just so he can use me as he pleases.

I’m here because I’m his bride.

Ruined Innocence is a standalone novel, which is the second book of the Innocent Brides series. It includes spankings and rough, intense sexual scenes. It is intended for mature listeners.



Review by Twinsie Angie

I bought this audiobook.

Now because I listened to the audio books, please forgive any misspelled names.  LOL I want to say I think Jay and Kylie did a great job with the narration in the story. I enjoyed the way they brought the characters to life.

Anya and Arman were such a fun book.  I felt terrible for Anya for everything that happened to her due to her father.  Arman was such an interesting character given his feeling for Anya but his refusal to admit it to himself and her.  When he told her they were always going to happen, it made my heart swoon.

These 2 have SO MUCH to overcome.  Her fear of him and his family but then just his dad.  He has to deal with his dad and make sure his brothers are going to have his back given how mad Dad is going to be with the marriage.  They also have to deal with secrets from Anya’s dead father and what it means to her.

I was disappointed at how Arman treated Anya after everything they had been through when he confronted his dad and her.  I love how strong Anya stays through it all.  She was a great character, and I enjoyed her fire and strength.  Arman is a man who knows what he wants but got caught up for a bit.

I really enjoyed the story.  I gotta admit I really want to read book 4 because Mandy is going to be a fun character.  But off I go to start book 3 with Luca and the waitress.

Measha Stone is a USA Today bestselling romance author with a deep love for romantic stories, specifically those involving the darker side of romance, all the possessive dominant heroes, and their feisty heroines. If you love a well deserved happily ever after, you will enjoy her books.

#WOTR24 #BDSM #Dark #Erotica #Audio – Corrupted Innocence, Innocent Brides #1 by Measha Stone, narration by Jay Alder and Kylie Stewart

He wouldn’t take my money. He wanted my innocence instead.

When Nikolai Romanov came looking for my brother, I emptied my savings hoping I could pay off his debt. But it wasn’t even close to enough, so Nikolai Romanov decided to take me instead.

I didn’t expect a Russian mafia boss like him to be gentle with me… and he wasn’t.

Not when he spanked me for daring to wear panties under the dress he chose for me, and certainly not when he stripped me out of that same dress and made me scream in his bed.

He told me I would be his for a month, but the way he looks at me says I’m his forever…



Review by Twinsie Angie

I bought this audiobook.

OHH This book!! I have read one other book from Measha and it was hella dark so I felt this one was a light dark??  Is that a thing?  LOL

Charlie’s DB brother, Oliver, ran into some trouble.  That trouble was in the name of Nikolai.  I gotta admit. I loved Nikolai when he was refusing to take Charlie’s money and well when he made the “deal”, I was a little excited for what would happen.

Nikolai and Charlie are both amazing characters.  They both love their family and will do anything for them.  I also loved how Charlie pushes Nikolai’s limits and sometimes it was a good result and other times it wasn’t so nice…or maybe it was??  LOL

As the story progressed seeing them two develop feelings and then of course have miscommunications.  But I loved how possessive Nikolai was with her.  I can’t wait to read more from the series.

The narration was great for the 2 characters. I enjoyed the life they brought to the characters and story.

Measha Stone is a USA Today bestselling romance author with a deep love for romantic stories, specifically those involving the darker side of romance, all the possessive dominant heroes, and their feisty heroines. If you love a well deserved happily ever after, you will enjoy her books.

#NewRelease – Brie’s Bonus Bites, Brie’s Submission series by Red Phoenix

Not to be missed!Ultimate collection of all the bonus chapters, special POVs, and extra content Red Phoenix has written for the Brie Series over the last twelve years compiled into one beautiful book.Brie’s Bonus Bites is the definitive collection of Brie extras and includes a brand-new short story only found here!Includes personal introductions by Red before each story.*For fans who love Brie & readers who are curious.



Review by Twinsie Angie

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

I don’t think any fan of the series will miss out on this book with some many yummy and fun scenes.  The book is full of fun memories of the series told to us before by Red.  We see our favorite characters interacting and we remember scenes from the series.  It was a great walk down memory lane for me for sure.

I was so happy to get this ARC so I can drift back in to one of my favorite series and see my old friends.

USA Today Bestselling Author

Red Phoenix is an award-winning romance author who gained popularity with her series, Brie’s Submission.

To join in the Brie experience begin with the 1st Boxed Set (Books 1-3) and start your journey into a sensual world…

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“I believe, based on personal experience, that love conquers all. It is a running theme in all of my writing. ” ~Red

Brie’s Submission Reading Order

* Available in eBook, audio book and paperback

#WOTR24 #MM #AgeGap #BDSM #Daddy #HisBoy #ForcedProximity #audio – Temptation, Leather and Chrome book 2 by Kiki Clark, narration by John Solo

Ride hard. Love harder. Give in to temptation.

Living a hard life has turned Six into a hard man. One who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty to keep his club, or those they protect, safe.

He’s ready for more though. More than one night with hookups who don’t see anything other than his club patch. He’s ready to use his hands to caress and discipline a boy of his own. But the night he meets Ollie, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to have him, even if it’s only for a single night.

Nothing goes to plan and the boy ends up under his protection. Untouchable.


And if he thought Ollie was gorgeous in his tight jeans, he’s absolutely breathtaking in his skirts.

Six has to have him.

He may never be good enough for a boy as dazzlingly perfect as Ollie, but he’ll never let him go. He’s the only one who can give him exactly what he needs.

A home.

Temptation is the second book in the Leather & Chrome series but can be enjoyed on its own. The story features an age gap, forced proximity, an inclusive motorcycle club, a quiet biker with a firm hand, a hairstylist with more sass than caution, a well-negotiated TPE, and an avid appreciation for watching.


Review by Twinsie Angie

I purchased this audio book.

I fell in LOVE with Six in book 1.  I needed this man to find a boy of his own.  Seeing the longing he has while watching Tank and CJ I just knew he would be a good Daddy to someone!!  When Ollie was first introduced, I was GIDDY!!  Knowing the man Six is and seeing the boy Ollie is *smiling and shaking my head* these two were going to be a combustible fireball of chemistry and sexy times.

I was not let down at all.  I mean from the second they met it was on like donkey Kong.  Six and Ollie were headed to a storage room when *POOF* Ollie disappears.  Six was confused and a little butthurt that sexy little thing escaped.  When he sees him later that night with a black eye, his inner protector was full front and center.  When he must take Ollie to the clubhouse to protect him, other parts of him were upfront and center. *snickers*

I was in heaven listening to their relationship develop.  Seeing Ollie be jealous of CJ and worried he was also after Six.  Watching Tank give grief to Six about his sassy Boy has me giggling.  Karma Six Karma.  Six and Ollie stole my heart.  They both want so badly to be loved, cherished, and wanted even with all their hang ups and kinks.  I tell ya, I cant wait to see what happens in the rest of the books but knowing I will get more CJ/Tank and Six/ Ollie makes me a happy reader.

A small-town Michigan girl, Kiki has enjoyed reading since she first picked up a YA fantasy as a child. After that, she devoured everything she could get her hands on and dreamed of one day writing her own books that touched people’s hearts.

In 2020, she proudly joined the ranks of authors releasing character-driven, emotionally satisfying books showcasing that everyone deserves to find love.

To keep up-to-date with Kiki, sign up for her newsletter!

#WOTR24 #agegap #BestFriendsDad #BDSM – Beekeeping Age by Sophie Stern

He’s older. Wiser. Hotter.
More mature.
And he’s my best friend’s dad.

Remington West is the kind of guy who can get me into a lot of trouble. He’s twenty years older than me, for one thing. He’s Anna’s dad, for another.
Still, there’s an electric energy between us that I just can’t push away.
My body doesn’t seem to care that he’s all wrong for me.
It only seems to care that he’s of beekeeping age, and I…
Well, I’m ready to be kept.

Beekeeping Age is a standalone age-gap contemporary romance.


Review by Twinsie Angie

I purchased this book based on the blurb from the author at a book signing.

First up if you don’t know Sophie can write some GOOOD Steamy reads.  I mean the Lumberjacks books is FIRE.  When I saw this blurb Iwas like NEED IT and boy am I glad I grabbed it.  But I am kinda mad it sat for a month due to life getting in the way.

Essentially Lacey sees and lusts after Anna’d dad when they are studying for a college test.  Remington sees the sassy siren but figured he won’t see her again.  When Lacey and Anna have trouble, Remington is who Lacey calls.  Remington pretty much tells Lacey right up front that she is NOT a good girl *gulp* and Lacey runs because HELLO HOTTIE DAD ALERT!!

When the stars align, and Lacey and Remington meet up again, things get alllll kinds of yummy.  Remington is so confused by his emotions and Lacey is as well.  LOL This book is a great read if you want spicey and sexy but also sweet and with an HEA.

Sophie Stern writes contemporary and paranormal romance <3 Visit her on Facebook for frequent updates!

#releaseday – Masters of the Wilderness by Cherise Sinclair

Auto mechanic Erin Lockwood is not only newly divorced; she’s practically penniless.
When her emotionally-abusive ex flees the country to escape arrest for blackmailing other politicians, it’s actually a relief—a chance to reclaim her life. But retreating to the mountain house gifted by her mother, she’s met by hostility from the nearby town. The locals blame Erin for her ex’s corrupt actions that led to the construction of a private prison, drawing gangs, violence, and death.

Wilderness guide Wyatt Masterson lives by one Don’t Date Locals.
It’s a rule he’s followed effortlessly until Erin moves to town, and the city girl gets herself lost in the unforgiving woods. He doesn’t want to like the politician’s ex, but how can he resist the little mechanic’s chin-up attitude, her fortitude, and her unwavering honesty?

Erin finds Wyatt devastatingly attractive.
The big, rugged cowboy is tough and confident. An unshakable shelter. However, it’s too soon to get involved with anyone. Look what a mistake she made with her marriage. She needs time to heal and rediscover herself.

But time is the one thing they don’t have. Her ex’s crimes have born violent fruit, and no one in town is safe.

Master of the Wilderness is part of a series of interconnected, stand-alone, romantic suspense novels. The long, more-than-spicy romance has a protective hero, a stand-up heroine, and an endearing girl gang. Don’t you deserve a sigh-worthy, happy ending with no cliffhanger and no cheating?


Review by Twinsie Angie

I was given this book from the author for a review.

Another delicious book from Cherise.  I enjoy her stories because they always have some bite (Like my pun) with the plot but make sure to give plenty of spice for us reader.

This is another great addition to the series.  Any fan will need to read it to keep up with all the Masters.

Erin has run to her cabin after turning on her real DB of a husband.  I mean dude was investigated by the FBI need I say more??  REAL GREAT GUY *eye roll*

To say Wyatt and Erin didn’t hit it off initially would be an understatement.  After meeting with her a few times, he starts to look at her different and wonder about this woman.  He began to notice things about her that drew him to her.

Erin was not looking for anyone which is understandable after everything she was dealing with thanks to her ex.  However, much like all Cherise books these two are drawn to each other.  OF COURSE we have some drama and plot twists to deal with surrounding Erin but that’s what us readers love along with the Hea/HFN in stories.

Trust me when I say you need this books ASAP if you are a fan of the series or Cherise.

A New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, she’s renowned for writing heart-wrenching romances with laugh-out-loud dialogue, alpha males, and absolutely sizzling sex.

I met my dearheart when vacationing in the Caribbean. Now I won’t say it was love at first sight. Actually since he stood over me, enjoying the view down my swimsuit top, I might have been a tad peeved—as well as attracted. But although we were together less than two days and lived on opposite sides of the country, love can’t be corralled by time or space.

We’ve now been married for many, many years. (And he still looks down my swimsuit tops.)

Nowadays, I live in the west with this obnoxious, beloved husband and a seventy-pound lap-puppy. I’m a gardener, and I love nurturing small plants until they’re big and healthy and productive…and ripping defenseless weeds out by the roots when I’m angry. I enjoy thunderstorms, collecting eggs from the chickens, and visiting the local brewery for the darkest, maltiest beer on tap. My favorite way to spend an evening is curled up on a couch next to the master of my heart, watching the fire, reading, and…well…if you’re reading my books, you obviously know what else happens in front of fires.

#reread #BDSM #SeriesStarter – Club Shadowlands, Masters of the Shadowlands book 1 by Cherise Sinclair, narration by Noah Michael Levine

Her car disabled during a tropical storm, Jessica Randall discovers the isolated house where she’s sheltering is a private bondage club. At first shocked, she soon becomes aroused watching the interactions between the Doms and their subs. But she’s a professional woman–an accountant–and surely isn’t a submissive…is she?

Master Z hasn’t been so attracted to a woman in years. But the little sub who has wandered into his club intrigues him. She’s intelligent. Reserved. Conservative. After he discovers her interest in BDSM, he can’t resist tying her up and unleashing the passion she hides within.

Publisher’s Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal play/intercourse, strong BDSM theme and content (including/not limited to bondage, caning, restraints, spanking, etc), exhibitionism, voyeurism.


Review by Twinsie Angie

I purchased this book.

I am a huge fan of this series.  This is the first time I have taken the time to reread the series.  I did buy the audio books so I can read them in a new way.

Master Z and Jessica are a favorite couple for me.  She is the way any person who stumbles into a BDSM club would be thinking.  Master Z is the every dutiful and kind Master explaining and pushing the little pet into trying a few things.

The book is a great introduction to the Masters of the club and the world any fan of the series fell in love with.

A New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, she’s renowned for writing heart-wrenching romances with laugh-out-loud dialogue, alpha males, and absolutely sizzling sex.

I met my dearheart when vacationing in the Caribbean. Now I won’t say it was love at first sight. Actually since he stood over me, enjoying the view down my swimsuit top, I might have been a tad peeved—as well as attracted. But although we were together less than two days and lived on opposite sides of the country, love can’t be corralled by time or space.

We’ve now been married for many, many years. (And he still looks down my swimsuit tops.)

Nowadays, I live in the west with this obnoxious, beloved husband and a seventy-pound lap-puppy. I’m a gardener, and I love nurturing small plants until they’re big and healthy and productive…and ripping defenseless weeds out by the roots when I’m angry. I enjoy thunderstorms, collecting eggs from the chickens, and visiting the local brewery for the darkest, maltiest beer on tap. My favorite way to spend an evening is curled up on a couch next to the master of my heart, watching the fire, reading, and…well…if you’re reading my books, you obviously know what else happens in front of fires.