Category Archives: stalker

#WOTR24 #ReleaseDay #Hockey #Stalker #Curvy Heroine #SeriesStarter #enemiestolovers- Conner, Glendale Magic Book 1 by Mary Warren



Review by Twinsie Angie

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

I saw this book was offered by the author in a reader event group I was attending.  I love a good hockey romance and jumped to read it.  I fully admit I don’t know much about the game but enjoy them the most with sports romance books.

I thought the story and flow was an easy read.  I sat and was halfway through the book one afternoon.  It was a nice feel-good story even with the heavy topic of stalking.  I would not qualify this book as dark since the stalker storyline was pretty small.

Sasha is the new girl with the company.  She is very capable and independent.    However, she would love to find a “love of the lifetime” love.  She is a very confident woman, and I enjoyed her fire and sass.  She really didn’t take anything but also treated everyone like they were the most important person in the room.

Connor is all hockey all day long. His life is hockey, and he has zero time for romance or romantic entanglement. However, he seems to be attracted to Sasha but then sticks his foot in his mouth every single time he is around her.

I enjoyed the story but found there was a lot of push and pull in the beginning of the story which started to feel like filler….drama for drama sake.  I did enjoy it when the two stopped pushing and finally admitted feelings.

The stalker plot was pretty minimal and then slowly increased as the plot thickened.  When it was revealed, I thought the scene was well played out and enjoyed the resolution.  It was a great twist of who he was.

I was invested in the cast of characters in the series. I am interested in reading Cash and Evie.  They seem like oil and water so this will be a great read.

Mary Warren lives in Illinois with her family. When she’s not writing stories of fat women, she’s reading them and advocating for better fat representation. Mary founded Fat Girls in Fiction, pointing out positive fat representation for femmes and non-binary people in books. This project became a community and is something she is immensely proud of and happy to be working on.

#review #seriesstarter #rh #dark Friends With The Monsters (Friends with the Monster 1) by Albany Walker

Gather round close, for I have a secret to tell.

Late at night, while everyone is sleeping, dreaming of white knights and fairytales. I’m making friends with the monsters.

They call to me, like finds like, right? My biggest secret, I’m the scariest monster I know.

I think I’m the bad guy.

MFMM Reverse Harem novel with adult themes not recommended for those under 18.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

When needing to eat intel’s opening up all the windows in the middle of the night, for all kinds of monsters to come into the house. Thats what keeps Damiana alive she’s always knew she was different and no one that she knew was like her. she isn’t afraid of the monsters that lurk in the shadows, but when a human figure finds her home in the middle of nowhere, she has more to deal with then she thought. Lies, deceit and distrust feed her better than anything so you need to watch yourself or your soul could be next. the twist, turns and mystery are great, Albany never freaking disappoints and this is another amazing book by her.

Albany lives in Michigan where she’s happily married to her high school sweetheart. She spends most of her time juggling her four children’s extracurricular activities, with her nose stuck in a book. When not reading you can find her writing her very own book boyfriends. Albany’s passion is writing romance with real characters that are far from perfect, but always seem to find their own happily ever afters.

#review #YA #thriller #standalone The Island by Natasha Preston

They said goodbye to their friends and family for the weekend. They weren’t counting on forever.

Jagged Island: a private amusement park for the very rich—or the very influential. Liam, James, Will, Ava, Harper, and Paisley—social media influencers with millions of followers—have been invited for an exclusive weekend before the park opens. They’ll make posts and videos for their channels and report every second of their VIP treatment.

When the teens arrive, they’re stunned: the resort is even better than they’d imagined. Their hotel rooms are unreal, the park’s themed rides are incredible, and the island is hauntingly beautiful. They’re given a jam-packed itinerary for the weekend.

But soon they’ll discover that something’s missing from their schedule: getting off the island alive.



Review by Twinsie Dee

when a new all exclusive amusement park pops up on an island and only the rich could afford. the owner has only the top influencers on social media come for the weekend as the first to experience and post about how amazing the park is. the decor is creepy but stylish in a gothic way, but this isn’t the only thing that starts to seem creepy but when people start disappearing and there is no way off the island, a killer is among them, they just don’t know that they are hiding in plain sight. anther amazing YA thriller by Natasha that has more twist that you will never see coming.

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of The Cellar and The Cabin. Romance and YA Thriller writer, boy mum, Tom Hardy enthusiast. Always buried in a book and a glass of wine.

#review #thriller Slashers and Secrets (Hellcrest Heights 1) by A.R. Breck

From dark romance author who brought the Blackridge Prep Series.

Secrets are meant to be buried, until they aren’t.
And Lakyn Ashford has the biggest secret of all.
She thought she could get away with it.
She should’ve known better.
I’d never allow her to escape so easily.
There is nothing more enjoyable than witnessing her crumble as I taunt her, trick her, and toy with her sanity.
Watching her fall apart is a game I’m destined to win.
I take my time with her, picking her apart, piece by piece, until she’s at my mercy.
The smile behind my mask grows as she fears the slasher in Hellcrest Heights.
She pretends to be afraid of me, but at night, she falls to her knees as she bends to my will.
And I have only just begun.
I know Lakyn Ashford’s biggest secret.
It’s me.

Slashers & Secrets is a full-length novel and book one in a duet. This book contains mature language, themes, and content that may not be suitable for all readers. Reader discretion is advised.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book and here is my honest review

holy poop balls, this book had me on my toes and guessing till the very end well until the to be continued. Lakyn and her friends are always in the spotlight with how all of their parents are in politics, so in hinds’ sight they have to have the perfect life but behind the curtains they all have their secrets and when the boys have a very protective nature over the girls no one is allowed to touch them. Well Lakyn didn’t care and was wanting to hook up with a local bad boy and well that didn’t sit well with her guys. After finding out somethings her fling was now no longer breathing. when they didn’t cover it up very well Lakyn’s parents shipped her off for a year, and didn’t tell anyone where she was. once back in Hellcrest crazy things have happen more murders a crazy masked slasher and he isn’t slowing down. will Lakyn and her friends figure out who is killing people while keeping their secrets in the past or will they all be exposed.

USA Today Bestselling Author A.R. Breck lives in Minnesota with her two children and two dogs. Socially introverted and slightly sarcastic, she enjoys watching horror movies and reading romance novels. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys road tripping with her family around the country. She writes primarily dark and edgy romance books with a touch of suspense.

#wotr #attendingauthor #standalone Novelty (Dollhouse 3) by Albany Walker

A Standalone Novel created in the Dollhouse World.

Retribution has been my only friend. The desire to make those that hurt me pay, my only solace but one act of humanity and I’m taken with my would be rescuer.

Thoughts of him fill my head until I’m as obsessed with him as I am with getting rid of those that tried to break me. Too bad for him being in my crosshairs only brings death, proving no good deed goes unpunished.

She thinks I don’t know she’s there, waiting, watching, but I see her. I don’t know what she wants, but I’m willing to let her play her game until I decide to end it.

Novelty is a MF contemporary standalone novel created in the Dollhouse World. It is intended for mature audiences and contains adult content.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

A dead lawyer in the area of the Dollhouse has Winger wondering if it was meant to be a hit or a warning to his guys, either way he was on guard. Maxine was someone he never thought was a killer and when she followed him home one night, he was all about wanting to know who sent her and was he her next target. After Maxine got stabbed Winger took her to a safe apartment and got her on the road to getting better. But neither of them had any idea just how dangerous the other is or could be. and being in the same place 24/7 will they start to catch feelings for each other, or will Winger really land his name on Maxine’s hit list when or if he ever lets her leave. ugh once again Albany hits it out of the park and the bantering between these two is just hilarious, I love the dollhouse world and can’t wait for more.

Albany lives in Michigan where she’s happily married to her high school sweetheart. She spends most of her time juggling her four children’s extracurricular activities, with her nose stuck in a book. When not reading you can find her writing her very own book boyfriends. Albany’s passion is writing romance with real characters that are far from perfect, but always seem to find their own happily ever afters.

#wotr #attendingauthor #dark #suspence Depraved (Pleasure and Prey 1) by AJ Merlin

Living and working on a campground with her dogs is not where Sloane Walker saw herself at twenty-seven. But then again, not a lot has gone right for her since her step-father kidnapped her at twelve years old and scarred her both physically and mentally for life. Those actions should’ve left him rotting in prison for the rest of his life, not seeing him out on good behavior and giving him free rein to track Sloane down to make ‘amends.’

But that’s not her only problem, as if she needs more than one. Her second problem comes in the form of the masked stalker that slides into her room at night and takes what he pleases, making sure Sloane enjoys every second of it. What starts as a fantasy soon becomes something inescapable for them both, and Sloane might have to face up to a very important fact about her new friend.

He’s unhinged, psychotic, and utterly obsessed with her. And while those should be very bad things, Sloane can’t help thinking that maybe they aren’t so bad at all, no matter what that might mean for her sanity or her safety in the end.

Author’s note: This is a complete standalone set in the Pleasure & Prey universe. It contains consensual kink, unhealthy relationships, and harmful situations. For a full list of content warnings, please look inside.



Review by Twinsie Dee

Sloane was just your typical girl, she worked at a campground has 2 dogs who keep her company, and her mom loves her unconditionally. Well, she also has a past with some high anxiety and ptsd after being kidnapped by her stepdad and the age of 12. now she has came a long way since that day she still is on high alert, especially with living next to a bunch of woods and not being able to see what could be lurking in then at night, and the fact that one night when she was pleasuring herself, she felt someone grab her leg, next thing Sloane knew she had a mask man on top of her, but he did something she never expected, would he kill her or will he take what he wants and leave her alone. she had no idea. this was a great story, a little slow in the beginning for my liking and a few grammar errors but other then that it was a great story that keeps you engaged till the very end.

AJ merlin is an author, crazy bird lady, and rampant horror movie enthusiast. Her debut novel, A Little Wicked, is the product of being enamored with the paranormal and the need to hunt down all things that go bump in the night. Born and raised in the midwest United States, AJ is lucky to be right in the middle of people who support her and a menagerie of animals to keep her somewhat sane

#WOTR23 #Audio #MC #Therapy #Stalker #Fireman #Strippers – Doc, Steel MC Montana Charter book 10 by Michel Prince and Wren McCabe, Narration by Kat Maxwell

Michel Prince is the attending author

Doc (Steel MC Montana Charter Book 10) by [Michel Prince, Wren  McCabe, Leanore Elliot]

In book ten of the Steel MC Montana Charter: Thanks to video chats, Rebecca ‘Doc’ Olson has been helping the Steels process their traumas and heal. When death threats are more than a bluster from an angry patient, it is Rebecca’s time to seek out the care and protection of the Steels.

Over six years ago, Wendell ‘Chief’ Washington got pulled off active duty only to be devastated with news that cut him to the core, scarring him with a loss he believed he’d never recover from. Retiring from the Navy has him returning to a world with no anchor and just in time to attend the wedding of a dear friend in Turnabout Creek. What he didn’t expect to find was a woman who awoke the man inside him that died years ago.

Each of them running…Him from his past and her, from an eminent threat.

As each day passes, Doc is unpacking her life while danger circles around her. If it weren’t for the nights spent with Chief, she would be consumed and lost in despair. While Chief is teetering between a life renewed and losing it all if he fails again, to protect the woman who restarted his heart.

Review by Twinsie Angie

I was given this book from Booksprout to leave an honest review.

Kat Maxwell, seriously I cannot say enough.  I love her voice with this series. She is like coming home when I listen to Michel’s stories!! *Chef’s Kiss* She is the best!!

This series is an auto buy for me.  I may have gotten an ARC but I had my preorder already ready for release day.  If you are a fan of alpha men that melt for their women, this is a series for you!  But stay away from my man Baldy!  Got it!!!  Good.  Ok now let’s talk about this book.  I really didn’t know these characters as they were both side characters.  Doc has been around the MC fringes for a few book as she helps the Steels and their women with mental health.  Chief, however, is essentially a new character.  When we learn he knows Annie…I was like “Who is Annie????  Oh crap!!  Its CREAM!!!”  Yeah, I don’t know the real names but road names anymore!!  LOL

Ok so Doc is old buddies with Red.  They were like besties in medical school with huge amounts of resect for the other in their fields.  Red is who got Doc to help his MC with mental health needs.  When Doc is being stalked by an unknown killer, she runs to the MC for a wedding of one of her patients.

Chief …I kinda don’t want to ruin who he is because the story of how he knows Annie was pretty sweet.  But let’s just say he and Annie go WAY back. He comes to see his friend get married to some young punk plus meet her little man, Liam.  Annie and Chief catching up was hard at times given the history but also pretty special as he is embraced by Bounty.

Chief and Doc run into each other at the Roadside but don’t really get to talk until they are both at Maggie’s for breakfast the following morning.  The attraction on both sides is spectacular.  Chief is dealing with his past and Doc is worried about even having a future.

Chief deals with his past and once he realized Doc is someone he won’t let go of.  Doc’s stalker soon comes around putting Red and the guys on high alert.  Doc is so scared of losing Chief she is the one who pretty much claims him and names him.  (We all know once you been claimed you are no longer on the market.  LOL )

But I really enjoyed seeing Red a little more one on one.  We see him a lot in the books as he is the president but seeing him with Harlow…melts my heart.  Also seeing him with his friend to talk medical things over with since he can’t lean on my baby daddy, Baldy, for that was pretty good to see.  Learning more and more about him made my heart happy.

I absolutely LOVED this book and meeting some new prospects.  I also love what we learn about a few of the couples.  This family is growing more and more.


USA Today Bestselling author, Michel Prince, graduated with a bachelor degree in History and Political Science. Michel writes new adult and adult paranormal romance as well as contemporary romance.

“Ms Prince writing is like summer breeze caressing your body, slow and sultry.”-Amazon review of First and Ten.

“Michel Prince is a wonderful author with a real talent for writing.”-Amazon Review of Triple B Baking Co.

“Prince explores in her novels is interracial romance and friendships. Prince pokes fun at stereotypes, but never allows stereotypes to guide her plot. The focus is on creating two strong, independent characters who can stand on their own, but complement each other as a couple.”- Amazon Review of Silly Girl

“One Last Sunset is a well written story by the awesome Michel Prince that left me wanting to learn more about the rest of the Long family.”- Amazon Review for One Last Sunset.

“I could not put it down, and will definitely be looking for more from this Author.”-Amazon Review of Silly Girl.

With characters yelling “It’s my turn damn it!!!” She tries to explain to them that alas, she can only type a hundred and twenty words a minute and they will have wait their turn. She knows eventually they find their way out of her head and to her fingertips and she looks forward to sharing them with you.

When Michel can suppress the voices in her head she can be found at a scouting event or cheering for her son in a variety of sports. She would like to thank her family for always being in her corner and especially her husband for supporting her every dream and never letting her give up.

Michel has been awarded Elite Status with Rebel Ink Press in 2013, the service award for her local RWA chapter Midwest Fiction Writers 2013, 2014, won 2015 Sweetest Romance from IREA for Chrysalis and is a PAN member of RWA. She lives in the Twin Cities with her husband, son, and new puppy.


Wren McCabe lives in Northern United States with her two spoiled canine companions. Hobbies include big trucks, fast cars, motorcycles, four-wheelers, snowmobiles, fishing, hunting and camping. Outdoor enthusiastic keeps her outside during the summer months and on the ice in the winters. Her family will contest she is never far away from a pen, paper and computer.