It’s been one year since the incident at The Lazarus Tower, and the destruction of the Hemo-goblins. Shepard and Andrea are in love, and Horace is beginning to move past Matthew’s unintended betrayal. But all is not well in Purgatory.
A powerful, hidden Angel is on the prowl, and he doesn’t like Matthew’s protection of Shepard and Horace. He’s planning to deliver his own judgment, to exact a pound of flesh or two for their audacity, and focuses his attention on Matthew.
Matthew knew it was only a matter of time before he’d be called to atone for his actions. Now he waits to reap the fate he has earned. But this Angel’s retribution won’t be laid on Matthew alone. He’s decided all of them will suffer.
Friendships will be tested and old enemies battled. Vengeance will reign, as impossible choices are made if any of them hope to see another day in Purgatory.


“Anger is a short madness.” This line sums this book up. I have to be honest. After I read the first book I just picked this one up without reading the synopsis as I wanted to be totally surprised by what I was reading. I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED! EPIC READ! Purgatory is a strange place. A place where you never truly die (unless by The Other Things) and it is always dusk. Never changing. Always going. In the first book we find out that Matthew is an angel and he intervened and saved Shepard and Horace, which is against the rules. He is getting antsy as a year has gone by and he still has not been punished. While waiting and waiting crazy things start happening to Shepard. This is the spoiler I will give, then no more! Shep is dreaming about people he knew and they are being dropped in Purgatory….but bad things are happening to them. They start to connect the dots and they have to figure out why this is happening. In the midst of this all Shep and Andrea have fallen in love and she has become part of their rag tag family unit at The Open. She is deaf but absolutely not dumb. And boooooyyyyy does she have a mouth on her, but it is all in her mind as she can’t talk. She absolutely fits with Shep. She is the female version of Shep only she can “say” the f bomb and the lord’s name in vain as she has to use her hands only. They way that this group interacts is hilarious. This is a love story of sorts but is super gory and witty as hell! And the ending……………the ending left my mouth hanging open trying to figure out what the hell happened! I was totally blindsided and no clue this was going to happen. It is so worth the read. If you took the time to read this review you better take the time to read this story….you won’t regret it! Now I’m off to read The New Death #3!!!!!! I have to continue and see what shenanigans Shep and Horace get into next!
