#WOTR24 #NewRelease #Shifters #Weres #FatedMated – Devoted, Alumbra Pack book 5 by AJ Renee

No matter how much you try, you can’t outrun the past.

Opening old wounds is the last thing Ignacio Lupita wants to do. He’d literally and figuratively shed his blood, sweat, and tears to pull himself out of the darkness and open an auto shop in Boston. At last, business is picking up, so he’s working with a local pack to keep his life moving forward.

Pepper Michaels is living her best life in Vermont. One of her best friends has returned after three years in captivity, she’s working on her teaching degree, substitute teaching, and life on Malite land has been carefree to say the least. She thought she couldn’t be happier, but then she spotted him, her mate.

When the past is thrust before Ignacio, Pepper witnesses a side of him she can’t ignore. She knows she only gets one chance at a mate, but she hadn’t expected she’d need to be so careful around hers. Meanwhile, someone or something has been lurking on pack grounds. Can Ignacio confront enough of his demons before everything closes in?




Review by Twinsie Angie

Check out this review and others at:

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

I am a GIANT fan of this series.  I think I fall in love with each character and pairing to be honest. 

We briefly met Ignacio when he took Carrie on a date last book…woops good things Lance didn’t kill him.  LOL  But this book we learn it is because he smelled his mate and thought it was her.  Needless to say, he was wrong.  He left the pack with a very grumpy wolf who demanded they find and claim their mate. 

Pepper was stunned when she felt the mark on her hip and even more shocked when she realized it was the man who asked Carrie out.  She loves her friend and lets her go knowing nothing would come of it. However, Pepper was going crazy not knowing who her mate WAS and when he would return.

To say the chemistry exploded when they finally got face to face is an understatement.  These two were all about the sex and then the “get to know ya”. That may have caused issues when they didn’t know each other except between the sheets.  Ignacio’s tragic past comes back and causes issues with Peter’s pack. 

I loved the way the story turned, and we see so much past trauma and hurt. Ignacio learns the truth about what he THOUGHT he knew.  He also must fix the bonds with his new mate due to his reactions to everything because they didn’t really know one another. The story takes another twist when we find out someone is after Ignacio. Pepper is bound and determined to find her mate with the help of our other pack friends.

Seriously I loved this book.  I had planned on getting a few chapters in but didn’t stop reading until it was done. I was captivated by the story, the packs growing, the family ties between the 2 packs, and the love story of Pepper and Ignacio.


AJ Renee is a military wife and mother of three. She graduated from the University of Central Florida with her Master of Science in Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

She loves to read and write steamy romance with a happily ever after. When not working, you can find her playing World of Warcraft, board games, or outdoors for a run or hike.


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