#WOTR #Spotlight – Laura Hawks @AuthorLHawks

Laura Hawks


Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.

Laura Hawks
Ms. Hawks has always been interested in writing in some form or other. A few years back, she was involved with and then ran a Star Trek Interactive Writing Group which was successful for a number of years. Yes, she is a trekker and proud of it.

A few years back, she received her Master’s Degree in Ancient Civilizations, Native American History and United States History.

It was at this time she got involved in role playing on FaceBook, which gave her ample opportunities to grow and hone her writing ability.

Today she has several books out, including the Demon Trilogy, a couple of stand alone’s and a non-fiction souvenir book on the Balconies of New Orleans. She recently wrote a Suspense/Thriller which is her second non-paranormal book.

She lives in the suburbs of Chicago with her three companions, all males… cats. She travels as much as she can to various Author/Reader conventions and loves to meet established fans and make new ones, some of which she considers friends more than fans. Check out her FB page https://www.facebook.com/Laura-Hawks-249262585192270/?fref=ts to see where she is going next.. maybe you can join her.

When and Why did you start to write?

I’ve been writing in one for or another since I was a child. As an only child, I ended up making lots of stories or song lyrics in my head to keep myself entertained. I started writing for a snail mail interactive Star Trek group and continued with a Dark Hunters group on line. Writing novels just seemed the natural progression, albeit, I still run and write on a Dark Hunters group.

What authors do you always read or suggest to others?

Sherrilyn Kenyon for Paranormal. Graham Masterton for Horror, O’Henry for Short Stories, Kahlil Gibrhan for inspirational and Peter David for Sci-Fi. Harry Turtledove too for Alternate Reality.

What is the most surprising thing you have found out with the writing process?

Writing is the easy part. It’s all the other stuff, editing, publishing, marketing that still surprises me.

What are you working on now?

The second book in my Spirit Walkers Saga Series. Entitled Shifter’s Pride. It’s a Native American Shifter’s Suspense Mystery. A serial Killer is on the hunt for their next victim. Can Det. Shaw uncover the sadistic murderer in time or will he fall victim as their prey.

When writing are you a pantser or plotter?

More pantser, but I also do a bit of plotting. I also add historical and cultural aspects within my stories, so I have to research and that requires planning as to how it will fit in the story so it won’t seem jarring.

What are your social links?

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Laura-Hawks/e/B00ES5U35A/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2?qid=1485097835&sr=8-2

Web: LauraHawks.webs.com

Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/laura.hawks.75

FB Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/Laura-Hawks-249262585192270/

Twitter: AuthorLHawks


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