Dorrie Rodgers left three men behind in New York when she moved to L.A. to dance the lead in a movie. Engagement to a powerful producer made her life complete. But an accident ended both her career and her impending marriage.
After three years of struggling along teaching yoga, Dorrie is hired to choreograph a movie. Wanting to share her joy at this fabulous chance to resurrect her career, she is determined to end her single status.
Questioning her decision to leave each of three men in New York, Dorrie returns to the Big Apple for one more day with each. Was she hasty in her decisions to leave them behind? Will one of these men make her change her mind? Will her return to the past bring the love she is seeking or will loneliness propel her back into the arms of the one man who broke her heart?
Review by Twinsie Angie
I gave this a 4.5 but rounded up.
I recevied this book from the author for an honest reviews.
SO I have to say this book was my favorite book my Jean. I loved the whole premise of the story. A woman who had been looking back at her past loves and deciding if maybe she let Mr. Right go…..She has the opportunity to be back near 3 men who might have been the right one. So after a failed engagment with a DB, picking up her life pieces, and starting over….she reaches out to 2 of the 3 men but knows she is going to se man #3 at a weekend reunion.
So enter man 1, Archer. He is sweet and had some [passion BUT very reserved. Then Enter man #2, Rick who is still kinda a DB and wants to date her ANNNND a handful of others. However when man #3 enters, John, My heart went pitter patter with desire, lust and pretty much alot of tingley bits 😉
Now on top of all these men she is trying to juggle and figure out HOw she wants, guess who decides he loved Dorrie again? YUP The DB ex…smh…really dude!! Annnnd then anohter suiter coming outta the shadows and I was like WHUT!! and YOU HAVE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!
Serioulsy this book had a lot going on but it was a really quick read that kept me guessing, made me heart broken and even made me yell at Dorrie for being so dang dumb sometimes!!!
I’ve been making up stories for as long as I can remember. When other kids wanted to be doctors, teachers or firemen, I wanted to be a writer.
As soon as I could read, I began devouring books. I’d read anything I could get my hands on, but Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women” and Nancy Drew mysteries were early favorites.
In school, term papers were my favorite homework. While others bemoaned the amount of work involved, I jumped in, burying myself in research and writing the document with care.
Still fiction was my first love. After college and a degree in English, I fell into the world of advertising. After many years in corporate America, I went my own way. Working and raising two kids took all my energy and creativity. But when the youngest went off to school, all the stories ideas in my head came to life. Mac Caldwell and Callie Richards landed in my head and refused to leave. So I told their story. What started as one book has become six. Now I greet my characters every morning at six and jump back into their story, enjoying every minute. I’m blessed to be able to work at something I love. More than 70 books later, I’m still up at the crack of dawn, crafting the tales of the people who live in my head while nursing a cup of tea and a few pieces of black licorice.