After the accident I became no one…
I’m a blank slate.
I don’t remember the larger things you take for granted, like who am I, where I live, or if I have a family.
I remember nothing of importance.
The only clues are in the ruins that surround me.
Walking into the club, the growly voice behind me entices me to learn about myself. To look at this moment instead of the past. To find out what my new life can be if I give it a chance.
He’s excessive, he’s empowering, he’s dangerous.
He’s more than I bargained for.
The ex-MMA fighter that owns the hottest sex club in New York is everything I should avoid.
I swore it would be only one time, but as his hands roam I’m not sure this is something I could give up. Not even for a glimpse of who I was.
As I build new memories, can I give them—and him—all up for the past I’m missing?


No Rush! Take your time! Rushed is an intense rollercoaster of ups and downs and some WOWZA emotions! Keenan was involved in an accident and has amnesia. She has no clue who she was, what she did, or if there may be anyone looking for her. She has these terrible nightmares and just can’t figure out if it is an actual dream or a memory.
“There’s no use in finding sleep tonight, or any other night, really. The nightmare is always there, every time I close my eyes. I’m stuck in the past, delaying my future, and I need to be free of this. I need my life back.”
While she has been staying at a hotel she has made some really great friends. She decides she will try to move on and just go forward and if she remembers….well, then she remembers. She is starting to try new things and go new places to see if it triggers any of her memories. She happens to go to a certain club owned by a certain guy they call Rush. They “run” into each other and things start to sizzle. But then duty calls and Rush is called away. She gets into some trouble and Rush comes to her rescue and from here on out things get crazy insane! From here I refuse to go into details as there will be no spoilers from me. I cannot tell you enough that the supporting characters in this story along with how the characters are all interwoven are incredible. You will find out more about the accident and when you do it will smack you in the face. I literally gasped at this point. The story definitely builds until this point, and when I say builds….it will keep you on pins and needles just waiting for the details. And once that is all out, BOOM! More smacks in the face with the plot twists and emotional rollercoaster ride of OMFG’s! The chemistry between these two characters is intense and perfect! Again, intense and sizzling hawt!!! Take your time with this one….you won’t want it to end!


Dark, light, angsty, sexually charged and twisted.
Heart wrenching stories are what I love to write. The muse directs the story. I’m the instrument of their lives.
I won’t guarantee an HEA or HFN, because life doesn’t have those.
Enjoy the OMG’s and tears.
Kerri Ann