Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.
Sue Rovens. I’m an indie suspense/horror author and blogger. Currently, I have 5 books – three of which are novels and two which are collections of short stories. Since I’m not at the point where I can do this for a living, I spend my days at Illinois State University (Milner Library) working as a Stacks Maintenance Manager. I’ve been with ISU for over 28 years.
Where is your favorite place to write and what food must be present?
Home, in the den. I don’t need any food (maybe an iced tea). When I’m writing, I try to limit all distractions, and that includes eating.
What are you favorite things about attending signings?
I know the answer is supposed to be meeting all the people, and that IS a great thing about signings. But I think my favorite thing is the anticipation of the event – what the whole day will be like and how the overall feel will be. Every signing I’ve attended has had it’s own distinct ebbs and flows. I find that pretty compelling.
What author would you love to meet (Who is your unicorn author)?
Unfortunately, the author I wanted to meet has passed. I was able to connect with him in some fashion through email and a message board on his website when he was alive. Jack Ketchum (Dallas Mayr was his real name) was gracious enough to consent to be part of my Meet & Greet, a section on my blog where I interview authors. The Meet & Greet was his last public interview before he died in January 2018.
What is your favorite memory so far as an author?
There are too many to call “one” a particular favorite. But, one of the best memories has been standing at my author’s table in the Barnes & Noble up in Rockford selling my books (this was early on when I only had one or two books out). It had always been a dream to be in a real bookstore selling something that I had written. That will always be a very special memory.
What are your social links?
What are your buy links? (You can list individual or links to your Amazon/ibooks/Koko/etc Author Home Page.)
my blog –