#WOTR #Review – Rook (Black Mountain Pack Book 2) by Miranda Lynn


Rook heads to South America and finds his hands full with bringing the Pride out of the dark ages that Tomas had kept it in for years under his malicious ruling. He reunites with a few old friends and discovers a dark and twisted world he never knew existed behind the closed doors of the Alpha’s house. With the help of old military buddy Jonah he guides the Pride onto the path of a happy and fruitful living.
Fate has other plans when Rook is blindsided with the fact that his true mate had been kept in the clutches of the former Alpha. Locked behind doors and used as an object to be shared rather than respected and revered as all female shifters should be.
Will he be able to cull the evil from the Pride and make it safe enough for Casey to lead without fear? Will he be able to help his mate heal from the hell she has been put through and coax her cat to come out and play?


Beautifully written story with a great message. I could not put this down and read it in one sitting. In Mack, we learn that Rook used to be Casey’s protector and they are reunited within the pack. Casey is now the first Alpha Female and is the Alpha of the Pride in South America. Rook is one of her most trusted friends and he is sent to the Pride to check things out and see exactly how bad things are before Casey goes down. Rook is faced with many evils and keeps uncovering the ways this pride has lived for so long under the rule of Tomas, the previous Alpha and Casey’s father. He finds a harem of women and their cubs that Tomas kept to himself or gave out as favors to others. The way these women and children lived are horrible. And the village….well it is no better. Rook and Casey have their work cut out for them. In the midst of this Rook has found his mate, but Jasmine has seen many bad days and feels she is broken. Their love is blooming and the cats are ready to play! There are many new characters that are introduced and I am looking forward to hearing their stories as well. Love can conquer all, but this is a great twist on the shifters we have come to know.


Miranda Lynn

Mother to two boys, 3 four legged babies, and wife to a loving husband who doesn’t mind the extra voices in her head. Miranda grew up on a dairy farm in Illinois, but calls Portland, TN home now. She is an avid reader, coffee addict, and loves her day job working at the local public library. Though her true passion is in creating her own worlds, characters, and stories for her readers.

Website: www.mirandalynn.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MirandaLynn
Twitter: @MirandaLynnBks
Email: mirandalynnbooks@gmail.com
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MirandaL…

#ReleaseDay – Plus One by Aleatha Romig


A fun, sexy new stand-alone from New York Times bestselling author Aleatha Romig.

He’s sexy and confident, the kind of man every woman notices. You know, the one with the to-die-for body and panty-melting smirk. And then there’s the way his designer suits drape over his broad shoulders and big…well, we’ve all heard the rumors, the ones that say he’s up for any challenge.

But I can’t see him that way. He’s my boss—technically one of the owners of the company where I work—and definitely not in my league. Men like him don’t notice women like me, and they don’t date them.

And I don’t date men like him.

Until that one time that I catch him in a compromising position when I’m also in need of a last-minute date for a wedding…and then it’s not real. It’s blackmail.

For one weekend, he’s my plus-one.

Beautiful and unobtainable.

From the moment she walked into my office with those stunning blue eyes and crazy sensual curves, she’s been on my mind. Three years and never once has she acted interested in me. Usually I flash a million-dollar smile and women fall to their knees, some literally.

Not her.

Then on the occasion that I agree to let another woman do that—fall to her knees—guess who happens to catch us?

It may not be the most conventional way to get on her radar, but I didn’t get this far in business without knowing when to seize an opportunity. If this sexy little firecracker with perfectly kissable lips thinks she can blackmail me into attending her cousin’s wedding, I’m going to jump at the chance to be her plus-one.

You love her darker side. Now it’s time to meet Leatha, the lighter side of Aleatha, as she trades her renowned twists and turns for laughs and love with this sexy new stand-alone romance, PLUS ONE.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | iBooks | B&N

I’m in an alternate universe and it’s every fantasy I never knew I had.
What CEO of a billion-dollar company dreams of enjoying a farm in the middle of nowhere? Who imagines waking in a small bedroom, complete with a canopy bed and sunshine streaming through pink curtains, as birds sing? What owner of a 7,000-square-foot penthouse with a to-die-for view of the Empire State Building enjoys the hominess of a hundred-year-old, 3,000-square-foot farmhouse with a wraparound porch, creaky floors, and a view of cornfields?
Sitting with a cup of steaming black coffee, I listen as Kimbra and her brother Kevin bicker back and forth while helping their mother in the large eat-in kitchen. The warm spring air is filled with the sizzle of frying as the aroma of coffee, eggs, and bacon reminds me of some of the best diners in New York.
Although Kimbra’s dad, Oscar, is talking, I can’t concentrate on anything but Kimbra—Kimberly Ann. That’s what everyone here calls her.
“Because of you, I’m out ten bucks.” Kevin says, not doing a good job of whispering.
“Me?” Kimbra asks. “What did I do?”
Kevin tilts his head my way. “You brought a real guy here. I put money on him being made up.”
Kimbra reaches out and punches his shoulder.
He lifts his hands in surrender. “No. Listen. I was sure it was a good bet. When Mom said your boyfriend’s name wasn’t Timothy, but Duncan, and you didn’t want him in the wedding, Susan and I figured he wasn’t real. I bet Jimmy ten bucks this fake Duncan guy would be a no-show. Susan and I were sure that before last night, you’d have some reason why at the last minute he couldn’t attend. You know, like you’d make up some accident or something.”
Her brother is about as good at speaking softly as he is at being nice to his sister.
“Shut up!” Kimbra whispers back. “Obviously he’s real.”
Kevin’s head falls back in laughter. “He’s real, all right. Last night I thought your old bed was going to collapse.”
Kimbra’s eyes flash to me. And though I look down at my coffee and pray her dad isn’t listening, the gleam in her expression makes my cock twitch with the memories of the night before.





Aleatha Romig is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana, USA. She grew up in Mishawaka, graduated from Indiana University, and is currently living south of Indianapolis. Aleatha has raised three children with her high school sweetheart and husband of nearly thirty years. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she’s not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time a with her family and friends. Her other pastimes include reading and creating heroes/anti-heroes who haunt your dreams!

Aleatha released her first novel, CONSEQUENCES, in August of 2011. CONSEQUENCES became a bestselling series with five novels and two companions released from 2011 through 2015. The compelling and epic story of Anthony and Claire Rawlings has graced more than half a million e-readers. Aleatha released the first of her series TALES FROM THE DARK SIDE, INSIDIOUS, in the fall of 2014. These stand alone thrillers continue Aleatha’s twisted style with an increase in heat.

In the fall of 2015, Aleatha moved head first into the world of dark romantic suspense with the release of BETRAYAL, the first of her five novel INFIDELITY series that has taken the reading world by storm. She also began her traditional publishing career with Thomas and Mercer. Her books INTO THE LIGHT and AWAY FROM THE DARK were published through this mystery/thriller publisher in 2016.

2017 brings Aleatha’s first “Leatha, the lighter side of Aleatha” with PLUS ONE, a fun, sexy romantic comedy.

Aleatha is a “Published Author’s Network” member of the Romance Writers of America and PEN America. She is represented by Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.



#Review #NewRelease- Alpha Wolf (Olento Research Series #1) by: Sarah Noffke


Olento Research wants to control the world. The Lucidite Institute wants to save it.

Twelve men went missing.

Six months later they awake from drug-induced stupors to find themselves locked in a lab.

And on the night of a new moon, eleven of those men, possessed by new–and inhuman–powers, break out of their prison and race through the streets of Los Angeles until they disappear one by one into the night.

Olento Research wants its experiments back. Its CEO, Mika Lenna, will tear every city apart until he has his werewolves imprisoned once again. He didn’t undertake a huge risk just to lose his would-be assassins.

However, the Lucidite Institute’s main mission is to save the world from injustices. Now, it’s Adelaide’s job to find these mutated men and protect them and society, and fast. Already around the nation, wolflike men are being spotted. Attacks on innocent women are happening. And then, Adelaide realizes what her next step must be: She has to find the alpha wolf first. Only once she’s located him can she stop whoever is behind this experiment to create wild beasts out of human beings.


Ok, where do I even start? Should I mention that you don’t even need to read my review (you can if you want of course, lol) but you should stop and read Alpha Wolf, like, now! If this is your first Sarah Noffke book or you are an avid reader of hers, you won’t be disappointed….at all! The characters are well developed and fun to follow. The world building is intense enough to put you right in the middle of the story. This is the start of a new series but if you have read Sarah’s other books you will see other characters pop up. This is sooooo exciting!

Olento research has figured out how to make werewolves after kidnapping 12 unsuspecting men. They are able to escape and this is where the Lucidites come in to play. Olento Research’s goal is to make these men into assassins and the Lucidites are trying to save them along with all of humanity. Sarah Noffke writes a great bad guy (oxymoron?) and you will quickly learn to love to hate him. Adelaide is the agent that has been assigned this case by the Lucidites to try and solve. This is where we have a little fun. Adelaide is the daughter of the greatest, er, um, worst, British bloke the Lucidites have ever employed. (if you don’t know who Ren is, you should try her other series) She is definitely her father’s daughter. She has been given a partner who she thoroughly loathes. Seeing these two banter back and forth keeps things light with all the heavy that is going on. As they start to unravel the web that Mika Lenna has weaved with his werewolf research the Lucidites begin to find some truths. But we all know with the truth there come more questions.

As the plot thickens there are more twists and turns and rollercoaster rides full of wonder. There are more characters that are introduced and they all play an integral part in the plot. This is a great twist on the werewolf society we have all come to know with some dream travelers as well. Truly an amazing start to a spin off series. Reader beware…there is a cliffhanger. Sarah Noffke knows how to write those as well! Bring on the sequel!

I received a copy of this book for an honest review.

This is the first book in a new series. If you have ever read one of Sarah’s books you know she likes to pull characters from other series.  This is no different.  You will see some from Lucidites and Ren’s series.  I love getting to see past characters.  But don’t worry if you have not read any of Sarah’s series before you will be able to jump in.

What would you do if you were a perfectly normal person who woke up one day and found you were taken, held up in a cell, and would turn in to an awful monster every 7 days? Well that is where 12 unsuspecting men ended up.  After escaping a few learned that they were not only Werewolves but also Dream Travelers and found out about the Lucidite Institute.

You see Olento Research is on a mission to create the most powerful fighting machine and now that their experiments escaped they are on a mission to recover them all. However, some are in the custody of the Lucidites and it is Adelaide’s job to find all 12 men and protect them from being recaptured by Olento Research.

Let me talk about some of the characters in this book first and foremost there is Adelaide she is her father’s daughter no doubt (if you have not read REN series please do so). I love her just as much as I did her father. She will say what she wants when she wants and will not hold back.  Oh and don’t ever think she will remember or call you by your real name she was constantly getting names wrong (no matter if on purpose or not). There is Rox the FBI agent assigned as Adelaide’s partner and yes this goes over just peachy keen with Adelaide….NOT!! Rox is a flirtatious spitfire and keeps Adelaide on her toes or at least makes her come up with great sayings.  We are also introduced to a few of the wolfs, Zephyr, Connor, and Kaleb.  Zephyr is the alpha wolf and the one Adalaide and Rox set out to find first. Connor was the one left behind and was a drug addict which probably worked out in his and the Lucidites favor. Then there was Kaleb the runt of the pack.  This brings me to the villain of the story and wow Sarah has a way of making them worse with each story.

I was so wrapped up in this story I did not want it to end I needed to know more and what happened to the other 9 men. Sarah has a way of keeping me guessing with each twist of the story just when I thought I knew what’s going to happen it would go in a different direction and I was like no WAY! We are in for one crazy adventure and I am ready.


Sarah Noffke

Get a FREE book from the author right here: http://www.sarahnoffke.com/free-book/

Sarah Noffke writes YA & NA sci-fi, fantasy and dystopian. She is the author of the Lucidites, Reverians, Ren, and Vagabond Circus series. She’s been everything from a corporate manager to a hippie. Her taste for adventure has taken her all over the world. If you can’t find her at the gym, then she’s probably at the frozen yogurt shop. If you can’t find her there then she probably doesn’t want to be found. She is a self-proclaimed hermit, with spontaneous urges to socialize during full moons and when Mercury is in retrograde. Sarah lives in Southern California with her family.

#Review – Secrets of the Tally by Halie Fewkes


Meet Allie: she’s just woken up in an empty forest with blood on her hands and everything she’s ever known wiped from her mind. In her survival-oriented world, people are hunted by vicious predators and it quickly becomes clear that they are specifically hunting her.
Allie’s friends and sister have no insight as to why she’s a target, and her only clue is a list of tally marks she finds tucked away, detailing how many lives she’s saved and how many deaths she’s caused. Judging by the amount of ink slashed across the page and the fact that nobody seems to know about it, Allie knows she used to have secrets that need to be recovered.
Without knowing whom to trust, she finds herself drawn to a new stranger in the caves they call home, and even though he won’t talk about his own past, he’s ready to help Allie recover hers.
The problem now is that Allie’s instinct to survive is the only thing strong enough to bring her memories back. Flashes of her old self will only surface to save her from life threatening danger, so if she wants to avoid living as an echo of her former self, danger is what she must seek.


Secrets of the mind! That is exactly how Secrets of the Tally is. I love these characters and the setting is perfect. Right at the beginning you are brought into this fantastical world that Allie cannot remember. She has lost her memory. She is now learning all about her new world and the monsters that haunt them. Allie has found that she has all the instinct she needs but it seems to only come out when she is put in a dangerous situation. She finds a couple clues and finds her friends and sister. They are all trying to help her remember. She just wants to remember. She then finds that she is a target by the Escalis (the monsters….) and keeps finding new truths and new lies. This is a fantastical tale of wizards, dragons, monsters and battles. Who comes out on top? Whose side is she really on? Who is she really? These are all things that will keep you guessing on this wild ride of epic proportions. It kept me on my toes the entire story. The characters are all very likable and the world building is excellent. I cannot wait to see what comes next for our heroine, Allie. I am extremely lucky to have found Halie Fewkes, she is a great author and did what the great ones do, keeps you wanting more!


Halie Fewkes

Giveaway to come soon with the sequel!!!!! Stay tuned!

#Review #MC Raiden’s Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 1) by J.L. Leslie

I was raised in a motorcycle club. I saw things no little girl should ever see. Did things no little girl should ever do. That was my life and I loved it. The Ravens taught me about family. Loyalty. Even loss.

Now I live a different life. I’m no longer part of that family. I’m no longer part of the club. I live a life where I pretend to be the person I am. I put on a show for the world and I’m good at it. I’ve perfected it. At least I thought I had. It didn’t take him long to see right through me.

I have a choice to make. Keep playing pretend or finally be who I have always wanted to be.

“When you’re ready to stop hiding who you really are, come find me.”

**Raiden’s Choice is the first book in the Ravens MC series. It is a standalone, full-length novel and is suitable only for mature readers. It includes adult content, adult language, sexual situations, drug abuse, violence, and talk of rape.**

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader’s Copy of this book

I love finding new authors, especially new authors that I can tell my reader friends about and I have found that in J.L. Leslie.
I was immediately sucked into Raiden’s world. Growing up she knew that the Ravens MC was her family, after all her grandfather started it and was the President and her father would take over the spot when she grew up. Her father helped find her calling in the club after the death of her mother.
Fast forward to grown up Raiden and she is a hidden club asset, one that only her father knows about. To the outside world it looks as if she and her father are estranged, if only the world really knew her, she is working a long term plan for the club that she came up with.
Then we have Luka Varelli a motorcycle riding MMA fighting hottie. He hates MC’s and wants nothing to do with them, but he makes a deal with the ADA to infiltrate the Raven’s to help get he’s brother Lincoln, who is in the Rykers MC the Raven’s enemy, out of jail.
What happens next is Luka and Raiden finding out about each other, more importantly they find something they didn’t know they were looking for in each other.
Leslie shows us that women can be tough as nails and still be desirable to a man and she also shows that the right man will help that woman become who she really is and stop hiding her true self.
I was left with that lovely feeling of wanting more. I wanna know if Luka and Lincoln can be brothers again, I wanna know more of Luka’s life before we met him. I wanna know if Raiden’s choice is gonna bite Ravens MC in the a**. I wanna know if they finally bring down the Rykers MC.



I am a happily married mother of three (two boys and one girl). I live in a very small town in Alabama. Never lived anywhere else. I’ve been writing since my early twenties, but I couldn’t seem to finish a book. I’ve started self-publishing with the encouragement from my mom. Without her encouragement, I don’t think I would’ve done it. She always supported me and writing is something I’ve always enjoyed doing. As long as I enjoy it, I’ll continue to do it. I’ve learned already that I can’t please everyone. Not all reviews will be good, not all reviews will be bad. I’m the one that has to be happy with my work.

I get my inspiration from life experiences, movies, television, other authors, and music. Music is definitely a big influence on my writing. I can hear a song and it can inspire an entire book for me. I listen to it while I’m driving or before I start writing and it keeps me inspired. I like to put music in my books, even if it’s just one song the characters listen to or hear at some point. Sometimes music has gotten me through the really tough times in my life and that’s why it inspires me.

I like to write fast-paced, steamy romance reads. I like for my males to be alpha-males and my heroines to be strong, but both need to have one weakness- each other. I am an avid reader. I absolutely love romance books!


#NewRelease #BookTour #Review #BDSM Truly Helpless (A Nature of Desire Series Novel) by Joey Hill

Being truly helpless is the only thing that can save him. But it’s the one thing he’s not willing to do.
Marius has all the things a Mistress could want in a one-night-sub encounter. Hot body, loads of charm and a willingness to get her off in any way she pleases. That’s his reputation at The Zone. But Marius has a dark side. When a Mistress pushes him for something deeper, he’ll push back, mess with her head. When he takes it too far one night, The Zone management has had enough. He’s kicked out of the club and there’s only one way back in—Lady Regina.
Regina’s been studying Marius for a while. She enjoys her submissives in all flavors, and she likes them challenging, though not usually the “knight-in-distress” type, so screwed up she’d need a backhoe to dig him out of his dysfunctions. But on that pivotal night, she sees something in Marius. He doesn’t know what it means to be truly helpless to a Mistress, but he needs it, more than any sub she’s ever encountered. And that’s a challenge this Mistress can’t resist.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader’s Copy of this book

This is my first Joey Hill book and it’s the 10th book in the Nature of Desire series. I was a little nervous that I would be lost having never read any of this series before, but that wasn’t the case.
It was a little slow for me in the beginning, however once all the players were introduced I was intrigued.
Lady Regina is a Domme at The Zone, she is known to be strong and able to give any sub she tops what they need. She is not one to be screwed with though because she is more than able to take care of herself both physically and mentally.
Marius is a sub that into one nights with a Mistress. He’s hot, fun loving, and able to get a Mistress off anyway she wishes.
Marius has a dark side that comes out to mess with a Domme’s mind if he is pushed farther than his fun loving nature allows.
One night he goes too far, even for him, and is kicked out of the club and isn’t allowed back unless Lady Regina helps him.
So, Marius is like the title says truly helpless. He, I feel, can’t help becoming that asshole sub that pushes things too far, it’s his way of dealing with the feeling that are fighting inside him.
I love that even before they are put together that there is something inside of Marius that calls to Lady Regina. That coupled with the fact that there is something inside the screwed up sub that listens to her is the reason that the powers that be put her in charge of giving him the chance of returning to The Zone.
The scenes that are written of them outside of play scenes are just as beautifully written and explains Marius’s story in such a way that you can’t help but start to fall for him just like Lady Regina does.
Putting these two characters together was a perfect fit. Lady Regina is a lady I would love to be when I decide to grow up and it’s not just because she ended up with one hot as hell sub.
After learning what he truly wants and how to deal with the things inside him, Marius becomes a sub that any Domme would be proud to have.




Background: Regina is tending Marius after he competes in an illegal fight…
She stepped back. “You’ll do. I suppose you know a hot shower when you get home is the best remedy, on top of the ibuprofen you just took. Though I’d highly recommend a tetanus update and having your head examined.”
He kept staring at her. He wanted to make her nervous with his silence. Tough luck with that, boy, she thought. You want to self-gag, it doesn’t bother me.
Answering in kind, she tossed one final wipe into the trash and headed for the door. Embracing her Mistress side meant understanding there was an energy flow between Dom and sub once a connection was made, even if the connection was the rope in a tug of war. She rode that energy how it was meant to be ridden, not forcing her own expectations on it. It worked better that way. She’d accomplished what mattered most to her here, which was confirming he’d finally released that surfeit of potent energy from his session at the club earlier in the night. He was leveling out. While he could likely use a lot more aftercare, they were quite a distance from him earning that kind of treatment from her.
“You don’t want to talk about what happened in Tyler’s office?” he said abruptly. “Or why you followed me here?”
“No.” She continued to move toward the opening that would lead back to the ring area and then the parking lot. She didn’t need or want to stay any longer. She didn’t anticipate that he would do or say anything to hold her there longer, so it was a pleasant surprise when he did.
“You didn’t say what you thought of the fight.”
She pivoted and met his gaze. “No, I didn’t. Would you like to know?”
He could look wary, like an animal being baited into a trap. He had thick, dark lashes. His gray eyes were like the mirror surface of a lake. “Yeah,” he said at last.
“Okay.” She returned to him. There was a pen sitting next to the tray of gauze. Picking it up, she extended her hand, looking pointedly at one of his. When he offered it, she clasped his wrist and wrote an address on the inside of his forearm, along with Friday, 6:30pm.
His fingers flexed above her grip and she was aware of his breath stirring tendrils of hair against her cheek. Her hip pressed against his knee. She imagined sliding between his spread thighs, tasting the metallic flavor lingering on his lips, feeling the flex of his shoulder muscles under her splayed fingers and firm palms. His hands would curve over her hips, his own fingers digging in, showing he wanted and needed her.
Careful, girl, she thought. Don’t screw with your own head. He’ll do enough of that without your help.
“Meet me there and I’ll tell you.” Setting the pen aside, she laid a hand on the side of his face. His gaze lifted to her. “Get some rest. Take care of yourself.”
When he started to lift his hand to clasp her arm, she drew back and shook her head, a denial. His lips set in a thin line. “That a command, Mistress?” he asked tonelessly.
“Take it however you want.”
He curled his fingers around the edge of the table, body leaning forward, eyes suddenly cold and hard. “It wouldn’t matter, anyway, since you don’t really like me.”
“No. I don’t,” she responded frankly. “But I care about you. That doesn’t require that I like you.”
Would you like to read Chapter One of Truly Helpless? Find it here – http://storywitch.com/book-nod-th (scroll down below blurb/buy links).
Winner of the RT Book Reviews Career Achievement award, Joey W. Hill has published over forty contemporary and paranormal BDSM erotic romances, including six series. Her emotionally-intense love stories offer everything from vampires, mermaids, witches and angels, to boardroom executives, cops and simple housemaids. With her books, she suggests “don’t look past the sex; look in it, and find a wonderful story to touch the heart and soul.”


Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card and two ebooks from author’s existing titles (reader’s choice).

#WOTR #BlogTour #Clutch #DrewElyse #DisciplesDaughter #MC – Clutch by Drew Elyse





Once a Disciple, forever a Disciple.

Cami was born into the Savage Disciples MC, but she ventured out to build a life of her own away from the club. She’s engaged now, living a new life despite missing the bikers that raised her. Overall, she’s… fine.
Sure, fine. She’s fine with the fiancé who is more interested in position and image than the woman in his life. She’s fine with the fake people around and the suffocating passive aggression. She’s fine with the fact that she is turning to drugs to self-medicate.

A Disciple will fight like a savage for what he wants.

When Gauge tags along to visit his club brother’s daughter, he can’t believe the two women he meets: the fiery daughter of a biker and the puppet with the blank affect. And yet, they’re both Cami.
He sees the fire beneath surface, and he wants to watch it burn. He wants to rip away the man smothering her like a wet blanket. He wants to see the flames consume that cookie-cutter future-wife facade to the ground and dance with her in the flames.

When this biker clutches onto a Disciple’s daughter, there is no letting go.








Drew Elyse spends her days trying to convince the world that she is, in fact, a Disney Princess, and her nights writing tear-jerking and smutty romance novels. Her debut novel, Dissonance, released in August of 2014.

When she isn’t writing, she can usually be found over-analyzing every line of a book, binge watching a series on Netflix, doing strange vocal warm ups before singing a variety of music styles, or screaming at the TV during a Chicago Blackhawks game.

A graduate of Loyola University Chicago with a BA in English, she still lives in Chicago, IL where she was born and raised with her boyfriend and her prima donna pet rabbit, Lola.


Author Links



#Release – Locke and Key by Cristin Harber




There’s only one person to blame for darkening the last years of Locke Oliver’s military career: Cassidy Noble. And damn if he doesn’t have to save her from the side of a frozen mountain.

Even after the job is done, he can’t shake the woman from his thoughts. He blames her for the deaths in his Army unit so many years ago, and he’s not ready to let that go. It’s driving him to the point of distraction, and now his Titan Group boss says to get his act together or get out.


Cassidy is a disgraced journalist, once accused of treason—Or she’s an American hero. It depends on who you ask. She’s on a mission to rebuild her name and started with a simple question but discovered a complex web of spies and possible human trafficking.

Titan Group believes in her.

Locke does not. Until he can’t deny the truth any longer about the past or what she’s uncovered in her investigation.


Cassidy volunteers to go undercover. Locke would do anything to stay by her side as she slips into the network and is sold to the highest bidder. All is going right until everything goes wrong. Nothing is as they expect including falling in love with the woman he thought he hated.

Get your hands on LOCKE AND KEY now:

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play



Cristin Harber is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author. She writes sexy, steamy romantic suspense and military romance. Readers voted her onto Amazon’s Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was both a #1 romantic suspense and #1 military romance bestseller.

Website | Newsletter | Facebook | Team Titan Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

#REVIEW – Fallen Crest Christmas by Tijan

This is a very very short novella consisting of one scene that has three parts, and an additional bonus scene. This was written to be a FREE gift to any Fallen Crest readers! And with that said, Happy Holidays from Tijan.

Twinsie Jo’s Review:

Although this story is super short, I find it necessary to read right after Fallen Crest University as there is some interaction between Sam and her mother. Also, if you’re like me, you’ll read anything Tijan publishes anyway.

This little novella takes place right after Fallen Crest University. Sam’s mother is back and wants to make everything right by her but of course, our Sam is leery as anyone would be in her situation. Mason and Logan are there for as always while she questions the return of her mother.

We also see a sneak peak into the next book, Logan Kade, and trust me when I say this, his story will be one I will never forget.

#RELEASEBLITZ – Paige Tyler’s Dallas Fire & Rescue Kindle World



Title: Paige Tyler’s Dallas Fire & Rescue Kindle World
Authors: Various
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 11, 2017
Dallas Fire & Rescue Kindle World
New York Times Bestselling Author Paige Tyler’s DALLAS FIRE
& RESCUE is part of Amazon’s Kindle Worlds, which means some of your
favorite authors are now adding their characters and stories to her World.
It’s an amazing world filled with the action and suspense of
fighting fires and the drama of saving lives, combined with the intimacy of
those moments when the heroes and heroines are brought together amid the
danger. From battling huge blazes all across the city to saving accident
victims to working with all forms of law-enforcement, Dallas Fire & Rescue
explores every facet of heroic action and romantic adventure. With heroic
firefighters and life-saving paramedics, the possibilities for stories are



For more details about
Paige Tyler’s Dallas Fire & Rescue Series



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