InD’Tale Magazine EXCLUSIVE Articles – What I Learned About Love From Reading Historical Romance Novels by Regan Walker and Four Ways To Get The Most Out Of Pinterest by Brooke Payne

Quill pen and inkwell resting on an old book with green background concept for literature, writing, author and history

Pop Art couple. Love couple. Pop Art love. Valentines day postcard. Hollywood movie scene. Real love. First kiss. Movie poster. Comic book love. Rose flower. Woman and man. I love you. Miss you. Lover

There is much to be gained from reading romance novels—more than just a good story to curl up with on a rainy night. For those of us who love the sweeping historical sagas, there can be lessons in history, as well as love. I thought I’d set down some of what I’ve learned about love from reading romance novels. See if you don’t agree.

Read the entire article in the September 2016 issue of InD’Tale magazine. HERE


What’s the longest time you’ve ever spent on Pinterest in one sitting? One hour? Two hours? Maybe even five hours? Mine is three. Pinterest is addicting. If you’re spending as much time as I am on Pinterest, are you doing it wisely? Are you pinning with a purpose? Whether you’re pinning strictly for fun or as part of your professional social media platform, here are four ways to get the most out of Pinterest.

Read the entire article in the September 2016 issue of InD’Tale magazine. HERE

#WOTR #CoverReveal – Clayton’s Star, The O-Line Series Book #4 by Jillian Jacobs








A Hollywood starlet fearlessly prepares for danger but finds herself unprepared for the perils of love.

On the big screen Sheridan Bennett’s got the face of an angel and the body of a…well, isn’t that what’s expected of an award-winning actress? But there’s something about her Clayton Kincaid can’t quite figure. The former Ranger is transitioning from local police detective to private investigator, and Sheridan Bennett is one case he’d like to solve.

Sheridan knows her luck has taken a turn for the worse when her criminal father appears in the middle of a police fundraiser. Not only that, the one man capable of uncovering her secrets witnesses her distress. Her idyllic life falls apart as her father’s demands for money escalate and a stalker begins a menacing game.

Determined to keep Sheridan safe, Clayton works his way into her life and her heart. But when Sheridan learns Clayton has secrets of his own, she decides to face the fight alone. Undeterred by Sheridan’s belief in his deception, Clayton uses all his resources when the path of her notorious father and her stalker converge.

Together they must learn that the spotlight shines brightest when it’s shared, and that not all love is an act.



about the author

In the spring of 2013, Jillian Jacobs changed her career path and became a romance writer. After reading for years, she figured writing a romance would be quick and easy. Nope! With the guidance of the Indiana Romance Writers of America chapter, she has learned there are many “rules” to writing a proper romance. Being re-schooled has been an interesting journey, and she hopes the best trails are yet to be traveled.
You’ll find a bit of her husband in her paranormal series, The Elementals, as he’s a chemist and has to answer all her, “Could this really happen?” questions.
Water’s Threshold, the first in her Elementals series, was a finalist in Chicago-North’s 2014 Fire and Ice contest in the Women’s Fiction category.
Three things about her: She’s a Tea Guzzler, Polish Pottery Hoarder, and lover of all things Moose. Her current positions with Indiana Romance Writers of America are Program Chair and 2015 Conference Co-Chair. The genres she writes under are: Paranormal and Contemporary Romance with suspenseful elements.
Jillian is also part of an Indiana author group, which posts videos answering questions readers post for writers. Visit The Juicebox Dialogues on YouTube for some sassy video fun with romance writers.


#Review – Nitro’s Torment by Nina Levine



The Sydney Storm MC are back and war is coming.

Nitro’s Torment takes the Storm MC to a new level. Dark, gritty and fast-paced, this book is an adrenaline ride right to the very last page.

Tatum Lee is a pain in my ass.
She’s stubborn, full of attitude, and she doesn’t like to do what she’s told.
And yet, at a time when I should be focusing on the war my club is at, she consumes my mind because she’s also fearless and fierce, and I’ve never met a woman like her.

The thing about war, though, is the minute you let your focus drop, your enemy rises up and attacks. And sometimes they bring you to your knees in ways you never imagined.

The other thing about war? You learn just what you’re capable of doing to protect those you love.

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Melinda's Review

I received a copy of this book for an honest review.

This is a fast pace story that grabbed me from the get go and had me hanging on from the opening scenes. There is violence, grit, and so much emotion that went from dark places to making my heart go pitter patter and I even found myself cracking up at times.

Nitro and Tatum both have dark demons they are fighting to keep hidden. Nitro is not only loyal to his club but also to his family. He will protect and avenge anyone of them he is not a man that should be crossed he will not back down or give in. Tatum is feisty strong willed and doesn’t back down to anyone,. She is on a mission seeking revenge for her brother only to realize she is in over her head when Nitro happens to save her. I love Tatum no matter how scared she is she never shows it and still stands up for herself no matter who she is face to face with.

The relationship Tatum has with her cousin/BFF is the best every girl needs a woman like her in their life. Watching Tatum when she was around the club families was amazing the way she jumped in and helped out when needed. The thing that made me fall for Tatum was how she was with Nitro’s family. I enjoyed seeing the other side of Nitro when he was around his family and Tatum. Just when things were going good Nitro’s past comes back and threatens to destroy not only Nitros family and relationship but also his relationship with his brothers. Will he be able to fight his demons and save all three or will he loose this battle.

I am enjoying this series and cannot wait for more of these guys. The angst of what the club is going through I need to know more and I need to know more about these sexy bikers.

about the author


USA Today Bestselling Author Nina Levine is an Aussie author who writes alphas with a side of dirty and sassy women who don’t hand their hearts over easily.

When she isn’t creating with words, she loves to create with paint and paper. Often though, she can be found curled up with a good book and some chocolate.

Visit Nina’s website:

Facebook: Author Nina Levine

Join Nina’s newsletter to keep up to date with new releases:

RELEASE BLITZ – Between Clouds and Stars by Sharlyn G. Branson



Title: Between Clouds and Stars
Author: Sharlyn G. Branson
Genre: Romance

Date: September 21, 2016


My life is perfect. I have money, power, good looks and countless women ready to do anything to get their hands on me, and my rather large package. My business brings in billions every year and my airline has the fastest airplanes in the world. In short, I have everything a man can dream of. Or so I thought until I met Estelle Klide.The second I saw her, I decided to make her mine.

Her body was sinfully sexy. She had amazing, mesmerizing indigo eyes. Her sweet scent was the epitome of temptation and evoked images of wild, animalistic sex in my mind.

I couldn’t help but fall for her – hard. Letting her slip through my fingers was not an option.

In involving myself with her, I entered waters I’d never thought I’d have to swim in. I set off on a journey filled with mystery, fear and a lot of love.

The only thing that threatened to ruin this paradise and destroy everything, was her ex-husband, who turned out to be a real monster.

Purchase Links
Free in Kindle Unlimited


Author Bio

Sharlyn G. Branson is happily married and mother of a lovely boy. She is addicted to coffee and dark chocolate. She believes erotic novels could save a lot of marriages and improve sexual life of many people. Branson reads various genres, but adores erotic romance. She loves to write all kinds of love stories.

Author Links






••••••★★★AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT★★★••••••


 📖📖 AJ ADAMS📖📖         

aj all.jpgAJ Adams novels are all self-standing and although some feature the same families, you need not read them all – although it would be awesome if you did!


The Degas Girl
Organized Crime. Dark Romance


Degas cover.jpgSerenity Bishop is a work of art. Her skin a canvas, decorated with the scars of her evil captor’s twisted abuse. But her tormentor, Angelo, is about to lose control.


Zachary Schiavelli is an art thief and forger. His handsome face is merely the mask that hides a cold, calculating man whose own childhood of abuse has honed him into a remorseless killing machine.


Zachary is about to take an intense disliking to Angelo.


In a violent tale of mob rule where violence begets violence, an unlikely alliance between two forces of nature is about to change the face of organized crime. When Serenity and Zachary collide, it’s an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, and everyone around them is about to get caught in the crossfire.


A complete novel with no cliffhangers.


A violent tale of mob rule and dark romance. Warning contains explicit scenes of dubious consent, graphic violence and sex. Adults only.



degas6.jpgHe wore jeans and a turquoise T-shirt. The colour made his eyes look blue instead of green. I wasn’t fooled by his looks and his gentle ways. This man had a will of iron, and by the way he looked at me, I could see he was just as determined to control me as Angelo. He just used his tongue instead of his fists.


I’d go along with it, because anything that kept me out of the hole meant I had a chance to escape. I’d pretend to be docile, and as soon as he fell asleep or took his eye off me, I’d make a run for it.


He looked me over, frowning slightly. Suddenly I wondered if he was changing his mind. Maybe he wasn’t going to let me eat. Maybe it was a game. Maybe he’d show me the food, and then tie me up and leave me to starve while he stuffed his face. I was trembling at the thought.
Fantasy, Dark Romance

beast cover.jpgHe stuck the knife in the ground and stripped off his leathers. The tunic came off, revealing a long, lean, muscled torso, covered in tattoos. Snakes ran up and down his arms, his pecs and his shoulders. A skull blazed on his chest.

Then he was pushing apart my legs, settling between my thighs, leaning over me. He smelled of smoke, leather and musk. It was terrifying, like being at the mercy of an animal.


Falsely accused, Wynne is determined to clear her name. However, a trip to petition the Steward at Brighthelme turns disastrous when the Beasts, fearsome warriors from the frozen north, raze the city. When Wynne is carried away, she’s determined to regain her freedom but Rune, her captor, has other ideas.


Beast is set in Prydain, an imaginary place that combines Anglo-Saxon England with Medieval England, the Teutonic Kingdom and the Viking Age. This story contains kidnapping, dubious consent and graphic violence, however, it is a love story rather than a dark romance. It is a standalone novel; no cliff-hangers.


Warning: This book contains explicit scenes of dubious consent, graphic violence and sex.
A Belial MC novel


helpless cover.jpgFracas Macintyre has been in and out of trouble all her life but this time it’s worse than ever. In debt to a loan shark, she’s caught up in a war between the Alistairs, nicknamed The Irish Mob, and Belial’s Disciples, England’s nastiest MC. Kidnapped and at the mercy of Caden Winslow, Fracas is convinced that life is going to get very nasty indeed.


Caden Winslow is an ex soldier used to taking care of business. When an Alistair henchman steals his beloved Busa, he simply takes one of theirs hostage and expects a simple trade will solve the problem. However, Caden is about to be pulled into a war.


Warning: This book is a dark romance. It contains explicit scenes of dubious consent, graphic violence and sex. It is for adults only.


I opened the boot, and at the sight of the girl, Crush began grinning. “Hey, is that for me, too?”


“You can go fuck yourself!” The little tart blew up instantly. “You evil bastard, let me go!”


“Whoo! I like her!”


Crush is a man who enjoys performing to the stereotypical outlaw biker image. This time I could see he meant it, and so did the girl. She opened her mouth, spotted Crush’s cut and went very quiet.


“You can’t have her. She’s my collateral.” I pulled her towards me, snapped through her ankle ties with the box cutter and threw her over my shoulder. She muttered furiously, but she’d stopped fighting. I could feel her raise her head and look over the crowd of gathering Disciples. She shivered and went limp. I guess she didn’t like the look of the party.
Crush was still curious. “Collateral for what?”
“Alistair’s man took my Busa.”
“You’re shitting me!”


The Bonus
A Zeta cartel novel
Organized Crime. Dark Romance


bonus cover.jpgChloe is a seasoned drug courier who finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Facing a lingering and painful death at the hands of the Zetas, Mexico’s most brutal cartel, she persuades their enforcer to claim her. Has Chloe made a huge mistake, or will her choice prove her salvation – and his?


Warning: This book contains explicit scenes of dubious consent, graphic violence and sex.




Action, adventure, Organized Crime.
Dark Romance. BDSM




deliverance cover.jpgMac is all set for an undercover job when an old friend lands him with Pepper, a human trafficking victim of a Moroccan-Turkish crime syndicate. Unable to turn her away, Mac now has two missions: to infiltrate a terrorist training camp in the Sahara and to be a Master for Pepper.
Warning: contains graphic violence and sex.
Standalone novel, no cliffhangers



A Zeta cartel novel
Organized Crime. Dark Romance. BDSM


When cartel boss Artursongbird cover.jpgo Vazquez discovers his girlfriend Gina is a DEA rat and his deputy Escamilla is staging a take-over, Arturo fixes his problems by killing everyone – except for Solitaire, Escamilla’s unwilling mistress. Solitaire is intelligent, tough, and shares Arturo’s interest in BDSM. Arturo falls head over heels but someone is leaking information – and the evidence point at Solitaire.



“You’re the big boss.” She looked up at me and smiled. She was dressed in a cheap cotton shirt and jeans that should be on the burn pile, but that smile was pure gold. This girl had guts.

“I told José he was a fool to try and cheat you,” she said. “I wasn’t part of it, and I don’t work for you. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
She’d heard about our policy protecting bystanders. Of course it doesn’t apply to anyone whose eyewitness testimony can put me in a courtroom. Well, try to put me in a courtroom. In Mexico nobody would dare accuse me, and I’ve enough resources in England to guarantee a police investigation would come to nothing, but it’s not my style to take chances. Solitaire would be going into the ground along with Escamilla.
“Mr Vazquez,” Solitaire gave me her best smile. “I don’t expect something for nothing.” She dropped her voice. “You’d like me,” she whispered. “I’ve heard about you. We’re the same.”
“Are we?”
“Yes, I can make you very happy.” She brushed my hand over her cheek and then kissed my palm. “I’m a very good girl,” she said quietly. “Unless you prefer a naughty one?”
She sucked my thumb, and I was instantly rock hard.
Dirty Dealings
A Zeta cartel novel
Organized Crime. Romance


dirty dealings cover.jpgI could’ve fucking strangled her. She knew it too because she stepped away quickly. “Touch me and I’ll have you!” she snarled.
“Bruja mala leche! What the fuck do you think you’re playing at! You can’t push me around!”
“Sure I can.” Her eyes were slate grey, the same colour as the sky, and just as cold. “I need help, and you’re going to give it.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I’ve got a situation. I need someone who isn’t afraid of murder and mayhem.”
I should have charmed her, offered to help and maybe it would have settled it, but I was too mad to even consider it. “Help you? Over my dead fucking body!”
She shrugged. “We can do it that way, too.” She took out her phone. “I’ll call you soon, hopefully within the hour. If you still refuse, I call Smith.” The eyes were hard. “I’d rather not shop you, because I hate that bastard, but I will if you make me.”
I gave her my number. I mean, I wanted to kill her, but in London they notice things like bodies in the street. Especially if you’re careless enough to do it in broad daylight next to a cop shop.


Quique is having a bad time. Back in Mexico his marriage has fallen apart and his wife has made him a laughing stock by cheating on him. Now he’s in London and finding himself out of his depth with a complex commercial deal. To make things worse, Natalia Truelove, a chef and pub manager, is blackmailing him. Quique is ready to commit murder and he’s pretty sure who his first victim will be.


Warning: Dirty Dealings contains strong adult language and themes as well as graphic violence and fully depicted love scenes.


WTMO author bio.jpg


I write cartel and crime romances, with twisted dark heroes and feminist arse kicking heroines.


My real name is Ellen Whyte. In my non-novel life I’m a syndicated author who has published roughly 3500 articles and 10 non-fiction books with publishers that include Pearson and Marshall Cavendish.



wTMO hostedby.jpg


#WOTR #Review – Visibly Broken by: Chelsea Camaron and MJ Fields



In a powerful, smoldering novel from the bestselling authors of the Caldwell Brothers series (“Bad boy heroes to die for!”—Tracy Wolff), two tortured souls team up to overcome the past, finding the courage to heal . . . and to love.

Jason “Cobra” Stanley was born to fight. With a father like his, he had to toughen up just to survive. Now Cobra tries to take out all of his frustration, all of his anger, and all of his pain in the MMA cage. But after he receives one too many hits to the head during a match with Jagger Caldwell, the cycle of violence comes to a screeching halt. Cobra wakes up in the hospital, under the care of a nurse whose blond hair shines like a halo—and whose pure heart touches him on the deepest level.

Lorraine Bosch is a fighter too. Having escaped from her own controlling father, she prides herself on remaining professional, despite the chaos of the ER. But Cobra is the ultimate distraction. Lorraine knows she should run away screaming from his rippling muscles and shattered psyche. And yet how can she deny this broken man a second chance—especially since she knows exactly what he’s been through? Lorraine’s used to playing guardian angel. Now it’s her turn to find heaven in Cobra’s arms.



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Melinda's Review

I received a copy of this book from the publisher/NetGalley for an honest review.

What can I say I did not like Cobra after reading Jagger’s book! Don’t get me wrong I wanted to know his story but never expected I would like or understand him by the end. Oh Boy was I wrong not only did l like him I actually loved him by the end.

Jason “Cobra” Stanley has a dark side and the only way he can keep it in check is to fight. Until he is blindsided during a match and finds himself in the hospital where a nurse with a set of blue eyes has crept into his soul and he cannot shake. He is determined to protect her from her nightmares.

Lorraine, Lo, Bosch had the perfect life until one night it was all taken away. She held secrets that tormented her. She was moving day to day not living just existing until Jason came in and changed things for her. Can the two of them together help the other overcome their pasts and make each other a better person or will their dark sides prove too much for the other.

I loved the chemistry between Jason and Lo. They pushed each other enough to make things interesting but the lust and love they had for another was sensational. The things they have to over come can make or break them. To hear Lo’s story was heart breaking. To learn Jason’s story was eye opening and I had more understanding of why he was the way he was. To watch these tow try to make a new life, begin again, was heartwarming. Jason believing Lo was his angel sent to save him, because there is no good in him but little does he know he is just as much Lo’s angel sent to save her. However, it will only work if they can each overcome their pasts and if their pasts don’t come back to break them both.

This was a wonderful story of taking a character that I so disliked in a previous story and giving him a chance to tell his story. Proving once again never judge a book by its cover you have to jump in and find out the true story.  Sometimes you are right on your initial thought but sometimes you find something you never thought would be there. Thank you Chelsea Camaron and MJ Fields for telling Cobra and Lo’s story. Although heartbreaking as it was it was well worth the read.

angies review

I received this book from Netgalley from an honest review.

I am at a loss for words.  Jason/Cobra’s book has me speechless. I loved Cobra in Jagger’s book.  I mean we aren’t supposed to love him because he is going after a Caldwell woman but my heart ached for him.  He has all the good qualities but Missy, his girlfriend, brought out his darkness.  When I found out Cobra was getting a book, my heart went nuts!

Jason has been through it all.  He finally breaks it up with his toxic “better half” Missy and is going to start over.  In the course of starting fresh he meets his “angel” AKA Lorraine or Lo.  Little does he know,  his angel has a whole lotta crazy of her own to deal with.

Lo is living in isolation.  She wants to find out who murdered her family and with the help of Heidi or Hi, her twin, she goes after the suspects she believes are responsible.  When Jason barges into her life she falls.  She can’t believe someone got past her defenses and sees HER…Lo…he isn’t falling all over Heidi.  That is what always happens.  Lo is the wallflower and Hi is the girl everyone loves and wants to be.

Lo’s story of loss is terrible and the fact that it doesn’t scare Jason is amazing to me.  But when Jason lays all of his cards on the table Lo isn’t running for the hills either.  She totally embraces him and his flaws or his “inner monster”.  In traditional style, Jason says the right things at the right time and my heart was a pile of gushy goo….sigh….perfect man I tell ya.  The story line of Lo’s family disaster was a  great one.  I mean we are so focused and when it all comes crashing down around Jason and Lo….ahhhh my heart!!!

The epilogue was PERFECT.  I loved every second of it but I gotta tell ya, I would have loved to have Mouse and Lo meet up to share the end of her and Jason’s HEA.

about the author


USA Today Bestselling Author Chelsea Camaron was born and raised in Coastal North Carolina. She currently resides in Southern Louisiana with her husband and two children but her heart is always Carolina day dreaming.

Chelsea always wanted to be a writer, but like most of us, let fear of the unknown grab a hold of her dream; she realized that if she was going to tell her daughter to go for her dreams, that it was time to follow her own advice.

Chelsea grew up turning wrenches alongside her father, and from that grew her love for old muscle cars and Harley Davidson motorcycles, which just so happened to inspired her ‘Daddy’s Girls’ series. Her love for reading has sparked a new love for writing and she currently has a few more projects in the works.

When she is not spending her days writing you can find her playing with her kids, attending car shows, going on motorcycle rides on the back of her husband’s Harley, snuggling down with her new favorite book or watching any movie that Vin Diesel might happen to be in.

She hates being serious and is still a big kid at heart. She is a small town country girl enjoying life and, Chelsea hopes that her readers remember not to take life too seriously and to embrace your inner five year old, because five year olds know how to enjoy the simple things in life and how to always have fun.




USA Today Bestselling author MJ FIELDS grew up on a farm surrounded by her extended family. She attributes her ability to write a realistic male character to the fact that she had a large amount of male influences in her life… that and the dirty joke books she would steal from her uncles or the farms hired help and run away laughing while they chased her yelling obscenities trying to get her to return the books before her God fearing mother found out and spanked her butt with a flyswatter.

No she wasn’t physically abused, she very openly admits that she deserved every imprint left on her ass from the flyswatter. (Could this be why she loves tattoos? Maybe.) After each spanking she would run away, usually through the fields and down to the falls where she would laugh because it really didn’t hurt, while she read the book she had stolen and stashed when no one was looking.

When she wasn’t misbehaving she was working side by side with her male family members learning what hard work, loyalty, and dedication was all about, spending time with her grandmothers who taught her all about love and blind faith, or dancing and singing in the kitchen with her four siblings while her mother gave them all a childhood filled with love and encouragement to use their imagination and follow their dreams.

Her love of writing was in full swing by age eight. Together with her cousins, she wrote a ‘newspaper’ that they sold for ten cents to family members.
Her school years were spent hanging in the principal’s office or a shit list somewhere. Weekends she could be found spending time with her family or hanging out with more males than females, in the fields with tailgates down and a bonfire burning while music played loudly in the background. Some of those times ‘allegedly’ had alcohol involvement, she will neither confirm nor deny.

As an adult she self-published her first New Adult romance in January 2013. Today she has completed six self-published series. The Love series, The Wrapped series, The Burning Souls series, The Norfolk series, The Men of Steel series, and The Ties of Steel series. She also just released a book she wrote with five, yes five, other authors. It is her darkest book to date. The Original Sin is available now.

MJ has been told by several readers that they had never read a book that involved a Prince Albert piercing and although she cannot claim the title, it is said she may possibly be “The Pioneer of the Pierced Penis”, in the New Adult book world, of course. (Naughty naughty.)

MJ is a hybrid author who loves her readers and tries her best to write as much as she can for them. She believes she has the best reader’s crew in the entire world (many of us agree. Forever Steel baby). She publishes an Indie book almost every month. She is also signed with a traditional publisher, Loveswept, Penguin Random House, for her co-written series The Caldwell Brothers with Chelsea Camaron. Hendrix and Morrison, are available now. The third in the series, will be released on April 12 , 2016.

Her next Indie series is Rockers of Steel. Book one, Memphis Black and book two Finn Beckett are now available. River James is coming January 3oth, 2016. Each can be read as a stand-alone, but really who doesn’t want MORE STEEL!

There is always something new in the works and she has stories to write for her readers for years to come. Her alpha male characters are some of the best in the industry, but remember before they fall many of them can be considered crude, rude, pierced, and tattooed. (Just the way we like them!)

If you are offended by the ‘F’ word she advises you either take a pass on her books or pull up your big girl thong, sit back with a glass of wine and enjoy the ride. If you can’t handle the heat you should stay out of the … well the Steel and Sin book worlds anyways. If heat is all you’re looking for she insists you be warned the heat will draw you in, but the heart, depth, and emotion in the books will keep you

#NewRelease – Nitro’s Torment by Nina Levine




Tatum Lee is a pain in my ass.
She’s stubborn, full of attitude, and she doesn’t like to do what she’s told.
And yet, at a time when I should be focusing on the war my club is at, she consumes my mind because she’s also fearless and fierce, and I’ve never met a woman like her.

The thing about war, though, is the minute you let your focus drop, your enemy rises up and attacks. And sometimes they bring you to your knees in ways you never imagined.

The other thing about war? You learn just what you’re capable of doing to protect those you love.




Add Nitro’s Torment to your Goodreads TBR.


Check out his smoking hot Pinterest board.


Join my Facebook reader group to read exclusive sneak peeks of Nitro’s Torment.



I sat next to him. I wasn’t sure why except that for the first time since I’d met him, he seemed like he needed someone. Even if it was just to sit with him. I stole a glance at his face. It was hard to find skin under all the dried blood. “I take it the other guy lost.”

He held my gaze for a long time before answering me. God, how I wondered what thoughts ran through Nitro’s mind. It felt like he either ran from them or got lost in them, but I wasn’t convinced he was often comfortable with them. Something we had in common. “That depends on your definition of winning.”

I didn’t need him to spell it out for me. And I didn’t push him for more. Instead, I walked into the bathroom. Locating a clean washer in the drawer, I wet it and walked back out to him. Standing in between his legs, I began the task of cleaning up his face.

This was something I knew well. My brother had often turned up on my doorstep in this state. Caring for him had always been my responsibility. How could it not be when his journey in life had been dictated by my own?

Nitro hissed when I accidentally pressed too hard on his cheek. His hand landed on mine and he halted my progress. “I can do this myself.”

I pulled my hand away from his face. “Yeah, you can, but I’m doing it, so just let me.”

“Always arguing with me,” he murmured, allowing me to go on.

I worked in silence and when I’d cleaned the blood from his face, I said, “I’m going to get some ice for your face. Wait here.”

I hurried down to the bar because I figured he had work to get back to and no time to waste. Kree loaded me up with ice and a towel to wrap it in. When I arrived back in his room, he was in the shower. He didn’t take longer than a few minutes and when he exited the bathroom wearing only a towel around his waist, I sucked in a breath at the magnificence of his body.

Nitro was a powerhouse of hard muscle that went hand-in-hand with his fearless warrior instincts. Standing before me, almost naked, his masculinity caught me off guard and a rush of desire hit me. My thoughts stalled and I momentarily forgot what I was doing. All I could focus on was the throbbing need deep in my core. A new hum filled my entire being, unlike anything I’d ever felt before.




“You got ice?” His deep voice snapped me from my hypnosis.

“Ah… yeah,” I mumbled, shoving the towel with the ice in it at him, almost dropping it as I did so.

He frowned, his eyes searching mine. “You good, Vegas?”

Fuck, no, I wasn’t.

I was fucked.


I nodded, swallowing hard. “I’m good.”

I was so far from good.

I wanted something I didn’t want to want.

I wanted him.

How the hell did my world turn in such a short space of time? What the fuck triggered that? Because whatever it was, I needed to un-trigger it.

He took the ice from me and turned to head back into the bathroom, grabbing clothes on the way. I was helpless to do anything but watch him walk away. My eyes stayed glued to the powerful muscles that built his back. And that ass. God, that ass. Even covered in a towel it was hard not to stare at.

I was so engrossed in his back and ass that he caught me off guard again when he dropped the towel and dressed without closing the bathroom door.

Fuck it, I was out. I yanked the bedroom door open and left as fast as I could. I needed to find a quiet corner and gather my thoughts. I needed to wipe everything that had just happened from my memory. Somehow, though, I suspected Nitro was not a man to ever be wiped from a woman’s memory.



Haven’t started the Sydney Storm MC series?




A biker torn between loyalty to his club and love for his woman.

Kick Hanson’s life follows a dangerous path that leads him to the Storm Motorcycle Club where he spends his days buried deep in a violent and lawless world that is slowly consuming his soul. He fights against bringing the one woman he’s ever loved into this world. Until the day he knows he can’t live without her.

Evie Bishop has always loved Kick but she’s done. Even though they’ve loved each other through both happiness and heartbreak, she believes their chance to be together has long passed.

When Kick finally stakes his claim, will Evie relent and give their love another go, or has Kick left it too long to go after the woman who has owned his heart forever?

Relent is the first book in the Sydney Storm MC series. This is a spin off series to the Storm MC series. Readers do not have to read the Storm MC series to read this one. Relent can be read as a stand-alone.





Coffee Lover.
Gypsy at heart.

USA Today Bestselling author who writes about alpha men & the women they love.

When I’m not creating with words you will find me planning my next getaway, visiting somewhere new in the world, having a long conversation over coffee and cake with a friend, creating with paper or curled up with a good book and chocolate.

I’ve been writing since I was twelve. Weaving words together has always been a form of therapy for me especially during my harder times. These days I’m proud that my words help others just as much as they help me.

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#WOTR #CoverReveal – At Arms Length by Amber Nation



Title: At Arm’s Length

Author: Amber Nation

Genre: Adult, Sports Romance

Coming: November 2016


-a wild animal that is large, dangerous, or unusual.

-an unkind cruel person

-Holden Reed

Football was everything for Holden Reed, through blood, sweat, and tears he lived his life for the game. The spotlight that endlessly followed him due to his fame, was his downfall, especially when he failed to keep his anger in check. Due to his lack of control and explosive bouts of rage, he rightfully earned the nickname, “The Beast.” And with the results of his rogue actions, he heard the one word no professional athlete ever wanted to hear. Suspension.

After what was supposed to be a mandatory time-out to straighten out his ways, he finds himself at the mercy of a beautiful Innkeeper while stuck at a Bed & Breakfast in the backwoods of Colorado.


-conscientiously or obediently fulfilling one’s duty.

-motivated by duty rather than desire or enthusiasm

-Marlee Tate

Once upon a time, Marlee Tate devoted her life to a prestigious PR firm, taking an active role in following her hopes and aspirations. But with one phone call from her family, she was ready to toss her dreams aside without hesitation to be the daughter she felt she needed to be. Now, she’s back at home, forced to work at her family’s livelihood, Tate Manor.

During what was considered to be the worst snowstorm in Colorado history, the treacherous weather sent the abrupt but intriguing stranger crashing into her doorstep.

What will happen when two guarded souls collide together after being hidden away from the outside world? When half-truths come to light and hearts are meaninglessly tossed aside? Will they arise from their stubborn stupor or continue to keep each other at arm’s length?




At Arm’s Length Excerpt © Amber Nation 2016


(Unedited and subject to change)


My face must’ve morphed into something that only confirmed my distaste. I could never seem to keep a handle on my expressions, which was why these days I didn’t have many emotions. Pissed off seemed to work just fine for me. This woman though, seemed to bring every single one out of me. And with only knowing her a handful of minutes that realization was alarming. I needed to keep my distance from her, it was imperative. She raised her hands in surrender, the piece of cotton in between her thumb and index finger suspended in midair.

“Easy there, Tarzan. You need to relax. Your forehead is all scrunched, it’s only going to make your wound bleed more.” I flinched at the name, then immediately tried to force the tension from my brow. Making my face completely blank, which was a bitch to pull off.

Once satisfied that I wasn’t going to move, she began inching the antiseptic soaked cotton ball towards my face once again.

“This may…” Before she could get the final word out, she touched my face, eliciting a hiss to spill from my clenched teeth. “Sting.”

What she didn’t know, was that it wasn’t the sting of the medicine that caused me to flinch. It was the slow burn I felt from the soft brush of her fingertips against my skin. I felt it deep into my bones as it radiated throughout my body. I felt myself wanting to lean into her touch and demand even more.

My own fingers itched to wrap around her waist and snap closed the remaining distance between us. Oh how easy that would be. But she didn’t want that and I wasn’t one to defile a woman without her being on board. I wanted her body in every way imaginable and the thing of it was, I didn’t even know her name. So since what I wanted obviously didn’t matter I instead clenched my fists together to eliminate any temptation I had to touch her.

“Ok, Frankenstein,” she took a step back, placing her hands on her hips, the movement only made me hotter. Her shirt rose showing just the barest hint of midriff. If I was already salivating over the smallest flash of skin, how would I be able to control myself if I got her completely naked and begging at my mercy?

I knew my answer and that was why I had to keep her at arm’s-length.

Amber Nation currently resides in Southern Indiana with her husband and two beautiful daughters. Amber writes Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, and Romance Comedy novels. She loves hoarding paperback books, shopping, concerts, road trips, and watching her daughters sport it up on the field or on the court. Her personal motto is to always believe in yourself and above all else, be you!


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#WOTR #Review #KindleWorld – Don’t Happen Twice by Dawn Brower


Don't Happen Twice


One night of passion leaves Noelle Dewolfe Graham longing for her Mr. Mysterious…

An undercover operative, Kane Delaney, leaves the woman he loves in order to protect her. A case he’s working on takes a turn for the worst leaving him no choice but to return to her for aide. Noelle is the one person he can trust, even if she has every right to be angry with him.

Taking an impromptu vacation at her family’s lake house Noelle is surprised to find Kane at the back door. He’s injured, surly, and every bit as gorgeous as she remembers. Lucky for him she’s a doctor and doesn’t hold a grudge.

Can they survive the threats surrounding them long enough to rekindle their growing passion or will Kane’s dangerous life destroy them forever?



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angies review


I won a copy of this book from the author.

I am a busy blogger so I love serials and novellas.  I love a quick in and out story.  Now a lot of time there is an “insta-love” factor that people don’t like but when a story is under 100 pages ya gotta go with it…LOL

This story is about a senators daughter who has a one night stand with a tall drink of water at her dad’s fund raiser.  When he slips away after the night is over she is left sad and a bit heartbroken.  When he runs back into the tall drink of water bleeding out from a gun shot….well she is mad but her heart and medical degree tells her to save him and then kick his butt!!

Kane is head over heels for Noelle.  He used her and imaged of her when he was dealing with his life and job.  He is going to find her again and make her his FOREVER!!!

I liked the banter of the characters and loved how feisty Noelle is.  She is not going to be told what to do even and she makes Kane work for it!!  LOL  I loved the couple of twists like who the bad guys are and why Noelle was in the place she was to help Kane when he was shot.

It is a quick read and like I said it has insta-love but honestly I rolled with it because the characters were great and likeable plus the story was well written.

about the author

Dawn Brower works as a substitute teacher and enjoys the flexibility it gives her to concentrate on her other endeavors.

Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby. While she loves all genres she focuses most of her writing on historical and contemporary romance.

There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.

#releaseday #review #dark – Darkest before Dawn by Stevie J Cole


“Dark, gritty and utterly captivating. I couldn’t put this book down!” – USA Today Bestselling Author, Natasha Knight



Sixty-four days in captivity. Sixty-four days to lose yourself—or find yourself.

I’m Ava Donovan. I was abducted at the age of nineteen. I’m told I’m a survivor, but the truth is, I only survived because he saved me. Even when he kept me locked in that room—he saved me.
Constantly wondering when and how you will die, that does something to you. To your mind. But what do you do when it does something to your heart? What do you do when the man holding you captive seems just as broken as you are, when his mere presence becomes a comfort you crave—when you love him even though you shouldn’t?

You smile and tell yourself it’s okay because love has no morals.
Sixty-four days in captivity gave me a love most people will never have and my freedom took it all away.

angies review



I received this book from the author for an honest review.

What the what what did I just read?  How can Stevie make me love a crazy cold blooded killer?  How does she do this to me?  How does she get into my head and make me fall for the darkest and blackest of souls and feel they are worth my love and devotion??  HOW!!!

Max…I mean if the prologue doesn’t make you understand what is up with him then you should read anymore.  I mean that will mess anyone up…and mess him up it did.  Max is not a good guy. Period.  He is a bad guy looking to save his sister but in the mix he finds her…Ava.

Ava was out with her boyfriend when she is kidnapped and stuck in a human trafficking situation.  I mean not the way you expect your date to go.  When she sees Max she is scared but after time she feels safer with him…uhm what!!  How do you feel safer with someone who is involved with this stuff but they do.

As the story unfolds we see that Max and Ava have a past connection.  A connection we didn’t see coming.  Max and Ava’s love story is not hearts and flowers people.  If you are wanting a traditional love story welllllll why in the heck did you grab this author because she doesn’t do traditional at all.  If you like dark and twisted with a side of what the heck did I read then you will love Max and Ava’s story.



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Woman with perfect body hugged by handsome man

About the Author:

Stevie J. Cole is a secret rock star. Sex, drugs and, oh wait, no, just sex. She’s a whore for a British accent and has an unhealthy obsession with Russell Brand. She and LP Lovell plan to elope in Vegas and breed the world’s most epic child.

Author Links:

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