#Review Love Restored (The Gallagher Brothers Book 1) by Carrie Ann Ryan


In the first of a Montgomery Ink spin-off series from NYT Bestselling Author Carrie Ann Ryan, a broken man uncovers the truth of what it means to take a second chance with the most unexpected woman…

Graham Gallagher has seen it all. And when tragedy struck, lost it all. He’s been the backbone of his brothers, the one they all rely on in their lives and business. And when it comes to falling in love and creating a life, he knows what it’s like to have it all and watch it crumble. He’s done with looking for another person to warm his bed, but apparently he didn’t learn his lesson because the new piercer at Montgomery Ink tempts him like no other.

Blake Brennen may have been born a trust fund baby, but she’s created a whole new life for herself in the world of ink, piercings, and freedom. Only the ties she’d thought she’d cut long ago aren’t as severed as she’d believed. When she finds Graham constantly in her path, she knows from first glance that he’s the wrong kind of guy for her. Except that Blake excels at making the wrong choice and Graham might be the ultimate temptation for the bad girl she’d thought long buried.

kristis review

I received a copy for a honest review

I have been waiting on pins and needles since Ryan announced she was doing a spin off of the Montgomery Ink series, and since she introduced us to the Bearded, Inked, Pierced, Brooding, and panty melting hotness that is Graham in Ink Enduring I’ve been waiting breathless with anticipation for that day to get here. Well wait no more!!!
Graham is the workhorse of the Gallagher Brothers Reconstruction Company, he is the head foreman of the business.
Blake is a heiress who is the executor of the estate that owns the house that the Gallagher Brothers will be working on. She also isn’t what she seems as Graham finds out.
When Graham and Blake meet, it’s at a anniversary of sorts for him and not a good anniversary either and he is a a** to her, as she reminds him of his ex.
But, as I’ve said Blake is not what she appears. Yes when the first met Blake looked like a heiress, what she really is though is the newest member of the Montgomery Ink family as she is the piercer and tattooist that Maya just hired and she has a big secret.
Fate has a way of pushing people together even if they don’t want to be pushed, and fate wants these two together. Chance meetings at hockey games and the grocery store make these two realize that the reason they are so snarky to each other is the attraction that they’re trying hard to resist.
Real life, that’s what makes Ryan so good at what she does, she pulls from real life. The experiences that these characters go through, both past and present, could have happened to anybody and that’s what makes you hurt when they hurt, cry when they cry, and love when they love.
There is sooo much you need to know, but I’m not telling!!! Just know this, even if you’ve never read the series that this is spun from, you will love this book and will not be lost. You will be sucked into their world and want more, whether that’s waiting for the the next Gallagher or diving into the Montgomery Ink series, first one’s free BTW, it’s a addiction that there is no cure for.


Chapter One
Graham Gallagher had never craved a cigarette as much as he did right then. It didn’t matter that he’d quit smoking over fifteen years ago cold turkey and hadn’t picked one up since then. He just wanted a damn smoke.

Scratch that.

He wanted a fucking cigarette, a beer, and a willing woman underneath him as he fucked her until they were both spent.

And not necessarily in that order.

Not that he’d get any of that anytime soon. Between this new job, the old one they hadn’t fully completed yet, and the rest of the crap in his life, he wasn’t sure he’d even have time for a beer.

And considering it had been a long six months since he’d had a woman, he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be getting laid anytime soon. He and his right hand had a perfectly nice relationship for now, and when things got downright dangerous, he got to know his left.

Jesus, he needed coffee or something if he was thinking about how his left hand would be something different in his life.

He pulled his dark hair out of the rubber band and grimaced as he caught some tangles when he ran a hand through it. He wasn’t sure he’d brushed it that morning; instead, he’d just thrown it up in a tie at the back of his head as soon as he’d gotten out of the shower. At least I showered, he thought. Considering he’d slept for shit the night before, a shower after sweat-slick dreams had been the only recourse. He quickly ran his hand through his hair a few more times, getting out most of the rat’s nest, and then pulled it back again before the owner of their new project showed up and called him a heathen.

Graham sighed, sliding his hand over his beard to straighten it out. Since it had grown past his chin and almost touched his chest if he lowered his head just right, he already looked the part of a criminal to some. Add in the ink covering his body, and the piercings only those in his bed could see, and he didn’t fit the ideal image of a businessman that the caliber of people who wanted to work with their business expected.

Not that he was only a business owner. He and two of his brothers owned, operated, and sweated for Gallagher Brothers Restoration. They cleaned up and restored old homes and buildings that were either already historical landmarks or well on their way to becoming them. It wasn’t the easiest work in the world in Colorado since it was a relatively new state compared to those out east. To put it more simply, the buildings weren’t as old in Denver as they were where the first colonies had settled, like Delaware, Pennsylvania, or the Carolinas. But in the past decade, he, Owen, and Murphy had never lacked for work. Their other brother Jake worked with them at times as well, though he had his own life with this artwork and never seemed to want to butt in.

Graham always tried to change that, always tried to make sure everyone was included.

He sighed. One of the perks of being the oldest brother was apparently an ulcer, since he worried over his family so freaking much. And now he was standing in the middle of a monstrosity of a mansion and not in the mood to deal with the legalities and politics that came with this particular job.

Hence why he needed the cigarette, beer, and willing woman.

“Let me guess, you woke up, showered, and put on the cleanest jeans you own, but didn’t bother to make a cup of coffee. I mean, why would you, when you figure I’ll bring you some.”

Graham turned at the sound Owen’s voice and shrugged. “You always bring me coffee. Why should I make any? Especially when I was running late anyway.” He took the aforementioned coffee with the “G” written on the side, and took a sip, his body relaxing at the first taste of the brown elixir of life.
At that thought, he took another drink, this one a bit bigger. If he was thinking in terms of elixirs like Murphy, perhaps he needed more caffeine than he realized.

“You wouldn’t run late if you actually set your alarm for a reasonable hour, instead of right before you need to be out the door. It’s amazing what happens to your day when you actually set a schedule and keep it.” Owen set down the last cup, this one with a large “M” on the side for Murphy, and took a drink out of his own cup, the big “O” written in Owen’s perfect block lettering.

Seriously, if his brother weren’t so good with his hands when it came to restoring buildings and didn’t take care of all the paperwork that gave Graham headaches, he’d hate the guy. Plus, Owen talked to the other contractors and people who owned the land they worked on. Since Graham didn’t particularly like talking to people in general, he was damn happy Owen dealt with it.

While Graham had pulled on the cleanest and brightest T-shirt he owned over jeans, Owen had on a button-down shirt over pressed jeans. Yeah, he had a slight beard, but he’d trimmed it down that morning, and even had some sort of mousse or gel in his hair. As Graham had never once used the stuff, he wasn’t sure which one it was. He also had a feeling if Owen hadn’t planned on actually getting dirty at the start of the job, he’d have worn slacks instead of jeans, and probably even a tie along with it.

Graham never did understand his brother and his need to look presentable at all times.

But that’s what made Owen, Owen and Graham…Graham.

“I didn’t sleep well,” he mumbled. “It’s also the first day on a new job I don’t want in the first place, so yeah, I’m a little off. Once I get a hammer in my hands, I’ll get over it.”

Owen studied Graham’s eyes and cursed under his breath. “Shit, I didn’t think about what month it was.” He paused as if trying to think of something to say to make it all better. Nothing was going to make it that way so his brother would do better to stop trying.

Graham held out a hand and shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll get over it. I always do,” he lied.

He never got over it; never let it leave his mind. But he worked through it, buried it when he needed to, and found a way to live when not living had almost seemed like a better choice.

Hell, he needed more coffee than this if his brain were going to head in that direction. “When’s Murphy getting here?” he asked, trying to change the subject smoothly. From the look in Owen’s eyes, he hadn’t been smooth enough.

Thankfully, Owen went with it and didn’t push. That’s what he loved about his brothers; they didn’t press unless he needed it. And even then, they did their best not to be annoying about it. He knew he was the same way when it came to their demons, and that’s what made them Gallaghers.

They’d gone through hell on their own and had come together when the only other option had been giving up.

And for a Gallagher, there was no such thing. A Gallagher did not give up.

“Murphy said he’d be here a few minutes ago, so probably in ten minutes,” Owen said with a grin.

“I heard that, asshole,” Murphy said as he strolled in. Their younger brother had brushed his hair at least, but other than that, he looked like a slightly smaller version of Graham. He’d also let his hair down so it lightly brushed his shoulders, and since he’d shaved his beard fully a month or so ago, it hadn’t come back all the way yet.


If Jake had been there with his scruffy beard and messy hair, the four of them would have probably looked like they needed to be locked up somewhere—up to no good and with no responsibilities. But looks weren’t everything, and even though they were inked, pierced, and not the cleanest cut, they were well on their way to making Gallagher Brothers Restoration into something more than the small yet profitable business it was.

Owen flipped Murphy off and handed him his coffee. “I know you heard it. I said it loudly enough for you to. It’s amazing what happens when you’re observant and hear a truck park.”

For that remark, Graham flipped Owen off, as well. He looked between his brothers and the old mansion that hadn’t been cared for in far too long. It needed a complete overhaul so it would be safe for anyone who wanted to live there in the future, as well as keep in line with the century it had been built so it could remain on the list for historical landmark status.

It was going to be a bitch to work with, and if it had been any other house with any other backstory and politics attached to it, Graham would have been first in line to work on it.

Now, though, he wanted nothing to do with it.

“We’re not taking the job,” Graham said with a growl.

It was an old argument. One he hadn’t won yet. Because they hadn’t signed the final papers, they could still back out and take a job that wouldn’t make his brain hurt and his hands twitch. The heiress and final land owner of the property would be there soon to go over the final details, and because of the way the place had been caught up in litigation with one thing or another, they hadn’t met her yet.

He wasn’t in the mood to deal with a spoiled princess who couldn’t be bothered to care about the place she’d grown up in.

“We’re taking the job,” Owen said, this time without his normal patience.

As usual, Murphy stood back and let Graham and Owen fight it out. Graham wasn’t sure what side Murphy was on, but he had a feeling it wasn’t his.

Damn it.

“We’re not taking the job,” Graham repeated.

“We’re taking the job,” Owen said right back.

“No, we aren’t.”

“We need this,” Owen said, frustration lining his voice. “This is our big break. We can make Gallagher Brothers a name in the business. We’ll be along the lines of Montgomery, Inc.. A legacy in our field, where we won’t have to worry about finding jobs because they’ll find us. We’ll be safe. Secure.”

“Not with this job, Owen. I’m the oldest Gallagher. The boss. What I say goes.”
Murphy and Owen shared a look, and Graham sighed, knowing he’d lost before he’d taken his first sip of coffee.

They were taking the damn job.

“Fine,” he growled. “Whatever.” He drained the rest of his cup and tossed it in the trash bag Owen held out. Seriously, the man thought of everything.

“Want to take a look around before she shows up?” Murphy said with a small smile. “I mean, if we have to take the job, we might as well see what we’re working with.”

“We already did,” Graham said. “And you’ve been poring over the plans for months, Mr. Architect.”

Murphy was the company’s lead architect, though all three of them worked on plans. Owen was their manager, the one that kept them organized and sane. While Graham was the foreman, the one in charge of the day-to-day building and bossing around the rest of their crew to make sure they knew what they were doing. When Jake joined them on projects, he did the classical restorations and woodworking that none of the rest of them had the talent or skills for. It worked for the four of them, even if sometimes working with his brothers day in and day out was a little much. They kept him steady, though, and that had to mean something. Especially this month.

Murphy shrugged. “Yeah, but it’s a little different when we’re about to sign the papers. Come on. It’ll be fresher for us so we can jump right in.”

“He’s right, you know. We should at least do a walk through before she shows up, in case there are any issues we didn’t address in the initial documentation.”

Graham blew out a breath but followed his brothers as they began their way through the sprawling mansion that had seen far better days.

“Like you’d let anything escape your attention before this,” he said to Owen with a small smile.

Owen rolled his eyes. “I can’t help being perfect, you know. It’s a curse as well as a gift.”

Graham punched his brother in the arm, putting a little heat behind it to make sure Owen kept on his toes. Graham might be nearing forty, but he wasn’t about to grow up fully anytime soon. Plus, Owen and Murphy were closer to thirty than he was, and he needed to make sure his baby brothers knew who was actually the boss in this company and family.

Owen reached out to punch him back, and Graham ducked, running into Murphy, who pushed him into Owen’s shoulder. Graham laughed then, a deep chuckle that surprised him. He hadn’t thought he’d laugh this month, and damn if he didn’t respect his brothers that much more for keeping him in the now, rather than always in the past.

As they neared the other entrance, he let out an oath. If anything, the cracking paint and wallpaper, as well as the molding beams, looked even worse than before. If they hadn’t already done a full sweep of the place to make sure it was safe to even stand under the damn roof, he wouldn’t even be inside. This was going to be one hell of a job, and if he’d been in any other mood, and if it had been any other place without the strings that came with it, he might have been more excited about the prospects of being part of the restoration.

The place had good bones, he had to give it that, but that was about it. And, normally, while good bones were the reason he did this job and loved it—at least, usually—sometimes, he wanted to kick someone for letting a place get to this. Yeah, he’d be out of a job in that case, but to see something that had once been so grand and intricate end up the way this place was, hurt.

Buildings needed care, and most of the time, people sucked and didn’t do it.

“You’d think with a family with this kind of money, they’d take care of their shit a little better,” Graham grumbled.

“Good to know what kind of attitude you’ll have on the job,” a sultry voice said from behind him.

Owen mumbled a curse while Murphy’s eyes widened. Graham tightened his jaw. Great. The little heiress was finally here, and now he had to deal with whatever shit she’d brought with her.

He turned on his heel, rolling his shoulders back as he did. The shock to his system at the first look of her was a jolt.

Shit, were heiresses supposed to look that good in a business skirt?

Of course, they are, he thought to himself. They spent all their money on their clothes and whatever they needed to look the way they did, rather than taking care of the important things in their possession like the home they’d once lived in. God forbid this woman get her hands dirty to clean up the mess that the people residing here had left.

Her long brown hair had streaks of lighter colors in it, like blonde and chestnut, though she’d pulled it back in a tight bun at the base of her neck so he couldn’t see how long it was.

Her eyes were large, but not too big for her face, and had this honey brown hue to them that looked as if they might change color in different lighting. Her cheekbones were prominent, but not in the malnourished way that the one chick who’d hit on him at the last site had had. She wore a light brown business jacket with silver buttons over a cream shirt and a very tight skirt that matched the jacket.

If he weren’t already in a pisser of a mood, he might have wanted to see how far that skirt would slide up her legs as he fucked her. Especially with those tall heels she wore that had the little straps at the ankles to keep them in place.

And that was a train of thought he needed to end right now. He didn’t know this woman, and while his groin might have one idea, his brain needed to focus on the fact that someone had neglected this house for years. Yeah, it might not exactly be her fault, but she was here, and he needed someone to blame.

It made him an asshole, but frankly, he didn’t have enough coffee in his system to not be one. And add in the fact that this month was one he’d rather not think about…

She was lucky he didn’t walk right out and say “fuck it” to the whole project.

Owen cleared his throat next to him, and Graham held back a groan. That was why he didn’t have the option of leaving, and why he probably shouldn’t be a dick when it came to this woman.

But something about her rubbed him the wrong way, and apparently, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

“If you don’t like my attitude, you can walk, princess.” Owen and Murphy each groaned under their breath. Hell, why was he acting like he was a toddler who’d stubbed his toe? He needed to get a freaking grip.

The woman narrowed her eyes before looking toward Owen. “You’re the one dressed for this, so I take it you’re in charge?” She pointedly didn’t look at Graham, and he couldn’t blame her, even though it annoyed him.
Owen moved forward, pushing Graham out of the way as he did so, and held out his hand. “Owen Gallagher. I’m the Construction Manager listed on record, and have been the one speaking with who I presume is your estate lawyer. These are my brothers, Murphy and Graham. They own the company with me, though in the future, you’ll only have to talk with me.” He laid on that Gallagher charm that had skipped Graham completely today.

“Blake Brennen.” She took Owen’s hand in a quick shake and then let go. She nodded at Murphy before turning to Graham. “If you have a problem working here, then leave. I’m only here because I’m listed on the estate as the executor, and because the will demands this restoration. I’m out of options. I really don’t care if you have a problem with me, but I will have a problem if you make mistakes on the job because of it.”

Graham’s brows rose, an inkling of respect and curiosity about the woman in front of him sliding through his defenses. The fact that she didn’t seem to want to be here any more than he did intrigued him.

“We’re here because this place needs help,” Owen said smoothly. At her snort, Graham’s lips quirked. “It’s true, and you can see it. I don’t know the full history of the place other than what’s in the documents I have, but I do know it has heart.”

Blake’s eyes hardened. “It might have had it once, but it doesn’t now.”


Owen cleared his throat, but it was Graham who spoke next. “The place went to shit, but we’ll fix it.” He paused, letting her gaze rake over him. He couldn’t help but like that part, even if on first sight he didn’t like her. “That’s what we do. We’re Gallaghers.”

She tilted her head, and as he studied her, he thought he saw something in her gaze that called to him. But he had to be wrong. Because he’d already told himself he didn’t like her. She was just like Candice. Too good for him, and too good for anything in his life.

Been there. Married that. He was out.

“I don’t know the Gallaghers, sorry,” she said finally. “If I had my say, I’d have the Montgomerys on this project, but apparently, they gave it to you.”

That wasn’t exactly the case, considering this was what the Gallaghers did, and the Montgomerys knew that. The fact that Jake was marrying a Montgomery was only part of the equation, but he didn’t know what all this Blake knew.

“Anyway,” Blake said suddenly, her chin raised. “Do you have everything I need to sign? Once that’s done, I’m out of your hair. In fact, I honestly don’t think I’ll be back. Good riddance to his place.

Hell, there she went, being all interesting again.

Owen moved forward and slid some papers out of his messenger bag. “I got it right here. Let’s go to my truck, if that’s okay with you. That way, we can go over everything.” He looked over his shoulder at Graham, narrowed his eyes, and took Blake gently by the elbow as they walked out of the building.

When Blake cautiously moved away from Owen’s touch, Graham did his best to not be happy that his brother wasn’t touching her. Hell, his dick needed to get in gear because he did not want that woman. He didn’t need her in her pressed suits with her fancy money and all the drama that came with it.

She’d said she wouldn’t be back, and he couldn’t help being grateful for that. He didn’t want to deal with whatever was going on in her life, or the fact that his dick couldn’t help but stand at attention when she was near.
As soon as Owen and Blake were out of earshot, Murphy, who had been suspiciously quiet up until now, punched Graham in the shoulder. Hard.

“What the fuck, man?” Graham bit out as he rubbed his shoulder. His little brother might have been scrawny as hell growing up because of the poison in his veins and body, but he sure as hell packed a mean punch now.

“I should be asking you the same question,” Murphy spat. “I have never seen you act that way around a woman before, and I’ll be damned if you do it again. I mean, seriously, Graham, what the hell is wrong with you? Mom would smack the back of your head or kick your ass for doing something like that. Blake hadn’t even spoken a word, and you were already treating her like something on the bottom of your shoe.”

Graham felt heat rise on his neck, and he shrugged, shame filling him though he did his best to push it away.

“She just rubbed me the wrong way.”

“So?” Murphy asked. “Just because you don’t like her for reasons only God and your dickish brain knows, doesn’t mean you can talk to a woman like that. Hell, you especially shouldn’t talk like that to someone we technically work for.”

“Technically, we work for the estate,” Graham mumbled.

“Now who’s acting like the little brother,” Murphy sneered. “Get your head out of your ass and apologize to her when you see her next. Because you know what? Not only is Owen right in the fact that this job means something, but you’re better than this.”

Graham sighed and ran his hand over his face. He needed that cigarette, beer, and woman again. Only when he thought of the woman, she saw Blake, and he held back a growl.

“She reminded me of someone, and I took it out on her.” He grunted. “I’ll apologize.”

“Damn straight you will,” Owen said as he stormed back in. “She’s gone, by the way. So maybe call her and leave a message to say how much of an asshole you are. Because there’s no way she’s coming back here, though I don’t know if that’s all because of you. And who the hell does she remind you of?” As soon as he said it, he closed his eyes and cursed.

Graham sighed. “Yeah. Her.” They all knew whom he was talking about.

“Jesus, this month is going to suck,” Murphy whispered under his breath.

Murphy wasn’t wrong. And yeah, Graham was an asshole. Because no matter whom Blake was, she wasn’t his ex-wife, and he needed to get that through his head. What made matters worse—he hadn’t minded the fact that Candice was a trust fund baby when they were married.

It was only when their world had crashed down around him that it had become an issue.

An issue he would do anything to forget.
But nightmares never faded, and Graham knew that better than anyone.



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about the author

carrie ann

Carrie Ann Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary and paranormal romance. Her works include the Montgomery Ink, Redwood Pack, Talon Pack, and Gallagher Brothers series, which have sold over 2.0 million books worldwide. She started writing while in graduate school for her advanced degree in chemistry and hasn’t stopped since. Carrie Ann has written over fifty novels and novellas with more in the works. When she’s not writing about bearded tattooed men or alpha wolves that need to find their mates, she’s reading as much as she can and exploring the world of baking and gourmet cooking.

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#ReleaseDay #WORT #BDSM – The Edge of Dominance by Shayla Black, Jenna Jacob & Isabella LaPearl


Jenna Jacob is our attending author



04-TEOD-v6Since Macen “Hammer” Hammerman shares the bond he’s long craved with Raine Kendall and his best friend, Liam O’Neill, he should be looking forward to a bright future. But a vengeful force from the past returns to cast a long shadow. As Hammer reels from a bombshell that exhumed struggles he’d buried after his late wife’s passing, he learns her death may not be ruled a suicide after all.

Worse, a figure from Raine’s childhood surfaces, determined to rip her away for good. As the threats against the trio multiply, Hammer must confront his demons while leaning on Liam to keep their new family intact. But with emotions running high and forces mounting against them, can their love survive so they can finally live happily ever after?

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01-ODTL-v6Raine Kendall has been in love with her boss, Macen Hammerman, for years. Determined to make the man notice that she’s a grown woman with desires and needs, she pours out her heart and offers her body to him—only to be crushingly rejected. But when his friend, very single, very sexy Liam O’Neill watches the other Dom refuse to act on his obvious feelings for Raine, he resolves to step in and do whatever it takes to help Hammer find happiness again, even rousing his friend’s possessive instincts by making the girl a proposition too tempting to refuse. But he never imagines that he’ll end up falling for her himself.

Hammer has buried his lust for Raine for years. After rescuing the budding runaway from an alley behind his exclusive BDSM Dungeon, he has come to covet the pretty submissive. But tragedy has taught him that he can never be what she needs. So he watches over her while struggling to keep his distance. Liam’s crafty plan blindsides Hammer, especially when he sees how determined his friend is to possess Raine for his own. Hammer isn’t ready to give the lovely submissive over to any other Dom, but can he heal from his past and fight for her? Or will he lose Raine if she truly gives herself—heart, body, and soul—to Liam?

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02-TYTS-v6Raine Kendall has everything a woman could want…almost. Sexy, tender Dom Liam O’Neill is her knight in shining armor, but Raine keeps pinching herself. Is he too good to be true or is this growing connection one that could last a lifetime? She’s constantly torn by her abiding feelings for her commanding boss, Macen “Hammer” Hammerman, especially in the wake of the mind-blowing night he cast aside the barriers between them and ravaged every inch of her body.

Hammer, Liam’s former best friend, can’t stop coveting Raine. But Liam is determined to hold and guide the woman he loves and see if she can be the submissive of his dreams. However, he’s finding that her trust is hard won and he needs a bloody crowbar to pry open her scarred soul. So he risks everything to win her once and for all. But once he’s put his daring plan in motion, will it cost Liam his heart if he loses Raine to Hammer for good?

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03-TBTD-v6After spending weeks trying to reach Raine Kendall, Dominants Liam O’Neill and Macen Hammerman have finally broken past the walls to their submissive’s wounded heart. Before they can enjoy their newfound closeness, Liam’s past comes back to haunt him when his ex-wife drops in—with a secret that could tear his world apart. Forced to leave Raine in Hammer’s care, Liam is stuck on the outside, stewing in frustration and insecurity…and wondering if Raine no longer needs him or if Hammer alone completes her.

Always the pillar of strength, Hammer tries to help Liam while sheltering their woman. But Raine soon discovers the truth that threatens the trio’s chance of a happily-ever-after. Determined to hold them together, the two men cook up a scheme to uncover the ex’s secret. When an old nemesis returns and targets Raine, can Liam and Hammer come together to slay the danger and save the woman they both love?

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Shayla Black is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than forty novels. For over fifteen years, she’s written contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances via traditional, independent, foreign, and audio publishers. Her books have sold well over a million copies and been published in a dozen languages.

Raised an only child, Shayla occupied herself with lots of daydreaming, much to the chagrin of her teachers. In college, she found her love for reading and realized that she could have a career publishing the stories spinning in her imagination. Though she graduated with a degree in Marketing/Advertising and embarked on a stint in corporate America to pay the bills, her heart has always been with her characters. She’s thrilled that she’s been living her dream as a full-time author for the past seven years.

Shayla currently lives in North Texas with her wonderfully supportive husband, her teenage daughter, and a very spoiled cat. In her “free” time, she enjoys reality TV, reading, and listening to an eclectic blend of music.


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Bestselling author Jenna Jacob paints a canvas of passion, romance, and humor as her Alpha men and the feisty women who love them unravel their souls and heal their scars to find their happily-ever-after kind of love. Heart-tugging, captivating, and steamy, Jenna’s books will surely leave you breathless and craving more.

A mom of four grown children, Jenna and her Alpha-Hunk husband live in Kansas. Jenna loves books, Harleys, music, and camping. Jenna’s zany sense of humor and lack of filter exemplify her motto: Live. Laugh. Love.

Meet the wild and wicked family in her sultry series: The Doms of Genesis. Or become spellbound by the searing love connection between Raine, Hammer, and Liam in her continuing saga: The Doms of Her Life (co-written with the amazing Shayla Black and Isabella La Pearl). Journey with couples struggling to resolve their pasts to discover unbridled love and devotion in Jenna’s new contemporary series: Passionate Hearts.



Hello Friends! My name is Isabella and I write sexy, erotic romance. I’m a wife, mother, writer, reader and I love to ride my motorcycle.

To say it’s been an extraordinary journey thus far would be an understatement…what a rush! What a thrill to realize dreams and see them go from a seed to fruition. So for all you aspiring Authors who like me, have a fire inside that burns brightly and demands to be sated by writing… Never give up.

#WOTR – Rhapsody by Cecilia London



Synopsis (Black) Deja Vu Serif - Legal

RHAPSODY-EBOOK (1) “I’m never going to stop loving you, Caroline. It’s just not possible.”

Major Caroline Gerard returns from a dangerous mission battered and bruised. Terrified to confront the emotional and physical gap between her and her husband, she’s determined to do whatever it takes to avoid reality.

Commander Jack McIntyre has been tasked with saving American democracy, but he has to save his marriage first. He’s desperate to regain the passionate connection that he and his wife once shared. And a man on a mission will sacrifice anything to succeed.

In the meantime, the rebellion is in need of a catalyst to spur international action to stop President Santos’ increasingly unstable behavior. As Caroline and Jack repair their hearts, each day brings new secrets and new challenges, and a revelation that could shatter everything they thought was true.

Rhapsody is the fifth book in The Bellator Saga. It should be read after the first four books in the series.



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Head over to Cecilia’s Author page today to see what she will be giving away on #ReleaseDay








BUSINESS CARD FRONTCecilia London is the pen name of a native Illinoisan currently living in San Antonio, Texas. She’s filled several roles over the course of her adult life – licensed attorney, wrangler of small children, and obsessed baseball fan, among others. An extroverted introvert with a serious social media addiction, she is the author of The Bellator Saga, an epic, genre-crossing romance series. You can catch all of her quirky updates on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or at her website.





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Leather and Lace – Release Blitz – Brynley Bush

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Brynley Bush just released a Novella for her “A Hard Men of the Rockies” series.

Leather and Lace


NFL bad boy Knox Beckinsale has made headlines one time too many. Injured, suspended from the Torpedoes, and needing to clean up his image—fast—he heads to Fort Collins to help his Grandma Rosie after her heart attack. No women. No parties. No trouble. Until he meets Leila Patton, who’s nothing but trouble with big blue eyes and a girl next door demeanor that does nothing to hide curves that could make a man forget his religion.
Knox Beckinsale is cocky, arrogant, and sexy as sin—everything unemployed journalist Leila isn’t looking for in a man. Which makes him absolutely perfect for banishing the memory of her former boyfriend who broke her heart—and fired her. But one night turns into another, and before long Leila realizes there’s more to Knox than just a pretty face and killer abs.
When secrets from Knox’s past surface, Leila is forced to choose between writing the story of a lifetime…or taking a chance on her own love story.
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about the author
Brynley Bush has had a lifelong love affair with words.  She earned her degree in English and Creative Writing and wrote magazine feature stories for years before turning to writing fiction.  She writes the kind of books she likes to read: steamy contemporary romances featuring smart, sassy heroines with a sense of humor and strong, dominant alpha males who love their women a little feisty. She lives in Texas with her family and an assortment of pets.When she’s not writing, she loves to read, spend time with her family, and travel.
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Brynley is giving away a signed paperback of Leather and Lace!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

#ReleaseDay – Porn Star by Zara Cox





Author: Zara Cox

Series: Dark Desires, #1

On Sale: September 13, 2016

Publisher: Forever

eBook: $4.99 USD

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Zara Cox brings her self-published novel to Forever as the start of a sexy new series.

People call me many things: CEO, billionaire, bastard. Q.

I love women. I love sex. I love money. I love hot, wild nights with no promise of a future, because a future is one thing I don’t have. I’m twenty-eight years old. I won’t live to see thirty, and I don’t care. Or I didn’t, until her.

Nobody plans for a life like this. Some of us just end up here.

They call me Lucky, though luck has never been on my side. Before I met Q, my life was a big, twisted mess. Never enough money, never anyone to trust. No way out. With Q, the shame and fear disappear. Instead I feel pure pleasure, and that’s something I’ve never had before. But if what I’ve just learned is true, we’d better enjoy every second together while we can…before our time runs out.

Previously published as I, Porn Star.




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Zara Cox has been writing for almost twenty-five years but it wasn’t until nine years ago that she decided to share her love of writing sexy, gritty stories with anyone outside her close family (the over 18s anyway!). This series is Zara’s next step in her erotic romance-writing journey, and she would love to hear your thoughts.




















BARGAINING FOR THE BILLIONAIRE by JM Stewart (September 13, 2016; Forever Yours eBook; $3.99; Seattle Bachelors Book 3)

 In the tradition of E.L. James and Sylvia Day comes a sultry new series starring women who want to live out their wildest dreams . . .

 You know what they say: billionaires do it better . . .

 Grayson Lockwood is every girl’s fantasy. Fabulously wealthy? Check. Dangerous good looks, complete with a titillating tattoo on his rock-hard chest? Check. High-powered CEO? Check. Too bad none of that impressed the only woman he ever loved. Since she walked away from him three years ago, Grayson can’t get her out of his mind. To win her back, he’ll have to finally open up about the secrets he’s been keeping. But first, he may have to use a little deception.

 Tired of her comatose love life, Madison O’Reilly spices things up by chatting online with a sexy stranger. All she’s really looking for is a hot fling-and BookNerd seems flirtatious and surprisingly attuned to her needs. As their chats become steamier, she begins to wonder just how long she can hold out before she has the real thing. But when he steps out from behind his avatar, Grayson can only hope that Maddie will finally see his true heart . . .

Buy Links

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2b9LK2D

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/2bbx86O

Kobo: http://bit.ly/2bjEKRT

iBooks: http://apple.co/2bl6kAa

Google: http://bit.ly/2bjFcj4

about the author

J.M. Stewart is a coffee and chocolate addict who lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, two sons and two very spoiled dogs. She’s a hopeless romantic who believes everybody should have their happily ever after and has been devouring romance novels for as long as she can remember. Writing them has become her obsession.

about the author





Add Bargaining for the Billionaire to your shelf on Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2bVtFFZ

#WOTR #Review – Captured Innocence by Kennedy Layne




When former Marine, Connor Ortega, was ordered into the offices of Crest Security Agency on a Saturday morning, he didn’t expect the latest case to hit so close to home. A submissive has been murdered in a particularly vicious manner and to bring her killer to justice, he must go undercover. Not hard to do considering he’s already part of the BDSM lifestyle.

Lauren Bailey, a local vendor of bejeweled erotic implements, lives vicariously through her clients due to her fear of bondage. When Connor’s dominant side can’t resist trying to ease her anxieties, she accepts his proposal and agrees to his one stipulation…keep things casual.

When the killer sets his sights on Lauren, Connor is forced to rethink their relationship. He has the training it takes to catch a murderer, but does he have the courage to escape his inner demons and capture Lauren’s heart?

Publisher’s Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable (anal play, strong BDSM theme and elements, violence). Not intended for those under the age of 18.

Series Description:

Crest Security Agency (CSA) is run by Gavin Crest, a retired Marine Master Sergeant. He has personally selected his own former military team members, both men and women, to configure a seamless Special Operations Capable (SOC) unit. Working together on investigations, domestically and abroad, each team member will find their niche in life and love. Follow along as Kennedy Layne conveys each of their stories as they work together on investigations that lead them down perilous paths of passion, intrigue and suspense



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Melinda's Review

This is for an audible review.

This was my first Kennedy Layne and an audio review. I enjoyed listening to this one. I was pulled in and the narrator was wonderful. This had so many of my favorites Military, BDSM, suspense, and mystery.

Connor and Crest Security Agency is investigating a murder in the BDSM family when Connor is introduced to Lauren. Lauren owns her own business making custom jeweled toys for the BDSM community. Lauren knows how she deserves to be treated and doesn’t put up with crap. Connor is a dominate alpha male he is kind and caring but once he decides something is his he will protect it with his life. I love that Conner is caring and gentle when it comes to Lauren.

Between the chemistry that Conner and Lauren have and the mystery that was building in the story I so enjoyed listening to this and hatted to pause it at any time. The ending was a surprise I had no idea who the suspect was I was way off on that one. I am intrigued to learn about the other guys in this series. I will defiantly be reading more about these men.

about the author

Kennedy Layne

Kennedy Layne is a USA Today bestselling author. She draws inspiration for her military romantic suspense novels in part from her not-so-secret second life as a wife of a retired Marine Master Sergeant. He doubles as her critique partner, beta reader, and military consultant. They live in the Midwest with their teenage son and menagerie of pets. The loyal dogs and mischievous cats appreciate her writing days as much as she does, usually curled up in front of the fireplace. She loves hearing from readers—find out how to connect with her at www.kennedylayne.com.

#Promo – Checkmate: This Is War by Kennedy Fox

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Title: Checkmate: This Is War

Series: Checkmate Duet #1

Author: Kennedy Fox

Photographer: Sara Eirew

Designer: Sara Eirew

Genre: Friends to Lovers Romance

Release Date: October 3



Travis King is the worst kind of asshole.

He taunts me for being a good girl and mocks my high standards.

He’s cruel, crass, and has enough confidence to last two lifetimes.

And I hate him.

It wouldn’t matter so much if he were avoidable.

But considering he’s my older brother’s best friend and roommate, I see him more than I’d ever want to.

His sculpted abs and gorgeous eyes are a waste on such an egotistical man, which makes me hate him even more.

Even though I’ve had a crush on him since I was ten, the feelings weren’t mutual and he’s always made that very clear.

He’s always loved getting under my skin and one night against my better judgment, I let him in my bed.

I’ve succumbed to his manwhore ways, but that doesn’t change a thing.

Because the King is about to get played at his own game—and lose.




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This Is War Promo





Title: Checkmate: This Is Love

Series: Checkmate Duet #2

Author: Kennedy Fox

Photographer: Sara Eirew

Designer: Sara Eirew

Genre: Friends to Lovers Romance

Release Date: TBA



Viola Fisher is the epitome of perfection.

She despises my one-night stands and mocks my less-than-classy habits.

She’s smart, beautiful, and too good to be true.

And I want her.

If she were anyone else, I’d have made my move years ago, but considering she’s my best friend’s little sister, she’s always been off-limits. Not to mention how much she loathes my very existence.

Hating me is her religion, but needing her is mine. Her sexy curves and filthy smart mouth make me want her even more, and I’m more determined than ever to change her mind.

I’ll prove I’m done playing games.

But until then, we’ll continue to play by her rules.

Viola Fisher may have won the battle, but the war isn’t over yet.

Checkmate, princess.

This Is Love Promo


About the Author

Kennedy Fox

Kennedy Fox is a duo of bestselling authors who share a love of You’ve Got Mail and The Holiday. When they aren’t bonding over romantic comedies, they like to brainstorm new book ideas. One day, they decided to collaborate together under a pseudonym and have some fun creating new characters that’ll make your lady bits tingle and your heart melt. If you enjoy romance stories with sexy, tattooed alpha males and smart, independent women, then a Kennedy Fox book is for you! Both authors are from Manhattan living the glamorous bachelorette life, or perhaps they’re just confusing themselves with an episode of Sex and the City (Total #Girlcrush SJP). Either way, they’re looking forward to bringing you many more stories to fall in love with!

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#promo – Inarticulate by Author Eden Summers #RELEASEBLITZ

Inarticulate Release Blitz
from Author Eden Summers
Release Date September 12, 2016

Could you handle his silence?
The next novel from bestselling author, Eden Summers,
is set to catch your breath. Inarticulate is a contemporary, standalone romance
novel and a read you won’t want to miss.
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Question from Eden Summers:



He’s silent––but his
touch speaks louder than words.
At first sight, Savannah is drawn to the
harsh appeal of a man who refuses to talk to her. Keenan’s hard stare is
arrogant and unapologetic. The quirk of his sensuous lips is cocky and in
But there’s more. There’s something deeper
he’s trying to hide behind those steely grey eyes––a slight hint of
vulnerability which captures her intrigue.
She’d been warned, told that his silence
hides a myriad of lies capable of affecting her career and relationships with
loved ones. Only she can’t help herself. Testing Keenan’s defenses is an
addiction she can’t deny.
Falling in lust is easy. Learning his secrets
comes with a price. The cost? Her broken heart.


Enter to win!!!
About the Author
Eden Summers is a bestselling author
of contemporary romance with a side of sizzle and sarcasm.

She lives in Australia with a young family who are well aware she’s circling
the drain of insanity. Eden can’t resist alpha dominance, dark features and sarcasm in her fictional
heroes and loves a strong heroine who knows when to bite her tongue but also
serves retribution with a feminine smile on her face. 

Connect with Eden


#Promo – Conflicted by Lisa Suzanne




Title: Conflicted
Author: Lisa Suzanne
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: September 12, 2016


“Be a good little assistant and go get me some coffee.”Comments like this are why I hate my boss. Since taking over as CEO of Benson Industries, Cole Benson has been demeaning, arrogant, and infuriating.

For as much as I hate him, I can’t stop thinking about him. A captivating attraction passes between us each time his dark eyes meet mine. As the late nights and business trips add up, we are compelled to cross the line of our professional relationship.

But how can I call him my boyfriend when I already have a husband?


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“I’ll save myself from further embarrassment by cutting in.” His voice was deep, and I caught his scent before I saw him. Jack smiled at me and made a face like he’d gotten in trouble.

“I’m off to get Arlene some more wine.” He elbowed Cole in the ribs. “She gets a little randy after she’s had a few.” He laughed and scampered away to find his wife while Cole rolled his eyes in disgust.
He took my small hand in his big one, and my entire body flushed with heat at his proximity. Our hands had never touched before. If anything, he did his best to avoid any sort of contact with me.

His skin against mine was electric.

Just our hands touched, but it felt as if he was touching me everywhere.

He laced one arm around my waist as the notes of another ballad filled the room. We were dancing like old people, my hand in his, his arm around my waist, and my other hand resting on his shoulder.

That big, broad shoulder hidden behind his tuxedo coat.

My fingers flexed involuntarily, and I couldn’t help but notice how hard his entire body was beneath that sexy tux. My mind wandered and my mouth watered as I thought back to that picture I’d seen of him wearing just his swim trunks. That mental image mixed with the man in the flesh sent an aching need right to my core.

He pulled me just a bit closer to him, surprising the hell out of me, and I felt something rigid pressing against my hip.

Holy. Shit.

Was he as hot for me as I was for him?

No way. There was no possible way.

But his erection digging into me told a completely different story.

“What was my father telling you?” he asked in a deep rumble. I looked up into his eyes.

God, he was handsome. His milk chocolate irises had golden flecks in them that I’d never been close enough to notice before, and his breath smelled of peppermint.

I couldn’t think when I was this close to him. Words caught in my throat.

“That bad?” he asked. I sensed his nervousness.

I cleared my throat and broke our eye contact so I could think. “Just a proud father bragging about the time his son took off his clothes in a department store.”

“God. He tells everybody that stupid story. I’m surprised this is the first time you’ve heard it.”

I smiled. “It’s not so bad.”

“I was ten.”

I choked on my laugh as I tried to hold it in.

“It’s okay. You can laugh.”

I didn’t hold back, and even Cole chuckled along with me. I couldn’t help the joy that filled my heart in hearing even a small chuckle out of the man who was in a perpetual bad mood.

I made the mistake of looking up at him as we both laughed. When he smiled, adorable little crinkles outlined his eyes and he had a tiny dimple in just his left cheek. He looked carefree and young, ten times more beautiful than he had just moments earlier.

But when our eyes met, the mood instantly changed.

Neither of us was laughing anymore. Instead, an intense heat passed between us and the air around us filled with a raw and savage tension.

Author Bio


Lisa Suzanne is a romance author who resides in Arizona with her husband and baby boy. She’s a part-time college instructor and former high school English teacher. When she’s not cuddling baby Mason, she can be found working on her latest book or watching reruns of Friends.

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