#REVIEW – Fallen Fourth Down (Fallen Crest Series, Book 4) by Tijan


My mother tried to destroy me. She doesn’t exist to me anymore and my father, the one who raised me and the biological one, are both works in progress. The only two people that I can trust are Mason and Logan, and they’re the two people who I could lose. It won’t happen. I won’t let it. No matter the truth, no matter who loves me, I won’t let anything or anyone come between us.
They’re my world. They’re my life.
They’re my family.

Twinsie Jo’s Review:

Man oh man. I swear Tijan will have a permanent hold on my heart for the rest of my life. I am so in love with these characters I feel like they are a part of me. I want to hold them and comfort them. I want to be the big sister and the family they never had. Gah! I just love them oh so much. Okay, review time. Enough gushing.

Sam…oh Samantha. I swear this heroine, although so young, has a firm grip on my soul. Okay, back to gushing. Sam is strong and Mason? Logan? Geesh. These three together can rule the freaking world!

At the end of book three, there is a BIG secret that gets revealed. Well obviously we the reader know the secret cause we just know Logan and how he is. Sam keeps said secret to herself all through book 4 and man, my heart. At the end of this book, I tried reading faster so I could find out what happened.

So many issues for such young people. I love these characters. I can’t get enough of them. If Tijan decided to write them for the rest of her career, I would be a very happy reader.

#Review – In The Red by Chelsea Camaron



The event that shook one small town to its core was never solved. The domino effect of one person’s crime going unpunished is beyond measure.

He’s no saint.

Dover ‘Collector’ Ragnes rides with only five brothers at his back. Nomads with no place to call home, they never stay in one place too long. Together, they are the Devil’s Due MC, and their only purpose is to serve justice their way for unsolved crimes everywhere they go.

She’s not afraid to call herself a sinner.

Emerson Flint still remembers the loss of her elementary school best friend. She is all grown up, but the memories still haunt her of the missing girl. Surrounding herself with men at the tattoo shop, she never questions her safety. Her life is her art. Her canvas is the skin of others.

However, danger is at her door.

Will Dover overcome the history he shares with Emerson in time? Will Emerson lead him to the retribution he has always sought?

Love, hate, anger, and passion collide as the time comes, and the devil demands his due.

Each book in the Devil’s Due MC is a stand alone, full length novel. Contains adult content, language, and violence not suitable for readers under the age of 18. This is not an exact depiction of life in a motorcycle club, but rather a work of fiction meant to entertain.



Melinda's Review

I received this book for an honest review.

I am hooked!! Chelsea Camaron did it again I so enjoy her writing style and the way she tells a story. The Nomad Bikers have walked away with my heart. Yes, all of them Collector (Dover) with his driver to bring justice for his sister, Judge the calm one of the bunch, Rowdy is well as you guessed it by his name, X is mysterious to me, Trapper well he is just Trapper, and then there is Deacon who is a man of few words and is has found a place in my heart as one of my new BBF.

The first book of this series is about Collector or Dover Regnes. Collector’s life was turned upside down and inside out one day in a single moment. He has never forgotten the moment he lost his little sister. He along with his brothers, Judge, X, Trapper, Rowdy and Deacon are on a mission to bring justice for his sister and other s along their way.  Until the day all their “leads” brought him face to face with Emerson Flint his sisters BFF.

Emerson better known as Sonnie now lost her best friend and her world was shut off and her parents kept close tabs on her. When she was old enough she left and never looked back but she always remembered Raleigh and yes Dover too. She found a friend who showed her how to use her drawing talent by using her artistic ability and becoming a tattoo artist.

This was so good, held my attention and kept me turning pages until the last word was read. Yes, I read this in one sitting I could not set it down. I loved the tension between Emerson and Dover. Seeing the flash backs to when they were kids was heartbreaking and cute at times. Their relationship truly was that of two magnets spin them one way and they tried to repel spin them around and they are hard to pull apart. The scene where Sonnie and Judge are talking about Dover had to be one of my favorite scenes. Trapper had me cracking up especially when he was getting his Tattoo. The Twist was great I didn’t even see it coming I thought I knew the entire time then NOPE I was off on that. The bonus at the end with Trapper and Avery was awesome I cannot wait to learn more about these two. But up next is X and Hadley oh man I cannot wait to hear this story I have a feeling it is going to be a heart breaker.

about the author

USA Today Bestselling Author Chelsea Camaron was born and raised in Coastal North Carolina. She currently resides in Southern Louisiana with her husband and two children but her heart is always Carolina day dreaming.

Chelsea always wanted to be a writer, but like most of us, let fear of the unknown grab a hold of her dream; she realized that if she was going to tell her daughter to go for her dreams, that it was time to follow her own advice.

Chelsea grew up turning wrenches alongside her father, and from that grew her love for old muscle cars and Harley Davidson motorcycles, which just so happened to inspired her ‘Daddy’s Girls’ series. Her love for reading has sparked a new love for writing and she currently has a few more projects in the works.

When she is not spending her days writing you can find her playing with her kids, attending car shows, going on motorcycle rides on the back of her husband’s Harley, snuggling down with her new favorite book or watching any movie that Vin Diesel might happen to be in.

She hates being serious and is still a big kid at heart. She is a small town country girl enjoying life and, Chelsea hopes that her readers remember not to take life too seriously and to embrace your inner five year old, because five year olds know how to enjoy the simple things in life and how to always have fun.

Email chelseacamaron@gmail.com

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/authorchelsea…

#AuthorSpotlight A Cowboy’s True Colors by @LanaDempsey1

A Cowboys true colors COVER

A Cowboy’s True Colors (The Mystical Traditions of Buckshaw Ranch Book 1)

Everyone’s last year in high school is always chaotic. This is especially true for Astrid at White Wood School. As if having a bully, an absentee father, and a best friend with a big problem weren’t enough – she also has to deal with having a secret power. Anytime she sees someone, Astrid also sees a kaleidoscope of colors surrounding them. Each individual’s emotions swirl in a changing pattern, allowing her to know what they’re feeling. This sixth sense complicates her life further, especially when she meets the one person who’s colors she can’t read – Victor Berenger, a tall handsome cowboy with smoldering eyes. Every time Astrid is around him, she thinks her heart will beat out of her chest. When she finds out he is equally drawn to her, she’s thrilled. The man certainly knows his way around the bedroom. Life seems just about perfect…until the day Astrid’s vision takes a new twist. A set of colors appear on the school grounds–only this time they aren’t attached to a human! A mystery unfolds that threatens Astrid and her friends. To her surprise, Victor holds a piece of the puzzle. Join these two as they learn one another’s secrets, as well as the hidden, magical history of White Wood School.

*Content Warning: Contains explicit scenes and language. Intended for 18+ Audience

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A Cowboys true colors teaser

For the briefest moment he stopped his scan of the room and studied her. Or was she remembering that wrong? She was never sure. Either way, his expression didn’t change and he continued his inventory of his fellow classmates. After that, he hadn’t spoken to her until the last couple of days.

“Ah, yes. I’m sorry about that, I was a bit distracted. It wasn’t for lack of interest I assure you.” Victor pressed himself a little closer to her under the blanket.

“You don’t seem very distracted now.”

This made him laugh. “Honestly, I’ve been worried about my brother. Right now he seems a bit taken with your friend, so I feel a little less guilty about indulging in my own interests.”

“Is Reggie okay?” she asked.

When Victor didn’t answer right away, her mind raced through various possibilities. Maybe Reggie was sick, he hadn’t been to school, they’d only just met him tonight.

“I’m sorry, I really can’t share that with you right now.”

Astrid instantly regretted having asked. The lighthearted mood was gone. Dang it! She chided herself for having brought it up. Then she had an idea. Before she could talk herself out of it she leaned into him and with her open palm drew a long caress down the length of his thigh. She felt him freeze up. Afraid she might have offended him with her forwardness, she paused and tilted her head up a little bit in an attempt to read his face in the dim light.

How wrong she had been.

Victor met her upturned face with the full force of his lips on hers. His leather jacket whispered as he reached around and grabbed her by the back of the neck to pull her closer to him. Despite her heart beating so hard it seemed about to jump out of her chest, she turned into him draping her knee over his leg. She brushed against the bulge between his legs with her thigh. The warmth there and the image of what lay beneath those Levi’s made her melt entirely.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long.” Victor practically growled the words when he finally pulled away from her long enough to speak.

“I want to do more than kiss you.”

The feel of her voice, hot and sultry against his neck, was enough to drive him wild. How had he held this in for so long?

“That can be arranged.” He told her thinking ahead of places he could get them some privacy. Maybe next time at her house, before her mom comes home, he plotted.

“Where can we go? I’m not kidding, I want you now.” The urgency inside her would not be ignored. This new demanding part of herself seemed to be taking over.

“Now?” His heart stuttered a beat as he realized she was completely serious. Again he grabbed her by the neck and kissed her long and hard, this time pushing his warm tongue past those sweet lips. Eagerly she responded, pressing her chest up against him and letting out a tiny moan.

That was it, he was completely undone. I will have her now, he said to himself. “This way,” his voice was thick with the ache of desire. Gathering up the blanket he draped it over his shoulder and grabbed her by the hand.

She followed silently, her body alive, vibrating to an age old rhythm. Watching him walk ahead of her, she suddenly felt a proprietary right to watch the roundness of his behind without restraint. It was beautiful and she couldn’t wait to see it in the flesh.

A Cowboys true colors teaser2


Lana Dempsey Auth Pic

I’m Lana, a life long Texan, dog lover, and writer of sensual romance. When I say ‘sensual romance’ I mean I include real life in my stories, and real life includes sex.

I divide my time between Austin Texas and a small family ranch not far from Shiner. Shiner is the home of Shiner beer, I’ve been known to stop off at their tasting room before rolling up my sleeves to get to work on the ranch. Like many Texans I’ve got a bit of everything in me, German, Native American, and some Creole influence. Nothing like a little spice to liven things up.

Writing is much like reading, I need to feel the story in the same way a reader would. I adore leading men who are strong, but aren’t afraid to love. My goal is to fall in love as I write, it’s the only way my reader will as well.

Come with me and get to know a hot cowboy or two. It’ll be fun!

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Amazon


#1YearAnniversary #AuthorSpotlight #99P #Sale – More Than a Fling by Amber Nation




Julia Caldwell has long since mastered the art of seduction in order to catch the only thing on her radar; one night stands. Having two failed marriages under her belt, she’s learned to keep her feelings in check and remain aloof, not wanting to get caught up in another pesky relationship only for it to end eventually in heartache. As the manager of a prestigious Hair Salon in Nashville, she succeeds in keeping the opposite sex at arms-length except when it suits her and her needs. That is until she lands on Cottage Grove soil.

Dean Parker has just as many failed marriages against him, and with being a divorce lawyer it eventually has him thinking that’s why his conquests always fall through, due to his occupation. After seeing his two childhood friends rekindle their flame and earning the happily ever after he so desperately craves, he decides to give up. That it’s not worth the heartache he’s been put through. Until he meets the snarky spitfire who gets under his skin.

Throwing the two of them together in the same town for the wedding of their best friends, Julia isn’t against having another fling, even if it is with Dean, but he definitely has other plans of making it more than that. Amongst their non-defined affair, lurking somewhere in the darkness is a shadow from one of their pasts who will stop at nothing to make sure that happily ever after’s stay where they belong, in the fairy tales.

Buy Links

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1Pjs8Wl
Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00Z5IFKGG
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00Z5IFKGG
Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00Z5IFKGG

STRIPPED BARE – by Emma Hart – #ExcerptReveal @EmmaHartAuthor




sbcoverWhen unlucky in love Mia O’Halloran finds herself face to Sex God V-Lines with a chiseled, hot male stripper in possession of a package not even the postal service could lose, what happens in Vegas is definitely supposed to stay in Vegas.

She doesn’t expect to find Mr. Multiple Oh-Oh-Oh as her client—and hell, how is she supposed to pitch a marketing plan when she can remember how easily he briefed her g-spot on an orgasm… or five?

West Rykman has one rule: you don’t mix business with pleasure. They can look, but unless they’re shoving a dollar inside his pants, they can’t touch. He learned that lesson the hard way two years ago.

He had no idea the flame-haired vixen with a penchant for hot, kinky sex and a mouth that would make a hooker cry would be the one to bend—and break—his rule.

She’s sworn off men after ten too many heartbreaks.

He’s determined he’ll never lose it all for a woman again.

She’s pretty screwed.

He’s really screwed.

And not in the we’re-not-sleeping-tonight way…


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“Hi,” I said into the phone. “What’s up?”

“Me,” he rumbled back. “I’m pretty sure I’ve been hard all fucking day.”

I swallowed. Was this phone sex? I’d never done phone sex before.



“Are we going to have phone sex?”

He paused. “Do you want to have phone sex?”

“Are you hard?”

“I’m always hard when I think about you.”

I felt like I needed to preen a little. “I’ve never had phone sex before.”

“What kind of assholes have you been dating?”

“You really don’t want to go there. We’ll be here all night. I mean, seriously. I bore myself at this point.”

“You’re rambling. Are you drunk?”

“I wish,” I mumbled. I needed to be drunk to phone-sex, didn’t I?

Yes, I decided, blankly staring at my TV. I did. And not just any kind of drunk. I needed to be absolutely hammered.

“You didn’t answer the question, Mia,” he said softly.

Oh. Right. Did I want to. Well, I had looked at that picture several times…

“Yes. I want to.” I was officially crazy. I’d lost my mind. No doubt about it.

“Where are you right now?”

Through the phone, I heard a door shut.

“Are you in bed?” he asked.


“Get into bed. Take your clothes off first.”

His tone was commanding and strong, and before I could think it through, I was in my room, my phone was on the bed, and I was stripping down to my underwear.

I picked the phone up and climbed in bed. “I’m in bed.”

“Good.” His voice was a little gruff. “What are you wearing?”

I bit down on my lower lip and glanced at the scarlet-red underwear set I had on. “Hold on.” I brought up the camera on my phone, kicked the sheets to the side, and took a photo of myself using the front camera. It was good enough, so I texted it to him. “Check your messages.”

He was silent for a good few seconds. Then there was, “Jesus, Mia. Fucking hell.”

“Do you…like it?”

“Like it? You look sexy as fuck. If I were with you right now, I’d rip those fucking panties off you.”

“And do what?” Look at me go.

He laughed slightly. “Kiss you,” he answered roughly, all traces of laughter from his voice gone. “I’d run my hands up your body as you wrap your legs around my waist.”

I swallowed, my clit aching as the low tone of his voice mixed with his words turned me on.

“I’d kiss down your neck and unclasp your bra so I could touch your gorgeous tits.”

My hand hovered as I contemplated doing it—and then I did it. One quick fiddle with the clasp between them and my bra cups fell to my side. My nipples were hard, and I cupped my right breast, my thumb ghosting over my nipple.

“I’d take them in my mouth. Roll my tongue over your hard nipples until you moan beneath me and beg me for more.”

My eyes closed.

“And then I’d kiss my way down your stomach to those tiny, red panties.”

My hand took on a life of its own as it followed his words. My fingertips trailed down the center of my stomach until they brushed the waistband of the red lace thong.

“Then what?” I asked.

“Then I’d peel them down your legs and, once they were off, open your legs so I could see your wet little pussy.” He exhaled. “Are you naked?”

“Yes,” I replied softly.

“I want to see you.”

“Will you send one back?”


“Okay,” I whispered. Then I awkwardly took a picture.

Luckily it wasn’t blurred, and no sooner had I sent it to him than one came right back. No face, just like mine, and my eyes skipped right over the hot body to where he looked like he had a tight grip on his cock.

I struggled to right my breathing. I was even more turned on now, seeing that he was too.

“Fuck, Mia. I’m so hard for you.”

I swallowed. “Are you touching yourself?”

“Yes. But, if you send me another picture like that, I won’t need to.” He paused. “Are you touching yourself?”

“Not yet.”

“Touch yourself. Now. Open your legs and slide your fingers over your clit.” The demanding tone was back, and I loved the thrill that danced down my spine on a shiver. “Rub it and put a finger inside your pussy. I want to know how you feel when you fuck your own tight pussy.”

My heart pounded in my chest as I did what he’d said. I slid my hand down between my legs, ghosted a fingertip over my clit, and bit down on my lower lip as I pushed my middle finger inside myself.

“Move it,” he ordered me, his voice gruff. “Rub your thumb against your clit. Fuck your own hand, Mia, and imagine it’s mine. Imagine I’m there watching you finger yourself and get off.”




By day, NeDSC_9249w York Times and USA Today bestselling New Adult author Emma Hart dons a cape and calls herself Super Mum to two beautiful little monsters. By night, she drops the cape, pours a glass of whatever she fancies – usually wine – and writes books.

Emma is working on Top Secret projects she will share with her followers and fans at every available opportunity. Naturally, all Top Secret projects involve a dashingly hot guy who likes to forget to wear a shirt, a sprinkling (or several) of hold-onto-your-panties hot scenes, and a whole lotta love.

She likes to be busy – unless busy involves doing the dishes, but that seems to be when all the ideas come to life.



#CoverReveal – Destination Connelly Series: The Colloway Brothers #4 by K.L. Kreig @KLKreig



Title: Destination Connelly
Series: The Colloway Brothers #4
Author: K.L. Kreig
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 27, 2016


Treachery. Destiny. Forgiveness. 

She’s the one woman he could never shake or forget. Nora Cantres was buried so fucking far inside Connelly he didn’t have breath left for anyone else. She’d managed to avoid him for more than a decade, but now the running stops. He’s made damn sure of it. Yet just when he’s got her in his bed, in his life, the secret she’s been hiding is unexpectedly revealed, blowing his entire world sky high. 

Connelly Colloway was every man’s man. Confident. A little cocky. A whole lot of sexy. Once upon a time Nora thought he was hers, but then he betrayed her in the worst possible way, setting them on paths that didn’t include the other. Now he’s wormed his way back into her life and while she’s never loved anyone but him, she can’t let him back inside. She has too much to hide, too much to lose. 

But when Karma finally catches up to them the only question is: can he forgive her monumental deceit or will she lose everything she holds dear, including Connelly? 

Book 4 in a 4 book series. Each book features a different brother and each can be read as a STANDALONE. To get the full Colloway Brother experience, however, it’s most enjoyable to read in order. 

***Mature readers only, 18+. Features alpha men with foul language and penchant for hot sex.


Pre-order Links
Also Available
Author Bio
I’m just a regular ol’ Midwest girl who likes Game of Thrones and am obsessed with Modern Family and The Goldbergs. I run, I eat, I run, I eat. It’s a vicous cycle. I love carbs, but there’s love-hate relationship with my ass and thighs. Mostly hate. I like a good cocktail (oh hell…who am I kidding? I love any cocktail). I’m a huge creature of habit, but I’ll tell you I’m flexible. I read every single day and if I don’t get a chance…watch the hell out, I’m a raving bitch. My iPad and me: BFFs. I’m direct and I make no apologies for it. I swear too much. I love alternative music and in my next life I want to be a bad-ass female rocker. I hate, hate, hate spiders, telemarketers, liver, acne, winter and loose hairs that fall down my shirt (don’t ask, it’s a thing).
Author Links

#NewRelease – Found, Captive Heart Duet #2 by Carrie Aarons @authorcarriea




Title: Found
Series: Captive Heart Duet #2
Author: Carrie Aarons
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: June 9, 2016

We found each other where no else could.Found a purpose. Found ourselves. Found love.


But then life got in the way.

Three years later and the people that we once were are nowhere to be found.

Can our love survive everything we’ve put it through?

Can we find a way back to each other…


Conclusion to the Captive Heart Duet.


Purchase Links




Also Available





Author Bio

Author of romance novels such as Red Card and the Captive Heart Duet, Carrie Aarons writes sexy, swoony and sarcastic characters who won’t get out of her head until she puts them down on a page.

Carrie has wanted to be an author since the first time she opened a book. She loves spinning tales that include dapper men, women with attitude, and the occasional hunky athlete.

When she isn’t in what her husband calls a “writing coma”, Carrie is freeing up her jam-packed DVR, starting her latest DIY project, or planning her next travel adventure. She lives in New Jersey with her husband, who is more than happy to watch sports while his wife plots love stories.

Author Links

#CoverReveal #ForgedinFire – Forged in Fire by Alyssa Rose Ivy @AlyssaRoseIvy


Releasing June 23, 2016

Add it on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28821532-forged-in-fire

A love more powerful than any other, and a darkness intent on destroying it.

James and Ainsley are desperate. As darkness nearly consumes James,
their only chance is to trust people who may be foes, and hope their love is strong enough to save them all.

Please update your post when you can!

Haven’t started the Forged Chronicles yet? Forged in Stone is on sale for 99¢ for a limited time!

Purchase on Amazon: http://amzn.to/22R5Vbd

Purchase on iBooks: http://apple.co/1OFDff0

Purchase on Google Play: http://bit.ly/1S9xHf3

Purchase on Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1OFD5V4

The son of darkness is all grown up…

James is a Guardian. He is tasked with protecting the most important person in his world. For eight years he has done his job without complaint, but he has grown tired of living under the shadow of a father who is responsible for the most unimaginable violence and destruction his world has ever known.

Ainsley is at a loss for what to do with her life. She hates her two dead end jobs and the family who betrayed her. She has resigned herself to living one day at a time, but she longs for an escape from her lonely life.

When Ainsley finds James in her bed, their two lives and worlds collide. They may have both found exactly what they need, but the darkness James has been running from his whole life has just caught up.

About Alyssa Rose Ivy

Website Facebook Twitter

Alyssa Rose Ivy is the bestselling author of more than twenty-five novels with over half a million books sold worldwide. She loves to weave stories with romance and humor, and she is best known for writing about college boys with wings and skinny dipping. After surviving law school and earning her masters in library science, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

#Review – Got the Life (Nicki Sosebee, #1) by: Jade C. Jamison



Nicki Sosebee wants her first headline, but she doesn’t want it to read “Reporter found dead.”

Since leaving school years earlier, Nicki Sosebee has long since given up on the notion of The American Dream, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still have dreams of her own. She realized early on that her college degree isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, but she also knows that she doesn’t want to work for minimum wage the rest of her life.

She wants MORE.

To get there, she’s been learning the ropes as a novice reporter for her hometown newspaper, but it doesn’t take her long to find out that her naïveté is not doing her any favors. That’s where her best friend Sean Ramsey comes in. He gives her advice when her instincts steer her wrong and he supports her when she needs it.

Oh…and he’s HOT.

She’s had it bad for Sean, ever since The Night eight years ago, the one time they hooked up and had the time of their lives, but she ruined it when she accidentally called him her ex-boyfriend’s name in the heat of passion. And they’ve been friends only—and hands off—ever since.

Nicki’s currently investigating a story that she thinks might result in her first headline. One of Winchester’s bad boys has been locked up for arson, but as Nicki digs deeper, she finds it’s not just a case of trying to set fire to a house…and between being seduced by a bad ass biker and potentially getting caught by the bad guys before she can write that headline, Nicki starts to wonder if she’s really GOT THE LIFE.



Melinda's Review

I received a copy of this book for an honest review.

So my BFF and Partner in crime has been after me to read about Nicki and “her” Sean forever. Now the day has come and I read the first Nicki Sosebee and now I’m asking myself why did I wait so long? Oh and just to let you know Sean is now mine just saying but we don’t need to let my BFF know this for now.

Nicki Sosebee is a no name reporter who wants to make it big. She goes to the court hearings hoping for that one big break that will do it for her. She wants her article to be the headline one day and she is determined to make it happen. Nicki has no filter says whatever whenever it hits her tongue. Got to love that in a girl! Nicki’s BFF and go to guy is Sean. When things happen in her life she runs to him to share it and when Nicki needs him he is right there to help her. Nicki has had a crush on Sean since high school but ever since the one night that they shale never talk of again Sean has placed Nicki in the “friend zone”.  Although if Sean would ever step over that friend line he created Nicki would be all for that.

I enjoyed getting to know Nicki.  This was a quick read and once I started I couldn’t put it down. The drama and suspense in this had me biting my nails.  I kept thinking at one point how is Nicki going to get herself out of this predicament. Now I need to get Dead to continue the Saga of what is Nicki’s world. I also need to know if there are more feelings hidden deep inside of Sean for Nicki and will he let them out.

about the author

Jade C. Jamison was born and raised in Colorado and has decided she likes it enough to stay forever. Jade’s day job is teaching Creative Writing, but teaching doesn’t stop her from doing a little writing herself.

Unfortunately, there’s no one genre that quite fits her writing. Her work has been labeled romance, erotica, suspense, and women’s fiction, and the latter is probably the safest and closest description. But you’ll see that her writing doesn’t quite fit any of those genres.

You’ll have to discover Jade’s writing for yourself to decide if you like it.

#WOTR#AmWriting – A Collection of Letters to Benefit The Wayne Foundation


AD Ellis and Elizabeth Sharp

#AmWriting Ebook CoverKnowing what you know now of writing, publishing, and putting your art out into the world, if you could go back to the day you sat down to start typing in your very first manuscript, what words would you offer to yourself? Words of encouragement? Words of advice? Caution against certain pitfalls? Would you change anything about how you got to where you are today?

The publishing community is so much bigger than it was before the self-publishing boom and it continues to grow exponentially every day. Unfortunately, it doesn’t come with a handbook or support group. #AmWriting is a collection of letters written by authors from all different corners of the publishing community. The letters provide words of encouragement or advice to those just starting out or those who have become discouraged in their art. At Pure Textuality PR, we believe in supporting each other as a community, and we felt this project would be a good way to bring writers together and maybe give some new artists just the right nudge to keep going.

100% of the net proceeds of #AmWriting will be donated to The Wayne Foundation, a charity dedicated to offering aid and services to young women victimized by illegal sexual exploitation and the sexual trafficking of minors. For more information about The Wayne Foundation, you can visit them on the web at http://waynefdn.org.

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Who is involved???

#AmWriting has a great list of more than 60 authors, including NYT bestselling author Jeaniene Frost!

A.D. Ellis
Amy Joy Lutchen
Andrew Jericho
Ashlynne Laynne
Becky Flade
Beth Dolgner
Brandy Dorsch
Brenda J. Pierson
C.L. Foster
Cassia Brightmore
Cecilia London
Cherron Riser
Cithara Patra
Courtney Houston
Crystal Dawn
E.J. Stevens
Elizabeth Sharp
Ella Col
Emily Cyr
Emma Nichols
Erin Hayes
Erynn Crittenden
Felicia Starr
Gabbie S. Duran
Geri Glenn
Harlie Williams
J. Nichole Parkins
J.B. McGee
J.M. Gregoire
Jamie Summer
Jeaniene Frost
Jess Haines
Jessica Cage
Jody Pardo
K.c. Stewart
Karina Espinosa
Kasey Belle
Katie Kenyhercz
Kendall Grey
Kory M. Shrum
L A Cotton
Leyla Kader Dahm
Louisa Lo
M. Never
M.L. Steinbrunn
Mary Crawford
Michelle Mcloughney
Mike Gonzales
Misha Carver
Misha Elliott
Muriel Garcia
Nicole Zoltack
Pamela K. Kinney
R.A Mizer
Rachel Walter
Rebecca Sherwin
Renee Dyer
Sara Dobie Bauer
Serena Kearney
Shakuita Johnson
Shannon Bell
T.J. Michaels
T.L. Manning
Tracie Podger
Xandra James


About The Wayne Foundation


Board of Directors | Financials | Podcasts

Mission Statement

The Wayne Foundation is committed to spreading awareness of CSEC (Commercial Sex Exploitation of Children) DMST (Domestic Minor Sexual Trafficking) occurring within the United States.

Vision Statement

The Wayne Foundation’s vision is for a world without child slavery. We are dedicated to providing direct assistance to those victimized by exploitation.

Drop in Center

The Wayne Foundation operates the third drop in center in Florida recognized by the Department of Children and Family Services. It is located in Charlotte County Florida, and serves clients throughout Southwest Florida. Our target clientele are young women aged 13-25. Our DIC is equipped to provide daily services that include, but are not limited to: Food, New Clothing, Access to Shower, Media Center, Mental Health Assistance, SNAP/ Medicare Benefit sign-up/renewal, Family Counseling, Education Assistance, and Transportation To and From the Center.

Shelter Services

The Wayne Foundation continues to have the goal of providing shelter services to young women victimized by exploitation or trafficking. This is our primary long term objective.

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We are THE TWINSIES… We love to read…We love to promote the authors we read… and we love to stir up TROUBLE… It's who we are and what we do