MM March Madness – March 26 – Jack Pyke

03-26 - Jack Pyke


March 26

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Jack Pyke

author bio

Jack L. Pyke blames her dark writing influences on living close to one of England’s finest forests. Having grown up hearing a history of kidnappings, murders, strange sightings, and sexual exploits her neck of the woods is renowned for, Jack takes that into her writing, having also learned that human coping strategies for intense situations can sometimes make the best of people have disastrously bad moments. Redeeming those flaws is Jack’s drive, and if that drive just happens to lead to sexual tension between two or more guys in a D/s relationship, Jack’s the first to let nature take its course.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

I have four kids. My eldest lad is 22, my youngest, 4, and I also have a granddaughter who’s 1.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I love series writing! But it can get complex as you delve deeper into 3rd, 4th, and 5th novels. There’s a lot of details to crossover novel to novel, not to mention introducing new characters etc. But you get to really investigate your characters. There’s always something new that crops up.

Where do you do most of your writing?

In my living room. I have a little corner for me, with my stereo close by as I write to music. It keeps me close to the kids and hubby, and is probably where I’m most happy.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

*Sighs* I get so little time to read for pleasure. If I’m not editing, I’m writing, or running promo. Favourite books, oh lord, I could be on this all day! Anything by Joseph Lance Tonlet, Lynn Kelling, Nicole Colville, and Adrienne Wilder.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I think it’s very much growing. The readership keeps getting wider, with readers always anxious to pass and share favourite reads; reviewing blogs are really coming into their own, but also there’s just so much variety out there with how to digest M/M novels. Audio, podcast snippets, foreign language translations, not to mention more and more distribution sites coming in. The drawback is that some of those always take their cull of royalties and fight their own battles to dominate the likes of distribution. Authors get caught up in the battle and royalties seem to get lower and lower.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

How intimate it is! I love being alone with a script and settling in to see where the characters go, what they do. Then there’s the sharing aspect when it goes live and how readers react: whether they fall in love with certain things or loathe others.

What are you working on now?

I’m actually working on a tie-in into the Don’t series. It’s introducing two new characters who’ll come at Gray and Jan from a new perspective. It’s working with a theme I’ve been thinking of for a few years: someone who is more comfortable walking the streets during the night and taking a look into other people’s lives. I don’t have a blurb, but I do have an extract, if that’s okay? The extract itself introduces Ash, my late-teen lad who’s just been pulled away from my street walker by his best friend Rease. —— “Fucking flirt.” Rease offered a chuckle as Ash slumped on the bar stool. “Me?” Ash fought the heat on his cheeks. “I do “Snog Me” wish-lists, you… you’ve got this whole—” His hand went everywhere. “—IPA Fuck-Buddy Tour Guide.” Rease leaned closer. “What’s an IPA?” “International Phonetic Alphabet.” “Oh.” He couldn’t connect the dots. “And that differs from the usual ABCs, how exactly?” “Because the IPA doesn’t only show the normal alphabet but highlights how letters go two, three, and foursome to make sound. And you—” “That foursome was just a rumour.” “Started by you, to me on the phone, when you were begging a lift from Karl and Elaine’s.” “See—” He even counted on his fingers. “Three.” “The postman was there.” “Delivering letters.” “Naked?” “It was hot.” “With whip marks on his arse.” “Annnd obviously displaying public disappointment over failure to deliver the goods in the right letterbox when prompted.” Although Rease fought a blush. “That was a few years back and something I don’t do often.” Ash got a pat to his shoulder. “Forget getting laid, you need a life, mate.” ——–

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Movie night! We always take time out with the kids to watch a movie on Saturday nights. The recliners go up, quilts come out, popcorn, Coke… it’s pure heaven!

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

The Highest? Hands down the day at the Ritz, I got to meet so many people (authors, bloggers, fans) I’d been talking to over the net, and it made such a difference meeting them face to face. Low: you’re not just an author, but everything else thrown into the mix too, and it weighs you down. to breaking at times. Many a time I’ve thought of stepping away permanently because I miss just being able to write and share stories. I’m getting better with time management, and that’s what it comes down to, just allowing yourself time to say, okay, you’re an author, you’re supposed to actually write at some stage.

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Jack Pyke has donated an ebook choice of any novel from my back list (any format)

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!





#WOTR #ReReleased #PNR- Soul Journey by Miranda Shanklin


soul journey


It has been many lifetimes since the cycle began.

The cycle that still haunts Annisa Lawson.

A spell cast in desperation to help, which only caused heartache.

Now, Annisa has found her way out of the varying repeats of her past; only to bring more danger to herself, and those around her. Now she must learn to survive with the help of her friends: Chase, Penelope, and Landon have all gone through each life cycle with Annisa. Sometimes helping, sometimes hindering. Now that Annisa has broken the cycle of their collective punishment, she finds that she needs her friends more than ever to keep their enemies, known, and unknown, at bay. As the group of friends learn of their souls’ journeys through their many life cycles, they must also learn to control the magick they have discovered within themselves and each other, in order to defeat the most feared assassin in their world.

soul journey teaser



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about the author

Miranda Shanklin resides in Central Illinois with her husband and their two children. When she is not working at her day job as a paralegal, running her children to practices or supporting them at events she is writing. She has been an avid reader most of her life and has always dreamed of writing her own books someday. Now that her children are reaching their teenage years she is finding the time to sit down and chase her dream.



MM March Madness – March 25 – Ella Frank

03-25 - Ella Frank


March 25

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Ella Frank

author bio

Ella Frank is the author of the #1 Bestselling Temptation series, including Try, Take, and Trust and is the co-author of the fan-favorite erotic serial, A Desperate Man. Her Exquisite series has been praised as “scorching hot!” and “enticingly sexy!” A life-long fan of the romance genre, Ella writes contemporary and erotic fiction and lives with her husband in Portland, OR. You can reach her on the web at and on Facebook at Some of her favorite authors include Tiffany Reisz, Kresley Cole, Riley Hart, J.R. Ward, Erika Wilde, Gena Showalter, and Carly Philips.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

Something you don’t know about me…hmmm, I co-author with a wonderful woman by the name Brooke Blaine. I love writing as the other half of a duo. It’s so much fun brainstorming and coming up with characters to share with the world. We can’t wait to work on our next project together!

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I love writing series! They’re fun for me. Getting to carry over characters from previous books to the next. But at the same time I feel you really need to know how far you want to take those characters and set a book number for yourself.

Where do you do most of your writing?

I do it at my desk in my bedroom right now. I live in a beautiful apartment but it is rather small, so I can’t wait for the day I actually can put my desk in an office!

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I am currently reading HOOKER by Brooke Blaine which is a romantic comedy, and it is hilarious. I absolutely love and recommend the L.A. Liaisons Series. As for a new favorite books and series I love, I recently read a brilliant series last year by Cassandra Clare – The Infernal Devices. It is literally one of the best series I have ever read.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

This genre has exploded. When I first came out with Try, the m/m genre was barely talked about on the mainstream blogs in the indie world and it took a lot of convincing on my part to get people to give my book a look. Since then, some amazing authors have broken through and really helped this genre thrive and rise to be one of the most talked about out there. I also think that the recent Equality Act which passed gave way to an influx of authors adding characters with more diverse sexual preferences, and from there it has just continued to grow. I am proud to be a part of this writing community and to see how far it has come.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

That you always have the opportunity to change, grow, and learn something new about yourself. With each book I like to think I challenge myself and make it just a little better in my eyes than my last. Whether it be the writing itself, the plot, the dialogue, I am always hoping to improve upon the last and give readers something they can really sit down and enjoy. After all, that’s why you pick up a book, right? To get lost inside the world of the author. I just hope I continue to build new and fascinating ones for people.

What are you working on now?

I just finished up Finley, and I’m in the process of writing the second book to follow. You can find more information on Finley at –

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Probably go out to dinner and see a movie. It’s low key, relaxing, and I can turn my brain off for a few hours and forget about the world I am writing about.

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

Hmmm…I feel a certain HIGH each time I finish writing a book. It’s such a sense of accomplishment to know that the characters on the page came out of my head. I haven’t had any lows as far as I feel. Every day brings new challenges and I consider myself one of the luckiest people on the planet to be able to wake up and do what I love every day.

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Blind Obsession by Twinsie Brenda

Take by Twinsie Brenda


Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Ella Frank has donated a signed paperback of Finley once they are available.

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!



#WOTR #Review – Broken Love by Evan Grace


Book Title: Broken Love (Love Stings Book 1)
Author: Evan Grace
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: February 23, 2016
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


book blurb

As a young woman, Abby Carmichael had it all—until the night a stranger tore it away…A year and half after the brutal sexual assault, Abby is finally starting to feel like her old self. Teaching dance classes with enthusiastic kids is just the kind of job she needs—far away from probing eyes or vicious intentions of the opposite sex. When she connects with one of her students, Natalie, it isn’t long until she meets her father, Deputy Ben James.

Ben James is just a regular guy, working to make a life for himself and his daughter…

That’s what Abby tells herself when her sudden attraction for Ben catches her off guard. Abby has been steering clear of men for obvious reasons, and the idea of wanting that kind of relationship is more terrifying than intriguing. But with his doe-eyed daughter tugging at her dance uniform, Ben takes notice.

He’s ready for love, but does her past hold too many secrets?

After the assault, Abby coped by using heavy medication and fell into an ugly chain of one-night stands. But now that she’s out of rehab and finally on the right track, it’s only a matter of time before Ben finds out.

Will Abby be the true love Ben has always wanted? Or is she a tangled challenge, leading to yet another… Broken Love?

excerptChapter One


I stare at the stream of smoke that floats up from the joint burning in my ashtray. The smell is sweet and comforting as I pop another Xanax into my mouth. I need to hurry. I’ve already taken five and I don’t want to pass out before I can finish what I started and end this pain. I need to do this. I need to stop hurting and feeling dirty. I’m tired of watching my parents hurting because they don’t know how to help me. I’m tired of my brothers and sister avoiding me because they don’t know how to deal with what I’ve become. My best friend and cousin, Carrington, watches me constantly with a guilty stare. It’s not her fault I was followed back to our apartment after I went home sick from work and she was gone on a date.

I can’t stand being touched anymore, especially by my family. I’m so dirty now and I don’t want any of that to rub off on them. I can’t remember the last time I let my dad , Dylan, or my real dad, Cash, hug me. I used to love hugs from Gramps, but now the thought of his hands on me makes me want to vomit. My entire family changed after I was raped six months ago. After it happened, I moved back into my parents’ home.

My parents and I fight every day. I’ve become erratic and foolish. Going home with men I don’t know and letting them use my body. I feel like I have control when I let them fuck me. Then I come home to scrub the feel of them off my skin and force myself to vomit over and over and over. My parents have tried punishing me, reasoning with me, but I’m twenty-one and they can’t make me do shit. They’ve tried therapy and all that got me was the constant supply of Xanax.

I take a hit of the joint and let the smoke travel down into my lungs and hold it there until I finally exhale it slowly. I put two more pills in my mouth and swallow them with a swig of the beer I grabbed out of my dad’s refrigerator in the garage. I’m starting to feel a little woozy. I stand on unsteady legs, staggering to my full-length mirror. I stare at my reflection and don’t recognize the person looking back at me. My golden blonde hair is dyed a mousy plain brown. It’s stringy and lifeless along with my complexion. I’ve always had a light tanned glow but now I’m sallow. My blue eyes are dull. I hate what I’ve become. I hate him for taking something that wasn’t his to take in the first place.

I scream, my fist flying through the air until I strike my mirror. I watch my reflection splinter as the mirror cracks. I hit it again and again until my arms feel too heavy to lift anymore. I collapse to the floor when someone starts pounding on my door.

“Abby, let me in right now!” my dad shouts. I ignore him as I begin to cry while crawling to my bed, grabbing two more Xanax. My head feels like it’s filled with marshmallows. I quickly swallow them. “Please, baby girl.” I hear him beg and I begin to cry harder. Dylan may not be my biological father, but that doesn’t matter. He’s been my daddy since I met him when I was five, then when he married my mom and adopted me. I hear more pounding and shouting as I lie on my back and stare at the ceiling.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper as I hear wood splintering and then more screaming and shouting. I whisper it over and over as I stare up into the tear-filled eyes of my daddy.

I think about when I was nine and he took me to my piano lessons and whenever he left me at the door to the room, he knelt in front of me and said, “I love you, baby girl. No matter what, I will always love you. Forever and ever.”

I felt myself being lifted. Fingers entered my mouth and I heard those soft words spoken directly into my ear. “I love you, baby girl. Forever and ever.” His words make me feel warm as everything finally ends.

angies review

I received this book from the author for an honest review.

WOW!!  This book hits some tough issues head on from the first page.  Abby was raped one night when she was coming home from work.  This rape left her a mess needless to say.  She tried to cope with it through drugs and in the arms of random strangers while she was in self-medication mode.  This behavior is what leads her to try and take her life.  This is where we meet Abby at the beginning of the story.  She is trying to kill herself while her father runs in to save her.  A year later, she is clean and picking up the pieces.  She moves out and begins to teach dance with her family at the studio.  She meets a father of one of her students and is stunned at the instant chemistry they both have.

Ben is a single dad.  He is raising his daughter alone after her mother signed her away and left town.  He has awesome support from his mom and sisters but is looking for someone to love him and his daughter.  When he sees Abby the ZING he feels for her is instant.

The two have a few disastrous dates but Abby has decided to take her life back from her rapist.  She tells Ben everything.  They make a few steps forward but then stumble until the find a happy medium.  Abby is happy and so is Ben.  His daughter Natalie loves Abby as well and they form a domestic bliss.  When Abby’s past comes back to haunt her he tried to run but Ben is there in Alpha Male role to protect his daughter and WOMAN!


teaser 3

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teaser 1


meet the author

A Midwesterner and self-proclaimed nerd, Evan has been an avid reader most of her life, but five years ago got bit by the writing bug, and it quickly became her addiction, passion and therapy. When the voices in her head give it a rest, she can always be found with her e-reader in her hand. Some of her favorites include, Shayla Black, Jaci Burton, Madeline Sheehan and Jamie Mcguire. Evan finds a lot of her inspiration in music, so if you see her wearing her headphones you know she means business and is in the zone.
During the day Evan works for a large homecare agency and at night she’s superwoman. She’s a wife to Jim and a mom to Ethan and Evan, a cook, a tutor, a friend and a writer. How does she do it? She’ll never tell.

social media
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Goodreads

buy the book

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#Review – Drifter by Bella Jewel



Title: Drifter

Series: MC Sinners Next Generation #2

Author: Bella Jewel

Genre: Contemporary Romance 

 Release Date: March 21, 2016



They say opposites attract.

In my world that isn’t a good thing.

I did everything I could to escape the motorcycle club I grew up in when I turned twenty-one.

It wasn’t about fear, or betrayal, or even lack of love.

I just needed my own life.

I had to know how it felt to stand on my own two feet without their protection.

Then I met Diesel.

Mysterious, dark, with eyes that screamed to be understood.

From the second I met him, I knew I needed to be in his life.

There’s just one problem – he’s a member of a different motorcycle club.

Two things that should never be combined.

Yet I can’t stay away. No matter how hard he pushes. I can see beyond his mask.

I need to know who he is and I’ll overcome any obstacle to be in his life.

A friendship is born, followed by an epic love.

Our relationship is forbidden.

But I’ll do anything to be in his life.


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 Melinda's Review

 I received a copy of the book from the author for an honest review.I am falling in love with this series just like I did with Joker’s Wrath and MC Sinners. The kids are growing up and trying to find themselves all while driving their MC Dads crazy. This is the second book in the series but can be read as a standalone and you don’t have to have read any of the MC Sinners or Joker’s Wrath series to know what is going on. If you have read them your just a little more invested in these kids cause you know the parents story and what their personalities are.

Ok some back ground this is about Diesel and Mercedes. Diesel is the son of Mack and Jaylah of Jokers Wrath MC and Mercedes is the daughter of Spike and Ciara of the Sinners MC. What two different MC Clubs no way this has disaster written all over it no way it can work between them. OK but let us go the beginning and I’ll tell you all about it. Well maybe not ALL of it.

Mercedes is headed to college away from the biker life she wants to know what life away from the club and her over protective father is. She is introduced to Diecel at a concert that she wins VIP tickets to with her friend Pru. Diesel is 100% a DB when she does meet him. She later finds out he goes to the same college and gasp is even in her class. Mercedes is a new favorite of mine her spunk, attitude and stubbornness are great traits for her but she has a sweet and kind side too.

Diesel is brooding, cocky and the silent type the total opposite of Mercedes. He watches everything takes it in never smiles or laughs and doesn’t say much but when he does everyone notices. He is also the next in line to take over Jokers Wrath. Mercedes intrigues him her spunk and her pain in the ass attitude but she gets to him even if he has a witch of a girlfriend. I have a few choice words for her conniving evil ways.

Mercedes doesn’t give in and is bound and determined to get Diesel to be her friend she realized there is one thing wrong with them being friends he is from another MC club and that she knows will be a definite no go with her father and Diesel’s Dad. Will she be able to keep this a secret and keep Diesel as a friend or will she have to tell them and risk losing Diesel forever? Will she be able to handle that? Will Diesel and Mercedes survive the wrath if or when it comes out?

Diesel and Mercedes make the perfect couple they are opposites and that’s what makes it work. Diesel is the quiet brooding cocky guy where Mercedes is the outgoing tough girl that says whatever pops in her head no matter what it is. It doesn’t take long for Mercedes long to figure out that the clubs have similarities and she realizes she really likes the Jokers Wrath kids as much as her Sinner friends.

I absolutely loved her roommate and wished evil things to happen to Diesels girlfriend. The subtle things that Diesel did for Mercedes were so awesome and I loved his poems. I so enjoyed seeing everyone from Jokers Wrath and Sinners. I enjoyed Pandemonium and this was just as good. I cannot wait for the next one. These kids are growing up and figuring out their own lives weather it is staying in the MC life or not.

A few of my favorites:

“You called him Prez.” I blink, look back to Maddox who is watching me curiously, and then back to the man who asked the question. “It says it right there on his jacket and … I’m a Sons of Anarchy fan,” I blurt our quickly, clearly a lie. Maddox laughs, so do heaps of the bikers.

“I could have been your friend, and buddy, I would have been the best fucking friend you ever had, but you’re a dick. I don’t befriend dicks.” “What makes you think I would have wanted to be your friend?” I scoff. “Everybody wants to be my friend. I’m a very good friend. But you missed that train; it’s gone, passed, whistle blown…” He shakes his head. “You’re nuts.”

“You called me beautiful. I think we’re best friends now.”


Also Available





Author Bio


Bella Jewel is a self published, USA

Today bestselling author. She’s been publishing since 2013. Her first release

was a contemporary romance, Hell’s Knights which topped the charts upon

release. Since that time, she has published over five novels, gaining a

bestseller status on numerous platforms. She lives in North Queensland and is

currently studying editing and proofreading to further expand her career. Bella

has been writing since she was just shy of fifteen years old. In Summer 2013

she was offered an ebook deal through Montlake Romance for her bestselling

modern day pirate series, Enslaved By The Ocean. She plans to expand her

writing career, planning many new releases for the future.

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MM March Madness – March 24 – Nicole Colville

03-24 - Nicole Colville


March 24

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Nicole Colville

author bio

Bestselling author Nicole Colville was born and currently lives in Leeds, England. She is a wife to her very understanding hubby and mother of two young girls who somehow manages to fit in being a full time author of m/m romance and erotica into her busy home life. She loves writing complex characters in bittersweet romances which will leave you addicted and craving more from her men Although best known for her popular series, Hidden, Knights to Remember, and the bestselling Manchester Menage Collection. She also enjoys writing with friend, and fellow author, E.M Leya. Together they have published two books in their Sinful Temptation Collection with more planned.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

I’m a full time author who balances a busy home life with two young girls and a very understanding hubby. I love living in the North of England and it’s inspired a lot of my books and characters, but in my imagination I like to think I’m a billionaire who travels around Europe without a care in the world. I’m a little OCD in most things but I see it as a positive thing and have been able to write my little odd thoughts and actions into one of my favourite characters, Jamie in Hidden. I’m a method writer lol Which means I become the person I write about and I connect and live through them for a couple of months before I type a word.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I never set out to write series, it just sort of happened. My first books, The Hidden Series, was going to be one complete book, followed by another book from a different character’s POV, but I found the men to be so chatty and the plot was a lot more complicated than I thought when I started, so I found myself writing three and then a prequel, quickly followed by smaller characters which I’d fallen in love with through the first books. I think for me, it’s connecting with characters and wanting to know them better. In my mind even if they only have a few lines, I have this backstory and as time goes by I need to write it down and share that story because each person in my world has a great one to tell. With Knights it was a short story series and it was planned out for ten books. I saw it as a monthly magazine people could pick up and read for a couple of hours instead of a gossip rag. With a complex character and plot series which follows on as a writer it can be hard work. You have to live in that time line, remember or read through notes on when and where certain events happened. It can be tough work, and that’s why I enjoyed starting a less complicated series with Sebastian in Knights to Remember. As a reader I love series, although some are so complex and long it does feel like I’m always catching up and it can feel daunting to start a long series, but having ten books out to read one after the other is a plus as you never have to wait for the new one to come out. 😀 I always want more. I like to find books exploring new characters which we have been teased with through the earlier books. I like it when we think a certain thing about a person then find it’s wrong when we get to know them better.

Where do you do most of your writing?

On my laptop in the sitting room or in the office my lovely hubby sorted out for me. I used to write while the kids and the hubby were creating chaos around me and not be bothered, but after working in the silence of my office and mostly working while the kids are school, or in bed, I find it hard to block out the everyday sights and sounds now. I think I could write anywhere, but editing or reading through drafts needs my full attention and I like to be alone with no distractions now. I love night time writing because the world seems to slow down and the darkness outside lets my mind wander. I can stay up all night, drop the girls off at school then catch some sleep, but I try not to get into that habit. To be honest, if I need to write, I write. I have to get the voices in my head to shush, and writing them down is the only way to get some peace.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I love Aimee Nicole Walker’s Fated Hearts Series and I’m always bugging her about the next book. I’m lucky to have Emma Leya as a friend and often beta for her so I get to read a lot of her books early and I always look out for her work. Kindle Alexander, Sage Marlow, Susan MacKenna, I would recommend every book they have written to anyone.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I think more people are reading M/M and because of that more authors are including LGBT characters in their books and moving onto M/M. A lot of people find M/M through erotica, but there is so much more to the genre. Anything ‘mainstream’ you can find in M/M, it’s just the small difference of having two men in it. There’s still a lot of negativity and homophobia around and I like to think in a small way these books help break down some of those barriers and open people’s minds to LGBT relationships in a way which they wouldn’t have found otherwise. Love is love, sex is sex, there’s many ways to find these and experience these two things, but the main thing is that it’s a private matter and shouldn’t be judged or questioned by anyone anywhere. The more people who write and read LGBT books the better. It only helps everyone in the genre. I don’t believe in being competitive or negative. I support everyone and like to think I would receive the same back. We have enough issues from people outside the genre, so when we bicker and bitch inside the genre it makes me sad.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

I was a total beginner at writing. I had a lot to learn and it was a steep learning curve, one that I did while publishing my first books. I’ve learned so much and had a lot of help. I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for my team and the support from readers. I wanted to learn and grow, to enhance my work and I’m still doing that. I don’t think you ever stop. I was surprised at the amount of online help with groups and websites you could find to help you grow, and in a way I wish I had found those earlier, but in another way I think I would have thought I had too much to learn and maybe given up. Things happen for a reason.

What are you working on now?

I’m working on the next book in the Manchester Menage Collection, Blue’s book. It’s complicated in the way they get together, and emotional for me and the men, but I’m loving them all and I can’t wait to share it with everyone. It has old favourites in it from Samuel and Dalton’s books but as with the other two I try to make it standalone so it can be read in any order or by itself. I’m working on Hidden too, I’m always working on Hidden. 😀 I have two books open and at least two more to follow them. Knights to Remember will have a new start this year in the form of Krane. I fell in love with him in Dominque’s book and he has an emotional and bittersweet journey to go on. I have two shorts for this series out in 2016 too, so it will be a fun year for the Knights fans.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

When I’m not writing a book I take time out on Saturday evening to be with family. We’re sociable and enjoy getting out and about for meals and cocktails. I live almost on the same street as my mum and sister, so visits and home cooked meals with them happen all the time. When we can, me and my hubby take the time to enjoy each others company alone 😀 It’s important to make that time and keep close. Relationships, no matter how many people are in them, or what form they take, need to be worked on and kept alive. People drift apart so easily, and seeing three of my close friends’ marriage’s break down last year really made me realise I spent too much time working and not enough time with my hubby.

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

I’ll start with the highest, which has to be reaching the number 1 position for the US LGBT Romance with Dalton. It was the first time I’d ranked so high. It was such a special moment, and I’ll remember it forever. It was a surprise, a nice one, but one I now aim for with all my books. I guess I’ve had lots of low points during my writing, like all people who write we’re easily hurt and take things to heart and way too personal. I’ve learned through the years to not do that and to understand everyone has a point of view and you can’t please everyone 100% of the time. You develop a thicker skin and you need to be confident in your abilities and in your work, which is hard 100% of the time but somehow you have to find a way to keep positive.

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Nicole Colville has donated As a special prize, and because this made me think so much about series, I’m going to offer all of the Hidden Series ebooks which are currently out there to one lucky winner. That includes all the shorts and special Holiday extras. 13 in total.

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

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A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!




#ReleaseDayBlitz – Wicked Dix by Monica James



WICKED DIX by Monica James



Genre: Erotica

Publisher: Bookouture

Release date: March 24th 2016

Links: US:

I’ve always been a bad boy, with a very wicked reputation.

But then I met Madison – sweet, vulnerable, innocent Madison. She makes me feel as if there is hope for me. As if I could be a good man. I need her more than I need air to breathe.

There’s just one problem: Juliet. She’s a temptress who won’t take no for an answer. If I resist her, she’ll use our dirty secret to ruin everything with Madison.

I don’t want to lose Madison, but can I really change?

This is my chance to prove that I can.  But it’s going to be one hell of a ride.

Are you ready?


Seriously sexy and totally addictive, Wicked Dix is the second in the Hard Love Romance series. Find out how it all began…Dirty Dix OUT NOW.





Read what everyone is saying about Dirty Dix:

‘This book. This book knocked me on my butt, it twisted me up in knots and consumed me until the end. Just be warned, it is not your typical romance. It’s a wild ride with a naughty, naughty man.’ Kendall Ryan

THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD! I fell hard for Dixon…I would give it more than 5 stars if I had them.’ Wicked Good Reads

Wickedly sexy, provocative and daring with the right dose of the quintessential bad boy…’ Heidi McLaughlin

‘Monica James is a master of story telling that holds you captive with memorable story lines, intriguing characters, steamy scenes and unexpected twists and turns. You will devour every word she offers. I am officially addicted to Dixon Mathews.‘ Rachel Brookes

‘A captivating, witty, and sexy read. Monica James has written an intoxicating novel that will leave you on the edge of your seat and thirsting for more when it’s all over.‘ Justine Elvira

‘Monica James has created another character that I couldn’t get enough of. Dr Dixon Mathews’ kept me addicted until the very last page.’ Lisa Edward

‘I am addicted to three things: carbs, books, and Monica James. I devoured this!‘ CJ Roberts


#NewRelease #HIstorical #Review – Hidden No More, A Lady Forsaken Book #4 by Christina McKnight @CMcKnightWriter

Hidden No More (A Lady Forsaken #4)

Title: Hidden No More Series: A Lady Forsaken, Book Four

Author: Christina McKnight

Genre: Historical Romance, Regency England

Release Date: March 31, 2016

Word Count: 83,000 appox.

Cover Artist: LFD Designs for Authors


A lady concealed from society…

Lady Ellington, the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy marquis, has spent her entire life hiding from London’s high society—both as a result of her own desires and those forced upon her by her overbearing and abusive father. When the marquis passes away suddenly, Ellie feels as though a weight has been lifted and immediately assumes her role as mistress of Drake House. Though she is constantly looking over her shoulder, wondering when it will all be taken from her. And for good reason—no sooner has she shed her black mourning garb than a missive arrives, announcing an heir to the Marquisate. A person she has never heard of before, but one with enough power to change her fate entirely.

A man uncovering the secrets of his past…

Taken in by his nursemaid in infancy and raised as an orphan, Alex has never had the benefits of a name or a bloodline. Yet he’s content to work hard and earn his keep as a stable hand in one of London’s finest homes, proving himself worthy of both his position and his friendship to the beautiful Lady Ellington. When Ellie asks for his help with a delicate matter, he’s happy to oblige, but soon finds himself in the middle of more than he bargained for. His innocent meeting reveals secrets from the past that he never could have imagined, and he discovers that he’s a duke by birth. But even with the possibility of a title and all that goes along with it, Alex is unsure whether he can tear down the walls Ellie has built to protect her heart.

A love neither can hide…

While the two have a love that’s undeniable, it may not be enough to bridge the gap and overcome the obstacles standing in their way. And now, with every secret revealed, there’s even more at stake.

Don’t miss the highly anticipated final novel in Christina McKnight’s A Lady Forsaken Series! Regency Romance at its best!







I received this book from the author for an honest review.

Oh Ellie *SMH* What a troubled and hurtful life you had growing up under your fathers control.  The Drake was not a good father. He was not kind, loving or in any way nurturing to you.  The only thing he did was give you a lovely roof over your head, have a devoted half-sister for you and introduce you to Marce who is more a mother/friend for Ellie.

Alex *sigh* What a wonderful life you lived with Mrs. Dutton.  Your parents abandoned you but still you grew up with love and devotion from this woman who sacrificed do much for you.  You may have been cold, poor and hungry but you never went without love.  The two of you had such a different life.

Ellie and Alex are thrown together because he is the hired stable hand at Ellie’s father’s home.  She can’t stop watching him and wondering about him but she always treats him high handed and rudely.  She is the bastard daughter of the Drake.  She is his spitting image at times.  Alex cannot stop watching Ellie out of the corner of his eye. Her sister asked him to keep an eye out for her.  Alex finds he enjoys knowing she is there hiding in the shadows while he works but wonders why she is so mean when they do exchange words.  She lived a wonderful life of riches how can she be so miserable???

Ellie is about to lose her home when a “new claim” is being made on her father’s estate.  With Alex’s help they get the papers she needs to try and stop the new owner from taking over.  The paper that Ellie gets sends her into a spiral…what she discovers is critical to not only her future but Alex’s as well.   Now does she tell him or not?  Does she risk losing all for a STABLE HAND???

The two have such an amazing journey in this story.  You can see them both growing but Ellie’s growth knocked me off my socks.  She makes such strides in overcoming her personality flaws for fear of ending up like her father….cold, miserable, heart broken and alone.  Alex is stunned by what is discovered and cannot believe the changes it will make for his life but one thing he cannot risk is losing Ellie to his new life circumstances.

about the author

Christina McKnight is a book lover turned writer. From a young age, her mother encouraged her to tell her own stories. She’s been writing ever since. Currently, she focuses on Historical Romance, Urban Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance. Christina enjoys a quiet life in Northern California with her family, her wine, and lots of coffee. Oh, and her books…don’t forget her books! Most days she can be found writing, reading, or traveling the great state of California.

social links

Follow her on Twitter: @CMcKnightWriter

Keep up to date on her releases:

Like Christina’s FB Author page: ChristinaMcKnightWriter



#Review #Giveaway – Falling Stars (The B Side) by JL Brooks



Drugs, Sex, & EDM

It had all the makings of a perfect plot, and for bestselling author Lila Keaton-it was a hedonistic past she kept hidden far away. Many nights were spent crossing the velvet rope, dancing until dawn and bedding one of the worlds biggest DJ’s, Hunter Michaels AKA Arial Assault.

When Lila’s agent uncovers her thrilling secret, it appears as if nothing is off limits when it comes to pitching the story, whether Lila wants to tell it or not. Despite knowing her reluctance is career suicide, she cannot bring herself to open her heart once more to the man who nearly destroyed it.

Given the opportunity to escape her predicament, Hunter attempts to reconcile the pain he has caused, and rekindle the passion that was abandoned long ago. When a series of events causes history to repeat itself, Lila sets off unaccompanied through out the west to test her boundaries with the sensual and surreal, and ultimately come face to face with the only thing that can keep her from falling.

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kellys review

Falling Stars consumed me, tore my heart up, turns wickedly hot, then all of a sudden I am left here with my mouth wide open. I did not see this happening. There is a crazy turn of events that occur throughout this entire book. This book is intense, gritty, and stays with you. I cannot get it out of my head! Such a book hangover!

So, I will tell you a little about the story but not much detail because I absolutely cannot give anything away. Lila is an author and is at a crossroads. She can’t write and is handing in her resignation. Hunter comes rushing back into her life but she has many reservations as they have a deep, dark, dirty, and loud past together. Their past is incredibly intense. Lots of music, drugs, and alcohol. Then Grant gets put in the mix. He protects Lila and gives her what she thinks she needs. When things seem to be too good, they usually are. This is one instance in the book that catches you by surprise. Things get so crazy (in the best way possible). I totally felt like I was going to get the happily ever after that most people crave. But out of nowhere this twisted, contorted, bombshell gets tossed in the mix and you are in an entirely different world. I thought it was over but was far from it. I never seen this coming! When you read this, you will know exactly what I am talking about.

“Love grows in waves the way bass grows in waves, and just like bass, sometimes you have to step back from the speaker to really feel it.”

“I never realized what kind of power I had in my hands. I misused it, took it for granted, and now that it’s gone, I wonder if I will ever get it back. And if I do, can I be trusted not to do the same thing again? Words are like drugs, they have the power to harm and to heal. Build empires or destroy lives. Who am I without them?” I didn’t want a response. I knew life would go on, one foot in front of the other.”

“In the morning, everything looked different. The magic was gone, and it was time to go home. My memories are different than most. When I think back upon the scene, I do not see stars. There is only a fragment of space in which we ruled the night and held on for as long as the ride would allow. Some of us made it, and many fell behind.”

I could go on and on with favorite parts of the book but then what would the fun in that be? If you want to experience all the feels…then this is the book for you. Not your typical happily ever after but not everyone’s happily ever after is the same. And this one is perfect!





JL Brooks is a former columnist turned novelist. What started as a bet changed her entire course in life. With a passion for adventure, she believes everyone has a story to tell. Chances are she will try to convince you to tell yours.


Title:  Falling Stars (The B Side)

Author:  JL Brooks

Publication date:  March 16, 2016

Model:  Jase Dan

Photographer:  Scott Hoover





MM March Madness – March 23 – Lynn Kelling

03-23 - Lynn Kelling


March 23

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Lynn Kelling

author bio

Lynn Kelling began writing in order to tell stories that weren’t afraid of the dark, didn’t hold anything back and always strived to be memorable, forging lasting attachments between character and reader. Her inspiration comes from taking a closer look at behaviors and ideas lurking at the fringes of life – basically anything that people may hesitate to speak of in mixed company, but everyone wonders about anyway. Her work is driven by the taboo in order to expose the humanity within it. Lynn is an artist, designer and lover of any form of creative self-expression that comes from a place of honesty and emotion, whether it’s body art or opera. She has had multiple novels published, has written over 50 works of erotic fiction of varying lengths, and always has several novels in progress.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

For a relatively quiet and shy girl, I’ve always had an absolutely filthy imagination. This used to get me in trouble or function as a huge life distraction until I discovered the joys of writing erotic stories. I would always get really frustrated with books, movies, tv shows, etc. that didn’t include the “good parts”. I know some authors dread writing the steamy parts of their novels, but if I could, my books would be one humongous, kinky, weird (and exhausting!) sex scene. Might not be great for the plot but I’d have a lot of fun!

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

My books tend to become series when I don’t plan or it or particularly want them to. But when there’s more story left to tell, or reader/editor/publisher interest in learning about other aspects of the characters’ (or secondary characters’) lives, I usually can’t resist diving in to see what happens. I will say though that writing sequels is the hardest thing for me to do. Prequels are easier, but brand new stories are the best. I’ve never actually set out on book one with the intent to make it into a series.

Where do you do most of your writing?

There’s a giant stuffed blue chair and ottoman in my house that I like to camp out on with my iPod and a tall glass of water or mug of coffee. It has a sunny view of the street in front of my house and is in the main traffic area (with kids and hubby constantly coming and going and wanting to chat), so it’s not the most private or quietest spot, but it’s worked so far.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

My plate has been so full and I’ve been too stressed to read much besides comics, actually (but there’s a long list of them I’ve been regularly devouring!) The book I’m currently reading is Fortune Smiles by Adam Johnson, which is a collection of weird and wonderful short stories. I tend to read books that are either thousands of pages long, or super short. A few of my favorites are The House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (really hard to get through but well worth the effort!), The Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman (I named my son after one of the characters), and We So Seldom Look on Love (the most unique stories of love and sex I’ve ever read) by Barbara Gowdy.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I feel that it’s growing in part to the world’s expanding awareness that erotic fiction exists, and that not all romance novels are the Harlequin type. The increased conversation around and growth of civil rights for the LGBTQ community has also helped to make the beautiful, wide diversity of people around us something more familiar to the widest audience. The more questions that are asked, the more minds are opened to new possibilities. Books are a great way to satisfy one’s curiosity.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

Something I wasn’t aware of until the past few years is that a writer is never completely satisfied unless they have just written something. Wanting to write is just as irksome as actively doing it, or not doing it at all. Writing itself is a compelling need, with the author constantly questioning the quality of what they’re producing. You love it and hate it in equal measure. At the same time, the discoveries that come from writing are always there for the writer, no matter what else they might be going through. It’s therapeutic and invigorating and a great way to feel wonderfully alive.

What are you working on now?

My next release is Caged Jaye, the prequel to Arctic Absolution ( It’s Jaye Larson’s nineteenth birthday, and all he wants is to spend time with his boyfriend and his mother—the people he loves most and who make life worth living. But, faced by his mother’s demons, the imperfections of his relationship with boyfriend, Kris, and dangerous, homophobic strangers, one by one, all of Jaye’s dreams are soon derailed. Plunging into a waking nightmare, shortly after going to bed alone, he wakes in an alley, pinned down by two men with slow, bloody rape and murder in mind. It’s just the start of Jaye’s fight for his life, and his sanity, as time and time again, he’s forced to make impossible choices and survive, no matter what it costs. (M/M) After that, a short story prequel in the Twin Ties series, called Only the Lonely (, will be released: Evan Savage is a young teen desperately searching for something to hold on to and a way to be noticed. Living in rural Whippoorwill, Pennsylvania, his only family is an absentee father who leaves Evan alone for days at a time while away for work. Friendless and bullied at school, with only a nearby preacher named Jimmy to look out for him; Evan gratefully accepts attention wherever and however he gets it. Sometimes it feels like part of him is missing, and every day the void consumes more of Evan’s ability to fight back against his circumstances. While looking at himself in the mirror within a recurring dream, his reflection keeps reaching out to him with happiness he doesn’t feel, from a world different than his own, though much less tangible. Anonymous sexual encounters with strange men satisfy Evan’s need for company and reassurance that he’s someone worth wanting, as well as test his boundaries. But, faced with the growing temptation to slip away for good, it’s up to Jimmy, and Evan’s dream-world counterpart, to try to keep him there.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Watch a good movie while cuddled up to my hubby, with a glass of whiskey and a little bit of chocolate to savor.

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

It’s hard to pick just one high and one low. The first set would have to be when my first book, Deliver Us, was released. It was something I’d never dreamed would happen, so it was quite thrilling and bewildering, like an entire new life had just opened up to me. The low that came with it was due to some negative reviews, but I tried to keep growing my skills, learning from my mistakes, and always strive to remember that you’re never going to please everyone all the time. Since then, I try to do justice to the characters and always try to write the story I’d most want to read. I’ve come a long way since then, and writing has gotten me through some really tough moments in my life, so I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Lynn Kelling has donated 1 free ebook of any single story of your choosing from my entire back catalogue will be awarded to a lucky commenter

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!




We are THE TWINSIES… We love to read…We love to promote the authors we read… and we love to stir up TROUBLE… It's who we are and what we do