Wild Hearts – Eve Newton




Title: Wild Hearts

Series: Blood & Judgment #1

Author: Eve Newton & Franca Storm

Genre: Paranormal Romance

 Release Date: February 22, 2016



Two alpha women on a mission. Two alpha males hungry to claim them.

But can these wild hearts be tamed?

Rough and hard-as-nails Alpha wolf, Aria. Classy and fierce vampire, Ember.

The strongest of their kind, they reluctantly join forces to protect the supernatural world from extinction. 

Things become complicated when an all-powerful warlock sets his sights on Ember, while a soldier of the enemy seeks to claim Aria. Passions and desires ignite. Loyalties are tested. Enemies abound.

The stage is set for one hell of an epic battle in the first installment of this smoldering paranormal romance saga.

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I gasp in shock as the foggy darkness dissipates and the intruder is revealed.

He’s standing over by the door in a rigid, ready-for-anything pose. A soldier’s stance if I ever saw one. My eyes wander over him. His brown hair that’s styled in a military crew cut. Those deep, enthralling hazel eyes that have this uncanny ability to hold me captive in a way I’ve never known before. The golden breastplate covering his broad, muscular torso. My gaze dips lower to some sort of kilt-like thing extending to the top of his thighs. His legs are protected by golden armor and his knee-high boots appear metallic too. But the thing that stands out above all else is that awful Sword of Judgment holstered at his right hip.


Fuck. He’s here to finish the job. How the hell did he find me?

I scramble to wrap the duvet around me to hide my nakedness. That, in itself, is an odd reaction for me. I feel shy about being exposed to him. That’s never been the case for me before. I’ve never been ill at ease with being unclothed.

I hurry off the bed, clutching the duvet tightly to my chest with one hand, while keeping my other free to defend myself with if he makes a sudden move.

I can feel that I’m healed now and back at full strength, so I only need one to take this Ambassador asshole down. That’s pretty cocky, but I know my power. Even though I definitely felt that he was stronger than the other Ambassadors I’ve come into contact with in the past, I know I can still hold my own.

He tenses up as I approach. But he’s not tensing in preparation for a fight. No, I can see it in his eyes. He’s…nervous. Nervous? That’s weird.

“Why couldn’t I see you? Smell you?”

“Black magic,” he answers, simply. “I could not allow your wolf pack to sense my presence.”

Oh my God. “What have you done?”

His brow furrows. “Done?”

“To my wolves? If you’ve hurt them—”

“I am not here for that.”

“How did you track us here?” I demand, getting ready to call my wolf claws to the surface. He might not be readying for battle, but I’m not a fool. It must just be a trick; a new tactic to try to get me to lower my defenses, or something.

“Your pack does not concern me. Neither does your vampire ally.”

Nice try at deflecting the question. “How?” I thunder.

He seems confused. “It was you.”

Huh. Wasn’t expecting that. “What?”

“You called me to you.”

He steps forward, leaving merely a few inches between us as his towering six-foot-five wall of muscle and armor looms over me. “What spell have you cursed me with?”

What the actual hell? “Spell? I’m not a witch, asshole.”

“You may not be, but you could certainly have employed one.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your scent is more potent than any other Tainted breed I have encountered and I cannot dispel it from my consciousness. You plague me with thoughts of you and…sentiment for you.”

It takes me a moment, but then realization dawns on me. Wow. “It’s called attraction.”


“It’s not a spell. You’re attracted to me.” Of course he thinks it’s the result of a spell, because Ambassadors are not known for feeling or showing any sort of emotion. He probably has no idea what to do with it.

Oh, this is nice. I can use this.

“I do not accept that. I have a mission. I do not desire any woman, especially not a Tainted target. You have spelled me.”

I glare at him. “Don’t flatter yourself, soldier boy. Do you really think I want you anywhere near me?”

I see him take that in, thinking it over. And then he says, “Then this is a ruse.”

I step closer until we’re only inches apart. His eyes widen, that nervousness back again as he struggles to maintain eye contact. Hmm…I make him nervous? Very interesting. That works for me.

“I don’t play games. And the idea that you’re attracted to me, disgusts me.” Okay, maybe that’s not the whole truth when it comes to the attraction thing, but I need it to be. “Your kind murdered my dad! I hate you all!” I snarl, rage rising within me from just recalling that awful day.

He catches me off guard, making me gasp, as he suddenly grabs my chin. Just like back at that hotel, his touch is gentle.

He regards me curiously for several excruciating long moments of incredible awkwardness. For the life of me, I don’t know why the hell I don’t pull away. Jesus. What is this? Why isn’t my hatred for him pure and straightforward like it is for the rest of his Ambassador kind?

“You feel it too,” he says. “I can see it in your eyes. You are right. This is not a spell.” He releases me and he backs away, shaking his head. “How is this possible?”

“Hell if I know. I don’t care.”

“You should be no more than a target,” he goes on, turning his back to me as he continues shaking his head with disbelief.

I can’t believe he’s actually turning his back. A soldier turning his back to his enemy? Talk about letting his guard down in a major way. He’s really affected by this. He’s not thinking clearly. I know I should take advantage of it. Ambassadors are my enemies. He is my enemy.

But a part of me is hesitating. I don’t understand it. Get a fucking grip, Aria! I need to take this asshole down and he’s just given me an in that won’t result in me sustaining so much damage for once, unlike every other time I’ve come up against one of his kind.

I draw in a breath to clear my damn head. Do it! Do it!

“Cahl,” I say in a voice purposely full of sugary sweetness.

He turns back to me.

I release my grip on the duvet. It pools at my feet, leaving me standing there before him completely naked.

My odd shyness from before is nowhere to be found. This is a mission now. I have the upper hand here. He’s completely out of his element. Weak. He attacked me back at the hotel when I was wounded and weak. This is just me returning the favor. Taking advantage of his vulnerability.

But his reaction surprises me.

He shields his eyes with his hand and demands, “Cover yourself.”

Wow. I’ve never heard those words from any male before. But I’m not backing down now. I can seduce him into subjugation. “You want to touch me.”

He doesn’t say anything. He just takes a step back from me.

“This is what you came here for, Cahl. Take it.” Like hell, he will be. Fucker.

Still, he says nothing.

“Come on! You had your hands on me earlier without my permission and now I’m offering it up to you!”

Oh my God. Still nothing. He’s not making a move. How is this happening? “Don’t tell me you’re afraid,” I bite at him, getting frustrated. “Take it!” I hiss harshly.

He moves so fast then and I suddenly find myself wrapped in the duvet again, my back against the wall, with him pinning my arms tightly at my sides in a matter of seconds. Holy hell!

“It is you who is afraid,” he says, glaring down at me.

“What?” I seethe.

“You hide the truth from them all and even from yourself.”

“The truth?” I scoff. “The only truth here is that you want me dead, so I’m gonna do whatever it takes to stop that from fucking happening.”

His eyes flash with realization. “You exposed yourself to manipulate me?”

“Damn right, I did. And I will kill you.”

“I do not wish to kill you, Aria.”

Urgh. I hate the way he says my name. It has my body reacting in a way I don’t fucking want it to. “I hate you! I hate your kind!” I yell at him, loathing that he’s able to affect me.

He smiles with amusement. “Your fear speaks lies to me.”

“I don’t have the fucking fear gene!”

He shifts his grip on my arms, grabbing my wrists in a single hand and raising them up above my head. With his free hand, he presses his fingers gently to my heart. “This is what possesses such fear. You hide it from them all.” His enthralling hazel eyes lock with mine. “You are pure of heart. You are not like the other Tainted. There is no real malice. You do not possess a desire to kill, at least, not when you are in human form.”

Is he saying I’m weak? Hell, no. “I’ve killed plenty,” I growl at him.

“To protect your life and those of your pack. Not for pleasure. You do not relish the kill. It disgusts you, does it not? Except when you are wolf.”

The fact that he knows any of this is fucking worrying. Shit. “Get off me.”

Confusion flickers in his eyes. “You are upset with my observation?”

I growl at him.

“Ah, I see. You believe it to be a weakness. It is why you hide it.”

“I will kill you.”

“Then, by all means, try,” he challenges, releasing me suddenly and stepping back.

What the hell?

I push off the wall. His eyes are on me. All over me.

“You should not expose yourself so brazenly,” he tells me. “It is a gift,” he says, gesturing to my body. “It should be treated as such and only given to those who are worthy.”

“Is that a come on?”

“Merely a statement of fact”.

Author Bios

Romance authors, Eve Newton and Franca Storm have joined forces to bring forth an epic paranormal romance series, BLOOD & JUDGMENT.


Between them, Eve and Franca have penned over 40 romance novels.


Eve Newton


Eve is a British novelist with a passion for anything paranormal & erotic. She loves Louboutins, good wine, and of course, a good book!

Eve has always loved to read, anything paranormal catches her interest, and writing has always been a passion of hers, so she decided to take the plunge and combine the two into a series of paranormal erotica novels. This led Eve to try out contemporary and erotic romance novels as well. Eve has loads more ideas churning around in her head and can’t wait to see them develop into books for you to enjoy.


Franca Storm

Franca was born in Surrey, England and currently lives in Niagara Falls, Canada with her husband and their labrador, Rocky.

She is a long-time lover of erotica and romance novels, especially those with sexy-as-sin alpha males. She decided to try her hand at writing her own and writing romance is now her obsession and the perfect way to put her dirty mind to good use!


Her writing spans many different sub-genres of romance: contemporary, biker romance, paranormal romance, new adult, romantic erotica and romance suspense. She’s got a ton of stories to tell and many more works up her sleeve.




Porn Star – Laurelin Paige & Sierra Simone



Title: Porn Star 
Author: Laurelin Paige & Sierra Simone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Sarah Eirew 

Date: March 8, 2016


You know me.Come on, you know you do.

Maybe you pretend you don’t. Maybe you clear your browser history religiously. Maybe you pretend to be aghast whenever someone even mentions the word porn in your presence.

But the truth is that you do know me.

Everybody knows Logan O’Toole, world famous porn star.

Except then Devi Dare pops into my world, and pretty soon I’m doing things that aren’t like me—like texting her with flirty banter and creating an entire web porn series just so I can get to star in her bed. Again. And again.

With Devi, my entire universe shifts, and the more time I spend with her, the more I realize that Logan O’Toole isn’t the guy I thought he was.

So maybe I’m not the guy you thought I was either.




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Laurelin Paige
Laurelin Paige is the NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Fixed Trilogy. She’s a sucker for a good romance and gets giddy anytime there’s kissing, much to the embarrassment of her three daughters.


Sierra Simone
Sierra Simone is a USA Today Bestselling former librarian (who spent too much time reading romance novels at the information desk.) She lives with her husband and family in Kansas City.




The Art of Hero Worship – Mia Kerick




Title: The Art of Hero Worship
Author: Mia Kerick
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: February 14, 2016
Trembling on the floor, pressed beneath a row of seats in a dark theater, college freshman Jason Tripp listens to the terrifying sound of gunshots, as an unknown shooter moves methodically through the theater, randomly murdering men, women, and children attending a student performance of Hamlet. Junior Liam Norcross drapes his massive body on top of Jason, sheltering the younger man from the deathly hail of bullets, risking his life willingly, and maybe even eagerly.As a result of the shared horror, an extraordinary bond forms between the two young men, which causes discomfort for family and friends, as well as for Jason and Liam, themselves. And added to the challenge of two previously “straight” men falling into a same-sex love, are the complications that arise from the abundance of secrets Liam holds with regard to a past family tragedy. The fledgling passion between the men seems bound to fade away into the darkness from which it emerged.

Jason, however, is inexplicably called to rescue his hero in return, by delving into Liam’s shady past and uncovering the mystery that compels the older man to act as the college town’s selfless savior.

The Art of Hero Worship takes the reader on a voyage from the dark and chilling chaos that accompanies a mass shooting to the thrill of an unexpected and sensual romance.

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I wake up crying.

Okay… if I’m going to be real, I’ll admit that I’m sobbing. In these strong arms—no, sprawled on top of the solid chest of a man I hardly know—I sob in a way that I never have before. And hopefully, I’ll never have occasion to cry this bitterly again.

My emotions are practically indescribable, yet I need to apply words to them, in an effort to make some sense of what I’m feeling. The pain is raw, grating, and unbearable… and unfortunately there’s more. I’m guilt-ridden and mortified. Devastation crossed with desperation—this is me, at the moment.

And I’m not sure why I’m still here on earth. I want to disappear.

Liam stays silent, but I know he’s awake because his hands have resumed the rhythmic stroking on my back.

“Why’d you have to go and s-save me? Y-you should have let me d-die like I was supposed to!” I’m furious, which is evident in my trembling accusation. The pain would be over if he’d have let me die. I add mad as hell to my list of indescribable emotions. And highly irrational… I tack this one onto the end of the fast growing list.

He inhales deeply. “We’re gonna survive this. Our bodies survived Friday night in the theater. Now we’ve gotta make our minds survive the aftermath.”

“What makes you think I want to survive it? What makes you so sure I didn’t want to go with her?” It’s too hard to say her name.

Wide palms freeze on my shoulder blades and rest there heavily. “Sorry, dude, but it wasn’t your day to die.” He takes another one of those huge swallows of air that causes both of our bodies to rise and fall. Then the mesmerizing movement of his hands resumes.

Author Bio

Mia Kerick is the mother of four exceptional children—all named after saints—and five nonpedigreed cats—all named after the next best thing to saints, Boston Red Sox players. Her husband of twenty years has been told by many that he has the patience of Job, but don’t ask Mia about that, as it is a sensitive subject.

Mia focuses her stories on the emotional growth of troubled young men and their relationships, and she believes that sex has a place in a love story, but not until it is firmly established as a love story. As a teen, Mia filled spiral-bound notebooks with romantic tales of tortured heroes (most of whom happened to strongly resemble lead vocalists of 1980s big-hair bands) and stuffed them under her mattress for safekeeping. She is thankful to CoolDudes Publishing, Dreamspinner Press, Harmony Ink Press for providing her with an alternate place to stash her stories.

Mia is proud of her involvement with the Human Rights Campaign and cheers for each and every victory made in the name of marital equality. Her only major regret: never having taken typing or computer class in school, destining her to a life consumed with two-fingered pecking and constant prayer to the Gods of Technology.

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Dragon’s Heart – Michelle Rabe

Dragons Heart
Preorder Blitz

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Book Title: Dragon’s Heart (The Dragon Fey Saga, #1)
Author: Michelle Rabe
Genre: Fantasy
Release Date: March 22, 2016
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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book blurb

All of her life Serena Harlowe knew her place.

A foundling, placed with the tutor of Illedrian royalty she grew to be a talented fighter. After rising to the rank of lieutenant in the royal army she thwarts the attempted assassination of the man she loves.
An act that will change her life forever.

An act that begins a chain of events which will unlock her hidden past.


meet the author

A lifelong California girl, Michelle Rabe tried the Hollywood thing but decided she preferred an author’s den to the actor’s trailer. A recent transplant to the Phoenix Area with her unhelpful author cat. If you can’t find her writing or in a cemetery with her camera you can find her roaming the area where fantasy and reality collide.

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Email us your preorder receipt and get to read the Prologue NOW! dragonfeysaga@gmail.com

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His Light in the Dark – LA Fiore

His Light in the Dark by L.A. Fiore
Contemporary Romance
Released: February 9, 2016
Length: 413 Pages
Available: eBook and Paperback
My first memory was of a slap, hard across the face: the sting on my cheek and the jarring of my bones as I slammed back into my bed. It was my dad who had hit me.

I had been four.
Most of my memories were much of the same and no one ever saw, no one ever fought to help, no one ever cared.
Then we moved.
My new neighbor cared, rescued the twelve-year-old I had been from a beating. Always thought I’d suffer the nightmare alone, I was wrong.
Mace Donati saved me that day in all the ways a person could be saved.
And his daughter, Mia, she became the friend I had always wanted, my conscience when my own faltered, the light that led me home when I had lost my way.
The girl who grew into the only woman I would ever love.
But when you realize you’re more like your father than the good people who took you in and gave you a home, the only way to return their kindness is to let them go.
I let them go, got so far lost in the shadows I couldn’t remember who I was anymore. Mia never gave up on me. She fought for me, kept the light on so I’d find my way back.
And when I did, life threw us a curveball. I had to hurt Mia in order to save her.
But when my past comes back to haunt me and I almost lose her, I’m ready to fight for her…fight to find a way back into her heart while keeping the demons from my past from finishing what they started.
~ Cole Campbell

“Fiore proves herself to be a fantastic writer with this book. The writing is superb. She is able to pull the reader in and never let them go. She keeps you on your toes and you never know what’s around the corner. It’s not very often you can read a book and go “Dang. She can write.”– 5 Star Review from Avid Readers Amy Reviews

“Wow just wow. The story spans years and it is done brilliantly, it’s easy to follow and flows naturally through the years that it spans. The characters are some of my fav of the year so far….” – 5 Star Amazon Reviewer

“This book is just one of those reads that pulls you in from the word go and reduce you to tears in chapter one!!! The book will continue to pull at you from all ends as you read on.” – 5 Star Review from Bookhooked


L.A. Fiore is the author of several books including: Beautifully Damaged, Waiting for the One and A Glimpse of the Dream. She’s also the social secretary for her two children, a tamer of ill-mannered cats, the companion to one awesome dog and married to her best friend. She likes her wine red, her shrimp chilled and her social gatherings small and intimate.



Corrupted – Alexis Noelle

Title: Corrupted
Series: Deathstalkers MC #1
Author: Alexis Noelle
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: February 22, 2016
Cover Design: Cover Me Darling
I’m being hunted. 
Prey left defenseless. 
I need to hide.
They can’t find me.
They’ll kill me if they do.
When Lucy decided to run nowhere to go. They were coming for her. She needed protection, but she had no one to help her. Until she came across the warehouse of the Deathstalkers MC, she begged them for protection. Now she owes them her life and her loyalty. Her family will never end their search for her, she is a piece of property that needs to be recovered at any cost necessary. Sometimes there are worse things than needing to hide for the rest of your life, like being found. 
Sometimes the obvious evils aren’t the ones you need to fear.

Alexis Noelle lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with her husband, and three kids. On top a writing career, she is a full-time student and a full-time mom. She loves spending time with her kids, although she has to hide the computer from them when she is writing! She love being active and being outdoors, especially if it involves any kind of shopping.
She has always been passionate about writing. She loves to read romance books and feels like being able to lose yourself in a book is one of the more exciting aspects. The books she loves to read and write will be ones that make you feel for the characters. Ashley believes that you should have an opinion on every character in a book whether you love them, hate them, or think they are up to something.She also believes that the most important critic is your reader, so she loves to hear from the readers. She want her fans to be open & talk to her about what they want for the characters in the story, and what they would like to see happen.


DARK NOTES by Pam Godwin *Cover Reveal*

Dark Notes Pam Godwin eBook

They call me a slut. Maybe I am.
Sometimes I do things I despise.
Sometimes men take without asking.

But I have a musical gift, only a year left of high school, and a plan.
With one obstacle.

Emeric Marceaux doesn’t just take.
He seizes my willpower and bangs it like a dark note.
When he commands me to play, I want to give him everything.
I kneel for his punishments, tremble for his touch, and risk it all for our stolen moments.

He’s my obsession, my master, my music.
And my teacher.

Adult 18+ only
Genre: Dark student teacher romance
Expected release date → April 2016
Dark Notes Pam Godwin Paperback

Meet the author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.
Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

Fame – Lauren K. McKellar




Title: Fame
Series: Not Like the Movies #1 
Author: Lauren K. McKellar
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 22, 2016




She’s supposed to cover the stories. 
Not be one. Madison Winters has life in the bag. Gorgeous fiancé? Check. Promotion to become editor of the country’s hottest fashion magazine? Check. Limited edition pair of Manolo Blahniks? Checkity-check.

Catching her fiancé with his pants down isn’t something she expects. In the space of twenty-four hours, Madison loses it all—not even her shoes will be saved.

Swapping sass + bide for sweatpants and Dior for the downward dog is going to be hell. The last thing Madison’s broken heart needs is a run-in with America’s newest playboy. Can she ever recover from this? Tate Masters has it all—Hollywood’s latest golden boy has washboard abs, a killer smile, and a leading role in the next A-list movie.

Until a secret from his past is splashed all over the headlines, and that ‘good boy’ image fast-tracks to the gutter.

Now the media hunt is on, and they’re baying for Tate’s blood. One night of wild behaviour sees him wake up next to a gorgeous Aussie brunette—and she’s everything Tate’s afraid of.

Keeping secrets has never been this hard.


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Heat flares in my body. I lean in close to her, so close I can smell the sweet perfume from her neck. So close I can see the rise and fall of her ample chest. And even though I know I shouldn’t, even though I know I’ve been warned to stay off women, I want her.

Clearing my throat, I use my most seductive voice. The one that used to open legs for me everywhere I went, when teamed with my best smile. “I’d like to get you on your back.”

Her throat bobs as she swallows.

I’ve got her right where I want her. She’s falling for me. It’s been so long since I had—

A shock of liquid smacks me. Ice tumbles from my head to the floor. “What the actual f@#k?”

The woman shrugs and places her now empty glass on the bar top. “Looked like you could use some cooling off.”

I wipe the liquid from my eyes and lick my lips. Gin and tonic. Typical chick drink.

I should be mad. I should be fuming.

But I’m turned on. No one argues with me like that. No one pushes the limits, aside from Janie, and she’s family.This woman could be my undoing.

 Author Bio
Lauren K. McKellar is the author of contemporary reads that make you feel. With a passion for all books Young and New Adult, she is currently the author of five self-published books, all of which have held top 50 charting places digitally within Australia. Lauren loves to write about real-life issues, and is a passionate researcher when it comes to her work. She’s a big believer in creating works that make people feel.Lauren lives by the beach in Australia with her husband and their two dogs. Most of the time, all three of them are well behaved.

 Author Links



The Bellator Saga: The First Trilogy Box Set (Books 1-3) Author: Cecilia London

Book Title: The Bellator Saga: The First Trilogy Box Set (Books 1-3)

Author: Cecilia London

Genre: Contemporary/Erotic Romance, Political Romance, Romantic Suspense

Release Date: February 29th

Cover Artist: Sofie Hartley at Luminos Graphic House

Two souls intertwined. One epic love story.

Get swept away in the passionate romance between political opposites Caroline Gerard and Jack McIntyre in the first half of The Bellator Saga.

This set contains the first three books in the series, Dissident, Conscience, and Sojourn.

“This series is off the chain. OFF. THE. CHAIN. Gutwrenching, heartwarming, frightening, loving, sexy as all living hell – it’s life in a book.” – Beverages and Books

“I can’t recommend this series enough. The Bellator Saga is PHENOMENAL. I don’t know she does it but Cecilia has created this brilliantly intelligent, sexy, suspenseful, and moving saga with both light – hope, love, and friendship – and dark – hate, abuse, and evil. Each book has a distinct feel and direction and somehow each one manages to hit you at a completely different emotional level.” – Suzanne, Slut Sistas

“Breathtaking. Brilliant. Stunning…Reading these books is like eating a delicious and very expensive box of chocolates, each piece is unique, some sweet, some bitter but in the end you simply can’t have enough…never before have I felt so inside or so connected to a story.” -Dee, Wrapped Up In Reading

Rising Democratic star Caroline Gerard is reluctant to fall in love again after losing her husband. Can Republican playboy Jack McIntyre break through her grief and capture her heart? Told mostly in flashback and set against a chilling fascist backdrop, Dissident is a rollercoaster ride of political intrigue, passionate romance, and undying love.


Caroline faces the biggest challenge of her life when confronted with the cruelty and sadism of her captors at The Fed. Hope fades quickly, even as she holds onto her one last bit of sanity and her unshakable belief that her husband will rescue her. But is that faith just a mirage?

Reeling from her experiences at The Fed, Caroline tries to forge ahead and create a new identity. But that’s hard to do with the ghosts of the past constantly whispering in her ear. She is determined to find the rebellion and move on with her life, but what will she find when she arrives there?

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bellator saga jack spank teaser.jpg

Cecilia London is the pen name of a native Illinoisan currently living in San Antonio, Texas. She’s filled several roles over the course of her adult life – licensed attorney, wrangler of small children, and obsessed baseball fan, among others. An extroverted introvert with a serious social media addiction, she is the author of The Bellator Saga, an epic, genre-crossing romance series. You can catch all of her quirky updates on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or at her website.


#WOTR #Review #ReleaseDay- A Reason to Live by CP Smith

CP Banner ARTL


A Reason to Live by CP Smith
Genre: Romantic Suspense with a TWIST
Editor: Julia Goda
Release Date: 2.21.2016

full cover


WARNING: Author believes in soul mates and insta-love, proceed with caution if you’re not a romantic at heart.

Love’s greatest cure is salvation of one’s soul.

Shane Sherman has a problem. Well, two, actually. One has auburn hair and pale-green eyes, and the other? . . . Is a secret. One he doesn’t want to talk about. But all that changes when Sage comes to town.

Sage Sloan is being stalked. So she runs to Trails End and the bravest man her sister said she’d ever met. Sergeant Shane Sherman.

Sparks fly, tempers flare, and bears misbehave as Shane and Sage find a way to coexist in Trails End. That is, until a killer comes to call. Then all bets are off. Shane isn’t about to lose his saving grace.

This is the third and final book in the Reason Series. I highly recommend you read books one and two before “A Reason To Live.”

Rated R for sexual content and language and M for Maxine.


angies review


I received this book from the author for an honest review.

OMG….SERIOUSLY I was cracking up through this entire book.  Maxine MADE THE BOOK!!  I mean don’t get me wrong, I loved Shane and Sage plus Jenn and Jack and Max and Mia but seriously Maxine made the whole story!!!

Shane was in the army and at the beginning of the story a young soldier dies on his watch. Not just any soldier but Sage’s little sister.  When the two see each other at the funeral, you can feel a draw but stubborn and guilt ridden Shane runs….Like literally runs away….as far away as he can possibly get.

Sage is dealing with the 1st year anniversary of his sister’s death plus now a stalking. She has none where to go so she follows Shane to Alaska.  She is hoping her sisters war letters will, in fact, help her get Shane to help her and protect her.

Shane is soooooo stubborn.  I loved Maxine and her super meddling ways in the beginning to get Shane to open up to Sage.  The two will take two steps forwards and then Shane slams the door and they fall 37 feet back.  Most of the story is dealing with Shane and Sage…ok..Shane opening his eyes to this woman.  THE WOMAN his heart needs to heal 100%

The other side plot of the story, besides hilarious Maxine, is who the stalker is and why is he after Sage.  That was a great surprise.  I really had no clue and so it was a great twist.

I love the epilogue.  I haven’t read books 1 and 2 but I actually think the epilogue makes me want to run and but the other books.  I didn’t need them to understand their dynamic but to be perfectly honest, it did make me want to live their love stories.


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Summer flowers

CP Smith writes Romance with a Twist. She believes books should be about escape rather than reality. She lives in Oklahoma with her husband and five children.

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