*~*~*It’s RELEASE DAY for Bryan & Jase: Something About Him by A.D. Ellis!*~*~*
The blurb:
Jase Rafferty grew up hiding his sexual curiosities—until he meets Bryan Keating. Bryan’s sexual preference is no secret, and being deployed overseas together allows the two men to forge a solid friendship. The sexual attraction is undeniable, but after one lust-filled week, they must go their separate ways.
A year later, a chance meeting gives them one more weekend together, even though they know Jase can’t risk his military career or his family obligations to be with Bryan.
Several years pass before Jase finally accepts the desperate longing in his heart and body. But when fear and hatred threaten to tear them apart, Jase must make a tough decision, one that he isn’t sure he and Bryan can overcome. Together, they must choose to weather the storm or say goodbye forever.
**This is a male/male romance meant for ages 18+ due to adult language and adult situations.**
I received this book from the author for an honest review.
*Wipes my tear and shakes my fist* DAMN IT AD!!!! UGH!! This book!!! So much about this book…the feels, the emotion, the want and the needs of the characters in the book.
I love MM stories and read the short novella about Bryan and Jase a month or so ago. SO when I saw the full length novel, I was stoked. I was keeping an eye on the teasers and knew that the guys were together and there was a child but that was about the extent of what I knew. When I sat down today, I DEVOURED the book. I stopped only when I HAD TOO because Jase, Bryan and Gray NEEDED ME!!! They needed me to read their complex and long love story….SIGH……
Jase and Bryan knew each other when they were in the military. Bryan was out about his sexuality. Jase was always in the closet and afraid to admit his feelings for men…well for Bryan specifically. When the two meet up (AFTER THE NOVELLA) we catch up and see that Jase is still hiding. They guys spend another long weekend end with the “what if’s” playing in their minds. When they lose touch they re-connect at a gaming convention out of pure coincidence. The guys pick up right where they left off.
Jase is trying to find a way to deal with this love of his, how to talk to his son about who he loves and trying to make it work with Bryan. Bryan is stumbling because he is all in so he wants to shout it out at the rooftops that this is his boyfriend but he is trying to be patient with Jase and respectful of his son’s needs.
The story, unfortunately, hits on many subjects that homosexual couples have to endure. They have to deal with judgmental worries from co-workers plus judgement from family members but many harmful world spewed at their children. Love is Love People. PERIOD!
My favorite part of the story is Bryan talking to Gray about bigotry…..
“I used to hide that I like boys. But as I got older I remembered all the lessons that I learned in church and two of them stuck out the most for me. God never makes mistakes, so I know he didn’t mess up when he made me. And God teaches us to love one another. He didn’t say love only the people you agree with or love only those who live that way you think they should.”
You can get a #FREE short story of Bryan & Jase **AND** the new release (the 99¢ price won’t last long!)
All links below—-
Free short story:
Amazon getbook.at/ShortStoryFree
iBooks bit.ly/ShortStoryFree
Full-length (on sale, but price will increase!):
Amazon getbook.at/BryanJaseAmzn
iBooks bit.ly/BryanJaseiBooks
Kobo bit.ly/BryanJaseKobo
Add it on Goodreads! www.goodreads.com/book/show/29420630-bryan-jase
Thank you for sharing!!