Mothers are supposed to love you. Support you. Protect you.
Not mine, mine did none of those things. – Not one.
My mother taught me that her addiction was stronger than her love for me. Her high was all that mattered. That’s all she needed, all she wanted. Grown men and women took payment from me, so she could get her fix. They took everything from me, just a child, her only son.
Motherly love? Fuck that.
I’ve spent my life taking from bitches all too willing to give it up – whores, sluts, The Fallen – you name it, I’ve had a piece of it, of them. It’s how I earned the name Lick. I’ve licked every part of a bitch’s body. Until her -Jenni.
From the moment she sashayed her hips up the dirt path of our clubhouse I knew I was fucked. Curves for days, sweet tits that begged to be sucked. A heart of gold. I know it’s a fucking cliché, but she was different.
She challenged me – Pushed me
Jenni made me see I’ve spent my life being blind, that I was worth something.
She taught me love doesn’t use.
It’s not twisted, it doesn’t hurt and it doesn’t cost a thing.
I’ll do anything to make her happy. I’ll do whatever the fuck it takes to keep her by my side. She’s far too precious for me, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let her go.
I received a copy of the book from the author for an honest review.
Lick made me so mad that I wanted to throat punch him even though I understood his behavior and I knew what the problem was but still a throat punch was due.
Jenni, omg did I feel for her and want to be her all in the same breath…LOL I mean his name is Lick for cryin’ out loud! *Wiggles eyes* She was so sassy n totally pushed Lick in every direction. Gotta love a strong female!!!
Torrie threated us that we will not love this book but he will redeem himself and man oh man was he right. Lick had a lot to deal with and a lot to overcome but Sweet Baby Jesus did he take us on an amazing adventure.
If you are like me and thought Sin was amazing, well get ready to be blown away. Lick knocks it so out of the park. I never imagined I would have felt the way I did throughout this book but I sure did. I felt it and then some!
Torrie Robles was born and raised in the Central Valley of California; a perfect spot in the state since she’s only hours away from the coast, the beautiful mountains and the big named cities. She currently lives a short distance from her hometown of Clovis, in a small community known as The Madera Ranchos. She’s married and has three children, two boys and one girl. She also has seven animals that live with her family on their property. She’s a city girl living in the country, but not too far from the hustle and bustle of the life, she grew up knowing.
Torrie obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Healthcare Administration, but her passion has always been writing. A dream she felt was always out of her reach, until she was introduced to the Indie Community. 2015 marked the year she became a self-published author. She writes contemporary romance and plans to branch out as her career takes off. She is currently working on several different manuscripts. She hopes to have them all finished and published throughout her career while continuing to develop new stories and characters to fall in love with.
When she isn’t working a full-time job, writing, raising her children or just taking care of life, Torrie’s biggest hobby is getting lost in books. Her passion for reading and the authors she looks up to has allowed her to make her dreams come true. Her fellow authors have truly been her inspiration.