Rabid and hungry for vengeance, one wolf won’t stop until he’s put to death.
A string of murders involving women are making the residents of Los Angeles panic. They’re calling the serial killer the “rabid wolf” because he tears his prey open by the throat and leaves behind a maimed body.
Meanwhile, at the Lucidite Institute, the pack is training, under Zephyr’s instruction. He knows that soon they’ll have to go after the rabid wolf and also rescue other members of the pack. However, they need to work together in order to be successful. They need to operate as one.
Adelaide, knowing that she needs to put an end to Olento Research’s corrupted experiments, goes undercover working at its sister company, Parantaa Research. It’s as a new employee that she meets Mika Lenna, putting herself in a deadly position. As long as she maintains her cover then she can gain covert information and find out how to destroy Olento Research and its CEO.
However, Mika is tired of the Lucidites beating him. These are his werewolves. He’s the one who invested in creating them. And now the shareholders are pressuring him to deliver. That’s why he decides it’s time he sees the future, like the Lucidites. He needs to know where the next werewolf will be and when. And he needs a monster that can take them down.
The stakes are even higher in the third installment of the Olento Research series. The villains are more deadly. The heroes are growing stronger. But who will win? Beast, man or wolf?
I have been absolutely enthralled by this series but after reading Rabid Wolf I am anxiously awaiting Bad Wolf. This author pulled out all the stops with Rabid Wolf. Definitely not for the faint of heart. I have to say this is one the series darker books. We meet Hunter and he is the Rabid Wolf. He is wreaking havoc and brutally murdering women all of the city. But you will delve deep into his mind and you will understand more about him and how he came to be. Zephyr and the pack need to get him back and contained. Adelaide has gone undercover trying to get into Olento Research to try and cut the head off the snake. All the meanwhile Mika Lenna is crazily making these incredible bad guys that are right out of your wildest nightmares. He is the ultimate super villain mastermind. If there is one thing that I am never disappointed in is the bad guys. They are so bad they are great. All of the pack is put to the test in this intense installment of Olento Research. But you won’t miss out on all the snarkiness that is Adelaide and Rox. These girls rock! Oh and the end!!!!! Oh the end….I can’t even go there. You have to read this! Like now!
Sarah Noffke, an Amazon Best Seller, writes YA and NA sci-fi fantasy and is the author of the Lucidites, Reverians, Ren, Vagabond Circus and Olento Research series. She holds a Masters of Management and teaches college business courses. Most of her students have no idea that she toils away her hours crafting fictional characters. Noffke’s books are top rated and best-sellers on Kindle. Currently, she has fifteen novels published. Her books are available in paperback, audio and in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
To stay up to date with Sarah please visit her website and subscribe to her newsletter: www.sarahnoffke.com
Books by the Author:
The Lucidites Series:
Awoken, Book 1
Stunned, Book 2
Revived, Book 3
The Reverians Series:
Defects, Book 1
Rebels, Book 2
Warriors, Book 3
Vagabond Circus Series:
Suspended, Book 1
Paralyzed, Book 2
Released, Book 3
Ren Series:
Ren: The Man Behind the Monster, Book 1
Ren: God’s Little Monster, Book 2
Ren: The Monster Inside the Monster, Book 3
Ren: The Monster’s Adventure, Book 3.5
Ren: The Monster’s Death, Book 4
Olento Research Series:
Alpha Wolf, Book 1
Lone Wolf, Book 2
Rabid Wolf, Book 3 (July 2017)
Bad Wolf, Book 4 (August 2017)
To get a free book from the author, go here: http://www.sarahnoffke.com/free-book/