Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.
A.D. Ellis
I’m an Indiana girl born and raised. I have a teen girl and tween boy. Most of my time is spent teaching alternative education in the inner-city of Indianapolis. I love to write, read, and crochet. I’ve been binge watching Glee and American Horror Story recently. I’m in love with pizza, tea, pulled pork, chocolate, and wine with friends.
Where is your favorite place to write and what food must be present?
If I’m at home, I’m likely on the couch with a blanket, my laptop, earbuds in, and some hot tea.
If I’m feeling unfocused, I’ll go to Starbucks for a chai tea latte and vanilla scones so I can blast music in my ears at a corner table and get some words down.
What are you favorite things about attending signings?
Meeting readers is amazing. It’s so fun to hear from people who love my stories as much as I do. And meeting new readers is great because they get to find stories that may end up being their favorite.
And spending time with author buddies, meeting new author friends, just the feeling of fun and relaxation.
What author would you love to meet (Who is your unicorn author)?
I don’t really have one. I feel like I’ve been lucky to meet so many of the authors I love to read. There are plenty I’d be thrilled to meet, but no ONE author is on my list. (I did recently meet a unicorn author for Jillian Jacobs 🙂 He was her unicorn author AND he writes about a unicorn. Hahahahaha…. That was fun because I didn’t have to be nervous, I was just like, “Hey, my friend loves you and would kill me if I didn’t get you to sign this and take a picture.” Fun times.)
What author would you love to write with?
I’m actually doing my first collab project with Declan Rhodes right now and it’s been tons of fun. I’d be open to writing with almost anyone as long as we meshed well. We wouldn’t have to write exactly the same, that would be boring. But our styles should correlate. And we’d have to have patience and flexibility.
What is your favorite memory so far as an author?
There are SOOOO many, I can’t pick just one. All the signings, meeting readers, spending time with friends, writing days with author buddies.
Actually, there are TWO best memories:
1) when I first started writing M/M, I needed help/research and a reader put me in contact with her son. That was in 2015 and he’s one of my very best friends to this day. We talk daily and plan trips together. He’s an amazing person and I’m so blessed and grateful to have him in my life.
2) At a signing in 2016, I saw this guy and there was truly something magical about him. I told him later that he lit up the room, made everyone want to be his friend, and had a general “fuck off” attitude at the same time. I didn’t understand the pull, but I was drawn to him and HAD to know him. As bad as it sounds, I sleuthed out who he was (I’m a damn good detective!) and as I was leaving the signing that day, I contacted him. So, yeah, it could have been taken as stalkerish and creepy, but luckily he didn’t see it that way (much) and he’s one of my very best friends to this day. We talk daily, take road trips, and he’s an incredibly important part of my life.
So, overall, my best memories are the ones that have brought dear friends into my life. Without this author journey, I wouldn’t have my author friends, my reader/blogger friends, or these two guys who are such important friends to me.
What are your social links?
What are your buy links?
Twinsie Angie’s review of His Reluctant Cowboy HERE