Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.
My name is Emma Shade and I live in a small town in Southern Indiana with two beautiful kitties. I have a degree in Fine Arts & Design and all but one of my covers use my own photography. Some day soon I hope to do book cover photography for authors.
When you are writing, what are some go to’s that you needs? IE Foods to eat, noise level, place to sit.
I can’t have any distractions or loud noises, except for the headphones blasting either theme scores or hybrid trailer music.
What are you favorite things about attending signings?
I love meeting new people and seeing friends.
What author would you love to meet (Who is your unicorn author)?
Oh, this is a hard question. I have a few of them. If I had pick just one, I’d go with Jeaniene Frost.
When you are writing, do you have a consistent schedule where you write every day at the same time or are you a sit and go on different days to get it done kinda person?
I try to write every single day, but the times vary with my work hours.
What is your favorite memory so far as an author?
My favorite memory was the first email from a reader. Getting fan mail of any kind makes your day.
Do you have a book that is your most prized possession? What is it and why is it so amazing?
My most prized possession is a signed copy of Dark Lover by J.R. Ward. She’s one of my top five authors. Meeting her was amazing.
What are your social links?
What are your buy links?