Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.
My name is Jolanthe Aleksander. By day, I’m a full-time front office manager for an agency that provides services to people with special needs in their homes and in the community. I have a son who reminds me to take joy in the simple things life has to offer.
When you are writing, what are some go to’s that you needs? IE Foods to eat, noise level, place to sit.
My MUST haves when writing are Lay’s Original chips, Chocolate, Fruit Snacks, and the MUST HAVE of all Must Haves…COFFEE!
What are you favorite things about attending signings?
My favorite thing about signings is getting to see my writer friends, seeing readers who have read my stories, and getting to meet new to me writers and readers! Let’s face it, I will always be a reader, so I fan girl with the best of them. lol
What author would you love to meet (Who is your unicorn author)?
J.R. Ward, Patricia Briggs, Anne Bishop, Robyn Peterman
When you are writing, do you have a consistent schedule where you write every day at the same time or are you a sit and go on different days to get it done kinda person?
I don’t have a set schedule, though I wish I did. I squeeze my writing in where I can and pray my Muse is willing to play nice.
What is your favorite memory so far as an author?
The first time someone said, “I read your book and loved it. When is the next one coming out?”
Do you have a book that is your most prized possession? What is it and why is it so amazing?
The first copy of my book Beyond the Veil of Whispered Dreams that came out of the box. It’s amazing because it was something tangible that I created out of nothing but imagination.
What are your social links?
Facebook Author Page:
What are your buy links? (You can list individual or links to your Amazon/ibooks/Koko/etc Author Home Page.)