Celebrating Pride Month with A.J. Truman #Spotlight #Wotr24 #attendingauthor

Hello, and thanks for being here to Celebrate Pride Month with Twinsie Talk. I’m Twinsie Tenise, self proclaimed resident MM reader and reviewer over here at Twinsie Talk. Throughout the Month of June we will be sharing Q&A sessions we had with over a dozen authors who write LGBTQIA Romance or books with LGBTQIA characters. Each day will Spotlight a different author. We hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful authors and find lots of new books to fill your TBR.

Special thanks to all of the authors who signed up and took the time to answer the questions.
Shoutout and HUGE thank you to Twinsie Jo for the amazing rainbow graphics and Twinsie Angie for her input and assistance. Love you both! 😘

Today we are Celebrating Pride with A.J. Truman!

I discovered A.J’s work around January of this year. I read the first 3 books of The Single Dads Club in less than a week. Its an addictive series. As I type this I realized I never completed the series as I was waiting for book 4 to release then I kinda forgot. Ask anyone who knows me, I’m the queen of forgetfulness. But I digress, we are here to get to know A.J, our first Pride Spotlight.  I cannot wait to meet him in July.

A.J. Truman remembers his college days like it was yesterday, even though it was definitely not yesterday. He writes books with humor, heart, and hot guys. What else does a story need? He loves spending time with his pets and his husband and writing on his sun porch. You can email him at info@ajtruman.com.

Want to be the first to find out about his next book, including cover reveals and special sneak peeks? Want access to exclusive content like bonus stories and giveaways? Then join the Outsiders, A.J.’s mailing list for super fans. You can sign up here: http://www.ajtruman.com/outsiders/

You can also follow me on Facebook and Bookbub to be alerted when I release new books.



🏳️‍🌈What’s your name and a little about you?
 A.J. Truman is a gay man living in the middle of Indiana with his husband, son, and pets. He writes spicy romantic comedies with humor, heart, and hot guys. Think LOL meets DTF. He loves spending time with his family and occasionally sneaking off for an afternoon movie.
🏳️‍🌈What made you decide to write LGBTQIA romance?
As a gay man, I wanted to see myself as the romantic hero. I wanted to read about messy, complicated, funny characters who found joy in being gay rather than sadness and isolation. Oh, and I’m a huge fan of romcoms and wanted to make people laugh as well as swoon.
🏳️‍🌈Do you prefer to write standalones or series? Why?
I write series of standalone books. My books take place in the same world and have characters pop in from different books, but they all can be read as standalones. I’d rather do this than follow the same couple through multiple books because once they have their HEA, I don’t want to bother them with more plot shenanigans.
🏳️‍🌈Do you have a current WIP? Care to share any details?
My next book that’s releasing is the fourth book in my Single Dads Club series called The Fireman and the Flirt. It’s about a realtor who needs to clinch one final sale before year’s end, and his new client happens to be his old high school crush. Think House Hunters, but horny.

🏳️‍🌈What are your must have writing snacks and drinks?
I like to avoid snacking while writing. But I always treat myself to a sweet treat when I finish a draft or publish a book.
🏳️‍🌈If someone has never read your work, which book would you recommend?
The Falcon and the Foe
🏳️‍🌈If you could recommend 1 LGBTQIA Romance (not your own) to readers, what would that book be?
Social Skills by Sara Alva is an oldie but a goodie, and it inspired me to become an author. It’s a very sweet college romance between a nerd and the jock he must tutor.
🏳️‍🌈What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
going to the movies! I love going to the movies by myself, getting popcorn, and chilling out.



This is my review for The Barkeep and the Bro. My most favorite of the 3 in the series I’ve read as of yet.

Mitch is looking for yet another bartender. Staffing his bar is becoming increasingly difficult as the years progress and Mitch is just… tired.
Charlie’s life is in the gutter right now, he’s staying with an old friend and needs a job like yesterday! He finds somewhere locally hiring but he’s not sure Mr. Dekker would want to hire him. You see, Charlie dated Mitch’s daughter. He also dumped Mitch’s daughter so, yeah, there’s also that.
Mitch and Charlie couldn’t hide their mutual attraction. There were multiple things standing in the way of them acting on said attraction. Ignoring it all together seems like a fantastic plan. I didn’t agree with this plan but no one asked me. Annnnnd moving on… when these 2 geniuses finally came to their senses it was fire! I was really looking forward to reading this book and it did not disappoint. Even the parts that irritated me. They were essential to their story and you gotta get through all the annoying stuff to get to the best part so I guess I liked those parts a little bit too. Whatever.


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