Category Archives: YA

#YABook #Review – Monday’s Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson

“Jackson’s characters and their heart-wrenching story linger long after the final page, urging readers to advocate for those who are disenfranchised and forgotten by society and the system.” (Publishers Weekly, “An Anti-Racist Children’s and YA Reading List”)

From the critically acclaimed author of Allegedly, Tiffany D. Jackson, comes a gripping novel about the mystery of one teenage girl’s disappearance and the traumatic effects of the truth.

Monday Charles is missing, and only Claudia seems to notice. Claudia and Monday have always been inseparable—more sisters than friends. So when Monday doesn’t turn up for the first day of school, Claudia’s worried.

When she doesn’t show for the second day, or second week, Claudia knows that something is wrong. Monday wouldn’t just leave her to endure tests and bullies alone. Not after last year’s rumors and not with her grades on the line. Now Claudia needs her best—and only—friend more than ever. But Monday’s mother refuses to give Claudia a straight answer, and Monday’s sister April is even less help.

As Claudia digs deeper into her friend’s disappearance, she discovers that no one seems to remember the last time they saw Monday. How can a teenage girl just vanish without anyone noticing that she’s gone?

I had absolutely no idea what this book was about. Like most books anymore, I like to go in blind and not read the blurb. I find it more exciting that way. But this book…man. Just…wow.

Claudia and Monday are not just best friends. They’re more like soul sisters. Monday is the only friend that Claudia truly has. They spend every minute they can together. They go to the same school, are in the same grade, have known each other for years. Even Claudia’s parents love Monday. Claudia can’t picture her life without her best friend. They even planned on going to the same high school. So when Monday goes missing…

…no one seems to notice. Not like Claudia does.

Claudia starts asking questions. Gets herself into trouble quite a few times. You know, the typical way one gets into trouble when your best friend suddenly disappears.

When questions start getting answered, Claudia’s world is turned upside down. Or right side up. Depending on how you look at it.

I 100% recommend going into this story without reading the blurb.

This book was captivating from the start. Although it’s more age appropriate for teens, it wasn’t written that way. I also wish that I could have read this author back when I was in highschool.

Just like Allegedly, this author weaves a story of teen troubles, a teeny bit of romance, family drama and more.

Kudos to the author because I am obsessed!

I think I’ve found my favourite genre for 2023.

#WOTR23 #YA #SecretAdmirer #seriesStarter – Dear McKinnon, Love Notes book 1 by Danielle Keil

Dear McKinnon (Love Notes, #1)

Everyone knows what it means to have a teal envelope taped to their locker on the first day of the month.

Everyone except new girl McKinnon Gregory.

The envelope is the start of a monthly tradition called the Secret Admirers, and something McKinnon never thought she’d see.

To her surprise– and everyone else’s– the teal envelope is taped to her locker on March first.

McKinnon only has one month to figure out the clues. But she barely knows anyone, which makes it infinitely harder to determine her secret admirer’s identity.

Will she figure it out before the month’s over?
And if she does, will the guy she’s fallen for through letters be just as amazing in person?



Review by Twinsie Angie

I purchased this book.

I am going to start this review by saying your girl here doesn’t read YA.  Nothing against it but I just don’t and haven’t in a long long time. However, this author is about the sweetest and most adorable person in the whole dang world.  I was up on all the books I needed to read and said LET’S DO THIS!!!

I purchased this book and dove right in annnnnd I was hooked.  I freaking LOVED IT!!  I thought the premise of the series was cute and totally enjoyed the “new girl” getting the first letter.

McKinnon/Macks was the new girl who pretty much kept to herself and kept her head down.  She was quiet, shy and totally the book nerd you picture.  She is like WHUUUU when she is given the first letter.  Her bestie Skye was cracking me up.  She was so funny and totally what I would have been like through the process.

The story is sweet and the fact Macks and “Charlie” start to form a great letter friendship that turns to trusting friendship and then a possible romantic relationship.  Loved it!!  I had to admit I was going between 2 guys on the story.  I wasn’t totally sure who the guy was and when it was revealed…my heart was skipping beats.  I mean this was it.  That was the time for Macks to decide what she does….does she accept him or not???

Seriously I enjoyed the story 110%.  I will be picking up the others and reading when I can because I want to see Spencer’s book!!

Danielle Keil grew up and spent the majority of her life in the Chicagoland area. A recent transplant, she is enjoying the Mississippi life, especially the pool in her backyard.
Danielle is happily married for over 10 years, and has two young children, a daughter and a son, who are exact replicas of her and her husband.
She also is a fur mom to their Corgi, Cozmo, who loves barking, mud, and peanut butter.
Danielle’s love language is gifts, her Ennegram is a 9w1, and she loves everything purple.
The way to her heart is through coffee, chocolate and tacos (extra guac).
Find Danielle on social media– @daniellekeil on Instagram, and @authordaniellek on Facebook. She’s a social media addict, so she’d love to be friends!

#Review The End of August, Part Two by Rue Volley

The End of August: Part Two by [Rue Volley]

It’s 1985.

Jelly bracelets are on every wrist.

Beaded friendship pins are on every shoelace.

Cellphones are not a thing.

Slumber partiesroller skating rinks, and arcades are all the rage.

Every kid has a key to their home and knows how to babysit themselves.

And Molly Ringwald is everyone’s fantasy girl.

But for fifteen-year-old August East, his world revolves around his new house, his new friends, and a boy by the name of Keller West, that has stolen his heart.

Not to mention that whole haunted victorian home, the mysterious death of the last owner, and, oh yeah, the empty mausoleum in his backyard.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

This story has me all messed up! I am literally all over the place with this, but in the best possible way! Part one ended in a cliff hanger and this one is no different, but WHOA! I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! I mean, I am strolling along reading the story, and we take a sharp right turn into a place I had no idea we were going, then ALL of the feels exploded! I audibly gasped and had to stop for a moment to catch my breath, and then I just couldn’t stop reading. I had to know everything. I NEEDED to know what was going to happen next. I am on the edge of my seat because I know the next collision is going to happen, but when it doesn’t happen right away because there is a different plot twist…..well, I am just beside myself. Please excuse me for keeping this review short, but I need to start Part Three. I literally can’t wait any longer. Ms. Volley, you have a new stalker because you have me hooked!

Rue Volley

Connect with Rue:




Twitter: @RueVolley


#Review – The End of August, Part One by Rue Volley

The End of August: Part One by [Rue Volley]

Heartstopper meets Stranger Things!

It’s 1985.
Everyone is wearing a Swatch Watch and carrying a Trapper Keeper.
GooniesBack to the Future, and The Breakfast Club are killing it at the theaters.
Super Mario Brothers is a lifestyle.
Posters of Duran Duran and Madonna are on every bedroom wall.
But for fifteen-year-old, August East, the biggest news is the move his family made to the odd little town of Whynot, Ohio, a cute boy named Keller West, and, of course, that whole murder thing.
*This is a DUAL POV*


Review by Twinsie Kelly

“I’ve seen this movie and it turns out bad. Like really bad.” There’s a haunted house and all the makings of a classic horror movie! Ok, so it’s not a movie but I LOVE that this is set in 1985 with none of the tech-y stuff teens have now. This is a great YA, coming of age book with a spooky backdrop. People are always hiding things, wearing masks, and things are no different with the team of teens in this story. Each character is struggling or working through something. August is new to Whynot and has a bit of a difficult past but gets befriended immediately by the spooky Evie (OMG, she’s a ghosthunter!). Very soon after, he has quite a few friends that just need to see the house he is moving into. Why? Because it is a funeral home, complete with the cremation burner! There are some spooky, and not so spooky but still very scary, things (emotionally and physically) happening to the group. I do need to add that MM romance isn’t really a go to for me, but this just worked. There are very real feelings happening that will keep you hooked to the story. August and Keller, they are falling in love, or at least falling in like, with each other. The rest of the characters really round the story out and help put some perception into what and how the boys and others are feeling. The only con to the book is that since this is told in a dual POV, there are several chapters that basically repeat themselves so that you can get the thoughts and feelings of both characters that happened within the same conversation/scene. Those parts were a little redundant for me. However, the storyline is great and there is much more to come. The cliffhanger has made me immediately want to dive right into Part Two because, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!

Rue Volley

Connect with Rue:




Twitter: @RueVolley


#review #standalone #yathriller The Fear by Natasha Preston 

Don’t be afraid. Be terrified.

It’s just a stupid meme that’s going around their small fishing town in the dead of winter—people reposting and sharing their biggest fear. But when her classmates start turning up dead—dying in the way that they said scared them the most—Izzy knows it’s no joke.

With each death hitting closer to home, Izzy sets out to try to stop the killer. Could her older sister’s friend Tristan have something to do with the deaths? He’s given her some strange vibes. Or what about his brooding cousin, Axel? But he’s in her classes at school. He’s not a murderer . . . is he? Izzie’s soon on a path that will lead her right to the killer . . . and her own worst nightmare.



Review by Twinsie Dee

I bought this book and this is my honest review

What is your greatest fear? Which way do you think is the worst way to die? When the newest meme is going around town and is being reposted by everyone with the worst way they think would die but they never figured that posting their fears would be used against them and be the actual way they would die. Izzy seemed to be the only one who didn’t repost he fear meme and the killer isnt going to let that slide. With 4 dead students and 1 that will never be found the killer isnt planning on slowing down anytime soon even with the cop of the killer’s heels. But who is this killer that is killing teens by their fear will they catch them before number 5 will be found your gonna want to find out for yourself but remember don’t let everyone know your greatest fear. Omg omg omg Natasha has done it again this is one of the best thrillers she’s written i ha no idea who the killer was until it was revealed and still I didn’t believe it. Natasha has a way of making you think that you know exactly who it is with all the clues pointing to one person and then completely turning it 180 and being someone else, its was amazing and i love when thrillers do that.

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of The Cellar and The Cabin. Romance and YA Thriller writer, boy mum, Tom Hardy enthusiast. Always buried in a book and a glass of wine.

#Review – 13 Ways to Midnight (The Midnight Saga Book #1) by Rue Volley

13 Ways to Midnight : (The Midnight Saga, Book #1) by [Rue Volley]


You’ll never miss the sunlight until it’s gone.

Sixteen-year-old Echo Navarri, daughter of world-famous archaeologists, Alice and Peter Navarri, has spent her life traveling from one expedition to the next as her parents unearthed lost civilizations. On their thirteenth dig, Midnight, Echo’s twin sister, disappears without a trace. This prompts a year-long search that leaves the family nearly broken. In an attempt to find some closure they reluctantly host a mock funeral for Midnight without ever recovering her remains. Nearing the one-year anniversary of Midnight’s assumed death, Echo is sent to live with her eccentric Aunt Luna who is the caretaker of the centuries-old Navarri Estate in Port Royal, Maine. Echo attempts to settle into her new life in Port Royal, but soon finds that she’s destined for adventure as the mystery of her family’s history, the sunless town, and its oddly intriguing people teeter on the supernatural.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

First and foremost, I LOVE THIS COVER! Second, I have no idea why it took me so long to read this book!

“Curiosity is for the devil and fairytales.”

 I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love the world that this author has built. It is intriguing, compelling and truly captivating. A beautiful story of loss, love, and some crazy, sprinkled with the perfect amount of humor and teenage angst.

“You’ll be okay. Embrace the journey, little one.”

The fresh take on the paranormal world was amazing. It teetered on paranormal for a good part of the book, so it really kept you guessing and turning the page to figure out what is happening.

“Then I closed my eyes. I could feel a dark presence behind me. Something ancient and evil. Something that hunted without mercy. I turned to face it, and my mouth lay open.”

I sort of started to roll my eyes when it started to go in the direction of Twilight, but the author stopped almost as sudden as it started and went in a completely different direction. This again had me turning to the next page. This is the type of story that kept me saying, “just one more chapter”, well into the early hours of the morning. I truly love Echo’s Aunt Luna. You can always sense that something is a bit off with her but she is an amazing character in the story. The same can be said about Echo’s new friends. There are still so many secrets to unravel that I can’t wait to continue Echo’s journey. Bravo, Rue Volley! You have yourself another fan!


Rue Volley

Connect with Rue:




Twitter: @RueVolley


#WOTR22 #Review – The Seer (The Aberration Book 3) by Michel Prince

The Seer (The Aberration Book 3) by [Michel Prince]

Since Aberrations started appearing across the globe, the world was trapped in a communal nightmare. Children tossed away, instead of nurtured. Their gifts only seen as dangers, not a blessing, all hitting the teenagers right as they are trying to come into themselves.

At some point we all get lost in our dreams of what will be or what could be, but for Peyton Lark, trying to find the right path in his visions has him slipping into a delirium of insanity. The Seer among those who’ve hidden away on an island knows when visions increase, they are closing in on becoming reality.

While he has the ability to see danger coming, it doesn’t mean he can find the path to avoid it. With his other half, his love Claire Lawrence, being taken from him over and over in painful nightmares his main focus turns to saving her, with the rest a distant second. But the path isn’t changing no matter how much he tries to manipulate the dream.

Can Peyton find the way to save those around them from a weapon created for their complete annihilation? Or will he at least be able to spin the dream to save the one person who anchors him fully?


Review by Twinsie Kelly

I couldn’t wait for Peyton’s story and I am so glad we finally have it! Peyton came from a good home with good parents but because of his birthdate, was sent to an aberration camp where he endured the unthinkable. Once he was able to escape, he found his place with others like him in Satori. They have all, Aberrations and Harveys (the normal), had to run as they are now being hunted by an Aberration Elder that is the current president. Peyton is a computer whiz and incredibly smart but his greatest strength is also his weakness. He is a seer and gets visions of the future. The only problem is that the future is always changing. He sees the same nightmare over and over where Clair is ripped away from him and no matter what he does or how hard he tries; he cannot manipulate anything to make this future change. He is finding that he is starting to blame himself but also questioning who he can trust. He feels like he is literally going insane. These hunters will never stop and finally Peyton has a breakthrough. He is thinking about things the wrong way. He needs to have EVERYONE work together. No prejudices and social classes. No more what ifs plaguing him to the point of madness. The time has come to band together and get ready for the inevitable. However, when the inevitable comes, another crazy twist comes at us and brings an entirely new type of torture to endure and get through. This story is an incredibly well written YA that can definitely get us adults on edge and turning the pages like crazy. I highly recommend this series and cannot wait for the next installment!

Michel Prince

#review #yathriller The Lake by Natasha Preston

Esme and Kayla once were campers at Camp Pine Lake. They’re excited to be back this year as CITs (counselors in training). Esme loves the little girls in her cabin and thinks it’s funny how scared they are of everything–spiders, the surly head counselor, the dark, boys . . . even swimming in the lake! It reminds her a little of how she and Kayla used to be, once. Before . . . it happened.

Because Esme and Kayla did something bad when they were campers. Afterwards, the girls agreed to keep it secret. They’ve moved on–or so they say–and this summer is going to be great. Two months of sun, s’mores, and flirting with the cute boy counselors. But then they get a note. THE LAKE NEVER FORGETS. And the secret they’ve kept buried for so many years is about to resurface.



Review by Twinsie Dee

I bought this book and this my honest opinion

Esme and Kayla are returning to their old summer camp this summer as counselors in training it’s the one place they swore they were never going to return to after what happened the last time they were there. But they were here and ready to try and have some fun, but nothing ever stays hidden when you want to keep it buried. Creepy things start happening and the girls are wondering if their secret is coming back to hunt them. Wow Natasha knocked this one outta the park it had me on the edge of my seat until the very last page.

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of The Cellar and The Cabin. Romance and YA Thriller writer, boy mum, Tom Hardy enthusiast. Always buried in a book and a glass of wine.

#WOTR – #Review – The Amalgam (The Aberration Book 1) by Michel Prince

The Amalgam (The Aberration Book 1)

Genetics, radioactive spiders, mutation following tainted energy drinks. No one knows what triggered teens to suddenly get powers. Abilities emerge, first sought, then destroying lives with only one link between those effected. Their birthdays all end in double zeroes.

Riley Weston wished he could be an awkward kid in high school, but life had other plans. The Aberration Laws made all around him suspect, until the wheel of fate turned to point her arrow at him.

At first being labeled an Aberration would get you locked away for the greater good. When it was discovered children born in the year two-thousand are the only ones getting powers, no one is immune. Even if your powers have yet to emerge. The government is set on owning all those in possession of abilities.

For Riley, a camp, ran by Aberrations, hides, trains, and keeps them safe. But the world wants their powers. To meld them into a force no army could defeat. Riley, and those like him, now walk the world scared, angry and afraid. Which is not the combo you want with unlimited powers.

Can Riley learn to control his gift before outside forces find him? Or before inside sources give away more than just him, but the whole camp.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

Did you read the blurb?! Mutations, aberrations, genetics….YA Sci Fi? Sign me up! This is something straight out of a superhero comic! I live for this stuff! This story is an intricately woven fantastical tale that never leaves you with a dull moment. Right from the jump, Riley’s house is being searched and he is in a sort of panic room or safe room. He has been forced to live in secrecy for fear of being taken to a type of detainment camp to be experimented on. The time has come for him to secretly be taken to a secret camp with others like him. His mom and dad basically have to smuggle him out and make a secret trade for this to happen. All hell breaks loose and Riley is swept away to the camp. Only, it’s not exactly a camp. This is a massive center with tons of others that are “special” like him and others that are “normal” with no powers. He quickly finds out that not everyone can be trusted. And as his power starts coming to fruition. Only he finds that he doesn’t have just one power like the other aberrations,  but multiple. Now we have a teenage boy that has been thrust into a crazy situation that he is trying to navigate, he needs to learn his powers, all while being scared and confused. This is a dangerous combo. But wait, there’s more! He finds an incredible group of friends that he can absolutely rely on but when you are told that you may be “the one”…How are you supposed to react?! And don’t forget, we still don’t know who to trust. 

There is an incredible explanation as to why these kids have powers. The way that these teens figure it out and explain it, brings a historical type of element to this book. Gods and goddesses from way back when could all be part of who they are today. And when stuff really starts to go haywire, the truth starts coming out with even more twists coming your way. 

Seriously, if you need something different to shake things up, this is the book that will do it for you. I am on the edge of my seat waiting for the sequel. Bravo, Ms. Prince! Loved it!

Michel Prince

Michel Prince is an author who graduated with a bachelor degree in History and Political Science. Michel writes young adult and adult paranormal romance as well as contemporary romance.

With characters yelling “It’s my turn damn it!!!” She tries to explain to them that alas, she can only type a hundred and twenty words a minute and they will have wait their turn. She knows eventually they find their way out of her head and to her fingertips and she looks forward to sharing them with you.

When Michel can suppress the voices in her head she can be found at a scouting event or cheering for her son in a variety of sports. She would like to thank her family for always being in her corner and especially her husband for supporting her every dream and never letting her give up.

Michel is a member of RWA Pro and Midwest Fiction Writers. In 2013 she was awarded Elite Status with Rebel Ink Press. She lives in the Twin Cities with her husband, son, and cat.

#WOTR21 – #Review – The Amulets by J. Lawson

The Amulets (The Amulets Trilogy #1)

A centuries-old war, a lineage of magic thought long dead, and a girl desperately struggling to find her place.

Jordan has a secret; one that’s kept her intentionally antisocial. So, when new girl Georgia moves to town and begins working at the same bookstore, she is naturally apprehensive. Yet, discovering their unanticipated connection makes her question everything she’s ever believed.

When they discover unusual happenings linked to the old mill, they along with Sawyer, handsome grandson of the town crank, find themselves forced to investigate a potentially evil source of conflict threatening the safety of their town. Will Jordan and Georgia’s common gifts, along with Sawyer’s courage and charm, be enough to get the answers they need to save the town? Or does letting yourself care just mean you have more to lose?


Review by Twinsie Kelly

Who says we need less dreamers and more concrete intellects? Jordan’s boss! Psh! First, I love that our main character works in a bookstore and promotes fantasy books, just saying. The Amulets, for me, was a pure and wholesome young adult book. It was very sweet. Jordan is a shape-shifter and has kept this secret for many years. She is afraid if she gets close to someone that she will ultimately lose them because they won’t understand. This is something she struggles with throughout the story. Their small town is truly a small town. Everyone knows everyone and you only fall into a few different categories with school and work. And, if you make it out, you don’t come back. Until Georgia shows up one day to work at the same store as Jordan. These two are definitely kindred spirits and you can feel the bond forming right from jump. Their friendship is something most of us wish we had. Then we have Sawyer, a super cute guy who brings them coffee! Score! Jordan and Georgia are both shapeshifters and Sawyer is not. The secrets now become very delicate. On top of this, the town has lost their dang mind! This causes the trio to do some investigative work which ends up getting really hairy in the end. And when I say hairy, I truly mean hairy. Reality can be just as crazy as the stuff people imagine. 

The story started a bit slow for me but I think with this being the first in the trilogy the world building was needed. It is super sweet too. No swearing and no crazy make-out sessions. There are a couple kisses shared between Jordan and Sawyer, and they were perfect. I definitely think that this is geared toward a younger YA group. Once the story got moving, it was hard to put down. And now that I reached the end I need to know what happens next. 

J. Lawson

J. Lawson was born and raised in Davenport, Iowa. She moved to Peoria, Illinois in 2008, where she currently resides with her husband, son, and two dogs. She graduated from Western Illinois University with a Master’s in English Literature. She has been published in multiple literary magazines, and The Amulets (book one in The Amulets Trilogy) is her debut novel. Lawson enjoys reading fantasy, thriller, mystery, and most varieties of fiction. She also loves 80s-90s rock music.