MM March Madness – March 20 – Wade Kelly

03-20 - Wade Kelly


March 20

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Wade Kelly

author bio

Wade Kelly lives and writes in conservative, small-town America on the east coast where it’s not easy to live free and open in one’s beliefs. Wade writes passionately about controversial issues and strives to make a difference by making people think. Wade does not have a background in writing or philosophy, but still draws from personal experience to ponder contentious subjects on paper. There is a lot of pain in the world and people need hope. When not writing, she is thinking about writing, and more than likely scribbling ideas on sticky notes in the car while playing “taxi driver” for her three children. She likes snakes, can’t spell, and has a tendency to make people cry.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

I refer to myself as an extroverted introvert. LOL. Although I do admit to be progressing toward extrovert, I do have many introverted qualities. I NEED alone time! I have to have quiet to regroup and recharge. I often room alone at conventions because I need some space to decompress after lots of talking and stimulation. Other than that, I am a very social person who likes to talk and hug often!

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I am writing a series now. My Roommate’s A Jock? Well, Crap! was the first book in my JOCK Series. It was published in Dec 2012. Book 2 came out Dec 2015. Yes, there is three years between them, but I am a slow writer and wasn’t planning to continue this series until the story just popped into my head. I think they are harder to write than stand alone because you have to consider the information in the previous novel, and often foreshadow the next. There is more to consider.

Where do you do most of your writing?

Lately, on my couch.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I am into audio books, so I am listening to Dark Horse White Knight by Josh Lanyon. Favorites include: The Adrien English Series by Josh Lanyon, Sinner’s Gin Series by Rhys Ford, American Love Songs by Ashlyn Kane, The Locker Room by Amy Lane, Widdershins Series by Jordan Hawk

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

Yes, it is growing. I think it has to do with acceptance of same sex relationships instead of treating them as a disease. I think the more people that read LGBT stories, the more demand will be generated.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

That it isn’t easy and it takes perseverance. You can’t give up when things aren’t flowing. You just have to push on.

What are you working on now?

I’m writing the 4th book in my JOCK Series. Book 2 came out in Dec 2015 – No! Jocks Don’t Date Guys. Book 3 (Back Off! That’s My Jock) has been submitted to Dreamspinner Press and I hope to hear back soon about a contract. I’m also gearing up to promote Bankers’ Hours as it releases from Dreamspinner Press March 25th!

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Watch a movie with my family. Lately, we’ve been watching episodes of the X-Files together. 🙂

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

Lowest low was after my first novel released and I hoped for huge sales and great reviews! Um, apparently they do not come easily! I was delusional about the business. It is VERY HARD! And when you start out with a book about gay suicide, recognition doesn’t come easily. Highest high came when writing Bankers’ Hours in the summer of 2015. I wrote it in 9 weeks. This was the first time something flowed so easily and I proved to myself I CAN write a novel in a short amount of time. Most of mine have taken a year to write. Finishing this one was thrilling! My career has changed because I’ve learned how to be more dedicated in writing and more organized. Writing EVERYDAY is very important! Over time, I have also learned to let go of bad reviews. In the beginning, they were crushing! Now, I have to think of them as differing opinions. Everyone has their own opinions. I can’t take them personally!

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Wade Kelly has donated an eBook from my back list. Really anything I’ve written so far that someone would like a copy of.

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

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A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!




#ReleaseBlitz – The One by Danielle Allen

The cattiness.
The fights.
The shaming.

I don’t generally watch reality television, but I definitely don’t watch reality dating shows. Besides the fact that it’s completely staged, it’s a horrible depiction of people — women especially.

Women are pitted against each other to compete for the affection of a man they “fall in love” with after a week or two.
I call B.S.
It is complete crap.

So when my best friend, Koko, was hired as a makeup artist o the set of the most popular reality dating show, The One, I teased her mercilessly.
She told me that if I didn’t stop teasing her, she would get me back.
And she did…
Which is how I ended up as a contestant on The One.

Add it to your TBR Today!!!
Available Exclusively On Amazon and Kindle Unlimited



 “Ohhhh, yeah,” I remembered, familiarity of the case and the names flooding my brain. “’Sweet’. That case ended her music career, didn’t it? I loved that song. I vaguely remember that he was the one who wrote it, but they settled out of court, right?”

“Yes. But do you know what he looks like now?” My best friend inquired.

“No… I just remember being fascinated by the case because—”

“I’m going to go ahead and stop you right there,” she interrupted, cutting me off mid-sentence.

“We are not going to talk law right now. We are going to talk about you having the chance to bump uglies with Julian Winters. He is the—”

I frowned as I interjected, “The sheer fact that you said ‘bump uglies’ has disqualified you from giving me advice about anything in general, but sex specifically. You need to—”

A quick knock on the door followed by the sound of it being pushed open forced my sentence to end abruptly.

About The Author

Danielle Allen is a lover of football, fashion, film and fiction. Married to the yin to her yang, Danielle spends most of her time with her husband, family and friends. From karaoke nights to vacationing and everything in between, she enjoys making the most out of the life in which she’s been blessed. Danielle spends her days teaching and event planning and her nights writing.

Danielle Allen is the author of the Back to Life Series (Back to Life, Back to Reality, Back to December*), Love Discovered in New York, Autumn & Summer, the Heartache Series (Heartache, Heartfelt, Heartless*) and Work Song.


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#Review #Paranormal #Shifter – Cryus by Kenzie Cox

Cyrus (Black Bear Outlaws, #1)


He’s loved her since they were kids…

Cyrus Doucet used to be the bad boy, the one all the girls wanted…all of them except one, the girl next door.

He’s everything she says she doesn’t want…

Claire Erickson’s always been the good girl…until now. She’s in trouble and the only person she can turn to is her outlaw neighbor, Cyrus Doucet.



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I received this book from an honest review.

I love a good shifter novella.  I read all of the Wolf shifters from Kenize and was stoked to get a bear novella to read.

This story is about Cyrus the bad boy who has loved the neighbor next door, Claire, for 20 years.  When Claire’s no good ex-boyfriend comes back after a 6 year shifter jail term, she is not happy.  When she finds out she has been pushed into an arranged marriage with him, she is livid.  When Cyrus, the dream guy saves her, she is in way over her head!!

I really loved Claire’s character in the story.  She is feisty, spunky and will not be told what to do.  However as strong and feminist like as she is, one smirk from Cyrus has her melting in a pile of goo.  When Cyrus decided to help her from her ex, it was in hopes of getting her himself.  I loved how confident he is even when she sees him with another woman and blows it out of context.

These stories are some of my favorites because they are delicious HEA reads when you have a couple hours to sit and read.


about the author

Kenzie Cox is the pen name of New York Times bestselling author Deanna Chase. As Kenzie, she writes all things shifters. Wolves, bears, and dragons, oh my! Enjoy! Learn more at

MM March Madness – March 19 – Bey Deckard

03-19 - Bey Deckard


March 19

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Bey Deckard

author bio

Born and raised in a small coastal town in northern Québec, Bey spent his early summers on his uncle’s boat and running wild on the beaches of the surrounding islands, lighting fires and building huts out of driftwood and fishermen’s nets. As an adult, he eventually made his way to university and earned a degree in Art History with a strong focus on Anthropology. Primarily a portrait painter and graphic artist, Bey sat down one day and decided to start writing. Bey currently lives in the wilds of Montréal with his best buddy, a ridiculous, spotty pit bull named Murphy.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

I like doing charity and pro bono work. It’s something I’ve always enjoyed—I do paintings/original artwork for auctions to raise money for shelter dogs, LGBT youth groups, and green initiatives, and I support orgs like MSF (Doctors Without Borders), and non-profits. I’d love to do even more as time goes on.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I find it’s harder *not* to write a series. My first book was book 1 in a trilogy that’s now turned into a series. Why? Because I love my characters and to continue writing about them makes me happy. I get to revisit them. As a reader, I really enjoy series… as long as they don’t go on too long. I don’t mind things that are unfinished, in fact sometimes I prefer an unfinished series to one that ends weakly.

Where do you do most of your writing?

In my home office—I’ve got a really nice set up now. I used to write on the couch, but that got to be a real pain in the back. I also write on the go using my phone. I wrote most of my first book (Caged) on my old iPhone 4.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I’m not reading anything at the moment. I’ve discovered that I’m not very good at reading and writing at the same time. However, I was on vacation a little while ago and devoured Dan Skinner’s “Xperiment”. A fantastic read. My favourite books within the LGBT umbrella would be… hm… “Grif’s Toy” and “Brothers LaFon” by Joseph Lance Tonlet, Jack L. Pyke’s “Don’t” series, “Trasmundo: Escape” by Varian Krylov, Brad Vance’s “Would I Lie to You?”. On the more mainstream side, Cry to Heaven by Anne Rice is one of my all time favourite books. Oh! And The Swede by Robert Karjel was very good. I mostly read science fiction, fantasy, horror, graphic novels, KGB/CIA thrillers, medical texts, non-fiction

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

LGBT romance/erotica? I would guess yes. It feels like folks (at least in some places) are becoming more knowledgeable and inclusive about sexual orientation and gender identity, and so stories featuring characters that span the spectrum are more in demand.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

The biggest surprise I had was that my readers were largely women. I had no idea that would happen. And, also, that readers expect books to follow certain formulas.

What are you working on now?

I am deep into a fantasy novel right now. It’s called Kestrel’s Talon and it’s tentatively set to come out in April. I don’t yet have a synopsis, but it’s got a page on Goodreads: It’s about 60% written so far, so I’ll update the pub date when I have a firm idea of when it’ll be done.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Watch movies or go have some drinks with a friend or go to a concert.

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Bey Deckard has donated book 1 of each of my series, digital version.  Caged: Love and Treachery on the High Seas, Sarge, and The Complications of T to one lucky winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!



#Review – Killer by Heather C. Leigh


killer book tour

Killer it's live

Ten years ago, their lives shattered to pieces…

And he’s the KILLER that has to live with it.

Two people. One incident.

Interwoven between two damaged souls in ways they don’t understand.

#DarkRomance #Fighter


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View the Book Trailer here:


UnthinKable. UnimagInable.  UndeniabLe.  UnforgivabLe.  SalvageablE.  Redeemable.

Ten years ago, their lives shattered to pieces…

And he’s the KILLER that has to live with it.

Two people. One incident. Interwoven between two damaged souls in ways they don’t understand.

But now, they must fight the same war–a past that wrecked them both–destroyed the two people they used to be. With a hurricane of love, hate, anger, fury, and fear, can two broken lives find a way to let it all go for a chance at happiness?

killer heather leigh

Melinda's Review

I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.

This book had me hooked from the moment I started it. I sat and read it in one day. The story was heartbreaking, powerful, and one of overcoming tragedy and adversity.

This is about two people trying to overcome one tragic day. Both live this day over and over in two different ways. Britton “Britt” Reeves survived that horrific day and had to learn to live again. She finds comfort in her work and feels protected around all the fighters as a sports therapist. Keller “Killer” Rafael is a MMA fighter who lives day to day with the guilt of what he did or really didn’t do that same horrific day that both endured. He hides behind a new name and intimidates most people just by his scowl and cold eyes.

This story had so much in it there was drama and the chemistry between Britt and Killer was off the charts. This shows two people going through something horrific and trying to come out on the other side but most of all finding love when you thought you were incapable. Killer may have been the Alpha MMA fighter that as a reader is easy to fall for but Britt was the true fighter in this she amazed me at every turn of the page. After everything she went through she is a survivor. Not only did she have to overcome that day but had to deal with her mother and deal with what went along with overcoming her injury. There were some awesome side characters from some of the other fighters to Roxanne that I wouldn’t mind reading more about. Great read that will keep you turning the pages until the last word read.

killer banner

Excerpt:  Britt freaks out

Britt and Gabriel are waiting for me in his office so we can start our meeting. After my interaction with Wolfe, I’m seething and frustrated. All I want to do is jump into the cage and beat the fuck out of something, release this shit building up inside. Confusing new emotions like jealousy are dueling with my usual focused, raw fury.

The dark, hollow place in my chest isn’t equipped for this. I fight, I fuck, I exist. Nothing more, nothing less.

Furious, I walk over to Gabriel’s office and shove open the door. It bangs against the wall with a loud crack, causing Gabriel to frown and Britt to cry out. Just like that, she drops to the floor, curling into a ball and covering her head with her hands.

Gabriel leaps to his feet, hurrying around his desk to crouch next to a huddling, quivering Britt. Stunned, I stand at the door frozen, unsure what is going on or what I should do.

Meu filha! Britt! What is happening?” Gabriel’s voice hitches as he tries to pull Britt out from under his desk. His head whips around to face me. “Killer! ¡Venha aqui e ayudar!” (Get over here and help..)

I cross the space in two quick steps, approaching Gabriel’s desk from the opposite side. Britt’s tiny frame is tucked into a tight ball, her knees pulled to her chest, head ducked, and arms curled protectively over her head.

Protecting her from what?

“Britt,” I say in as composed of a voice as I can manage, which at this moment, isn’t saying much. Not a lot freaks me out, but right now, watching Britt fall to pieces, has me struggling to keep calm. “Please, come out.”

Britt is quietly sobbing, her body shuddering in fear. Watching her in such obvious distress sends a stabbing pain through my chest. Not sure this is the best thing for her, but not knowing what else to do, I crawl under the desk. Being as large as I am, I can only get my head and shoulders in next to her.

Gabriel slides into nervous, staccato Portuguese. “I will leave you to take care of her. Let me know when she’s feeling better and I will return.” He stands and leaves the room, gently closing the door behind him.

He left me with her?

What the fuck am I supposed to do? At a loss, I do the only thing that comes to mind. It worked to relax her before, so why not? I gather her tiny, trembling body up in my arms, and hold her. Britt immediately unwinds her arms, clutching me tight, burying her face into my shirt, her tears dampening the fabric.

On the floor in my trainer’s office, lying half under a desk, a tiny shard of my black soul becomes human again.

killer teaser

About the Author:

heather c leigh bio

Heather C Leigh

Heather C. Leigh is the author of the Amazon best selling Famous series. She likes to write about the ‘dark’ side of fame. The part that the public doesn’t get to see, how difficult it is to live in a fishbowl and how that affects relationships.

Heather was born and raised in New England and currently lives outside Atlanta, GA with her husband, 2 kids, and French Bulldog, Shelby.

She loves the Red Sox, the Patriots, and anything chocolate (but not white chocolate, everyone knows it’s not real chocolate so it doesn’t count) and has left explicit instructions in her will to have her ashes snuck into Fenway Park and sneakily sprinkled all over while her family enjoys beer, hot dogs, and a wicked good time.


Stalk Her: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads



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MM March Madness – March 18 – Nicholas Bella

03-18 - Nicholas Bella


March 18

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Nicholas Bella

author bio

About me? Hmmm, I’m just a person with a wild imagination and a love for words who was sitting around the house one day and said, “Why hasn’t anyone written a book like this before?”. As with every storyteller, I wanted to share mine with the world. I like my erotica dark, gritty, sexy… and even a little raunchy. I’m not afraid to go there and I hope you aren’t afraid to go there with me. When I’m not writing, I love watching movies and TV shows, clubbing, biking, and hanging out with family and friends. I love life. I’d love to hear from you, feel free to send me a shout out!

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

I love red meat, pizza, all kinds of music and anime.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I love writing a series because you can do so much more with your characters than with a stand alone book.

Where do you do most of your writing?

I have my laptop hooked up to my television, so I do most of my writing in bed.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I’m currently reading Tessa Dawn, Blood Curse series. I like books that are outside of the norm. Author’s who didn’t stick with the traditional and who take big chances with their characters and stories.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I do feel that the genre is expanding, and I think that’s because people are more accepting of the LGBT community. Not only that, readers are coming out of their shells and accepting the fact that they find two men or women or two on one, etc, to be extremely sexy. People are also seeing love is love and it is expressed in so many ways.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

That there is so much involved with promoting. I’m sure every author wishes they could just write a book and the entire world instantly knows about it. But that just isn’t the case. It takes a lot of marketing and no one avenue can always be a success for every author. What works for one may not work for another, so you’re constantly trying to figure out what do I do next?

What are you working on now?

I’m currently writing the 2nd episode of the 4th season of my New Haven Series: Kingdom of Ara. It’s going to be explosive in more ways than one.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Write. I love writing. Or hanging out with friends when I can.

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

My highest high happened when my book hit the no. 1 best seller’s spot in LGBT Erotic Horror and earned that coveted orange flag on Amazon. That was a dream come true. The was matched by making the top 100 authors in Horror. All of which I owe to my fans. My lowest low was suffering a wrist injury that affects how much I can write.

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Nicholas Bella has donated Chained in Darkness audio book in exchange for an honest review.

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!




#WOTR – Getting Lucky Anthology


LB Dunbar & Ashley Hampton

Title: Getting Lucky Anthology

Authors: J.L. Beck, RD Berg, L.B. Dunbar, Rebecca Elise, Ashley Hampton, Kelly Moran, K. Renee, Mayra Statham, & Shantel Tessier
Release Date: March 15, 2016
Publisher/Cover Designer: Underdog Photography & Publishing, LLC

All proceeds donated to NAMI
(National Alliance on Mental Illness)

anthology_label_novellas included

Worth the Chase by J.L. Beck
Unlucky in Love by RD Berg
Chance Encounter by LB Dunbar
Lucky Stud by Rebecca Elise
Love at Lucky Stables by Ashley Hampton
Lucky Me by Kelly Moran
Right Kind of Wrong by K. Renee
Lucky for You by Mayra Statham
Wish Me Luck by Shantel Tessier

Worth the Chase by J.L. Beck

Gia King and Chase Winchester come together in an explosive romance with one chance encounter at love. College, romance, and two families who were hell bent on being enemies. Can love between these two really transpire or will everyone else have the last say?

Sometimes you have to chase what you want.

Unlucky in Love by RD Berg

Two days ago Chloe James considered herself the luckiest woman alive, as she excitedly did the final preparations for her dream wedding. How did she end up in the back of an ambulance in her wedding dress with the brazen paramedic, Braden Dean, on her wedding night? Chloe soon discovers her luck well has run dry, and she just might have become Unlucky In Love.

Chance Encounter by LB Dunbar 

Liars and cheats, that’s what Americans were to me, Chance Fitzgerald. My first impression was a bit skewed then of Keli Donagel. She was breathtakingly beautiful, until I heard that damn accent. Nothing good ever came from the Americans I encountered, most of all those who possessed something I want returned. What a corker that Fate is, though? She had other plans for me.

Lucky Stud by Rebecca Elise

When Kurt Davis let Briony Jensen move in as a favor to his cousin, it was only supposed to be temporary. He never expected to fall for her, but he is determined to make her his.

Just when he thinks he is getting close, Briony drops a bomb on him, forcing him to make a a difficult decision. Does he let her go or beg her to stay?

Love at Lucky Stables by Ashley Hampton

Mystery surrounds Lucky Stables. Many, like Emily Lane’s parents, fell in love there. After tragedy struck, Emily ran far away,believing the stables were cursed. In Emily’s absence, Shane Patterson has stepped in to help Emily’s aging father. When Emily returns home, will Shane help her believe in love and luck

Lucky Me by Kelly Moran

Declan O’Leary’s family is cursed. For the past one-hundred years, bad things happen if they fall in love. So Declan lives his life onewoman at a time. Until he meets Lily Durand and he finds himself wishing for a forever that can never be. Yet their fate encounter and one week of sexual, intimate bliss just might be enough to turn his luck around.

Right Kind of Wrong by K. Renee

Dannicka Grady has no idea she’s in trouble. When her sister Sage sends in a friend to protect her, the sparks fly. Sawyer “Saw” O’Brien is a dirty talking biker, and Dannicka never expected to be drawn to a man like him, especially since their worlds are so different. Can Sawyer protect her and win her heart at the same time?

Lucky for You by Mayra Statham

Ready for a fresh start, single mom Keira Jennings has discovered a slice of in heaven in the mountain town of Whispering Springs,California. Police chief Rex Malone is smitten at first sight for the charming new resident of his hometown. After a routine stop sparks fly. Has Keira’s luck changed for the better? Or is Rex just like every man she’s ever met?

Wish Me Luck by Shantel Tessier

I’ve always considered myself a lucky man. Women and money both come easily. That is until I meet Ashlyn. What was supposed to be fun and simple turns hard and complicated. I’m Ryder O’Kane, and I have fallen for a woman who made one night more memorable than any woman before her. It’s funny how luck runs out when you need it the most.

anthology_label_anthology trailer


anthology_label_meet the authors


J.L. Beck is the best selling author of numerous books including Indebted, Inevitable, Invincible, and The Bittersweet Series. She’s best known for weaving a tale, that ends with your mouth hanging open, and your hands gripping the edge of your seat.
She’s a no holds bar author who enjoys spending time with her husband of eight years, three year old hellion, and soon to be newborn son Kolden, as well as Hatchi & Halo her two fur babies. She calls Wisconsin home, but loves to travel. In her free time you can catch her watching bad reality tv, cooking, reading books, or spending time outdoors.


RD Berg lives in the great state of Texas with her three boys who drive her to the brink of insanity most days. She loves to read, write and watch her two favorite shows, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. When she isn’t enthralled with a novel or a gory show, you can find her in the stands loudly cheering on her boys at their basketball and football games. She has three strong beliefs in life; Vanilla cake and Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream should be a major food group, Halloween should be celebrated every month, and Harry Potter’s birthday should be a national holiday.


I’d love to say I’ve written for 10,000 hours, and that makes me a pro. But I can’t say that. What I can say is I had a story in my head that wouldn’t go away. I thought typing it in my computer would be the end of things, but it only led to another story and another. I love reading, so characters in my head isn’t something new. What is new is my creation of them. Hope you enjoy my favorites as much as I do. Happy reading!
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Rebecca lives in Southeastern Pennsylvania with her daughter. She has a degree in Communications and Journalism with a focus in Corporate Communications and Public Relations.
Three things Rebecca loves are Coldplay, a bowl of half melted ice cream (any flavor!) and a glass of red wine. When she is not writing, Rebecca can be found with her nose in a variety of dirty romance novels, playing with her daughter or hanging out with friends and family.
While Rebecca has been writing for years, The Subzero Series is her first published work.


Ashley Hampton works as a Licensed Psychologist in private practice during the day. When she leaves work, she puts on her writer and photographer hats and enjoys living in the worlds created in her mind. She lives near her hometown of Birmingham, Alabama with her cat, Gemma. Ashley wanted to find a creative way to meld her love for music and psychology with writing, and the Southern Rock Lyrics series was born. With other series planned, Ashley wants to write in the romance, erotica, and psychological thriller genres.


Kelly’s been known to say that she gets her ideas from everyone and everything around her and there’s always a book playing out in her head. No one who knows her bats an eyelash when she talks to herself.
Kelly is a Catherine Award-Winner, Readers Choice Finalist, and earned one of the 10 Best Reads of 2013 by USA TODAY’s HEA. She is a proud Romance Writers of America member.
Kelly’s interests include: sappy movies, MLB, NFL, driving others insane, and sleeping when she can. She is a closet caffeine junkie and chocoholic, but don’t tell anyone. She resides in Wisconsin with her husband, three sons, and her black lab. Most of her family lives in the Carolinas, so she spends a lot of time there as well.

Join Kelly’s Street Team:


K. Renee is from sunny, California. Creative by nature, she decided to put her imagination to paper. K. Renee is an avid reader. During the day she works in an office and at night she writes. These stories have been in her head for years and are finally coming out on paper.

I have always had an addiction to books. Once upon a time I wrote one, but was easily discouraged.

Today is a new day and have decided to put my work out there.

My first series is called 6 degrees of separation… basing it on the theory where we are all connected, even if at the moment we might now know it, later down the road we see it.
The first book of the series is Crown’s Chance at Love.

This is Sabrina Miller & Michael Crown’s story. A story about second and sometimes even third chances, because everyone deserves love. 

Join Mayra’s Street Team:

Shantel is a Texas born girl who now lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her high school sweetheart, who is a wonderful, supportive husband and their three year old little princess. She loves to spend time cuddled up on the couch with a good book.

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The Stone Legacy Series 1-4 by Theresa DaLayne

||| THE STONE LEGACY by Theresa DaLayne |||

BIRTHRIGHT, Book 5 – Coming Soon!
MAYAN BLOOD by Theresa DaLayne
The Stone Legacy Series #1
Their empires have fallen, but their mythology lives on…
Zanya Coreandero is a seventeen-year-old orphan with only a single friend and no hope for a normal life. Diagnosed with anxiety and night terrors, no one believes her cuts and bruises are a result of an evil entity, and not a brutal case of self-harm.
With the only home she’s ever known being the isolated institution—where breakfast is a handful of medications, the psychiatry sessions are mandatory, and her every move is watched—the only relief is her red-haired roommate named Tara, who’s more like a little sister than her best friend.
Free will is strong, but destiny is stronger…
When Zanya is kidnapped, she meets a group of gifted Mayan descendants, each with a unique ability. Gone from a nameless castaway to the only hope of mankind, Zanya is forced to make a grueling decision: bond with an enchanted stone and save humanity from rising underworld forces, or watch helplessly as Earth falls victim to a familiar dark deity from her dreams. This time, he’s playing for keeps.
A wicked secret hides behind a handsome face…
When Arwan, a dark-eyed timebender, takes interest in Zanya’s mission, it’s unclear if his intention is to help, or if he’s on a hell-bent mission for revenge. Wary of falling for another guy with major secrets and a tainted past, Zanya fights to keep her distance. If only her heart gave her a choice.
INTERLUDE by Theresa DaLayne
The Stone Legacy Series #2
Tara may have spent years in an asylum, but that doesn’t make her crazy–just fearless.
Dropped in Moscow with a the group of enchanted Mayan descendants, seventeen-year-old Tara Weeble is forced to wait on the sideline while her best friend—the Stone Guardian— battles to reclaim a friend’s soul trapped in the underworld.
It sucks being ordinary when everyone else is superhuman…
A mortal girl with a tainted past, Tara is left to deal with an overwhelming sense of inadequacy. Her boyfriend, Peter, is a healer. Her best friend is The Guardian, and everyone else is a powerhouse of awesome strengths. Meanwhile, she struggles to leave her childhood of abuse in the past, and while Peter picks her up every time she falls, it becomes clear he deserves better.
When they opened Pandora’s Box, hell came pouring out…
When she’s given a chance to aid in the group’s mission, Tara is eager to pull her own weight, even if it means uncovering buried memories of being held prisoner by the underworld general. Now haunted with flashbacks of torture, Tara wanders from the safety of Peter’s arms into a city of depravity and corruption. And amidst all this evil is a young man with an agenda of his own, who leads her down a road that will either prove she is a hero at heart, or drag her into a world she’s always feared.
He wants revenge, she wants redemption. And in an underground ring of missing girls and bloody sacrifices, only the fearless can survive…

Twinsie Kristi’s review



LIGHTS OF AURORA by Theresa DaLayne
The Stone Legacy Series #3
After living her entire life in an orphan asylum, Zanya fears she may actually be losing her mind…
Following the discovery of her ancient Maya bloodlines, eighteen-year-old Zanya Coreandero is faced with a daunting responsibility. She must protect the relic stone while Sarian, the underworld general, ceaselessly drives her to the brink of insanity.
With the approach of an ancient bonding ceremony, Zanya struggles to control her abilities—and her desires…
As the winter solstice approaches, it brings an onslaught of unexpected side effects. While Zanya struggles to seize control over her supercharged powers, she must also face an overwhelming suspicion that her boyfriend, Arwan, is hiding a secret so dark it could destroy them both. And with her powers finally taking root, the struggle to pace their relationship takes on a life of its own.
Just when she thought life couldn’t get more complicated…
With the arrival of a surprise houseguest, Zanya’s deepest fears about Arwan are confirmed. And when middleworld deities intercede, the group of gifted Maya descendants are confronted with hardships they never saw coming—including an enemy more deadly than they have ever faced.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And when that woman has no soul and a taste for revenge, they will need the powers of every surviving ancestor simply to stay alive.
ANARCHY by Theresa DaLayne
The Stone Legacy Series #4
A single mistake has torn Jayden’s life down the middle, leaving him at a crossroads…
After an ancient Mayan ceremony goes horribly wrong, Jayden is left to face reality—the girl he once loved is pledged to another. At his breaking point, he steals a cab to leave behind the group of enchanted descendants, this time for good.
When Hawa—a beautiful but lethal acquaintance—decides to call shotgun, his only choice is to take her along for the ride.
He’d be glad to have the company…if it were anyone but her. He only knows her by occasionally sharing a hallway in Renato’s huge estate in Belize. It’s clear she has a perma-chip in her shoulder, and they have absolutely nothing in common. So he thinks…
With no cash and nowhere to stay, Hawa leads him into the heart of Guatemala City to an abandoned hotel of orphaned kids. As more of her tainted past is revealed, an unwelcome memory reappears in flesh and blood, threatening to break her wild spirit.
A mysterious orphan is the only one standing between him and the new queen of hell…
Modem, a spunky twelve-year-old girl with a knack for computers, seems to be keeping her eye on Jay. When his abilities go rogue and pull him back to the underworld, Modem shows she’s more than meets the eye.
When everything spirals out of control, Jayden struggles to protect Modem and Hawa from very different enemies. But he won’t be able to save them both…
A long-time enthusiast of things that go bump in the night, Theresa began her writing career as a journalism intern—possibly the least creative writing field out there. After her first semester at a local newspaper, she washed her hands of press releases and feature articles to delve into the whimsical world of fiction.
Since then, Theresa has been married, had three terrific kids, moved to central Ohio, and has been repeatedly guilt-tripped into adopting a menagerie of animals that are now members of the family. But don’t be fooled by her domesticated appearance. Her greatest love is travel. Having traveled to over a dozen countries—not to mention an extended seven-year stay in Kodiak, Alaska—she is anything but settled down. Wherever life brings her, Theresa will continue to weave tales of adventure and love with the hope her stories will bring joy and inspiration to her readers.


MM March Madness – March 17 – C Cardeno

03-17 - C Cardeno


March 17

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to  Cardeno C

author bio

Cardeno C.—CC to friends—is a hopeless romantic who wants to add a lot of happiness and a few awwws into a reader’s day. Writing is a nice break from real life as a corporate type and volunteer work with gay rights organizations. Cardeno’s stories range from sweet to intense, contemporary to paranormal, long to short, but they always include strong relationships and walks into the happily-ever-after sunset.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

I’m a vegetarian who enjoys cooking and baking. I also love puppy snuggles.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I try to have a combination of books that are connected and books that aren’t. I call my connected books collections rather than series because they are each standalone with only location or worlds in common. As far as easier or harder, I don’t see a difference although in paranormal worlds, it’s nice to be able to expand a world once you put the effort into building it.

Where do you do most of your writing?

I do almost all of my writing at home, usually on my sofa. I’m not a desk person.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I’m always reading books from the many wonderful authors in the gay romance genre. Currently, I’m reading books by Riley Hart and Felice Stevens, who share a blog and a Facebook group with me.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I absolutely believe the gay romance genre is growing! I chat with readers new to our wonderful genre every day. They come in after discovering a book by one of us and the next thing we know, they have hundreds of books on their e-readers. I hope I’m contributing to the growth by getting my books out there and (hopefully) writing books readers enjoy.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

I’m often surprised by my good fortune in being able to succeed at this. It’s a huge gift in my life.

What are you working on now?

I’m currently working on a standalone novel tentatively called Moral Turpitude. I’m also working on some new audio books – The One Who Saves Me and More Than Everything.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

I’m doing this interview on a Saturday night and I’m smiling while I do it so that counts as fun. I also love spending time with friends and family. And, of course, I always love reading.

social links

Facebook Group: : Blog:

AMAZON facebookpinterestwebsite twitter (1)instagram


buy links

AMAZON (1)    barnes and noble



In Your Eyes (Mates#3) – Shifter/Paranormal

Angie’s Goodreads Review


Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

C Cardeno has donated a Reader’s choice of an ebook from my backlist.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!




#WOTR #PreOrder – MOUTH ROCKS FOR THE CAUSE’s 2nd Anthology


LB Dunbar is Attending Author



MOUTH ROCKS FOR THE CAUSE’s 2nd Anthology featuring 25 authors and 23 brand new stories. All proceeds will be donated to the Go Red Organization.

➳ Christy Dilg, Book Title: Madam Cougar
➳ Mary Catherine Gebhard, Book Title: Tied (Owned 2.5)
➳ Dawne Walters & Bo Driscoll, Book Title: Center Ice
➳ Emily A. Lawrence, Book Title: Derailed
➳ M.C. Cerny, Book Title: Twenty
➳ Katherine Rhodes, Book Title: Now. Forever.
➳ t. h. snyder, Book Title: Classified
➳ L.B. Dunbar, Book Title: The Red Dress Affair
➳ Madison Street, Book Title: Heated Rhythm
➳ Carter Ashby, Book Title: To Be Touched
➳ Layla Stevens, Book Title: What the Heart Wants
➳ Danielle Torella, Book Title: Tenant Number Seven
➳ Lorraine Loveit, Book Title: The Dom Bodyguard
➳ Kristen Hope Mazzola, Book Title: Colt&Serena
➳ Danielle Jamie, Book Title: Just South of Heaven
➳ Isobelle Cate, Book Title: Foil
➳ MJ Carnal, Book Title: Moretti
➳ Tiffany Aleman, Book Title: Fixing Us
➳ Erica M. Christensen, Book Title: Dangerous Desire
➳ M.A. Stone, Book Title: Whiskey Drunk Love
➳ Morgan Jane Mitchell, Book Title: The Red Door
➳ K.s. Smith & Megan C. Smith, Book Title: To be Announced
➳ Misha Elliott, Book Title: A Day for Love

Where to Buy

Releases, Monday, March 21, 2016

Amazon US | B&N | iTunes

We are THE TWINSIES… We love to read…We love to promote the authors we read… and we love to stir up TROUBLE… It's who we are and what we do