With Ties that Bind – Trisha Wolfe




Title: With Ties That Bind
Series: Broken Bonds #1
Author: Trisha Wolfe
Genre: Dark Erotic Thriller
 Release Date: February 29, 2016


This series is a spinoff of the Broken Bonds serial which must be read prior to beginning this first book. Contains spoilers to the Broken Bonds serial.

Detective Ethan Quinn has questions. The Arlington Slasher case is closed, the UNSUB no longer a threat—but Quinn can’t quiet the suspicion he harbors toward his partner and the young, attractive M.E. Not only does he loathe his uncertainty, he’s torn between doing his job and protecting his team.
But burying himself in cases no longer works. He’s restless. On edge. And tired of fighting his compulsions. Quinn has always viewed the law in black and white. Only now his world is swirling with a murky gray that threatens to devour him.

When lead medical examiner Avery Johnson careens toward a dangerous path, she pulls the unwitting detective into a dark web of deception and lust, triggered by a spree of recent killings.

Is this new player linked to the Bathory murders, or is it another copycat?

Time almost took Avery from him once before. As the clock ticks, Quinn will stop at nothing to protect her, refusing to let Avery become a victim again. Against his uncompromising logic, Quinn can’t deny his feelings. Avery forces him to acknowledge his darker desires, tempting his control—which weakens with every second he spends with the feisty M.E. as they hunt down the perpetrator threatening to tear them apart.

 Catch Up with the first Broken Bonds serial: With Visions of Red – the first book is FREE






The windowless room is freezing. Florescent lights hum, echoing off the cinderblock walls and tingeing the too bright, barren room in a sickly green hue. As soon as I was ushered inside, the bag was removed from my head and my lab coat was taken.

The thin blouse I’m left with does nothing to shield me from the frigid air.

I rub my arms to generate heat, giving myself something to concentrate on besides counting the seconds. I’ve only been locked inside for minutes, but panic threatens to pull me under when I imagine it turning into days.

So very different than before, but somehow just as frightening. I’m not shackled. I’m not drugged. I don’t, logically, think these people have the same intentions as my abductor did when he took me…but I can’t say that for certain.

As soon as I think I’m going to lose it and start banging on the steel door, I hear a click, and the door grinds open against the floor.

The man entering is tall and thickly built. He wears a mask. A Jason mask like on the horror movie. And he’s carrying a semiautomatic gun. My stomach plunges, free-fall. I want the bag back over my head.

He jerks his head. “Move. It’s ready.”

What’s ready? But I can’t work up the courage to ask. This man is not manhandling me, and somehow my feet move me in that direction. I’ve just simply lost my mind. So many days spent fearing the world after I was released from the hospital, and what I dreaded could happen—that which I told myself over and over would never happen again—has, in fact, happened.

What else is there left to fear?


I’m almost relieved. Like I’m ready to welcome it. Like I can stop dreading it now.

The masked man stands in the doorway as I cross through. My eyes go wide when I see what’s on the other side of the room.

A lab.

But unlike any lab I’ve ever worked in. It’s dirty, and smells of death. Not like the death in the morgue, where I’m accustomed to being surrounded by bodies. But a grotesque, sour stench that soaks my pores.

Tables are full of beakers and test tubes. A giant syringe station is setup with thin blue hoses curling down into a large tub. My gaze follows the tubes’ path along the back wall to a large containment unit.

“Welcome, Dr. Johnson.”

I whirl around, trying to locate the source of the deep, gravely voice. Feedback pierces the air, and I look up to find a speaker in the corner.

The voice booms through the room again. “Go ahead. Get comfortable. There’s a coat on the hanger to your left, and goggles on the table.”

I shake my head. “What do you want from me?” I say to the room, hoping this unsettling PA system is two-way.

“It’s what we both want,” the voice responds. “I believe neither of us want any more dead girls littering up our beautiful streets. So you should get to work.”

I turn around and see the man with the gun standing watch at the only exit.

I face forward, lick my lips. “And if I can’t?” 

The silence stretches out, endlessly taunting. I’m sure the decision to end my life has already been made. Then: “I really don’t think that’s an option for you, Miss Johnson.” A beat. “Best focus on the task at hand. You have one hour.”



 Also Available




Passion and lust ignite. Dark and light battle. This explosive first installment of the Broken Bonds series sets the exhilarating pace for a cat and mouse game where no one knows who’s really pulling the strings.

Criminal profiler Sadie Bonds knows blood. Her affair with the gruesome, dark world of killers began long before she started applying her analytical skills to investigate gory crime scenes. She gets inside the killers’ heads, breaks them down, relates to them on an arcane level. She prefers it this way—because it’s safer to ally herself with the villain than the victim. At least, that’s how she’s coped ever since she was abducted and tortured as a teen.

She will never be a victim again.

Now, she’s honed her skills in order to bring justice to these ritualistic offenders. Working alongside her colleagues, armed with sharp wit and a SIG, Sadie always catches her sadist. Until one ruthless serial killer gets inside Sadie’s head, turning the tables. He knows her secrets. Her obsessions. The darkest, most deviant part of her soul.

When she meets Colton Reed, dangerous stakes are raised as he threatens to unravel her control and reveal her darkest fantasies. The sexy-as-sin bondage rigger at an exclusive BDSM club pushes her boundaries, forcing her to acknowledge that side of herself she fears. Plunged into a realm of torture and suffering, pain and pleasure, Sadie balances on the razor-sharp edge of two intersecting worlds threatening to swallow her.


The UNSUB has made contact.

After a rapid string of grisly murders shakes the usually peaceful city of Arlington, Virginia, the sadistic killings of young women lull into a deceptive calm. Agent Sadie Bonds knows the terror isn’t over; serial killers don’t stop until caught.

And this sadist has targeted the profiler, revealing pieces of her dark past and weaving her secrets into each gruesome crime scene. Is the killer someone from Sadie’s past, her present? Or is he part of a fated future she brought on herself? The answer lies within the riddle of the copycat killings, ones mimicked after the infamous Blood Countess.

As tension brews in the department awaiting the UNSUB’s next move, Sadie’s more than on edge—her deviant cravings for the possible perpetrator have ratcheted out of control. She needs the feel of Colton’s ropes binding her, sheltering her from stark reality.

Only Colton Reed has his own twisted secrets that threaten to unravel not only Sadie as they come to light, but the UNSUB’s carefully constructed web now entangling both the profiler and her sexy bondage rigger.




Who is the UNSUB?

For Agent Sadie Bonds, finding the answer to that question means the difference between life and death for someone close to her. The UNSUB’s latest abduction reaches right into the heart of the ACPD, forcing every member of the department to search within their ranks for the sadistic perpetrator.

Suspicion not only clouds the task force; it slithers into Sadie and Colton’s bond, challenging their love. Discovering the truth means facing their past together. Sadie’s connection to Colton has quieted her inner demons—but is she strong enough to confront the real monster?

All players take their places as the stage is set for the final scene. With the UNSUB manipulating the game, even Sadie and Colton fall victim, spiraling deep into the darkness that threatens not only their lives, but their trust. As Sadie navigates a tortuous maze, Colton will do whatever is takes to protect her. 

The truth will set you free. Only for Sadie, her truth will test the very fabric of her reality. She must silence the threat, or risk losing everything and everyone she loves.




Author Bio

From an early age, Trisha Wolfe dreamed up fantasy worlds and characters and was accused of talking to herself. Today, she lives in South Carolina with her family and writes full time, using her fantasy worlds as an excuse to continue talking to herself.

For more information on Trisha Wolfe and her works, please visit: www.TrishaWolfe.com

To be the first to hear about new releases and sale events, sign up for Trisha Wolfe’s Newsletter: http://bit.ly/1rXTKI7

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#ReleaseDay – Tangled Hearts by Sarah O’Rourke


Tangled Hearts

Army Strong has a mission….to protect Southern Sassy at all costs.

The directive had been clear: Deeply embed himself in the fair town of Paradise, Tennessee, and keep one Melody Song Reardon from forgiving her fornicating ex-fiancé and keep her safe by any means necessary. Fortunately, Retired First Sergeant Callum Valentine had always been a man that got the job done. Unfortunately, nobody told him that while his ‘job’ might be as pretty as a picture, she could be ornery as a wet cat and had a stubborn streak a mile long. Now, he was battling baristas and dodging would-be assassins in an effort to keep one sultry southern minx safe.

He’d thought the Taliban would be the most dangerous force he ever face. Imagine his surprise when he realized that the radical extremists had nothing on one curvy little woman with a wicked edge to her tongue…. a woman that had somehow tangled herself around his cold heart.


Melody Song Reardon was done with men. After learning that the man she’d been going to marry was no better than a corporate Casanova in and out of the boardroom and bedroom, she’d decided that love just wasn’t in the cards for her. Which was fine. She was young, smart, and capable… and better yet, she had a dream and a plan: Opening her very own book/yarn store – Hooks & Books. She had the brains. She had the building. And now, she had a freaking bodyguard compliments of her interfering older brother?

She didn’t care how mouthwateringly handsome her so-called savior was; she didn’t need another controlling man in her life telling her what to do. At least, she hadn’t needed one…. until those nerve wracking hang-ups and strange notes took an ominous turn. Now, somebody wants her dead and the only thing standing between her and the Grim Reaper is one seriously gorgeous man named Callum Valentine. Falling in love again in the middle of her own personal apocalypse hadn’t been the plans…then again, the great thing about a plan is that it can change on a dime!




Cal watched her another minute. “You’re a stubborn little ball of fury, aren’t you?” he asked as he watched her try to attach the tool to the lug nut, wincing as the metal slipped for the second time in a row.

Melody took a deep breath before she slowly turned to face her tormenter. “I was brought up believing that a girl should be able to take care of herself. I forgot that lesson for a little while and almost made a mistake I could never undo with a man I’d rather forget. I’m not ever going to repeat that experience again. So, to answer your question, yes, I’m a stubborn little ball of fury. Now, will you please go on your merry way?”

Cal finally gave into the urge and laughed, earning himself a cold look from the woman currently on her knees. “Careful, Princess. I’m gonna get a complex here because it’s beginning to feel like you don’t like me very much,” he taunted her with a wink. Seeing her press her lips together tightly, he knew she was fighting the urge to scream bloody murder at him. Squatting beside her, he met her fiery gaze. “Cat got your tongue, Pretty Girl?”

“No,” she declared with a shake of her head as she looked from him to his jacked up truck. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

“Ask away, darlin’,” he invited silkily with a ready nod. “I’m an open book,” he declared, holding his muscular arms out to his sides. And it was true. The book on him was open; it just happened to be written in code, he thought to himself as he gave himself a mental pat on the back for his own wittiness.

Melody offered him a deceptively sweet smile. “Is it true that men use big trucks to compensate for smaller endowments in, well,… other more intimate areas?” she asked, dropping her voice to a conversational whisper as she gave his crotch a rather pointed look.

Cal guffawed. “Are you asking me if I’ve got a tiny dick, Princess? Because I can tell you with a hundred percent honesty that the size of my cock and the size of my truck are very directly related. They’re both big and bad, but if you don’t believe me, I’d be pleased to give you a private showing.”

Melody’s jaw dropped at his audacity. “You… you just can’t say things like that!” she blustered, blushing furiously as he laughed in her face.

“I just did. Besides, you started it,” he accused, propping his hands on his narrow hips as he leaned forward and stared her down. “Don’t dish it out if you can’t handle having it spoon-fed back to you, Princess.” Damn, Cal privately mused, he hadn’t had this much fun with a woman with her clothes on in years. He couldn’t help wondering how exciting she’d be with her clothes off. He definitely be making it a point to find that out as soon as humanly possible.

“I revert to my earlier statement. You are a pig,” she reiterated with a disgusted shake of her head, her ponytail flying over one shoulder to smack him in the face as she moved.

“Maybe, but you’re just mad that you can’t seem to get one-up on me. Not used to a man that will stand his ground and fight with you?” he asked, fishing for a response from her. He wanted to know just how much she’d reveal about her ex-fiancé in casual conversation. Her brother didn’t think there’d been any kind of physical abuse and based on her reactions to him, he tended to think RJ was right, but he wanted to be sure. Because if he was wrong, she wouldn’t need his protection because he’d simply kill the motherfucker and be done with it.

“My former fiancé didn’t fight. It was too low-class a thing for him to do. He used to call our arguments spirited debates. My ass, they were debates. Freaking moron. A fight is a fight, right?” she asked as she grunted with exertion while she tried to pry one of the lug nuts loose.

“Right,” he agreed with a nod, sighing as her tool slipped again. “Politicians have….what did you call ‘em? Spirited debates? Real men and women fight.”

“See, that’s what I thought, too. But maybe that was the problem,” Melody muttered as she twisted the tire iron sharply, silently cursing the tight bolt. “I always did think Bradley had political ambitions. God knows that it’s what his dear old mommy and daddy wanted for him,” she continued to growl through gritted teeth as she twisted the tire iron violently. “Eureka!” she shouted when the bolt moved a few millimeters. “Did you see that? It moved,” she yelped, as her body made a tiny celebratory shimmy.

Cal chuckled softly at her little dance. “Sounds like this Bradley fella was kinda a douche,” he surmised, carefully watching Melody’s face.

“That is the understatement of the frickin’ year. Heck, maybe the decade, too,” Melody muttered, lifting one hand to take a swipe at her sweaty forehead.

Edging toward her, Cal tried to make a grab for the tool in her hand. “Seriously, babe. Let me do that for you,” he demanded gruffly, afraid she was going to either damage the wheel well or herself with her rough use of the tool.

“I’m about done warnin’ you, Stranger, so I’ll try and be real clear one last time. You try to touch my tire iron again and I’m gonna introduce it to the side of that hard head of yours. Repeatedly,” she informed him grimly while she desperately tried to loosen the second lug nut. “And, for the record, let me just state that I am most certainly NOT your babe,” she huffed, panting with exertion.

He could see her energy waning and shook his head. “You’re completely right, you aren’t my babe,” he agreed, covering Melody’s icy hands with his as she growled fiercely at the tire. “Right now, you’re more of my pain in the ass, woman,” he continued, his hands tightening on hers as he helped her turn the lug nut. “This’d be so much easier if you’d just let me do it,” he stated again, afraid he was going to hurt her hand by squeezing it too hard. “Honest to God, sassy, sweet and stubborn is not the sexy combination I thought it would be on you.”teaser

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Amazon US: http://ow.ly/Y2Pc8

Amazon UK: http://ow.ly/Y2OUA

Amazon CA: http://ow.ly/Y2OY1

Amazon AU: http://ow.ly/Y2P1K


Sarah O’Rourke is actually two besties who live three states apart and write at all hours of the day and night! Born and raised in the Southern United States, they are overly attached to their one-click accounts, can’t make it through the day without copious doses of caffeine, and spend way too much time on the phone with each other.


Between them, they have four children and eighteen years of marriage…one to a super soldier and the other to egomaniac engineer. They hate empty chocolate wrappers and writer’s block, love to talk to readers…and oh, by the way, they write about strong, kick-ass women and hot alpha heroes!


Facebook: www.facebook.com/sarah.orourke.507
Amazon Author Page: www.amazon.com/author/sarahorourke

Website: www.sarahorourke.info

Twitter: @SarahORourke99

Email: sarahorourkebooks@gmail.com


Rugged – Lila Monroe



Title: Rugged
Author: Lila Monroe
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: February 10, 2016
Laurel Young needs a plan, and fast. After her reality TV boss has a major meltdown, not-so-fun employment seems inevitable–unless she can pitch the idea of a lifetime. When she sees Flint McKay’s audition tape – flannelled, handsome as hell, and building a house with his own two hands – she knows she’s found her secret weapon. The women of America are going to love him, especially if she can convince him to try building without the flannel shirt.Only problem is, Flint didn’t make that tape – and he has zero interest in trading the wilds of Western Massachusetts for the bright lights of Hollywood. But Laurel isn’t the kind of girl to take no for an answer. Soon, she’s knee-deep in rustic charm, and getting plenty of hands-on experience. And it turns out, this city girl and country guy may have a few things in common after all, like crazy hot chemistry, a wild side, and a weakness for good whiskey…

But can their behind-the-scenes connection last once the world falls in love with Flint? And will this be the big break both of them need- or leave them in the dirt?

Find out in Lila Monroe’s fun, sexy new novel!

*This is a stand-alone novel with HEA. No cliff-hangers!*


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Author Bio
Amazon bestselling author, queen of the short-reads, and expert at playdough, Lila Monroe loves to read and write tales of sexy Billionaires. Combining her love of writing, sex and well-fitted suits, Lila Monroe wrote her first serial, The Billionaire Bargain. Lila enjoys writing, as it gives her a flexible schedule to spend time with her kids and a wonderful excuse to avoid them. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, who strips out of his well-fitted suits nightly.


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Destined – Kate Bonham




Title: Destined
Series: Fallen from Grace #3
Author: Kate Bonham
Genre: Paranormal Romance  
 Release Date: January 16, 2016


The war must end……one way or another.Chael has been tasked with finding order amongst the chaos in hell, after Satunas’ downfall as he struggles with his decision to leave Lee and save her from the agony of what he must face…. she doesn’t understand.

Lee is filled with hatred at being left yet again by Chael, and decides to embark on an adventure of her own to get back to her previous life she left behind. She finds herself in a dangerous situation in the middle of a now escalated war, without help and Lilith’s sight set squarely on her.

Once she finds out who she really is, she knows, she cannot go back.

Will Lilith succeed and rule Earth with Lee’s powers or will Lee fight with everything she has to defeat Lilith once and for all.




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Also Available




Author Bio
Kate grew up in Western Sydney, Australia, hoping to one day have a pet dragon and castle to roam around in. Then the Khaleesi stole her life and she was forced to reinvent herself.
It was around the age of 15 when she really thought she could make it as a writer, and after course after course on different writing styles, she finally gulped down her fear and pursued independent publishing.

When she’s not writing, she’s spending time with her boyfriend and their zoo of pets that include snakes, spiders, lizards, an axolotl, a turtle and birds.

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Trace’s Trouble – Lexi Post



Title: Trace’s Trouble
Series: Last Chance #2 (Standalone)
Author: Lexi Post
Genre: Erotic Contemporary Cowboy

Date: February 10, 2016


Cowboy Trace Williams thought he had trouble when his wife served him with divorce papers, forcing him to move to his cousin’s horse rescue ranch. But that was nothing compared to handling the female squatter he’s supposed to evict from Last Chance Ranch. Though she’s a crack shot and has no use for politeness or subtlety, her ability to communicate with animals has him seeking her out on behalf of the ranch…and himself.Whisper Adams lives off the grid. She cares for her invalid uncle and watches over the wildlife that finds her. The animals are more trustworthy than the people she’s encountered. So when a hard-bodied, easy going cowboy arrives at her trailer and causes her heart to race, she’s anxious for him to leave, until he asks for her help at the ranch.

 Since they end up together more often than she prefers, Whisper doesn’t deny her attraction to Trace, who introduces her to new experiences, from riding horses to an erotic night in bed. But mixing with people, any people, opens her to new threats. This relationship might cost Trace his heart, but it could very well cost Whisper her life.

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When the cowboy closed the door, she turned on him, a smirk curling her lip. “So, did you find out everything you came up here for?”
The man studied her, his eyes hidden by the shadow of his hat. “Yes I did, thank you.”
Huh? “Good. Now you can go.”
He cocked his head. “I would think with no one around for miles you wouldn’t mind a little company for a change.”
“Nope.” At least not his. He had her stomach in knots and she didn’t like it. “Not real partial to people. Animals are much better company.”
Trace laughed at her statement, sending a pleasant sensation over her body, like the sprinkle of a light rain.
“I have to admit to having that thought a time or two, especially in the ranch house. But the barn can be peaceful, even soothing. I like listening to the sound of a horse munching on dinner while another chuffs and moves around in the shavings.” He looked off in the distance as if seeing every detail. “As dusk comes on, you can hear the crickets, and the desert mice scampering back into their nests.” His gaze locked with hers. “Nature is more straightforward than man.”
Feeling a sense of kinship with him at his description, it took her a moment to catch the undertone of bitterness in his final statement. Her mind eased as she sensed he might understand. “Yeah, I get that. A horse lets you know exactly how she feels. You also know how a coyote or mountain lion feels the second you find yourself in their company.”
He grinned. “You in the company of those animals often up here?”
She shrugged. “Faust comes by when he’s hungry and—” At his intent stare, she halted. “Anyway, you were leaving, right?”


Also Available




Author Bio
Lexi Post is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of erotic romance. She spent years in higher education taking and teaching courses about the classical literature she loved. From Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Masque of the Red Death” to Tolstoy’s War and Peace, she’s read, studied, and taught wonderful classics.But Lexi’s first love is romance novels. In an effort to marry her two first loves, she started writing erotic romance inspired by the classics and found she loved it. Lexi believes there is no end to the romantic inspiration she can find in great literature. Her books are known as “erotic romance with a whole lot of story.”

Lexi is living her own happily ever after with her husband and her cat in Florida. She makes her own ice cream every weekend, loves bright colors, and you will never see her without a hat.

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#WOTR #giveaway #newrelease #loverekindled #MichelleLynn #releasedayhop- Michelle Lynn’s Release Day Hop – Love Rekindled



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Welcome to my stop on the release day hop for Love Rekindled by Michelle Lynn. Over 70 authors and bloggers are participating which means there are some great prizes to be won and amazing new authors and bloggers to meet – so be sure to hop to the other stops for a chance to win!


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“Even if we gave our relationship another try, how can we rebuild what’s been destroyed? If we weren’t strong enough then, what makes us strong enough now?

 Love Rekindled is now available

Amazon  >> http://amzn.to/1VQKQZI
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Halfway Bitten (Halfway Witchy 2) by Terry Maggert




Take a bite out of evil.

The circus came to Halfway, and they brought the weird.

When clowns, vampires, and corpses start piling up in town, Carlie has to break away from her boyfriend, Wulfric, to bring her witchy skills to the table- or grill, as the case may be.

When the body of a young woman washes up in the lake, it unleashes a spiral of mystery that will bring Carlie, Gran, and Wulfric into a storm of magical warfare.

Spells will fly. Curses will rain. Amidst it all, Carlie will make waffles, protect her town, and find out if a man from the distant past can join her in happy ever after.

With love and honor at stake, Carlie has no peer.





kellys review

Hauntingly, elegant, witty, emotional feelcoaster! The Halfway Witchy series is anything but halfway. Get ready for a wild ride. The circus comes to town! But not just any circus…a circus with secrets. Carlie is the resident witch that has a natural affinity to help others. She is currently with a half vampire half human, Wulfric, and dealing with his “baby-mama” who is a shifter. But this is just the beginning of the craziness that is about to unleash itself on Halfway. There are dead bodies showing up and circus clowns with acts that just don’t belong. There are many secrets and twists around every corner. As I read this story I came up with so many different endings in my head. Who exactly are the villains and the huge question, why? But as I am learng about this author, nothing is as it seems.

“There was an event just over the horizon, and the weird circus, dead girl, and roaming undead were woven tightly in a means that I couldn’t see —yet. Alex would help me unravel all of this unsavory activity that left my teeth humming with magical energy.”

“Problem was such a vague, ugly term. It could mean almost anything; none of which was good, unless it was referring to having three waffles and two hands, but that’s why we stack them. See? I solve problems.”

“We live three lives, you know. The one we are born to, the one we wish for, and that which we are left with when our dreams fade as shadows at dawn.”

“Witches don’t like being kept in the dark. We’re magickers, not mushrooms, and I resolved to find out who was spreading death on my lands.”

There is never a moment left without something going on. Carlie is absolutely hilarious and all the characters around her add to the charisma that she carries. She is an amazing main character and the author has molded her, and the others, in the most perfect way. The story is vivid, easy to follow, and so fun to get sucked into. Bravo! Now I am (im)patiently waiting for the next in this witchy series!







Left-handed. Father of an apparent nudist. Husband to a half-Norwegian. Herder of cats and dogs. Lover of pie. I write books.

#WOTR Author Spotlight – T.K. Carter


T.K. Carter

About the Author

My name is TK Carter, and I’m genetically geared to have a sarcastic wit, awkward one-liners, and laugh at inappropriate times. Fortunately for me, I can tap into this phenomenon and create characters who often do the same thing. I write contemporary humorous women’s fiction (Chick Lit), dramatic fiction, and Dystopian Suspense. I tease that this is a way to accommodate my mood swings, but it borderlines on being truth. I still have a full-time career in logistics for an agriculture corporation based out of Columbia, Missouri, so I write in between working and raising my two children – ages fourteen and almost twelve. Needless to say, my plate is a little full.

When and Why did you start to write?

I used to write as a pre-teen/teenager – horrible poetry mostly – but I set aside everything when I got married and started a family. When I got separated/divorced in 2008-2009, I realized I didn’t have anything to do outside of my family. No hobbies, no interests, nothing of my own. It was quite the vacant feeling. I was given a journal and a pen as encouragement, then one day I started writing and couldn’t stop. The voices have been humming ever since. LOL

What authors do you always read or suggest to others?

Liz Schulte
Denise Grover Swank
Stephen King
Kristen Hannah
Jennifer Weiner
Pat Conroy – the man is pure genius
Wally Lamb

What is the most surprising thing you have found out with the writing process?

I never imagined it was possible to sit at a computer, completely disengage from life around me and get swept into a world in my own head. Okay, that’s not true. I never imagined I could do it while writing. 😉 When I’m writing, nothing around me exists. I ‘come to’ hours later with thousands of words written. I often tease that I need a decompression chamber outside my office so I can re-acclimate to life going on around me before speaking to anyone.

What are you working on now?

I’m working on two WIPs right now. (Writing cross-genre will do that to ya.) One is women’s fiction (mystery/drama), and the other is the third book in the dystopian suspense genre, The Yellow Flag Series. I haven’t released the titles or blurbs for these two novels yet, but they will be announced soon.

When writing are you a pantser or plotter?

I’m a pantser. I develop characters and a loose plot line but give the characters room to move/grow. As I get to know them, it’s easier to determine if what I’ve envisioned is true to character for them. If it’s not, I follow along behind them and see what they do. I had to learn how to plot more with my series and think more long-term, which was a huge challenge for me. But I still allow the characters to be who they are. In Collapse: Book One in the Yellow Flag Series, one of the characters did something so completely unexpected, it changed her whole story line and made for a much better book. I love it when that happens.

Social Links

Blog: My Ms. Adventures (http://mymsadventures-tami.blogspot.com/)
Website: tkcarter-author.com
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#NOLAZombieGras #ReleaseDay – Justice, NOLA Zombie #4 by Gillian Zane

Justice (NOLA Zombie, #4)


There is unfinished business for the S-Island survivors and it centers around Lakeview. The New Orleans’ neighborhood has been taken over by a sadistic group of bikers called the Southern Clan.

Hannah Klink, who everyone calls Baby no matter how many times she punches them, is training her fellow survivors to defend themselves and work as a unit. The goal is to take back the refugee base at Lakeview and put the Army back in charge. It’s a daunting task as the group runs into hordes of the dead and encounters resistance when they attack. It’s just another day in the life of Baby, MJ Security grunt and zombie apocalypse survivor…until she meets Rebel.

Rebel is an MC member by birth, but not by heart. By luck or bad karma he was home from college when the SHTF. Now he’s forced to be a part of the club’s ruthless plans for the sake of survival. The brothers know he’s not one of them, but he keeps his head low and his nose clean as much as possible. Until all hell breaks loose and Rebel is faced with a choice- loyalty to the club, or follow his gut and the cute blonde that likes to order him around.

An action-packed continuation of the Amazon bestselling NOLA Zombie series. There is graphic violence, sexual encounters, bad language and a few zombies in NOLA Zombie Book Four.



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I received this book from the author for an honest review.

Baby!!!  YAY ! I freaking love her and am super excited to read her story.  Rebel…interesting love choice.  He is a good guy stuck in a bad situation that is for sure.

So Baby and the rest of the MJ group go and bust into the old National Guard Amory AKA MC trafficking headquarters.  She is sent to help find the children after they find and capture most of the bad MC Guys who bought Lex and Clara from the rednecks…smh Clara!!

Rebel was stuck and afraid to leave this horrible life he had but he didn’t really know what else to do.  He tried to protect the woman he could when he could.  After Lex and more of the “property” escape he is tasked with protecting the children.  He does a great job keeping a teen girl safe from pervy eyes of one of the MC guys and also rushes the kids to safety when the Army busts in.

Baby and Rebel get the job of finding solar power panels and supplies.  When some biters attack, Rebel and Baby find themselves on the run annnd into a comfy bed!!  *Wink*   Baby and Rebel has grown very close and she fears when they return because the MC guys are all standing trail for the crimes they committed against the woman, children  and civilians.

The trials were awesome nd Clara got what she deserved that is all I gotta say.  Junior…EEECK!! But the statement Baby gives to the courtroom about Rebel *sigh*……


about the author

Gillian Zane is the author of the NOLA Zombie series. Zane is the pen name of a prominent blogger in the publishing industry, which will remain a mystery unless you Google it. Since she can remember her goal has been to become Master of the Universe and has decided to focus first on the literary world. Things are progressing nicely.

Zane has been a freelance writer for the last ten years and has published a few non-fiction works, none of which was very exciting. Zombies are much more exciting and a way for her to combine her two current obsessions, hot boys with guns and Doomsday Prepping. When she isn’t stockpiling MREs (Meal’s Ready to Eat) or researching how to build a cistern on a budget, she’s taking care of her little family and exploring the city that she loves, New Orleans.

The Lies that Define Us – Micalea Smeltzer



Title: The Lies That Define Us
Series: Us Series #2 (standalone)
Author: Micalea Smeltzer
Genre: Romantic Suspense
 Release Date: February 9, 2016


Ariella Geller is on the run from some very bad people and Liam Wade doesn’t know what he’s running from.Freedom has been an elusive dream for Ari, but when her chance for escape comes, she takes it. She finds herself in California and forced to accept help from strangers in order to stay off the streets and avoid being found by those she ran from.

Liam Wade is sick of living in the shadow of his famous father. All he wants is to make a name for himself as a professional surfer, but it’s impossible when the media focuses on every other aspect of his life. All he wants is respect, a chance to prove himself, but when it never comes he finds himself running and hiding from the ones who love him the most.

When their paths collide Ari and Liam are forced to confront their demons, and in the process they just might find a reason to stop running.

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I laid my head against the cool glass of the bus window and watched the rain slick against it. The water beaded against the glass and then slid down in little rivulets that I traced with my finger.

I wouldn’t miss the rain.
I wouldn’t miss anything about Oregon.

That place wasn’t my home. Never had been, and never would be.

With a jolt, the bus roared to life, startling me, but I relaxed a moment later when we pulled out of the station.

Freedom was so close to being mine.

I watched the people on the street as the bus pulled away. I was searching for buzzed brown hair and eerie black eyes, but he wasn’t amongst them.

He didn’t know I’d left yet.

And hopefully, by the time he did, I’d be long gone.

I adjusted my hoodie so my face was hidden from the other people on the bus and wiggled around, settling myself in for the long ride to California.

Unlike the other people on the bus, I didn’t have a cellphone to keep me company. Cellphones were traceable so I’d ditched mine. I couldn’t risk him finding me, because if he had I was certain he’d kill me. He would’ve eventually killed me if I stayed, too. My only option had been to take the risk of running away. I would have rather died on my terms than his, but if everything went according to plan, I’d be free and he’d never find me.

He called me Scarlett, but Scarlett didn’t exist.

Scarlett was a lie.

My name was Ariella, and I was reclaiming my stolen life.


Also Available



Author Bio

Smeltzer is a bestselling Young and New Adult author from Winchester, Virginia.
She’s always working on her next book, and when she has spare time she loves to
read and spend time with her family.

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