Tag Archives: Michele Shriver

#WOTR24 #Review – Heart of Glass by Michele Shriver

Darcy Caldwell’s world shatters when, on her deathbed, her enigmatic mother, Meredith, bequeaths her a handcrafted glass heart. With her cryptic plea to uncover its origins, Meredith leaves Darcy with more questions than answers. Driven by a desperate need to understand the woman she never truly knew, Darcy embarks on a poignant journey with her estranged husband, Mattox.Their quest takes them to a skilled glass artist in New England, unraveling a tale of intense, ill-fated love in 1970s Boston. As the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, Darcy discovers that the heart’s secrets may lie closer to home than she ever imagined—tied to Meredith’s enduring friendship back home in West Virginia.More than a quest for the truth behind the glass token, it transforms into a cathartic exploration of Meredith’s past, revealing hidden facets of her character and the choices that shaped her. In retracing her mother’s footsteps, Darcy grapples with her own vulnerabilities and untangles the complexities of love and loss.The journey not only unveils Meredith’s secrets but forces Darcy to confront her fractured marriage. Heart of Glass is a soul-stirring exploration of family, love, and self-discovery—a tale that resonates across generations and leaves readers with the enduring power of healing and redemption.



Review by Twinsie Kelly

Death has a way of stirring up some very intense emotions but also seems to bring up secrets. Darcy and her mother, Meredith, don’t have the best of relationships. I think this occurs with a lot of families, but when Meredith is on her death bed she asks for her daughter specifically and gives her a hand blown glass heart with a cryptic message just before she passes. Darcy is drawn to find out more about her mother, in hopes of finding about what made her mom the way she was and why their relationship was so strained at time. This journey into her mother’s past also brings a lot of emotional baggage as she is accompanied by her soon to be ex. The exploration of her mother’s past, the prejudices she endured and overcame, and learning more about her mother prior to death really shows Darcy how closed off she has become, both emotionally and physically.

This story is very emotional. It shows the characters in very vulnerable situations while confronting and understanding their own emotions. There is a lot of reflection and a time of second chances. Sometimes it really is better to be late than never to show up. I will caution readers that if you have strained personal relationships, it will really touch those heartstrings. I highly recommend as this is a wonderful soul touching story.

Michele Shriver profile image

Michele Shriver is an International bestselling author of women’s fiction and contemporary romance. Her books feature flawed-but-likeable characters in real-life settings. She’s not afraid to break the rules, but never stops believing in happily ever after. Michele counts among her favorite things a good glass of wine, a hockey game, and a sweet and sexy book boyfriend, not necessarily in that order.

#WOTR24 #attendingauthor #Authorspotlight – Michele Shriver

Author Logo

Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.

Michele Shriver. By day, I’m an attorney practicing primarily in criminal defense and juvenile law. Evenings and weekends, I am an author of contemporary and sports romance and women’s fiction. I don’t have nearly as much time for writing as I’d like, but I do it because I have stories in my head that demand to be told, and because it’s cheaper than therapy. I love doing books signings and meeting new readers, especially because it gives me the opportunity to visit new cities and states.

When you are writing a book, which is harder? The first book in the series or the others after it?

The ones after. With the first book in a series, everything is fresh and new and with endless possibilities, and you don’t have to worry about keep track of previous events in the series or character traits and descriptions, etc.

On a typical day, how much time do you spend writing?

Unfortunately my schedule doesn’t allow for writing every day. I’m more of a weekend writer these days and aim for a few hours each day of the weekend.

Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special.

That’s a hard one. All of my characters are special to me in their own way. If I had to name a favorite right now (and since I chose to answer this question, I guess I do), I have to go with Myriah in Tranquil Harbor. She’s only in a supporting role, non POV character in that book, because she is the catalyst of of so many things and changes the life of the MC forever. She’s a beautiful, tortured soul who has survived so much in her young life, and I can’t wait to write more for her and tap further into her enormous potential. Readers have definitely not seen the last of Myriah Banks.

What is your definition of success?

Knowing that in some way, I have connected with a reader, whether it’s a particular story or character they identify with, or even a single line of dialogue that might make them smile or laugh.

What are your social links?

Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMicheleShriver/,

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5303070.Michele_Shriver,

Street Team/ Reader’s club: https://www.facebook.com/groups/721292531291721/.

Website: http://www.micheleshriver.com

What are your buy links? (Provide links to your Amazon/iBook’s/Koko/etc Author Home Page if you have quite a few. Also include audible links if applicable.)

Authror Page: https://tinyurl.com/9r67dpej

Want tickets to Writers on the River #2024?

They are available starting November 6th at Writersontheriver.com

$75 VIP Plus – 11-12 Lunch with the Authors , 12-1 VIP hour, 1-4 General Admission time. You get a filled VIP bag and admission to the after party is included. *Limited Quantity expected to sell out first day*

$50 VIP -12-1 VIP hour, 1-4 General Admission time. You get a filled VIP bag and admission to the after party is included. *Expected to sell out first day*

$25 Early Access – 12-1 VIP house, 1-4 General Admission time. You also get a filled VIP bag but NO admission to the after party. *Expected to sell out opening day*

$10 General Admission – 1-4 General Admission time. You can purchase a bag but it is not filled with VIP swag. There is no admission to the after party included.

$35 After party – 7-11 After Party with food and cash bar. Dj with a photobooth is also included in the fun.

#WOTR23 #attendingauthor #authorspotlight – Michele Shriver

Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.

Michele Shriver. I write women’s fiction, contemporary and sports romance, rom com and LGBTQ+ fiction. In my day job, I am an attorney specializing in criminal defense and juvenile and child welfare law. That doesn’t leave much time for writing these days, but escaping into my fictional world is a good stress break from work. And it’s cheaper than therapy.

When you are writing a book, which is harder? The first book in the series or the others after it?

The ones after it, because you have to keep track of everything that’s happened so far and be consistent to the world you’ve created. With the first book in a series, everything is fresh and new with unlimited possibilities. It gets harder as you go along.

On a typical day, how much time do you spend writing?

These days, not nearly as much as I’d like due to my work schedule, but I try to get an hour or so in each night during the week, and a couple hours a day on weekends.

Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special.

All of my characters are special to me, but I have to keep going back to Kelsey. She was a supporting character in my first novel, After Ten, as the significant other of one of my MCs, and then she went on to star in her own book, Tears and Laughter. Now I’ve come full circle, and I’m writing the next generation, with Kel and Sarah’s kids getting their own books, most recently in my newest release, Tranquil Harbor. That of course means Kel still shows up to try to steal the show. LOL. So many books and characters later, she’s still my favorite and an absolute blast to write. It’s never work when Kel is in a scene, because her dialogue just flies off the page.

 What is your definition of success?

I’ve never measured success in terms of sales or money. I write because I have stories in my head that demand to be told, and as a result of being an author, I’ve met many fabulous people and had the opportunity to travel to places I otherwise might never have gotten to, and my life if richer because of it. That’s the true measure of success.

What are your social links?

Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMicheleShriver/
Street Team/ Reader’s club: https://www.facebook.com/groups/721292531291721/
Website: http://www.micheleshriver.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/micheleshriver
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/323sj
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/micheleshriverauthor/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5303070.Michele_Shriver

What are your buy links? (Provide links to your Amazon/iBook’s/Koko/etc Author Home Page if you have quite a few. Also include audible links if applicable.)

Want tickets to Writers on the River #2023?

They are available starting November 4th at Writersontheriver.com

$45 VIP sell out quickly – 12-1 VIP hour, 1-4 General Admission time. You get a filled VIP bag and admission to the after party is included.

$25 Early Access – 12-1 VIP house, 1-4 General Admission time. You also get a filled VIP bag but NO admission to the after party.

$10 General Admission – 1-4 General Admission time. You can purchase a bag but it is not filled with VIP swag. There is no admission to the after party included.

$35 After party – 7-11 After Party with food and cash bar. Dj with a photobooth is also included in the fun.