Wow was it tough to pick books this year. Remember my top 5 from January til June?? Top 5 recap HERE
What a last half of the year reading for me!! But before we get to the books………our author event was a huge success and we are all ready planning for our next event July 8, 2017. Tickets are available HERE

Black Swan Affair – KL Kreig – WOTR Attending Author
So to start off my list I have to say this first book kicked my butt n the very best of ways……..

I’ve loved him as long as I can remember.
The gangly boy with big brown eyes and unruly hair who grew up into an intoxicating man. He wears scruff like he invented it and ambles with a swagger that makes panties drop.
Killian Shepard.
We grew up together. We played Ghost in the Graveyard. Had our own rock band. It didn’t matter that he was five years older than me. It didn’t matter that he looked at me as a kid sister even as I grew into woman. It didn’t even matter when he left me behind to go to college and start his adult life.
He’d be back.
He was always meant to be mine.
He came back, all right. But instead of smelling of promises, he stunk of betrayal. And he destroyed me—us—the day he married my sister instead of me.
So I did the only thing a girl like me in my position could do.
I got my revenge.
I married his brother, Kael.
Now we’re one big happy f*cking family.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.
*Big breath in and out. Wipes my teary eyes and looks at my lappy trying to figure out how in the heck I am going to write a review for this book of amazingness without just blabbing and telling you the whole sorted story.*
Maverick…she has loved and I mean whole heart loved Killian her entire life. She has grown up knowing he will be her forever. Promises made and kisses stolen but yet he comes home to destroy her by marrying her sister.
Kael is Killian’s younger brother who has loved Mav his entire life. He has been by her side for everything. He has helped her when she fell and celebrated with her for every victory. He has also loved her for as long as he can remember. When he married her he really and truly married the woman of his dreams. Too bad she didn’t return that love.
Killian was doing the right thing by Mav. He was waiting for her to grow up but he was plotting to have a forever with her but then everything changed in the blink of an eye.
The story killed me. The very first chapter you can see a whole lotta emotion…… We can feel Mav and Killian’s chemistry but at the same time I am rooting for Kael. We can see how much he loves and had loved Mav. He was there to heal her heart after Killian betrayed her. He was slowly becoming her everything and my heart was so happy for our couple….and then…BOOM…the closet flies open. Everything changed in the blink of an eye. The book made me a mess. Who do I want Mav with? Kael or Killian? Her present or her past? Her best friend or her forever love??? Is she destined to be a Swan or a Small Fry??? I loved and hated each man at different times in the book for different reasons but then when we find out why they did things………..omg my heart would just bust wide open for them.
I am a huge fan on KL’s writings and she is an auto buy for me because her writing is flawless and has so much emotional depth in it. If you haven’t read her stuff, you are missing out and need to one click the rest of her library. If you already are a fan this book will make your heart skip a few beats like every other book you have read.
Afterglow- Maria Monroe
The tag line says it all…sexy 5 star apocalypse reading

Who knew the apocalypse could be so sexy?
Nina can shoot a gun, start a fire, and kick some serious ass. So when a killer virus and solar storm decimate the country, she’s as prepared as possible to survive. She just needs a motorcycle to navigate the cluttered roads and meet up with her family.
Creed, former Marine, is tattooed and tough. He’s scarred inside and out. Loss is no stranger to him, and he avoids getting close to anyone at all costs.
When Nina tries to steal his motorcycle they have a vicious fight, but necessity and attraction force them into an uneasy alliance. They travel together through the dangerous landscape, where trouble lurks around every corner and they need each other to survive.
But the biggest danger just might be falling in love.
Equally as exciting as it is sexy, Afterglow contains graphic sex and some violence, so please read at your own risk. 18+ recommended.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.
OMG I am in love with this book and I totally would love to read more from this cast of characters. I mean Logan needs some love too right????
SO this book starts out with Nina looking to make it to her grandmother’s house to ride out this killer virus. She meets our hottie Creed when she is trying to steal from him..ooopsie Nina. Creed is stunned stupid to find out that the punk that is trying to steal his motorcycle is a kick a$$ female. The two run in to some not nice guys and Creed decides he needs to leave so he will see Nina safely to her grandma’s house and then take off for parts unknown. I loved Nina’s sass and the fact she isn’t a helpless female character. She has spunk and fire and she WAS going to see her family again. I loved that Creed also loved her tenacity and welcomed her fire during their travels.
Along the way, the couple banter and it fuels the chemistry that is just burning underneath the story. OMG I was like “SOMEONE MAKE A MOVE ALREADY!!” It was super hawt. When the two get to “getting to know each other a bit better” we can see them both forming an attachment but both don’t want to get attached because attachment means heartache.
Along the way, Nina and Creed meet some good people but mainly run in to the evil that is taking full advantage of this ruined society. They two end up helping another person who also has lost it all due to the virus and that character tugged at my heart just like they did Creed and Nina.
The end of the book had me a mess. I was reading as fast as I could because I needed to know if they would make it safely to Nina’s grandma’s house PLUS what will become of Creed and Nina.
Man of Honor – Sarah O’Rourke – WOTR Attending Author
All the Feels 5 star reading

Sheriff Zeke Monroe loves one woman…Honor McKinnon. He is willing to stake his entire future on protecting her…no matter what the cost.
Honor McKinnon knows she is broken. Her body and soul had been shattered by a violent attack years ago, and no one…not her sisters or anyone else in the tiny town of Paradise, especially the Sheriff…can change that. Rather than dealing with her wounds, she chooses to protect herself from any further damage, even if that means that she avoids the one chance at love. But Zeke is determined to break down Honor’s walls…and to find the persons responsible for hurting her and make them suffer.
He’s already killed for her once…and is willing to do it again if it means she’ll know safety and happiness.
What happens when Zeke refuses to allow Honor to ignore her past? Will Zeke’s love be passionate enough to break down her barriers? And can Zeke save Honor when her life is in danger once again?
Join Sarah O’Rourke in this epic culmination of the Men of the McKinnon Sisters stories…and find out how the Passion in Paradise series is always scorching hot! Standalone, romantica suspense.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.
*blow out a breath* WOW This book…..its not just a story…it’s an epic journey for our characters. We all know what happened to Honor and we all can see how the sheriff feels for her but to finally see the story and see their journey…….Without a doubt this is my favorite book in the series. Zeke and Honor battle against so many different issue to be together. Honor has gone through kidnapping, rape, torture, attempted murder and even stalking. This would probably kill most people but with her sheriff by her side pushing her and not letting her succumb to the darkness that is after her.
Folks this is a LONG A$$ Book but none of it is fluff or filler. It is total story but you gotta be ready and prepared for everything that they will face together. I absolutely loved Zeke and loved how he was so confident for his love for Honor that he claimed her 6 years ago. She was in no frame of mind to deal with this unconditional love. Throughout the book we can see Honor realizing her feelings for Zeke and also being completely terrified by them.
Some of my favorite scenes are with Honor and her cray family. They are so solid but don’t know how to help their baby sister thought her dark times. Other favorites are hearing our innocent Honor talking openly with her therapist. SO funny!! But what I really loved was the 4th of July chapter. So much happens and so many realizations are made…my heart was thumping happily.
I am an epilogue whore so the epilogue made a tear come to my eye. I love the set up for the next book and who will be falling into love. This couple is going to be alot of fun to read about that is for sure…..
Burning Resolution – TM Cromer – WOTR Attending Author
5 epic Lemon Donut Laughing your butt off stars

Armed with a New Year’s resolution and a surly attitude toward physical fitness, Erica Sutton hires a personal trainer to whip her pudgy self into shape. What she hadn’t bargained for was Zack Sharp – the owner of Workout World – assigning himself to be her workout nazi.
An obsessed ex-lover of Zack’s notices the attention he is paying Erica and sets out to remove the competition by any means possible.
Now, Erica and Zack are holed up, debating the merits of donuts, sex, and love while their crazy stalker sets out to light their world, quite literally, on fire. It’s a race against time to find their assailant before the relationship they’ve started to build is burnt to the ground.

I received this book for an honest review.
*Snort* Yes I am still laughing at this book. I mean if you like funny and insane then this my friends is a book for you. I mean the first chapter had me LAUGHING so hard and out loud. It’s an over the top yet so much fun read. I think that if you enjoyed Tara Sivec’s writing then you will need to read these as well!
Erica, the main character is soo me….packing on a few pounds and hating the way she looks she decided to go to the gym. Holy Mother of God who is the work out sadist…errr…coach?? Why yes hottie from high school Zach that’s who! The banter had me cracking up at parts and laughing so hard. When the two are flirting and thinking about the good old high school days there is a bit of drama which causes Erica and Zach to spend more and more time together which makes them become more and more attracted to each other. The chemistry was hot and their relationship was a wild ride. The suspense storyline was good but you can kiiiiiiinda figure it out but the twist we get was something I wasn’t expecting!!
Yes there were times I was gonna vagina punch Erica for letting her insecurities push Zach away and same to him with a solid nut punch because he would compare Erica to women from his past but generally I loved the two. I laughed so hard and was thrilled when the book 2’s story line started to take shape…man Mason and Shondra are gonna be so much fun to read because he opened his mouth and inserts his foot A LOT around her!! LOL
Pretty Ugly by Mary Martel – WOTR Attending Author
Holy MC Mother Of Goodness 5 star reads

For Carmine life is messy and at times it can get downright ugly.
Bounced from one foster home to the next she’s never really had a real home or a real family. Bitter, spiteful and angry, at the young age of thirteen she finally lands in a place that sticks. And it is in no way a good place… except for him.
One look is all it takes for her to find a home and it’s not in a place but a person.
Lucien Oliver found himself orphaned and in the system after both his parents were murdered in front of him by a rival outlaw motorcycle club. Knowing he’d grow into the man his father groomed him to be, and that being not a very good one, he keeps everyone at a distance and only speaks when necessary. That is, until she shows up.
One look is all it takes for Carmine to steal a piece of Lucien’s heart. A heart he has no desire to give away.
For two years, they live under the same roof and become the best of friends and the only family they have to speak of. Then, one night just days after Carmine turned fifteen, the unthinkable happens and they find themselves ripped away from one another in the most tragic of ways.
It won’t be until years later when they meet again. After Lucien is no longer Lucien but rather the enforcer to the Mercy Motorcycle Club and a man known as King. And after Carmine gets out of jail, doing time for a crime she didn’t commit. Now adults and practically strangers they learn that life for them is always going to be messy and if it can get any uglier it will.
Lucien pushes Carmine too far and she finds herself in the arms of another. But will she stay there, or will she find her way home?
This is the start to a series and a spinoff of The Dollhouse Series. Due to adult content, it is not recommended for readers under the age of 18. Contains m/f/m scenes. The following books will contain m/m and m/m/f scenes.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.
Mary!! What are you doing to me! OMG this book….I sat down to get a few chapters in before I got around to doing some Christmas stuff annnnnd 60% in I decided I needed to take a shower!!! King and Carmine…..I am speechless!! I wanna kick you butt at the ending but speechless. Hawt and bothered because DAYUM was that a hot scene but utterly confused by who I love more!!!
I was super excited for this spin off. Do you need to read the Dollhouse series? No but will you get a better appreciation of the craziness that you will be reading? ABSOLUTEY!!
King and Carmine have this “connection” in the Dollhouse series. We know that they watched out for each other in foster care and we know that she is in love with him and he her but the secrets that we learn about in this book….oy-freaking-vey.
Carmine and King have been through A LOT. He has loved her from afar and he blames himself for letting her down during a big moment in her life. She feels like she was betrayed by him and through this “issue” they are separated. King vows to spend the rest of his life to find her. When he does, shocked doesn’t even begin to tell you how he feels regarding her current situation. He will take care of his woman and he will do it right the eff now! And FYI she is not to thrilled to see him again ya’ll.
Carmine is so confused by King and what he does to give her some justice for her past. She is also confused by what she is feeling for him and his two brothers, Stephan and Hash. The couple need to stop yelling and hiding and start talking. Everyone can SEE the chemistry and the sparks but they both are ignorant to how the other feels.
Carmine goes through a huge journey and finds an ally in her quest to capture King’s heart all the while also hoping that this love will heal the ally as well….dreamy sigh at my hopes for the next book……
The book stops COLD and leaves ya hanging but it also leaves me with hope because we can SEE the plan starting to unfold!! Plus for you non-Dollouse readers it gives you time to read that series to prep you for book 2 of King and Carmine!!

Black Swan Affair
Man of Honor
Burning Resolution
Pretty Ugly