#WOTR20 #AuthorSpotlight – Brandy Slaven

Brandy Slaven

Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.

Hiya! I’m Brandy Slaven. I currently reside in small town, Tennessee. I have a wonderful supportive husband, two wild kiddos consisting of a 12 year old mini ball player and 6 year old little princess, and one furbaby named Primrose. Any given day you can find me glued to my screen writing, but when I need a break you can find me hiking with the hubs at one of the many state parks, or if we have a long weekend, at the beach, or in the mountains. I love all kinds of music and movies. I must say most of my favorites lists on both consist mostly of 80’s stuff. My favorite hobby is and will always be reading. I read every genre, but I am definitely a post-apocalyptic and paranormal freak. You’ll more than likely find me biting into a vampire novel or devouring a zombie book.

When you are writing, what are some go to’s that you needs? IE Foods to eat, noise level, place to sit.

I can write anywhere as long as the mood is right. If it’s loud then I definitely need music!

What are you favorite things about attending signings?

WOTR was my first last year and everything ran so smooth. I was anxious not knowing what to expect but the Twinsie ladies are amazing and welcomed me with open arms, making everything a ton easier.

What author would you love to meet (Who is your unicorn author)?

One thing about me…I never choose favorites…EVER. I’d seriously love to meet Stephen King, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and Charlaine Harris. Just to name a few.

When you are writing, do you have a consistent schedule where you write every day at the same time or are you a sit and go on different days to get it done kinda person?

It depends on what I’ve got going on during the week. I try to make it a point to write every single day no matter what even if it’s not the same amount of hours.

What is your favorite memory so far as an author?

Honestly? To this day when I see readers posting places saying how much they love my work, it gets me. I love that I’m able to bring others joy with my characters.

Do you have a book that is your most prized possession? What is it and why is it so amazing?

If you’d have asked me before I became an author, I’d have said Stephen King’s Bag of Bones because it was given to me from an older family friend. It started my love for SK and horror. Now, I’ve got signed books that are cherished on their own shelf from some awesome author friends like Mary Martel and Crystal Ash.

What are your social links?

Everything you could ever need from me can be found through this link: https://linktr.ee/cherrymetalchic

What are your buy links? (You can list individual or links to your Amazon/ibooks/Koko/etc Author Home Page.)

Easy Peasy. All of my books are linked through books2read, and it will take you to a retailer of your choice!

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