Category Archives: YA

#WOTR24 #CoverReveal – Trick Me Not by Danielle Keil

At Fairview-Teller High, light mixes with dark. Good with evil. And heroes with villains. But there’s a
reason students call it Fairy Tale High. They’ll get their happily ever after– even if they have to fight
for it.
When Sylvie’s foster brother finds out she’s being bullied, he calls all of his friends in for support. They
decide to be her protectors, with the Lone Wolf, Luke Conri, taking the lead.
During the next run-in with the bully, Luke accidentally calls Sylvie his girlfriend. And thanks to social
media, the whole school now knows.
Luke and Sylvie agree to pretend to date in order to keep Sylvie safe. Neither of them is looking for a
real relationship, anyway.
Besides, Luke is Sylvie’s brother’s best friend… she can’t date him for real, right?
But what happens when the truth about Sylvie and the bully finally comes out?
Will it ruin everything for Luke and Sylvie?


** fake dating
** brother’s best friend
** modern day fairy tale retelling

Trick Me Not is a fairy tale mashup of Snow White and the Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood, perfect for
fans of Cookie O’Gorman, Jenny Han, and Jillian Dodd.



Danielle Keil grew up in the Chicagoland area. A recent transplant, she is enjoying the Mississippi life, especially the pool in her backyard.

Danielle has been happily married for over 10 years, and has two young children, a daughter and a son, who are exact replicas of her and her husband.

Her love language is gifts, her Ennegram is a 9w1, and she loves everything purple.

The way to her heart is through coffee, chocolate and tacos (extra guac).

Learn more at

#wotr #attendingauthor #YA #partofaseries Dear Spencer (Love Notes 4) by Danielle Keil

Everyone at Ryder High knows what it means to have a teal envelope taped to their locker on the first day of the month.

Spencer Matthews assumes the Secret Admirers game is on pause, since it’s June and school is out for summer.

Then a teal envelope with her name on it arrives in the mail. Spencer is eager to play, but her Secret Admirer makes her work for her clues by playing a trivia game app he created.

Her spreadsheet of suspects is color coded, and Spencer is confident she knows who her admirer is after only the first two clues.

But something goes wrong, threatening the future of the game.

Will Spencer be able to continue playing?

And if so, will her guesses still be right?



Review by Twinsie Dee

Last day of school at Ryder High. Spencer is now a senior, the student body president, and life couldn’t get any better than this. She was ready for her part time internship at her dad’s law firm during the summer. So, you can imagine her surprise when she seen the famous teal envelope was mailed to her and not found on her locker like most girls find them. Also, it was the summer did the game normally go on during the summer? Spencer was just all-around shook, why would she get picked she didn’t have time for a relationship, but she would accept, she loved trivia and games so why not. Spencer was sent a link to a trivia game app, and this would be how she would get her clues to who could be behind this app. Will Spencer guess the correct answers, and will her spreadsheet be able to help her figure it out or will she be completely wrong for the first time. Happy Summer let the game begin.

Danielle Keil grew up and spent the majority of her life in the Chicagoland area. A recent transplant, she is enjoying the Mississippi life, especially the pool in her backyard.
Danielle is happily married for over 10 years, and has two young children, a daughter and a son, who are exact replicas of her and her husband.
She also is a fur mom to their Corgi, Cozmo, who loves barking, mud, and peanut butter.
Danielle’s love language is gifts, her Ennegram is a 9w1, and she loves everything purple.
The way to her heart is through coffee, chocolate and tacos (extra guac).

#wotr #attendingauthor #YA #partofaseries Dear Jade (Love Note 3) by Danielle Keil

Everyone at Ryder High knows what it means to have a teal envelope taped to their locker on the first day of the month.

Jade Rose knows. She just doesn’t care.

The Secret Admirers game goes against every feminist notion she stands for. It’s old fashioned, misogynistic, and too mainstream for her.

That is, until she gets a teal envelope. And finds out that she and her secret admirer have a few things in common already.

Her acceptance may have been accidental, but when the clues start coming in the form of movies to watch, she gets sucked in quick.

Will Jade and her friends be able to narrow down their list of suspects and figure out who is behind the camera?



Review by Twinsie Dee

A new month at Ryder High and a new secret admirer has left his mark. this time with Miss Jade Rose the one who isn’t afraid to speak her mind or stand up for herself, she didn’t need a guy, she was honestly fine by herself. So, to Jade’s shock when she seen that teal envelope on her locker but unlike the other girls in school, she wanted no part of any of this, so she took the letter off her locker and added an N so now it looked like Jaden was the it girl. To Jade’s shock the next day she had another envelope on her locker from her admirer, and he isn’t ready to take no for an answer for Jade. Jade gives in and figures why not have some fun, movies, mystery, games and she’s planning on not letting anyone help her, this mystery guy has a thing or too coming of her thinks he can win Jade over this easily.

Danielle Keil grew up and spent the majority of her life in the Chicagoland area. A recent transplant, she is enjoying the Mississippi life, especially the pool in her backyard.
Danielle is happily married for over 10 years, and has two young children, a daughter and a son, who are exact replicas of her and her husband.
She also is a fur mom to their Corgi, Cozmo, who loves barking, mud, and peanut butter.
Danielle’s love language is gifts, her Ennegram is a 9w1, and she loves everything purple.
The way to her heart is through coffee, chocolate and tacos (extra guac).

#wotr #attendingauthor #YA #partofaseries Dear Kerri (Love Notes 2) by Danielle Keil

Everyone at Ryder High knows what it means to have a teal envelope taped to their locker on the first day of the month.

But for Kerri Thomas, it’s not quite the moment she was waiting for.

Busy with school, friends, and volleyball, she doesn’t know if she has time to play along and figure out who her Secret Admirer is.

The clues send her on a wild scavenger hunt, proving that her admirer knows her better than she expected.

But none of the clues give her hints about the guy.

Kerri has a team of suspects, including her friends on the baseball team, but narrowing it down is near impossible without more information.

Who could be Kerri’s secret admirer, and why isn’t he revealing anything about himself?

Will Kerri be able to put the pieces of the puzzle together to figure it out?



Review by Twinsie Dee

Kerri was just another girl at Ryder High shocked to find a teal envelope on her locker. she was the chosen one, who would pick her. she was the tomboy whose life revolved around volleyball, school and hanging out with her best guy friend Austin. but once Auston found out that Kerri was accepting the invitation he gave her the cold shoulder not wanting anything to do with it. Kerri goes on this crazy scavenger hunt around town finding clues to hopefully figure out who this guy is. She has the whole month of April to do so will she be able to figure it out or will she be the first one to fail. Ugh I’m loving this series each one gets better and better. 2 down 8 more to go.

Danielle Keil grew up and spent the majority of her life in the Chicagoland area. A recent transplant, she is enjoying the Mississippi life, especially the pool in her backyard.
Danielle is happily married for over 10 years, and has two young children, a daughter and a son, who are exact replicas of her and her husband.
She also is a fur mom to their Corgi, Cozmo, who loves barking, mud, and peanut butter.
Danielle’s love language is gifts, her Ennegram is a 9w1, and she loves everything purple.
The way to her heart is through coffee, chocolate and tacos (extra guac).

#wotr #attendingauthor #YA #seriesstarter Dear McKinnon (Love Notes 1) by Danielle Keil

Everyone knows what it means to have a teal envelope taped to their locker on the first day of the month.

Everyone except new girl McKinnon Gregory.

The envelope is the start of a monthly tradition called the Secret Admirers, and something McKinnon never thought she’d see.

To her surprise– and everyone else’s– the teal envelope is taped to her locker on March first.

McKinnon only has one month to figure out the clues. But she barely knows anyone, which makes it infinitely harder to determine her secret admirer’s identity.

Will she figure it out before the month’s over?
And if she does, will the guy she’s fallen for through letters be just as amazing in person?



Review by Twinsie Dee

McKinnon was the new girl at Ryder High, she has been homeschooled for her life, and finally when her dad had to move for his job her mom didn’t have time to get the right paperwork and gave in to letting her go to public school. one day McKinnon found a teal envelope in her locker and her bestie Skye started flipping out the first of March meant that a new secret admirer was chosen and he got to pick the person to play their game, if they choose McKinnon was so confused she was the new girl why would a guy pick her , well she was up for it and will she be able to figure out her admirer is before the end of the month or will she quit the game before the month is over.

Danielle Keil grew up and spent the majority of her life in the Chicagoland area. A recent transplant, she is enjoying the Mississippi life, especially the pool in her backyard.
Danielle is happily married for over 10 years, and has two young children, a daughter and a son, who are exact replicas of her and her husband.
She also is a fur mom to their Corgi, Cozmo, who loves barking, mud, and peanut butter.
Danielle’s love language is gifts, her Ennegram is a 9w1, and she loves everything purple.
The way to her heart is through coffee, chocolate and tacos (extra guac).

#review #YA #thriller #standalone The Island by Natasha Preston

They said goodbye to their friends and family for the weekend. They weren’t counting on forever.

Jagged Island: a private amusement park for the very rich—or the very influential. Liam, James, Will, Ava, Harper, and Paisley—social media influencers with millions of followers—have been invited for an exclusive weekend before the park opens. They’ll make posts and videos for their channels and report every second of their VIP treatment.

When the teens arrive, they’re stunned: the resort is even better than they’d imagined. Their hotel rooms are unreal, the park’s themed rides are incredible, and the island is hauntingly beautiful. They’re given a jam-packed itinerary for the weekend.

But soon they’ll discover that something’s missing from their schedule: getting off the island alive.



Review by Twinsie Dee

when a new all exclusive amusement park pops up on an island and only the rich could afford. the owner has only the top influencers on social media come for the weekend as the first to experience and post about how amazing the park is. the decor is creepy but stylish in a gothic way, but this isn’t the only thing that starts to seem creepy but when people start disappearing and there is no way off the island, a killer is among them, they just don’t know that they are hiding in plain sight. anther amazing YA thriller by Natasha that has more twist that you will never see coming.

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of The Cellar and The Cabin. Romance and YA Thriller writer, boy mum, Tom Hardy enthusiast. Always buried in a book and a glass of wine.

#WOTR23 #Review Zombie Survival for Foster Kids (A Post-Apocalyptic Dystopian Adventure) by L.C. Mortimer

Zombie Survival for Foster Kids: A Post-Apocalyptic Dystopian Adventure by [L.C. Mortimer]

Surviving the zombie apocalypse is tough.
Surviving foster care is even tougher.

14-year-old Lamech Eris has been in foster care for the past three years and is about to be reunited with his dad when the zombie apocalypse happens.

Now he’s trapped in a house with his foster mom, Madison, and the only way to get to his dad is by going directly through the city.

Too bad it’s filled with the undead.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

I feel sort of weird saying this since it is a zombie book, but this is a great “feel good” story. I really enjoyed the fact that it is told from a different perspective, the caseworker/foster mother and the foster child. The real part of the story is being able to love and protect a child that is not yours. Even though the undead are walking the streets, the foster mother tries to move heaven and earth in an effort to reunite the father and son. Lamech is a great kid and even with the insanity going on, he and Madison lean on each other to make it to the end. It is an interesting and quick read. The ending is tied up nicely but could go on with a continued journey. Either way, I definitely recommend this one!

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L.C. Mortimer likes zombies, shifters, and things that go bump in the night. When she’s not busy dreaming up her next story, Mortimer can be found dancing, traveling, or curled up with a cozy mystery.

#WOTR23 #ReleaseDay #FairyTales #JasmineAndTheBeast #YA #ForcedProximity #enemytolovers – Protect Me Not, Tangles Web Series, Book 1 by Danielle Keil

At Fairview-Teller High, light mixes with dark. Good with evil. And heroes with villains. But there’s a reason the students call it Fairy Tale High. They’ll get their happily ever after, even if they have to fight for it.

What would you do if the guy you hated moved into your house?

Queen bee Jessa had it all—money, beauty, happiness, popularity.

At least, she did, until the school’s bad boy– the guy she can’t stand– became her live-in problem.

Adam had his own demons to deal with and didn’t need Jessa’s stuck-up rich girl drama added to it.

They tried to stay away from each other. But the more Jessa learns about Adam, the more she loses her grip on her hatred of him.

When her best friends and the rest of the student body suddenly blacklist her, Adam is the last person Jessa thought she’d turn to.

He can’t stop himself from wanting her. But his problems are just beginning.

Not even fate can save these two from their curses….

Protect Me Not is a young adult, enemies to lovers, forced proximity contemporary fairy tale retelling mash up of Aladdin/ Beauty and the Beast.


Danielle Keil grew up in the Chicagoland area. A recent transplant, she is enjoying the Mississippi life, especially the pool in her backyard.

Danielle has been happily married for over 10 years, and has two young children, a daughter and a son, who are exact replicas of her and her husband.

Her love language is gifts, her Ennegram is a 9w1, and she loves everything purple.

The way to her heart is through coffee, chocolate and tacos (extra guac).

Learn more at

#Review – The Immutable Pact – Clara & Damien (Book 3): Delta Underground Operatives by Sarah Noffke

The Immutable Pact - Clara & Damien (Book 3): Delta Underground Operatives by [Sarah Noffke]

Who knew that it would be voodoo that saved the world?

Clara and Damien know exactly how to take down the most sadistic man—Taz Kiera.

But that doesn’t mean it will be easy.

Actually, it will involve solving a series of complex riddles, hunting down magical items and risking their lives.

Oh, and employing a dark magic that could burn out their souls.

Luckily, Damien doesn’t have one as a vampire.

However, he is quickly learning he will do anything to protect the soul and heart of his partner, Clara Jordan.

Who knew that fighting evil would make two people fall in love?

But love also complicates everything!

Can this duo do what it takes to take down a power so fierce it could destroy humanity?

If they do, they win.
If they don’t, then everyone loses.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

Voodoo, love, and….poltergeist? YUP!! And so much more! This might be my favorite of the series, just saying! This entire series has been quite fun, especially the banter between Clara and Damien. Opposites do attract! There is a rollercoaster of events that takes both of these through a series of “side-quests” in order to get to the big boss at the end. The best part is that these side-quests take each of them through a learning experience. It takes both of them out of the comfort zones to a point that they get super uncomfortable, but get some really great, and somewhat strange, takeaways. The shenanigans that they find themselves in will keep you turning the page to try and figure out what could possibly happen next. While I love Clara and Damien’s story and would enjoy continuing to follow them, I feel that this was the perfect ending to this part of their journey. I truly hope that Ms. Noffke finds some other story to insert these two in because a cameo would be amazing! And to the author, Sarah, THANK YOU for keeping me entertained!! You rock!

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Sarah Noffke is a prolific USA Today Best-Selling Author, who writes YA and NA science fiction, fantasy, paranormal and urban fantasy. Most of her stories draw on her experiences living on the West Coast, growing up in Texas or traveling the world.

Her passion for art, culture and literature drives her to create stories that are full of whimsey, humor and philosophy. Her books appeal to readers who enjoy an escape, a bit of magic mixed with science and the unexpected–like a dragon who tells bad jokes and has a video game addiction, but fights for justice.

Noffke’s books are top rated and best-sellers on Amazon. Her books are available in paperback, audio and in Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch and Italian.

To stay up to date with Sarah, please visit her website and subscribe to her newsletter:

For a complete list of books by Sarah and a suggested reading order, please see:

#Review – The Reluctant Assassins – Clara and Damien (Book 2): Delta Underground Operatives by Sarah Noffke

The Reluctant Assassins : Clara and Damien (Delta Underground Operatives Book 2) by [Sarah Noffke]

Werewolves are the worst.

Especially a lone one…

Clara and Damien know they must bring down a rogue werewolf to get to his boss.

Taz Kiera must be stopped.

The mentalist has gone too far—abducting coma patients, siphoning their powers and abusing magic.

But to get to him, the unlikely pair of assassins are going to have to kill a rabid werewolf.

That won’t be easy, but it’s definitely going to be entertaining.

Vampires love killing werewolves.

Empaths don’t like hurting anyone.

But together, Clara and Damien must stop this evil before it goes too far and harms too many.

Can this duo join forces to stop a power so fierce it could destroy humanity?

If they do, they win.

If they don’t, then everyone loses.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

What a mindbender! Wait, mind melder is probably a better description. Clara is literally taking her mind on the riskiest journey ever and Damien can only be there to support her. Clara and Damien have had a moment to rest, but now it is time to regroup. Clara is struggling with the fact that she killed someone. Even though they were awful and that person didn’t care about life, Clara is still bothered by it. Damien can feel this, and he is unsure of how to actually help Clara. The longer these two work together, their connection, from the puddle and simply by being friends, grows so much stronger. This story really comes to life as they are working together like never before. Watching each other make sacrifices for each other and for the good of all humanity, is extremely humbling. They have to stop at nothing to stop Taz from siphoning power from the coma patients. This journey brings planning to an all new level and there is no more just letting things happen. There is plenty of action and tons of witty comebacks for our favorite duo, that will keep you completely invested in this story. Now, I am impatiently waiting for the next book. Thank you Sarah for keeping me entertained!

Author Logo

Sarah Noffke is a prolific USA Today Best-Selling Author, who writes YA and NA science fiction, fantasy, paranormal and urban fantasy. Most of her stories draw on her experiences living on the West Coast, growing up in Texas or traveling the world.

Her passion for art, culture and literature drives her to create stories that are full of whimsey, humor and philosophy. Her books appeal to readers who enjoy an escape, a bit of magic mixed with science and the unexpected–like a dragon who tells bad jokes and has a video game addiction, but fights for justice.

Noffke’s books are top rated and best-sellers on Amazon. Her books are available in paperback, audio and in Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch and Italian.

To stay up to date with Sarah, please visit her website and subscribe to her newsletter:

For a complete list of books by Sarah and a suggested reading order, please see: