Category Archives: Dystopian

#Review – The Amber Project (The Variant Saga #1) by JN Chaney

The Amber Project (Volume 1)

In 2157, a mysterious gas known as Variant spreads across the globe, killing or mutating most organic life. The surviving humans take refuge in an underground city, determined to return home. But after generations of failures and botched attempts, hope is beginning to dwindle. That is, until a young scientist makes a unique discovery—and everything changes. Suddenly, there’s reason to hope again, and it rests within a group of genetically engineered children that are both human and Variant.

Terry is one of these children, modified and trained to endure the harsh conditions of a planet he cannot begin to understand. After years of preparation, Terry thinks he knows what to expect. But the reality is far stranger than anything he can imagine—and what he will become is far more dangerous.


Holy dystopia! The Amber Project is a great dystopian journey. This is a genre I love to read and sometimes get a little iffy on how much it will differ from others in the same genre. The author sets the setting so that you are right there. The characters all feel incredibly real. You will connect with them very quickly. Humans are trying to keep their race going while living underground. The earth has been destroyed by the gas, Variant. During the entire story you are given snippets of audio recording from past and present regarding Variant and the various experiments the scientists and the military have been working on. During all of this you live and feel what the genetically altered kids are going through. You see why and how they are taken from their homes and sent to a place where they are trained like soldiers. And finally you experience the changes that they face internally and externally. They are forced to go to the surface for a mission. Many things are unknown and very dangerous. The journey they take and the uprisings going on below the surface are sure to keep you stuck on the story. The ending is very well written. It’s enough to wrap up this story but more than enough to keep you waiting on pins and needles for the next. This is my first story by JN Chaney and absolutely, under no circumstances, be the last. Well done!


JN Chaney

Get a FREE book from the author right here:

JN Chaney is the author of the Variant Saga and several other books. He gets his kicks from playing Mario, watching old movies, and going for long hikes. He loves chatting with his readers, who are consistently awesome in all the best ways.

Chaney moves around a lot, but right now he’s in Florida, living in an isolated bunker waiting out the inevitable zombie apocalypse that’s sure to get us all.

Books by JN Chaney:

The Variant Saga – follow a group of genetically engineered children as they struggle to survive in a desolate future where humanity is on the verge of extinction and a new age has already dawned.

The Other Side of Nowhere – A collection of strange tales, each focusing on a completely different concept. Between werejackals in Africa, the first sentient AI, and a Georgian farmer who transcends reality, this bundle of stories will keep you on the edge.

Their Solitary Way – The story of Genesis like you’ve never seen it. Adam Kadmon is the captain of the Eden, a colony ship escaping a dying world. He and his fellow survivors must find a new home, and quick, if they hope to give humanity the second chance it so desperately needs.

#Review – Master: Arrow’s Flight #3 by Casey Hays

Master: Arrow's Flight #3

First, a knife. Then a flaming arrow. Now . . . bullets that explode and destroy their intended targets with a white poison that seeps into the veins on impact.

Instant death.

They call them Eden-killers, and never before have Ian and his people been in such danger. After all, how can someone die when he’s so hard to kill?

But as Kate fights for her life, Ian prepares for a battle of his own. Eden is under siege, and the city’s only hope lies in the hands of four boys who shifted only recently. Four boys who are just as susceptible to Eden-killers as every other man from Eden.

Ian is determined to save his family, but before he can, he must learn the truth about Eden. He must face his own demons. He must come to grips with the fact that what Kate has been searching for her entire life is what he needs, too.

He must learn, for once, to let someone save him.

Master is the long awaited finale in the Arrow’s Flight series.


Full of love, fear, and faith! The cliffhanger we were left with was intense! But we start right where we left. Ian is scrambling to save Kate and will do anything to get her the help she needs. This is where it gets intense. There is a ton of stuff going on with an impending war and the truth coming out about Eden. Ian is going crazy trying to be in two places at once…back home and with Kate. They are welcomed with open arms in Jordan and seek the help they are searching for but what they stumble upon is a higher power. Kate and Ian are both shown a kindness by the people of Jordan and ultimately they want to help save them but they get more than they bargained for. For the most part the story is full of action with the right amount of worry, love, and fear. This is a Christian dystopian novel and sometimes the internal struggle that Ian and Kate both have with the higher power is a bit exhausting but it ties everything up perfectly at the end. Both are faced with many hard choices and challenges but with the help of new found friends, and old ones of course, they are able to move forward. The ending is not at all what I was expecting…in the slightest bit, but I think this pulls the entire series together. I am looking forward to the novellas to come so we can dip into Kate and Ian’s lives a little more. They are truly loveable characters!



Casey Hays

Casey Hays is a long time resident of Clovis, New Mexico, The Land of Enchantment, where she continues to reside with her husband of 25 years and her two children. A former high school English teacher, she took up writing in 2008, due to her love of the young adult genre.

Her debut novel,The Cadence, a YA supernatural romance, made its appearance in November 2012. Breeder, her first Dystopian Science Fiction novel with underlying Christian elements, and the first in the Arrow’s Flight Series, released January 15, 2014. She has since released the entire Arrow’s Flight series and has begun work on a set of Arrow’s Flight novellas. Look for The Scent of Lilac September 2016.

Her favorite authors include Sarah Dessen, Suzanne Collins, Lauren Oliver, historical fiction author Anya Seton and Christian author Francine Rivers.



Twinsie Angie Top 5 Reads from July to December 2016 #WOTR #Apocalypse #MC #RomanticSuspense #LoveTriangle #

Wow was it tough to pick books this year.   Remember my top 5 from January til June??  Top 5 recap HERE

What a last half of the year reading for me!!  But before we get to the books………our author event was a huge success and we are all ready planning for our next event July 8, 2017.  Tickets are available HERE


Black Swan Affair – KL Kreig – WOTR Attending Author

So to start off my list I have to say this first book kicked my butt n the very best of ways……..

Black Swan Affair

I’ve loved him as long as I can remember.

The gangly boy with big brown eyes and unruly hair who grew up into an intoxicating man. He wears scruff like he invented it and ambles with a swagger that makes panties drop.

Killian Shepard.


We grew up together. We played Ghost in the Graveyard. Had our own rock band. It didn’t matter that he was five years older than me. It didn’t matter that he looked at me as a kid sister even as I grew into woman. It didn’t even matter when he left me behind to go to college and start his adult life.

He’d be back.
He was always meant to be mine.

He came back, all right. But instead of smelling of promises, he stunk of betrayal. And he destroyed me—us—the day he married my sister instead of me.

So I did the only thing a girl like me in my position could do.

I got my revenge.
I married his brother, Kael.
Now we’re one big happy f*cking family.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.
*Big breath in and out. Wipes my teary eyes and looks at my lappy trying to figure out how in the heck I am going to write a review for this book of amazingness without just blabbing and telling you the whole sorted story.*
Maverick…she has loved and I mean whole heart loved Killian her entire life. She has grown up knowing he will be her forever. Promises made and kisses stolen but yet he comes home to destroy her by marrying her sister.
Kael is Killian’s younger brother who has loved Mav his entire life. He has been by her side for everything. He has helped her when she fell and celebrated with her for every victory. He has also loved her for as long as he can remember. When he married her he really and truly married the woman of his dreams. Too bad she didn’t return that love.
Killian was doing the right thing by Mav. He was waiting for her to grow up but he was plotting to have a forever with her but then everything changed in the blink of an eye.
The story killed me. The very first chapter you can see a whole lotta emotion…… We can feel Mav and Killian’s chemistry but at the same time I am rooting for Kael. We can see how much he loves and had loved Mav. He was there to heal her heart after Killian betrayed her. He was slowly becoming her everything and my heart was so happy for our couple….and then…BOOM…the closet flies open. Everything changed in the blink of an eye. The book made me a mess. Who do I want Mav with? Kael or Killian? Her present or her past? Her best friend or her forever love??? Is she destined to be a Swan or a Small Fry??? I loved and hated each man at different times in the book for different reasons but then when we find out why they did things………..omg my heart would just bust wide open for them.
I am a huge fan on KL’s writings and she is an auto buy for me because her writing is flawless and has so much emotional depth in it. If you haven’t read her stuff, you are missing out and need to one click the rest of her library. If you already are a fan this book will make your heart skip a few beats like every other book you have read.

Afterglow- Maria Monroe

The tag line says it all…sexy 5 star apocalypse reading


Who knew the apocalypse could be so sexy?

Nina can shoot a gun, start a fire, and kick some serious ass. So when a killer virus and solar storm decimate the country, she’s as prepared as possible to survive. She just needs a motorcycle to navigate the cluttered roads and meet up with her family.

Creed, former Marine, is tattooed and tough. He’s scarred inside and out. Loss is no stranger to him, and he avoids getting close to anyone at all costs.

When Nina tries to steal his motorcycle they have a vicious fight, but necessity and attraction force them into an uneasy alliance. They travel together through the dangerous landscape, where trouble lurks around every corner and they need each other to survive.

But the biggest danger just might be falling in love.

Equally as exciting as it is sexy, Afterglow contains graphic sex and some violence, so please read at your own risk. 18+ recommended.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.

OMG I am in love with this book and I totally would love to read more from this cast of characters. I mean Logan needs some love too right????

SO this book starts out with Nina looking to make it to her grandmother’s house to ride out this killer virus. She meets our hottie Creed when she is trying to steal from him..ooopsie Nina. Creed is stunned stupid to find out that the punk that is trying to steal his motorcycle is a kick a$$ female. The two run in to some not nice guys and Creed decides he needs to leave so he will see Nina safely to her grandma’s house and then take off for parts unknown. I loved Nina’s sass and the fact she isn’t a helpless female character. She has spunk and fire and she WAS going to see her family again. I loved that Creed also loved her tenacity and welcomed her fire during their travels.

Along the way, the couple banter and it fuels the chemistry that is just burning underneath the story. OMG I was like “SOMEONE MAKE A MOVE ALREADY!!” It was super hawt. When the two get to “getting to know each other a bit better” we can see them both forming an attachment but both don’t want to get attached because attachment means heartache.

Along the way, Nina and Creed meet some good people but mainly run in to the evil that is taking full advantage of this ruined society. They two end up helping another person who also has lost it all due to the virus and that character tugged at my heart just like they did Creed and Nina.

The end of the book had me a mess. I was reading as fast as I could because I needed to know if they would make it safely to Nina’s grandma’s house PLUS what will become of Creed and Nina.

Man of Honor – Sarah O’Rourke – WOTR Attending Author

All the Feels 5 star reading

Man of Honor (Passion in Paradise, #4)

Sheriff Zeke Monroe loves one woman…Honor McKinnon. He is willing to stake his entire future on protecting her…no matter what the cost.

Honor McKinnon knows she is broken. Her body and soul had been shattered by a violent attack years ago, and no one…not her sisters or anyone else in the tiny town of Paradise, especially the Sheriff…can change that. Rather than dealing with her wounds, she chooses to protect herself from any further damage, even if that means that she avoids the one chance at love. But Zeke is determined to break down Honor’s walls…and to find the persons responsible for hurting her and make them suffer.

He’s already killed for her once…and is willing to do it again if it means she’ll know safety and happiness.

What happens when Zeke refuses to allow Honor to ignore her past? Will Zeke’s love be passionate enough to break down her barriers? And can Zeke save Honor when her life is in danger once again?

Join Sarah O’Rourke in this epic culmination of the Men of the McKinnon Sisters stories…and find out how the Passion in Paradise series is always scorching hot! Standalone, romantica suspense.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.
*blow out a breath* WOW This book…..its not just a story…it’s an epic journey for our characters. We all know what happened to Honor and we all can see how the sheriff feels for her but to finally see the story and see their journey…….Without a doubt this is my favorite book in the series. Zeke and Honor battle against so many different issue to be together. Honor has gone through kidnapping, rape, torture, attempted murder and even stalking. This would probably kill most people but with her sheriff by her side pushing her and not letting her succumb to the darkness that is after her.
Folks this is a LONG A$$ Book but none of it is fluff or filler. It is total story but you gotta be ready and prepared for everything that they will face together. I absolutely loved Zeke and loved how he was so confident for his love for Honor that he claimed her 6 years ago. She was in no frame of mind to deal with this unconditional love. Throughout the book we can see Honor realizing her feelings for Zeke and also being completely terrified by them.
Some of my favorite scenes are with Honor and her cray family. They are so solid but don’t know how to help their baby sister thought her dark times. Other favorites are hearing our innocent Honor talking openly with her therapist. SO funny!! But what I really loved was the 4th of July chapter. So much happens and so many realizations are made…my heart was thumping happily.
I am an epilogue whore so the epilogue made a tear come to my eye. I love the set up for the next book and who will be falling into love. This couple is going to be alot of fun to read about that is for sure…..

Burning Resolution – TM Cromer – WOTR Attending Author

5 epic Lemon Donut Laughing your butt off stars

Burning Resolution (Stonebrooke Book 1)

Armed with a New Year’s resolution and a surly attitude toward physical fitness, Erica Sutton hires a personal trainer to whip her pudgy self into shape. What she hadn’t bargained for was Zack Sharp – the owner of Workout World – assigning himself to be her workout nazi.

An obsessed ex-lover of Zack’s notices the attention he is paying Erica and sets out to remove the competition by any means possible.

Now, Erica and Zack are holed up, debating the merits of donuts, sex, and love while their crazy stalker sets out to light their world, quite literally, on fire. It’s a race against time to find their assailant before the relationship they’ve started to build is burnt to the ground.

I received this book for an honest review.
*Snort* Yes I am still laughing at this book. I mean if you like funny and insane then this my friends is a book for you. I mean the first chapter had me LAUGHING so hard and out loud. It’s an over the top yet so much fun read. I think that if you enjoyed Tara Sivec’s writing then you will need to read these as well!
Erica, the main character is soo me….packing on a few pounds and hating the way she looks she decided to go to the gym. Holy Mother of God who is the work out sadist…errr…coach?? Why yes hottie from high school Zach that’s who! The banter had me cracking up at parts and laughing so hard. When the two are flirting and thinking about the good old high school days there is a bit of drama which causes Erica and Zach to spend more and more time together which makes them become more and more attracted to each other. The chemistry was hot and their relationship was a wild ride. The suspense storyline was good but you can kiiiiiiinda figure it out but the twist we get was something I wasn’t expecting!!
Yes there were times I was gonna vagina punch Erica for letting her insecurities push Zach away and same to him with a solid nut punch because he would compare Erica to women from his past but generally I loved the two. I laughed so hard and was thrilled when the book 2’s story line started to take shape…man Mason and Shondra are gonna be so much fun to read because he opened his mouth and inserts his foot A LOT around her!! LOL

Pretty Ugly by Mary Martel – WOTR Attending Author

Holy MC Mother Of Goodness 5 star reads

Pretty Ugly (Mercy Mc, #1)

For Carmine life is messy and at times it can get downright ugly.
Bounced from one foster home to the next she’s never really had a real home or a real family. Bitter, spiteful and angry, at the young age of thirteen she finally lands in a place that sticks. And it is in no way a good place… except for him.
One look is all it takes for her to find a home and it’s not in a place but a person.
Lucien Oliver found himself orphaned and in the system after both his parents were murdered in front of him by a rival outlaw motorcycle club. Knowing he’d grow into the man his father groomed him to be, and that being not a very good one, he keeps everyone at a distance and only speaks when necessary. That is, until she shows up.
One look is all it takes for Carmine to steal a piece of Lucien’s heart. A heart he has no desire to give away.
For two years, they live under the same roof and become the best of friends and the only family they have to speak of. Then, one night just days after Carmine turned fifteen, the unthinkable happens and they find themselves ripped away from one another in the most tragic of ways.
It won’t be until years later when they meet again. After Lucien is no longer Lucien but rather the enforcer to the Mercy Motorcycle Club and a man known as King. And after Carmine gets out of jail, doing time for a crime she didn’t commit. Now adults and practically strangers they learn that life for them is always going to be messy and if it can get any uglier it will.
Lucien pushes Carmine too far and she finds herself in the arms of another. But will she stay there, or will she find her way home?
This is the start to a series and a spinoff of The Dollhouse Series. Due to adult content, it is not recommended for readers under the age of 18. Contains m/f/m scenes. The following books will contain m/m and m/m/f scenes.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.
Mary!! What are you doing to me! OMG this book….I sat down to get a few chapters in before I got around to doing some Christmas stuff annnnnd 60% in I decided I needed to take a shower!!! King and Carmine…..I am speechless!! I wanna kick you butt at the ending but speechless. Hawt and bothered because DAYUM was that a hot scene but utterly confused by who I love more!!!
I was super excited for this spin off. Do you need to read the Dollhouse series? No but will you get a better appreciation of the craziness that you will be reading? ABSOLUTEY!!
King and Carmine have this “connection” in the Dollhouse series. We know that they watched out for each other in foster care and we know that she is in love with him and he her but the secrets that we learn about in this book….oy-freaking-vey.
Carmine and King have been through A LOT. He has loved her from afar and he blames himself for letting her down during a big moment in her life. She feels like she was betrayed by him and through this “issue” they are separated. King vows to spend the rest of his life to find her. When he does, shocked doesn’t even begin to tell you how he feels regarding her current situation. He will take care of his woman and he will do it right the eff now! And FYI she is not to thrilled to see him again ya’ll.
Carmine is so confused by King and what he does to give her some justice for her past. She is also confused by what she is feeling for him and his two brothers, Stephan and Hash. The couple need to stop yelling and hiding and start talking. Everyone can SEE the chemistry and the sparks but they both are ignorant to how the other feels.
Carmine goes through a huge journey and finds an ally in her quest to capture King’s heart all the while also hoping that this love will heal the ally as well….dreamy sigh at my hopes for the next book……
The book stops COLD and leaves ya hanging but it also leaves me with hope because we can SEE the plan starting to unfold!! Plus for you non-Dollouse readers it gives you time to read that series to prep you for book 2 of King and Carmine!!

Black Swan Affair


Man of Honor

Burning Resolution

Pretty Ugly


#CoverReveal – Dawn of Eve by @pamgodwinbooks


HEART OF EVE (an intro to Eve) – New Novelette



My vow of celibacy has never been broken nor tempted, not even when the plague thrust me into a lawless, brutal world. So why did God send the only surviving woman to a priest? To test me? Or to save me?

*This is a 10,000-word novelette and can be read as an introduction to the Trilogy of Eve or as bonus material between the other books. Previously published in the For the First Time anthology.

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DEAD OF EVE (#1) – New Cover


A virus devastates humanity. Few men survive. The rest are monsters. The women are dead, except Evie.

Through a quirk in her genetics, she survives. When her physiology begins to evolve, she must come to terms with what she is and accept her role in finding a cure.

The mutated hunt her. The men brutalize her…except three. Cryptic warrior, contrite lover, caring enemy; they are fiercely protective of the last living woman, but divided in their own agendas. Can they come together to protect the only hope for humanity?

Evie must survive.

Amazon | Other Retailers | Goodreads

BLOOD OF EVE (#2) – New Cover


Two years into the aphid plague, there’s little hope left. Food and ammo are scarce. The mutated monsters are growing faster, smarter. And the ratio of men to women is millions to one. Mankind faces imminent extinction.

But Evie carries a cure for women. Fiercely protected by three men, she sets out to heal as many infected females as possible. The journey becomes more complicated as her feelings for her guardians evolve, and theirs for her intensify.

When a voice from the past prophesies a solution for the dying race, she must make a choice. Will she survive for love? Or will she die for it?

DAWN OF EVE (#3) – Coming Jan 16, 2017

Daughter of Eve. Leader of the Resistance. Mankind’s savior. Dawn is supposed to be the ultimate weapon against the bloodthirsty hybrids that control the desolate planet.
But she didn’t inherit superhuman speed or virus-curing blood.
She’s just a human.
The pursuit to unlock her power lures her into a venomous trap, where silver eyes seduce, fangs incite pleasure, and love and devastation wear the same handsome face. He’s her deepest desire, greatest enemy, and the key she’s been searching for.
With humanity balancing on an arrow’s edge, she must win his heart or destroy it.

Meet the author

Pam Godwin Books GrayScale

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.
Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

Other books by Pam Godwin

Deliver Series
DELIVER (Book 1)


#Review – Type X (Project W.A.R. #2) by MA Phipps




No matter what I do, no matter what steps I take to avoid it, I’m always playing right into somebody’s hand.


Playing the role I was destined for.


Two years have passed since her willing return to the DSD, and Wynter Reeves is no longer the timid girl who only wanted to blend in. Strong, confidant, and in control of her once debilitating powers, the world trembles at her feet while news of what she’s capable of spreads like fire among the State’s enemies. As the death toll rises and Dr. Richter further warps her into a weapon of war, Wynter is forced to embrace the daunting reality of what she’s become. With the remnants of her humanity hanging on by a shoestring, she must choose between the one sacrifice that could lead to her salvation or the dark path of destruction from which there can be no return.


Torn between two sides of a war she never asked for, will Wynter find her freedom, or will she be doomed to remain a monster forever?





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kellys review

Everything you could want from a Dystopian novel…and more. This picks up two years after Utraxenopia. In the first book Wynter doesn’t know exactly what is happening to her but sacrifices herself in order to save the ones she loves. After two years she has become the war weapon the DSD wanted. She has buried all her memories but things are coming to light once again. She has been saved from the DSD but only to find out that PHOENIX is not what it once was. What is the price of full control? Jenner, Ezra and Wynter are moving forward unraveling secret after secret and trying to piece this jigsaw puzzle together. What do you do when both sides are going after the same thing the same way?


“Death hangs like a fog, its presence nearly tangible in the molecules around me. In truth, I’m envious of its victims. Death would be an escape from this repetitive war and the nightmare that’s become my every waking moment.”


“Regardless of the visions—regardless of the multiple choices that stand in front of me— the only certain path for me in this life is death.”


“Are my visions set in stone? Will they happen no matter what I do? Or will they only occur because I’ve seen them? By bearing witness to the future, do I accidentally set the world on that course? Am I the cause? Or am I the effect?”


Wynter is constantly being plagued with what’s the right path and what’s the right answer. She is so back and forth on how to do the right thing. They get an unexpectd ally and unravel some incredible secrets. Cannot wait for #3!!!


about the author

M. A. Phipps was born in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1987. In 2009, she moved to London to complete a Bachelor’s Degree in Media Communications and Journalism, focusing primarily on digital art and film production. It was during that time she met her husband and they now live in the beautiful English West Country where she works full-time pursuing her true passion: fiction. She enjoys writing any genre, but the majority of her work contains some sort of fantastical element.


You can find her online at or through her various social media accounts.

Join her mailing list:

#Review The Vrai Domicile (The Domicile Series) by Courtney Ruggles



 Q437B was ready to die for the Second Revolution. Then she entered the Muertre…
Q and B expected death when the Elders ordered their execution. What they discover instead changes everything they thought they knew about their world. Saved by the mercy of the Elders, they awaken in the Vrai Domicile, a mysterious place hidden below the Sixth Domicile housing hundreds of former rebels.
Except these rebels have been brainwashed, conditioned to be blind followers.
Q quickly learns of the Elders’ new plan for her – she is to become their warrior, to reunite the Vrai and Sixth Domiciles with purity, love, and unwavering faith. But to Q, she’ll be undoing everything she and the rebels fought for.
Now Q and B must fight to survive once more, forced to forge new alliances with strangers who promise nothing is as it seems. But surviving comes with a choice – follow the Elders and quash the Revolution, or defy them and free the people, putting B’s and Grandmother’s lives at risk.
In a place where the fire of rebellion is extinguished at every turn, can Q continue to be the spark that fuels the Revolution?
Book 2 in The Sixth Domicile Series by Courtney Ruggles, a 5 star Readers Favorite!

kristis review

I received a copy for a honest review

This book picks up right where the first left off.
Q wakes up and she is no longer in the Sixth Domicile but under it in the Vrai Domicile and she is not dead.
The Elders now have Q right where they want her, and will use any means necessary to bend her to their will.
Q doesn’t know who to trust, but she knows she has to do what is ask of her so that her loved ones can live.
You can really feel how torn she is, she doesn’t want to do what they want to teach her, but by learning these things she can bring a end to them.
When she finally realizes that things are not what they seem in the Vrai Domicile it makes her want to end the Elders that much more.
You can see how much Q and B love each other and no matter what anyone says it won’t be stopped.
Omg, the big reveal in this book floored me!! It was so outta left field and way unexpected, but such a good twist.
The ending was heartbreaking and I hope that the next book picks directly up where we left off.
All I can say is Ruggles has left me wanting more!!

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about the author


Courtney’s love for writing dates back to short stories on a word processor (What?? Word processor with floppy disks?). Oh yes, she literally had a card filing case full of floppy disks. Now she continues her writing (she upgraded to a laptop) while living in Southern Ohio with her husband and son.

Although Courtney has always lived in Ohio, sometimes closer to the Ohio River and sometimes further away, she dreams of the mountain ranges out west and the sandy Florida beaches. She married the man of her dreams and had a beautiful blond haired blue eyed boy. Before she sought publication for her first book The Sixth Domicile: Book One of the Domicile Series, Courtney worked as a social worker in a mental health agency where she counseled and provided therapy. After she left full time work, she taught social sciences at a local university and began a photography business. The “extra” time gave her the ability to focus on writing again.

Courtney’s background in social work fuels the grit in her stories. When Courtney isn’t writing her next book, you can find her doing homework (drag) and sipping flavored coffee, reading young adult and new adult books (because social work text books are only so interesting), or daydreaming about all the future beach houses she intends to buy.

#Cover Reveal and Pre-Order The Vrai Domicile (The Domicile Series) By Courtney Ruggles



 Q437B was ready to die for the Second Revolution. Then she entered the Muertre…
Q and B expected death when the Elders ordered their execution. What they discover instead changes everything they thought they knew about their world. Saved by the mercy of the Elders, they awaken in the Vrai Domicile, a mysterious place hidden below the Sixth Domicile housing hundreds of former rebels.
Except these rebels have been brainwashed, conditioned to be blind followers.
Q quickly learns of the Elders’ new plan for her – she is to become their warrior, to reunite the Vrai and Sixth Domiciles with purity, love, and unwavering faith. But to Q, she’ll be undoing everything she and the rebels fought for.
Now Q and B must fight to survive once more, forced to forge new alliances with strangers who promise nothing is as it seems. But surviving comes with a choice – follow the Elders and quash the Revolution, or defy them and free the people, putting B’s and Grandmother’s lives at risk.
In a place where the fire of rebellion is extinguished at every turn, can Q continue to be the spark that fuels the Revolution?
Book 2 in The Sixth Domicile Series by Courtney Ruggles, a 5 star Readers Favorite!

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about the author


Courtney’s love for writing dates back to short stories on a word processor (What?? Word processor with floppy disks?). Oh yes, she literally had a card filing case full of floppy disks. Now she continues her writing (she upgraded to a laptop) while living in Southern Ohio with her husband and son.

Although Courtney has always lived in Ohio, sometimes closer to the Ohio River and sometimes further away, she dreams of the mountain ranges out west and the sandy Florida beaches. She married the man of her dreams and had a beautiful blond haired blue eyed boy. Before she sought publication for her first book The Sixth Domicile: Book One of the Domicile Series, Courtney worked as a social worker in a mental health agency where she counseled and provided therapy. After she left full time work, she taught social sciences at a local university and began a photography business. The “extra” time gave her the ability to focus on writing again.

Courtney’s background in social work fuels the grit in her stories. When Courtney isn’t writing her next book, you can find her doing homework (drag) and sipping flavored coffee, reading young adult and new adult books (because social work text books are only so interesting), or daydreaming about all the future beach houses she intends to buy.

The Sixth Domicile (The Domicile Series) by Courtney Ruggles


In a future ravaged by greed and war, The Domicile has emerged. A new civilization governed by clandestine Elders where citizens are united by white masks and uniform identities. To remove one’s mask, to go outside the Domicile, to show defiance, means being sent to the Meurtre, a horrifying death sentence.

Q437B doesn’t follow the rules. She craves sunlight, dares to love her childhood friend B116A, and – the most forbidden of all – has seen the true face of her beloved beneath the mask.

But when Q becomes an Adulte, The Domicile threatens to take away everything that makes her happy. She is forced to marry an abusive soldier who demands she conform. Whispers spread about the unconventional lessons she teaches her new students. And when Q openly disobeys the Elders, the people become restless, questioning the truth of the world in the wake of such defiance.      

Rumblings of discontent stir as others begin to follow the path toward their freedom. The Revolution has begun, and Q is the spark that ignited the flames.

kristis review

Received a copy for a honest review

A post apocalyptic world, we all have our own ideas on it. Whether it be zombies over running the earth or some other group that holds the power each is its own unique take, as is the case with this series. There are ten Domiciles where people live now that the Earth is a dried and barren wasteland, at least that’s what the Elders want the people to think. The people that live in the Domicile have no names, just a id number. No skin is to be shown, including of the face so elaborate mask are worn. Everyone wears the same clothing, black tops and bottoms and gloves. The Elders decide everything for everyone, what they will be or their “life path” as it is called as well as who will marry who. Q437B and B116A ,or “Q” and “B” as they call each other, have been friends since they were children. A friendship that was not stopped but frowned upon since they were to be married to others when they grew. B knows the truth of the world outside the Domicile, that it isn’t a dry and barren place but a lovely lush place, and shares this truth with Q by taking her outside the Domicile when his job as a Maitre of the Keys takes him out. Both Q and B fall in love with each other and doesn’t want to marry the partner that the Elders have picked for them but the know it’s certain death to go as gains them so they go through with the Ripening Ceremony. Q is not only unhappy with who she is mated to but learns that they have been put together so that he can make her conform to the Elders rules, as they have been watching her and B for a long time. What happens next is something that the Elders did not expect though, her husband abuses her openly trying to get her to obey and she still remains true to herself and seeing this gets others to want to be more like her, question the why of it all. I think that this is what happens after a while to a group that has absolute power, someone comes along and questions WHY. Q, being raised by her grandmother who was born before the time of the Domiciles and having lived through revolution, knows more about the before times than what is taught by the Elders and its this information as well as knowing what the Earth looks like outside that makes her question so much. It is the love that Q and B have for each other that sparks a change, it is also that spark that makes the Elders want her dead. I liken this story to V for Vendetta, the Divergent series, or even the Hunger Games series, someone strong standing up for what THEY believe and causing the world around them to question everything that they know. Having never read anything by a this author before I don’t really know her writing style, but I do know this. Any book that sucks you in, makes you feel, and makes you think is a good book. I can’t wait to see what happens to Q and B and to know if things are the same or different in the other Domiciles.




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Courtney’s love for writing started pretty much when she learned to read, which her mother would tell you was a feat in itself back when she was in the first grade. Once she aced those flashcards with vocabulary words, Courtney’s writing took off. And her love with it. In school, she was always writing short stories on a word processor (What?? Word processor with floppy disks?). Oh yes, she literally had a card filing case full of floppy disks.
Now getting her Doctorate in social work, she’s used this education to help her writing some of the gritty issues entwined in her stories. When Courtney isn’t writing her next book while drinking coffee, you can find her doing homework (drag) with chocolate chip flavored coffee, reading series of books (because school books are only so interesting) while drinking pumpkin flavored coffee, playing with her little boy, or daydreaming of future beach houses while drinking some other scrumptious flavor of coffee.


#Review – The Archer, Arrow’s Flight 2, by Casey Hays



The bridge between Kate’s primitive village and Ian’s contemporary world is long and wide. Due to a horrifying event that ends in her self-imposed banishment, Kate finds herself at the mercy of Ian and his friends–the boys of Eden with their unnatural abilities and dark secrets. Kate has no idea if life outside the Village exists, but Ian promises her she will have a future in Eden if she will trust him. With Diana by her side, she takes the first step in faith.

The journey is harsh, full of relentless rainstorms, illness, clandestine troublemakers . . . and no sign of another village. Kate begins to doubt her decision to leave everything she’s ever known behind. When Diana’s daughter, Tabitha, is struck with a sickness that forces Ian to leave them behind and go for help, Kate’s hopelessness soars. But quiet and confident Justin takes the reins in Ian’s absence, and Kate feels a subtle bend toward him. Only then do the secrets surface, leaving Kate in a miserable state of shock as her faith in Ian falters.

Meanwhile, inside the modernized walls of Eden, Ian must face horrific truths about the source of his superhuman qualities. Truths that will test whether Kate can ever trust him again.

As for Kate, will entrusting her heart to a boy from Eden place her in graver danger than ever before? Will Eden finally be enough? Or will her heart continue to ache for something greater?




kellys review

Be ready to commit because after you finish Breeder and jump into this journey you are going to NEED to ready Master! If you like YA and Dystopian books, then this series is for you. This author has already given you characters that are incredibly relatable in a primitve world that goes perfect with Breeder. Then this journey starts in The Archer and swallows you whole. Kate’s village is nothing in comparison to the technology that Ian’s city has. The further on their journey the more Kate realizes there is a huge difference. There are many, many lies and truths that unfold and has everyone questioning their reasoning and faith. The story is told from Kate’s and Ian’s point of view. I have to say that I was really getting upset with Ian and his friends but then when you get to see where Ian is coming from it made me question exactly how this was going to play out. There are so many twisting paths and huge decisions that they come across that makes even the strongest character question what’s right and wrong. This is a very emotional book. I was all over the place being happy, sad, hurt, confused….I even wanted to shake the author…a little bit, lol!

“Don’t worry. There it is again . I close my eyes, fighting back my tears. Everything I’ve ever known is slowly being swallowed up in this new life I’ve chosen. The future is more of a mystery than ever before. Dangers are everywhere from vicious storms to villains, and I am not to worry.”

“Some rules deserve to be broken, Ian. But think very carefully about which ones are worth it.”

“Death is everywhere; we can’t escape him. We can run away from the Village— run to the ends of the earth and jump off— and it will be he who waits with open arms to catch us every time. I am weary, so weary of watching him take us one by one. It is our true destiny, and there is no end in sight.”

There is a desperation with these characters that absolutely sucks you in and squeezes until the very end. And the cliffhanger…OH THE CLIFFHANGER! I meant what I said. I need to know what happens next!







Casey Hays is a long time resident of Clovis, New Mexico, The Land of Enchantment, where she continues to reside with her husband of 23 years and her two children. A former high school English teacher, she took up writing in 2008, due to her love of the young adult genre.

Her debut novel,The Cadence, a YA supernatural romance, made its appearance in November 2012. Breeder, her first Dystopian Science Fiction novel with underlying Christian elements, and the first in the Arrow’s Flight Series, released January 15, 2014, and features her 15 year-old son as the cover artist.

Her favorite authors include Sarah Dessen, Suzanne Collins, Lauren Oliver, historical fiction author Anya Seton and Christian author Francine Rivers.