Tag Archives: Laney Powell

#review #shortstory #partofaseries #christmasread Naughty or Nice (Santa’s Coming Short Stories) by Laney Powell

The last time I saw Cate Morgan, she called me a name not fit for public consumption and walked away. This time wasn’t much better, since I was dressed in a Santa suit and had a kid reciting her list of wants in my ear.

Of course, the last time, I’d told her to go, but that was beside the point. She was here, now, in front of me – right where I’d always wanted her. Well, there are other places I want her, but in front of me is a good place to start. Now that she’s here – I’m going to do things differently. I don’t want to lose her again.

The challenge is getting her to see that we’re perfect for each other. I’m stuck playing Santa, so maybe I just need to get her to sit on my lap and tell me what she wants for Christmas. Then I can show her how nice it is to be on Santa’s Naughty List.

Santa comes once a year … or does he?

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43232571-naughty-or-nice

Amazon https://amzn.to/3Ve1SrJ

Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book and here is my honest review

the mall at Christmas time is the worst, Cate had just gotten her doctorate degree in marine biology but when she hasn’t heard back from the jobs she applied for after college she moved back in with her parents and got a job in the mall till her applications was accepted. but when she noticed that Santa was a ghost from Christmas past how she will handle it. Will Cate be able to overcome the hurt from her past and if so, will Santa put her on the naughty or nice list this Christmas

I’m a Midwestern lady, a USA Today bestselling author living life in the Rocky Mountains. Cowboys, bad boys, billionaires, demons, shifters, witches, warlocks – I write them because I love them all. Everyone deserves a steamy, happily ever after.

#TwiniseDee #Review #ShortStory #PartofaSeries Resolution: Snow Job by Laney Powell


If I have to face another year avoiding the guys at my accounting firm, I’m going to lose my ever-loving mind.

So when I apply for a second job as an instructor at my favorite ski resort, I feel like everything is adding up perfectly. But when the guy interviewing me turns out to be the same guy I mowed down not twenty-four hours ago on the slopes, it seems like the universe really is conspiring against me.

Markus happens to be the yummiest specimen I have ever seen cutting up the powder. He’s irresistible and things between us are hot enough to melt snow. But when his ex-girlfriend shows up, that’s my cue to nope on out of there…

I won’t be put on ice for any man; not even one who fills my dreams and makes me wish I was his own personal snow bunny.

#MeltMyPantsOff #SnowJob #YesPlease #HappilyEverAfter

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43522455-snow-job

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Snow-Resolution-Pact-Short-Story-ebook/dp/B07MSGPCCZ/ref=pd_sim_351_10?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07MSGPCCZ&pd_rd_r=8c4752c5-86f8-41a9-a3b2-62dd2bf46e1a&pd_rd_w=41Nfr&pd_rd_wg=FSTAl&pf_rd_p=5b00861f-dd80-491e-8e32-d1b61e4ab87c&pf_rd_r=SD37MQD2YJGJ9FH8WM62&psc=1&refRID=SD37MQD2YJGJ9FH8WM62

Annalise wanted a break from her everyday life as an accountant so she went back to her favorite ski resort wonderland and got a part time job there as an instructor. While skiing down the hill she ran in to Markus who also worked there and ended up giving Annalise her interview for the job. Sparks were flying the moment they touched hands. After getting to go on their first date they have a few bumps in the road. Ex’s and snarky girls who just want to make a scene will be one of the big factors that may keep them apart. all is fair in love and wonderfall

Review by Twinsie Dee

I’m a Midwestern lady, living life in the Rocky Mountains. I adore strong men with hearts of gold (even if that gold may be a bit imperfect) and that’s what drives me to write the stories about them. The longer I do the romance gig, the more firefighter calendar pics I seems to collect. That’s normal, right?