Tell us your name and then a bit about yourself.
I’m Rochelle Bradley and I write romantic comedy because there’s already too much crap in the world and I feel it needs more laughter and smiles.
When in observation mode I’m quiet, however, my mouth is usually open with an encouraging glass-is-half-full pun or, quite possibly, my foot.
I can’t cook or sew and consider myself undomesticated. I do like to bake and make a mean BTS (Better Than Sex) cake.
I am a Bearcat, a Buckeye, an interior decorator, and fluent in sarcasm.
I live in southwest Ohio, near Dayton, but I grew up in Cincinnati. I have two kitties that you’ll see on my social media often.
When you are writing, what are some go to’s that you needs? IE Foods to eat, noise level, place to sit.
When I’m home, I love black tea, cafe mochas (coffee with hot chocolate), or wine.
I have to listen to music without lyrics or else I’m singing along or wondering why the artist wrote it. I prefer classical and epic movie soundtracks but will listen to spa too.
Wherever the cats are…there I am. Bed, sofa, table, or desk. I sit like a human though.
What are you favorite things about attending signings?
Meeting new people and seeing old friends. Books!!!
What author would you love to meet (Who is your unicorn author)?
James Rollins. I picked one of his books up at a yard sale and my life hasn’t been the same as an author since.
When you are writing, do you have a consistent schedule where you write every day at the same time or are you a sit and go on different days to get it done kinda person?
I”m always working, usually editing, writing, or marketing. The only thing I do consistently is meet with authors twice a week to write. I am definitely a pantser and lists are my friend.
What is your favorite memory so far as an author?
This past fall I went to Canada for an event. I played author/reader dating game and had a blast. Though it was only two minutes long I got to know people. Since the event was a long weekend by the time it was over, I felt I had made life long friends.
Do you have a book that is your most prized possession? What is it and why is it so amazing?
The Double D Ranch proof. Yes, it’s my book, but it reminds me I can do anything and dreams do come true.
What are your social links?
Fans of Fortuna, Texas group:
Facebook author page:
What are your buy links? (You can list individual or links to your Amazon/ibooks/Koko/etc Author Home Page.)
Thanks for having me. 🙂