He’s the star quarterback for a small Kentucky high school.
While the town worships him, I pray for God to take my life.
He makes my life a living hell by making me his victim.
This perverse game we play could end us both.
How can something that feels so right be so wrong?
The price if the truth is discovered is death, but I can’t stop.
Neither can he.
No one can know.
Can I risk it?
Is Roman King worth dying for?
*This story is a bully romance including dubious consent, assault, talk of suicide and is intended for readers 18+. Please proceed with caution.*
I decided to re-read this story to get ready for Tainted, which I am reading an early copy now by the way, and I love this story even more now after my 2nd read through!
I don’t usually re-read books but this one I felt I had to. It’s just one of those things, ya know?
So now for my review: Roman King is a jock. He’s a rising football superstar, so of course, he can do no wrong.
Jonah is a preacher’s son and is gay but his father doesn’t know. So when that comes out…it’s heart breaking to say the least.
This book still made me feel all the feels. And this time around, I actually had to skim parts because I knew what was coming.
Kudos again to Andi Jaxon for taking a chance and writing a story like this. I’m in love and will continue to love these characters forever.
Old review:
Oh my gosh. Where do I even begin?????? So I’ve known Andi Jaxon for awhile now. She started out as a client (I do designing on the side) and then we became friends AND to top it off, she reads my stuff too!! I’m also an author but I consider her a friend first and foremost! Anyway. So she had me read a novella about Roman and Jonah and I was like, sure! It was short, I had time, so I figured, why not right?? I read it, loved it but needed more. Which usually happens after reading a novella. Am I right? I knew Bully King was about Roman and Jonah and of course I had pre-ordered it. So when Andi offered me an ARC, I was himming and hawing because I wasn’t sure if I would get it read in time for release day. According to Goodreads, I read it in 4 days, which hasn’t happened to me in quite awhile. I’m a super slow reader but GAH, this book!
First, if you love MM (male/male) books, you absolutely HAVE to pre-order this now or one-click this on release day!
This book borders on dark. It deals with some sensitive subjects but it was so well written, it’s easy to see through the darkness to find the light.
Both Roman and Jonah spoke to me.
While Roman had a difficult life at home, Jonah’s home life wasn’t easy either. Being a gay kid with a preacher of a father, especially with where they live, made it even more difficult.
Jonah: Oh my gosh, this sweet sweet boy. His fear over what his father would think if he found out his son is gay. His fear over what the town would think. His fear is real. It’s there. It’s raw.
Roman: This boy stressed me out something fierce. He was mean but nice. Cold but warm. He needed Jonah but pushed him away. His pain was in your face and you saw it even though he hid it.
I absolutely loved Mary! And the rest of the side characters!
Jonah and Roman together was insane. They were passionate and aggressive.
There were parts of this story that even I had a hard time reading and had to put my tablet down for a breath or two. There was also a chapter where I held my breath through it all. A book has not caused these sort of feelings to stir in me in such a long time.
10 stars, Andi! 10 freaking huge bright shiny stars! I am so proud of you! Now give me more words. xx