Category Archives: MMMMM March Madness

MM March Madness – March 31 – Amanda Kay

03-31 - Amanda Kay


March 31

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Amanda Kay

author bio

I am a Paranormal/Fantasy Adult Romance Author (M/F Romance and F/F Romance) I’m thirty years old. I am a Navy Wife and a mother of two. ​ I am a Florida girl at heart, but since getting married I have lived in Washington, South Carolina, and our latest move Connecticut. I hold a B.A. in Multimedia Journalism with a minor in Political Science from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. Writing is something I love and since I am blessed to be a stay at home mom I thought I would try my hand at getting the stories in my head out and see how far I could go. I tried a few years ago to go through a Literary Agency, but it went nowhere. The self-publishing market was just starting to get hot so I self-published two books mainly for family and friends. I then discovered the world of New Adult. I wanted to stick with my paranormal roots and began thinking up story ideas that took on not only a paranormal element, but a fantasy element as well. So, that is me in a nutshell. I am a little crazy and simple and I love my life and my family.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

I spent six in Italy when I was in college studying in Florence.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I love series, but I also love standalone books. What I am aiming to do is write a series and then a standalone and then a series and so on. I want to break things up, but I will not publish a book in between publishing series’ books. I want my readers to get the whole series first.

Where do you do most of your writing?

My phone or on my computer at my desk.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I just finished Heart and Soul by Nicole Williams and Fuck Buddy by SD Hildreth. I loved them both. Nicole’s book was part of a series I loved and I enjoyed the final chapter of it. SD’s book well how can you not buy a book with that title?

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I hope it’s growing. I hope to contribute to making F/F and F/F/M more mainstream I believe M/M has found it’s steam and I think that’s amazing, but now it’s time to flip the coin.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

I can write in first person and I’m actually pretty decent.

What are you working on now?

I am working on book 2 in my Wind Trilogy which is the M/F book in the series. I am also working on my first F/F/M Standalone titled Ocean’s Heart.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Write or play Blade and Soul with my husband

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

The lowest probably was a recent review that was 2 stars. It was also the high as well. The way the review was written got me thinking about my writing and my process and I realized i wasn’t giving the readers the best of me. The 2 star stung, like I think any low review does, but it was written in a way that changed how approached my stories.

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Amanda Kay has donated an ARC of Whispering Winds

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi,  Jo, and Melinda!!!



MM March Madness – March 30 – Piper Trace

03-30 - Piper Trace


March 30

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Piper Trace

author bio

Piper Trace likes to write love stories with just the right amount of filth. Her life as a lawyer and a cog in a large corporate wheel was killing her soul. She escaped by telling her coworkers she was busy during lunch, and sat in her car with a notebook to write sizzling tales of romance and heartbreak. She guarded that notebook as if it was her greatest treasure, because it was. Now she’s quit her corporate job to write romance full-time. When not writing, Piper repurposes old furniture, sews poorly and builds things fairly well. Her DIY work can be found at, which she runs for fun with her DIY partner, New York Times bestselling author Sidney Bristol. Piper uses her writing money to buy new tools. She lives in Ohio with her military hero husband, her two young kids, a big fluffy dog, and a canary. Her tee-shirt reads, “Will write for power tools”.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

Let’s see…I’ll tell you a few things. 1) I can sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in Latin. 2) I think I missed my calling as a police detective. 3) My favorite band in high school was The Alarm.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

Oh! I have two series in the works right now! I prefer series because if you like the world, then you get another book (and another and another) in the same world, with the same author’s voice. The world is familiar and comfortable, with each book still being fresh. It’s like settling in with an old friend who’s telling you a new story. The only thing about them that’s harder to write, to me, is that you have to keep track of a lot of information (because all the books are related), so what hair color did that lady have? And who’s related to whom? Stuff like that. Also, you’d better like that world if you’re going to be writing in it for a while. The series I’m working on right now is going to be extensive. I plan to write in that world for years, so I hope readers like it!

Where do you do most of your writing?

Ha! This is a funny question for me because I used to write in my car when I was still working full-time. It took me five years to write Come When Called, my MMF menage novel starring Ford, Charley and Evie. I joke that for five years I wrote about Ford in a Chevy. Now I mainly write on the couch or in a chair with my laptop on my lap. Last year I did this really awesome DIY refinishing of an old desk I bought off of Craigslist to be my “work space”, but I’ve yet to use it as such… Next year, when my youngest is in school, I’ll use it then. (I tell myself. But I lie to myself a lot.) Haha

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I read a variety of things. I enjoy contemporary romance, horror, YA and women’s lit. My favorite books I’ve read recently are Summer Sisters by Judy Blume, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, anything by Sophie Kinsella, Kim Harrison or Darynda Jones (love her!), and my favorite book at the moment, Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell (YA).

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I definitely feel like the genre is growing, and that’s a wonderful thing! I always encourage people to try it out, even if they don’t think it’s something they’d be into. If people are skeptical as to whether or not they’d like to read M/M romance, I tell them to read Interview with a Vampire by Ann Rice, which I consider the gateway drug to M/M. 🙂

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

HOW INCREDIBLY HARD IT IS!!! I think, intrinsically, people believe they can tell a story, so how hard can it be to write it? I used to think this too…until I tried to really sit down and write a book. Just the banal stuff like how to get two characters to walk into another room (without sounding like you’re the storyteller butting into the story to say “then they walked into the other room”), or how to indicate that two weeks have gone by. Or even worse, how to write a menage or a same-sex love scene! You can’t just say, “He touched his thigh.” Who touched who’s thigh? But don’t used names too much or it sounds strange. Things like that stump you very quickly and you realize, “Oh crap. This is freaking hard!” And that’s not even touching on how to make your story interesting, compelling, emotional, sexy, memorable, and all the other things to which a writer aspires.

What are you working on now?

I am currently working on a M/F series, but I don’t have anything to share! I’m a slow writer. 🙂 But please, check out Come When Called and tell your friends!

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Curl up on the couch with my husband and watch a movie!

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

Oooh, you have tough questions! Gosh, I don’t know if I want to talk about the lowest low. Ugh. Here goes… Very early on in my career, when I had just started to write, I had a terrible situation where I jumped the gun on a possible agent just because she was an AGENT and I maybe had the opportunity to land her (lots of excited exclamation points here!!) I had an old acquaintance who was a writer and I reached out to her for her opinion on what she thought of my stuff. She read it and recommended me to an agent in the same agency as her own agent! THEN I did the research. Not only did I realize this wasn’t the agent for me, but I also realized that I wasn’t even close to needing an agent, considering I didn’t even have a book written yet! I backed out of the submission as diplomatically as I could, but…it didn’t go over well with my old acquaintance. She…uh…revoked her recommendation in a vehement way to the agency and sent some rather strong messages to me as well, blocked me on social media, etc. I apologized and groveled, but it didn’t help. I had burned that bridge to ashes. 🙁 Not only did I feel absolutely AWFUL about it (the old acquaintance was just trying to help me, after all, and then it all went to hell), but I went from the high of “oh my god, I might actually make it as a professional writer!!” to the depths of “maybe I just ruined my career before I even started” in about twenty-four hours. I honestly think I cried for about three days straight. I just could not stop crying about the situation. Then I don’t think I wrote a word for almost six months. It was awful, but I still stand by my decision (if not the choices that led me to it). I was stupid to even approach someone for help without first doing my homework, but the reality is that I couldn’t bind myself contractually to a party just because I felt embarrassed or socially obligated to at that point. What I learned from that was LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP in publishing! Do your homework. Writers in the romance world are so very nice, inclusive and helpful, so make sure you can actually USE the help you ask for, before you get it! Now I self-publish, and I’m leery of publishers and agents, frankly, and I think that mess early-on helped steer me in this direction. PS: The agent involved was extremely nice and professional about it, so I was grateful for that. Okay, shrug those yucky feelings off—now the high! I guess the highlight of my career so far was being a finalist in Mary Menages Best Menage Authors 2016 for Come When Called! This just happened, and I didn’t win, but just being nominated, and being a finalist(!) was completely thrilling for me! Otherwise, honestly, every nice review I get is a high. Every message from a reader saying she stayed up all night reading my book. Every reader who enjoys Come When Called. Even a three star review where the reviewer says she was “entertained throughout” is a high for me. The idea that someone might read my words and enjoy my story never ceases to be a high. Those highs make it all worth it, and put a huge smile on my face, so I’ll keep writing, and hopefully, you’ll keep reading!

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi,  Jo, and Melinda!!!




MM March Madness – March 29 – Anya Breton

03-28 - Anya Breton


March 29

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Anya Breton

author bio

Anya Breton is a web monkey with an obsession for nail polish and rubber chickens. Her fears include Peeps and people who hate clowns. Her genres include erotic romance, urban fantasy, and young adult–all with a little quirk. She lives in the Midwest where land is cheap and corn is cheaper.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

In high school I moonlit as a clown.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I do like writing series, both featuring one main character or featuring a different set of characters per book. In some ways they’re easier because I’m not starting from scratch with each book. But keeping track of all of the moving pieces from one book to another makes it harder than stand alone.

Where do you do most of your writing?

That changes every few months. Right now I do most of my writing in a super comfy recliner in my living room.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I’m reading Little Women for a book club, listening to Kresley Cole’s The Master, and reading Jillian Jacobs’ Rachel’s Guard. They’re all great in their own ways. Favorite books besides my own, I love reading historical romance most. Anything by Tessa Dare or Courtney Milan are favorites of mine.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I do feel diverse genres like MM, FF, MMF, etc are growing. I contribute by reading and a(under an alter ego).

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

That the writing part of it is the easiest part.

What are you working on now?

I’m submitting my MFM “Northern Heat” for publishing very soon. This is a fun book featuring a shy lady in her 40’s who is saddled with two hunky, demanding new bosses.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Relax with a good book.

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

I don’t know that I’ve had either extreme. My career has been even keel. I know I change a little bit each time I go through the editing process. There’s always something I can improve.

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!



MM March Madness – March 28 – Sandrine Gasq-Dion

03-28 - Sandrine Gasq Dion


March 28

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Sandrine Gasq-Dion

author bio

Best selling author, Sandrine (Sandy) was born in Inglewood, California. Raised by “Old School” French parents, she later moved to Tucson, AZ. It was there that writing became a hobby. Always told she had a great imagination, Sandy wrote short stories for her friends in High School. In college, she took more writing classes while working on her Criminal Justice degree, but it wasn’t until a soap opera caught her eye that she got involved in male on male romances. On the advice of a friend, Sandy dipped her toes into the world of M/M Romance. Sandy takes the writing seriously and has had countless conversations with gay men as well as hours of research.She’s been involved with the military in one way or another for over twenty years, and has a great deal of respect for our men in uniform. She’s traveled the world, but has finally returned to Arizona.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

I have been married to the military since I was nineteen. I still go to all my guys for info on military procedures and whether would and wouldn’t do in certain situations. 😉

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I love series. I’m not a big fan of sequels because I feel that they never measure up to the first book. Writing a series gives you the freedom to incorporate the characters from previous books so readers can see what they’ve been up to! I think it’s much easier.

Where do you do most of your writing?

I have an office in my house that’s filled with my characters. I surround myself with pictures of hot naked men. 😀

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I’m reading INET form Brenda Cothern and Behind the Music by Ann Lister. My all time favorite has to be KA Mitchell’s Collision Course. It was my first MM read! Right behind that is Evangeline Anderson’s “The Assignment”

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I believe it is growing. I’m trying to diversify what I write and how I write it. I’ve tackled attempted suicide and I have a book coming out later on that deals with another issue. I’ve always had my guys in the Assassin Shifters creating youth shelters for displaced and runaway gay teens. I hope to bring more awareness to the problem.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

It’s not just one character that speaks to me anymore, it’s a slew of them and they’re all fighting for time. I wrote four books back-to-back when I moved back to Arizona and now I’m exhausted. I’ve learned I need to take a break and shush those voices for a bit. 😉

What are you working on now?

I’m working on; Ransom’s book from the rock series, Jordy and Wraith from the 12 Olympians, Loki and Cezar from the Assassin Shifters, Ryan and Michael from the Men of Manhattan and a new M/F book.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Sleep and or read, catch up on shows I’m SO far behind in (Supernatural)

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

Highest was when the first book (Dirty Ross) Hit below 100 in books bought in the kindle store! Lowest low was the first one star review. Now I’m older and wiser and know that you can’t please everyone. Not everyone thinks the same so while one person will LOVE the book, someone else will hate it. It is what it is!

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Sandrine Gasq-Dion has donated Signed book from the rock series and code for either on audible (Fret or Jinxed) Some other swag, T shirt, bracelets and such.

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!



MM March Madness – March 27 – Heather Ranier

03-27 - Heather Ranier


March 27

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Heather Ranier

author bio

I live in South Central Texas, writing the type of novel I love to read: more erotic and edgy than the mainstream, with plenty of sweet romance mixed in. My love of romantic fiction began as a teenager when my mom gave me copies of Kathleen Woodiwiss’s “The Flame and the Flower” and Bertrice Small’s “Skye O’Malley.” To this day I’m pretty sure that was her idea of the “birds and the bees” talk. My husband and I met in a scenario very much like the ones I’ve written about. He was the alpha hero who stepped in when this “damsel in distress” needed rescuing from a nefarious pervert. It’s no wonder I went on to write erotic romance when I had him to inspire me. I love to chat with readers on Facebook and talk about my books and whatever else comes to mind on my blog, The Divine Tease. When not pounding on my keyboard, I’m usually busy corralling my kids or loving on my smokin’ hot husband, who thankfully loves to cook.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

An old friend from high school recently asked me what I “do” now that my kids are teenagers. My response: “I’m still a stay at home mom.” She nodded with a slightly mystified look in her eyes when I didn’t elaborate further. Living in a small town in Texas, and having children enrolled in a private school, my privacy and anonymity are of primary importance to me…at least until the youngest graduates. For the last five years I’ve balanced maintaining that anonymity for my pen name and my personal privacy while building a following for Heather Rainier that rivals any pre-published dreams I might’ve had.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

As a reader, I prefer series, and will follow along with the rest of fandom…if the stories and characters are interwoven and well-written. I tend to bond to well-formed characters and storylines and am never quite ready to let go when the book ends and always want more stories set in that world. As a writer, I’ve devoted my time to writing a long running series because I believe I share that sentiment with the majority of readers. Writing a series can be challenging, what with keeping world-building facts straight and not “painting” myself into too many corners. After 23 books, I know my characters pretty well, but I still have to refer back to my cheat sheets when it comes to basic facts. Even with all that, it’s worth it.

Where do you do most of your writing?

In my office at the desk my husband built for me. Prior to our move in 2015, I wrote at a small desk set up in our living room with chaos all around me. It’s a wonder I accomplished as much as I did.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

In preparation for the release of “The Beast” in April, I’m enjoying a re-read of the entire Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward. I love to read paranormal and urban fantasy and I’ve always enjoyed her characters and very unique author’s voice. I’m also a big fan of anything written by Cherise Sinclair, Laurann Dohner, and Diana Gabaldon, the author of the ultimate book boyfriend, Jamie Fraser.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I’ll preface my answer by stating that I’m not an expert in the industry, but I do listen to the experts. I think the growth has slowed a bit perhaps, due to the overabundance of cheap and poorly-edited/formatted/covered e-books, whether self-published or otherwise, combined with a growing sub-culture that demands more and more content cheaper…or for free. Writers who work fulltime jobs and then come home and write fulltime are on a collision course with burn-out. If what they produce is of value, they should expect to be paid a fair price. I think the genre will recover and continue to grow, provided authors stay consistent, avoid getting caught up in hype, continue nurturing their skills, and write to the best of their abilities. The bottom line is that romance readers will always want to read happily-ever-afters.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

The idea that the world I created in my head is a place readers of my series would gladly move to or visit, given the chance. Knowing this strengthens my resolve to continue creating a world in the small town of Divine, Texas that is so vivid none of my readers will ever feel let down by subsequent books.

What are you working on now?

I’m finishing up “How Cassie Got Her Grind Back,” the 23rd book in the Divine Creek Ranch Collection (Releases May 2016). Readers have gotten to know Cassie, the owner of Divine Drip over the last several books, and met one of her heroes, Samson Cutter, in “Bunny and the Beast.” While Samson’s twin, Ivan, may be his mirror image, he and Samson are worlds apart in their approach to women, especially Cassie. Blurb for “How Cassie Got Her Grind Back” Cassie, Samson, and Ivan made promises on the day they graduated from high school and then life took them in unexpected directions. Raised in a traditional home, Cassie was expected to work hard and obey her elders and because of her nature she complies, until life throws her so many curve balls she has no choice but to begin standing up for herself. Aspiring to join the military, identical twins Samson and Ivan Cutter find themselves pulled in opposite directions on life paths that couldn’t be more different, but through the years, they’ve unknowingly had one thing in common. Cassie Villalobos. Or more to the point—love for Cassie Villalobos. Samson’s successful career in the military and then in law enforcement was interrupted when he was injured in the line of duty. With a well-earned reputation for level-headedness, Samson enjoys his job as an emergency dispatch operator but there’s always been something missing. Not even his private lifestyle as a Dominant, and role as Joseph Hazelle’s right hand man at Hazelle House, brings him much satisfaction these days. Good-humored and affectionate, it’s probably a good thing Ivan didn’t make the cut in the military due to an injury because he’s found his passion and his purpose in his kitchen. An award-winning chef with a major following, he satisfies his sensual nature with culinary prowess while always feeling the inner emptiness that long hours at his Viking stove can’t fulfill. Thirty years have passed since they made those broken promises to each other, and when presented with a second chance, Samson and Ivan are determined to not let Cassie slip through their fingers again.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Go out to eat for Mexican food (there are an abundance of authentic Mexican restaurants in my neck of the woods), and watch movies with my husband and family. We watched “The Martian” recently and loved it.

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

The highest HIGH would be the first phone call I ever received from Siren Publishing in 2010, letting me know they wanted to publish my first book, Divine Grace, and they were excited to hear that it was the first in a series and wanted me to submit more. I think any writer out there will say that the lowest LOW comes in moments of creative self-doubt, writer’s block, and writer’s anxiety—that insidious belief that we’re not very good at what we do and it’s just a matter of time before others figure it out.

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Lumberjack Weekend (MFM)

Angie’s Goodreads Review


Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Heather Ranier has donated a gifted digital copy of “How Cassie Got Her Grind Back” when it is released. (pdf only)  **The book releases May 2016.**

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!








MM March Madness – March 26 – Jack Pyke

03-26 - Jack Pyke


March 26

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Jack Pyke

author bio

Jack L. Pyke blames her dark writing influences on living close to one of England’s finest forests. Having grown up hearing a history of kidnappings, murders, strange sightings, and sexual exploits her neck of the woods is renowned for, Jack takes that into her writing, having also learned that human coping strategies for intense situations can sometimes make the best of people have disastrously bad moments. Redeeming those flaws is Jack’s drive, and if that drive just happens to lead to sexual tension between two or more guys in a D/s relationship, Jack’s the first to let nature take its course.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

I have four kids. My eldest lad is 22, my youngest, 4, and I also have a granddaughter who’s 1.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I love series writing! But it can get complex as you delve deeper into 3rd, 4th, and 5th novels. There’s a lot of details to crossover novel to novel, not to mention introducing new characters etc. But you get to really investigate your characters. There’s always something new that crops up.

Where do you do most of your writing?

In my living room. I have a little corner for me, with my stereo close by as I write to music. It keeps me close to the kids and hubby, and is probably where I’m most happy.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

*Sighs* I get so little time to read for pleasure. If I’m not editing, I’m writing, or running promo. Favourite books, oh lord, I could be on this all day! Anything by Joseph Lance Tonlet, Lynn Kelling, Nicole Colville, and Adrienne Wilder.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I think it’s very much growing. The readership keeps getting wider, with readers always anxious to pass and share favourite reads; reviewing blogs are really coming into their own, but also there’s just so much variety out there with how to digest M/M novels. Audio, podcast snippets, foreign language translations, not to mention more and more distribution sites coming in. The drawback is that some of those always take their cull of royalties and fight their own battles to dominate the likes of distribution. Authors get caught up in the battle and royalties seem to get lower and lower.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

How intimate it is! I love being alone with a script and settling in to see where the characters go, what they do. Then there’s the sharing aspect when it goes live and how readers react: whether they fall in love with certain things or loathe others.

What are you working on now?

I’m actually working on a tie-in into the Don’t series. It’s introducing two new characters who’ll come at Gray and Jan from a new perspective. It’s working with a theme I’ve been thinking of for a few years: someone who is more comfortable walking the streets during the night and taking a look into other people’s lives. I don’t have a blurb, but I do have an extract, if that’s okay? The extract itself introduces Ash, my late-teen lad who’s just been pulled away from my street walker by his best friend Rease. —— “Fucking flirt.” Rease offered a chuckle as Ash slumped on the bar stool. “Me?” Ash fought the heat on his cheeks. “I do “Snog Me” wish-lists, you… you’ve got this whole—” His hand went everywhere. “—IPA Fuck-Buddy Tour Guide.” Rease leaned closer. “What’s an IPA?” “International Phonetic Alphabet.” “Oh.” He couldn’t connect the dots. “And that differs from the usual ABCs, how exactly?” “Because the IPA doesn’t only show the normal alphabet but highlights how letters go two, three, and foursome to make sound. And you—” “That foursome was just a rumour.” “Started by you, to me on the phone, when you were begging a lift from Karl and Elaine’s.” “See—” He even counted on his fingers. “Three.” “The postman was there.” “Delivering letters.” “Naked?” “It was hot.” “With whip marks on his arse.” “Annnd obviously displaying public disappointment over failure to deliver the goods in the right letterbox when prompted.” Although Rease fought a blush. “That was a few years back and something I don’t do often.” Ash got a pat to his shoulder. “Forget getting laid, you need a life, mate.” ——–

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Movie night! We always take time out with the kids to watch a movie on Saturday nights. The recliners go up, quilts come out, popcorn, Coke… it’s pure heaven!

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

The Highest? Hands down the day at the Ritz, I got to meet so many people (authors, bloggers, fans) I’d been talking to over the net, and it made such a difference meeting them face to face. Low: you’re not just an author, but everything else thrown into the mix too, and it weighs you down. to breaking at times. Many a time I’ve thought of stepping away permanently because I miss just being able to write and share stories. I’m getting better with time management, and that’s what it comes down to, just allowing yourself time to say, okay, you’re an author, you’re supposed to actually write at some stage.

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Jack Pyke has donated an ebook choice of any novel from my back list (any format)

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

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A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!





MM March Madness – March 25 – Ella Frank

03-25 - Ella Frank


March 25

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Ella Frank

author bio

Ella Frank is the author of the #1 Bestselling Temptation series, including Try, Take, and Trust and is the co-author of the fan-favorite erotic serial, A Desperate Man. Her Exquisite series has been praised as “scorching hot!” and “enticingly sexy!” A life-long fan of the romance genre, Ella writes contemporary and erotic fiction and lives with her husband in Portland, OR. You can reach her on the web at and on Facebook at Some of her favorite authors include Tiffany Reisz, Kresley Cole, Riley Hart, J.R. Ward, Erika Wilde, Gena Showalter, and Carly Philips.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

Something you don’t know about me…hmmm, I co-author with a wonderful woman by the name Brooke Blaine. I love writing as the other half of a duo. It’s so much fun brainstorming and coming up with characters to share with the world. We can’t wait to work on our next project together!

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I love writing series! They’re fun for me. Getting to carry over characters from previous books to the next. But at the same time I feel you really need to know how far you want to take those characters and set a book number for yourself.

Where do you do most of your writing?

I do it at my desk in my bedroom right now. I live in a beautiful apartment but it is rather small, so I can’t wait for the day I actually can put my desk in an office!

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I am currently reading HOOKER by Brooke Blaine which is a romantic comedy, and it is hilarious. I absolutely love and recommend the L.A. Liaisons Series. As for a new favorite books and series I love, I recently read a brilliant series last year by Cassandra Clare – The Infernal Devices. It is literally one of the best series I have ever read.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

This genre has exploded. When I first came out with Try, the m/m genre was barely talked about on the mainstream blogs in the indie world and it took a lot of convincing on my part to get people to give my book a look. Since then, some amazing authors have broken through and really helped this genre thrive and rise to be one of the most talked about out there. I also think that the recent Equality Act which passed gave way to an influx of authors adding characters with more diverse sexual preferences, and from there it has just continued to grow. I am proud to be a part of this writing community and to see how far it has come.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

That you always have the opportunity to change, grow, and learn something new about yourself. With each book I like to think I challenge myself and make it just a little better in my eyes than my last. Whether it be the writing itself, the plot, the dialogue, I am always hoping to improve upon the last and give readers something they can really sit down and enjoy. After all, that’s why you pick up a book, right? To get lost inside the world of the author. I just hope I continue to build new and fascinating ones for people.

What are you working on now?

I just finished up Finley, and I’m in the process of writing the second book to follow. You can find more information on Finley at –

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Probably go out to dinner and see a movie. It’s low key, relaxing, and I can turn my brain off for a few hours and forget about the world I am writing about.

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

Hmmm…I feel a certain HIGH each time I finish writing a book. It’s such a sense of accomplishment to know that the characters on the page came out of my head. I haven’t had any lows as far as I feel. Every day brings new challenges and I consider myself one of the luckiest people on the planet to be able to wake up and do what I love every day.

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Blind Obsession by Twinsie Brenda

Take by Twinsie Brenda


Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Ella Frank has donated a signed paperback of Finley once they are available.

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!



MM March Madness – March 24 – Nicole Colville

03-24 - Nicole Colville


March 24

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Nicole Colville

author bio

Bestselling author Nicole Colville was born and currently lives in Leeds, England. She is a wife to her very understanding hubby and mother of two young girls who somehow manages to fit in being a full time author of m/m romance and erotica into her busy home life. She loves writing complex characters in bittersweet romances which will leave you addicted and craving more from her men Although best known for her popular series, Hidden, Knights to Remember, and the bestselling Manchester Menage Collection. She also enjoys writing with friend, and fellow author, E.M Leya. Together they have published two books in their Sinful Temptation Collection with more planned.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

I’m a full time author who balances a busy home life with two young girls and a very understanding hubby. I love living in the North of England and it’s inspired a lot of my books and characters, but in my imagination I like to think I’m a billionaire who travels around Europe without a care in the world. I’m a little OCD in most things but I see it as a positive thing and have been able to write my little odd thoughts and actions into one of my favourite characters, Jamie in Hidden. I’m a method writer lol Which means I become the person I write about and I connect and live through them for a couple of months before I type a word.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I never set out to write series, it just sort of happened. My first books, The Hidden Series, was going to be one complete book, followed by another book from a different character’s POV, but I found the men to be so chatty and the plot was a lot more complicated than I thought when I started, so I found myself writing three and then a prequel, quickly followed by smaller characters which I’d fallen in love with through the first books. I think for me, it’s connecting with characters and wanting to know them better. In my mind even if they only have a few lines, I have this backstory and as time goes by I need to write it down and share that story because each person in my world has a great one to tell. With Knights it was a short story series and it was planned out for ten books. I saw it as a monthly magazine people could pick up and read for a couple of hours instead of a gossip rag. With a complex character and plot series which follows on as a writer it can be hard work. You have to live in that time line, remember or read through notes on when and where certain events happened. It can be tough work, and that’s why I enjoyed starting a less complicated series with Sebastian in Knights to Remember. As a reader I love series, although some are so complex and long it does feel like I’m always catching up and it can feel daunting to start a long series, but having ten books out to read one after the other is a plus as you never have to wait for the new one to come out. 😀 I always want more. I like to find books exploring new characters which we have been teased with through the earlier books. I like it when we think a certain thing about a person then find it’s wrong when we get to know them better.

Where do you do most of your writing?

On my laptop in the sitting room or in the office my lovely hubby sorted out for me. I used to write while the kids and the hubby were creating chaos around me and not be bothered, but after working in the silence of my office and mostly working while the kids are school, or in bed, I find it hard to block out the everyday sights and sounds now. I think I could write anywhere, but editing or reading through drafts needs my full attention and I like to be alone with no distractions now. I love night time writing because the world seems to slow down and the darkness outside lets my mind wander. I can stay up all night, drop the girls off at school then catch some sleep, but I try not to get into that habit. To be honest, if I need to write, I write. I have to get the voices in my head to shush, and writing them down is the only way to get some peace.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

I love Aimee Nicole Walker’s Fated Hearts Series and I’m always bugging her about the next book. I’m lucky to have Emma Leya as a friend and often beta for her so I get to read a lot of her books early and I always look out for her work. Kindle Alexander, Sage Marlow, Susan MacKenna, I would recommend every book they have written to anyone.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I think more people are reading M/M and because of that more authors are including LGBT characters in their books and moving onto M/M. A lot of people find M/M through erotica, but there is so much more to the genre. Anything ‘mainstream’ you can find in M/M, it’s just the small difference of having two men in it. There’s still a lot of negativity and homophobia around and I like to think in a small way these books help break down some of those barriers and open people’s minds to LGBT relationships in a way which they wouldn’t have found otherwise. Love is love, sex is sex, there’s many ways to find these and experience these two things, but the main thing is that it’s a private matter and shouldn’t be judged or questioned by anyone anywhere. The more people who write and read LGBT books the better. It only helps everyone in the genre. I don’t believe in being competitive or negative. I support everyone and like to think I would receive the same back. We have enough issues from people outside the genre, so when we bicker and bitch inside the genre it makes me sad.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

I was a total beginner at writing. I had a lot to learn and it was a steep learning curve, one that I did while publishing my first books. I’ve learned so much and had a lot of help. I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for my team and the support from readers. I wanted to learn and grow, to enhance my work and I’m still doing that. I don’t think you ever stop. I was surprised at the amount of online help with groups and websites you could find to help you grow, and in a way I wish I had found those earlier, but in another way I think I would have thought I had too much to learn and maybe given up. Things happen for a reason.

What are you working on now?

I’m working on the next book in the Manchester Menage Collection, Blue’s book. It’s complicated in the way they get together, and emotional for me and the men, but I’m loving them all and I can’t wait to share it with everyone. It has old favourites in it from Samuel and Dalton’s books but as with the other two I try to make it standalone so it can be read in any order or by itself. I’m working on Hidden too, I’m always working on Hidden. 😀 I have two books open and at least two more to follow them. Knights to Remember will have a new start this year in the form of Krane. I fell in love with him in Dominque’s book and he has an emotional and bittersweet journey to go on. I have two shorts for this series out in 2016 too, so it will be a fun year for the Knights fans.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

When I’m not writing a book I take time out on Saturday evening to be with family. We’re sociable and enjoy getting out and about for meals and cocktails. I live almost on the same street as my mum and sister, so visits and home cooked meals with them happen all the time. When we can, me and my hubby take the time to enjoy each others company alone 😀 It’s important to make that time and keep close. Relationships, no matter how many people are in them, or what form they take, need to be worked on and kept alive. People drift apart so easily, and seeing three of my close friends’ marriage’s break down last year really made me realise I spent too much time working and not enough time with my hubby.

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

I’ll start with the highest, which has to be reaching the number 1 position for the US LGBT Romance with Dalton. It was the first time I’d ranked so high. It was such a special moment, and I’ll remember it forever. It was a surprise, a nice one, but one I now aim for with all my books. I guess I’ve had lots of low points during my writing, like all people who write we’re easily hurt and take things to heart and way too personal. I’ve learned through the years to not do that and to understand everyone has a point of view and you can’t please everyone 100% of the time. You develop a thicker skin and you need to be confident in your abilities and in your work, which is hard 100% of the time but somehow you have to find a way to keep positive.

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Nicole Colville has donated As a special prize, and because this made me think so much about series, I’m going to offer all of the Hidden Series ebooks which are currently out there to one lucky winner. That includes all the shorts and special Holiday extras. 13 in total.

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!




MM March Madness – March 23 – Lynn Kelling

03-23 - Lynn Kelling


March 23

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to Lynn Kelling

author bio

Lynn Kelling began writing in order to tell stories that weren’t afraid of the dark, didn’t hold anything back and always strived to be memorable, forging lasting attachments between character and reader. Her inspiration comes from taking a closer look at behaviors and ideas lurking at the fringes of life – basically anything that people may hesitate to speak of in mixed company, but everyone wonders about anyway. Her work is driven by the taboo in order to expose the humanity within it. Lynn is an artist, designer and lover of any form of creative self-expression that comes from a place of honesty and emotion, whether it’s body art or opera. She has had multiple novels published, has written over 50 works of erotic fiction of varying lengths, and always has several novels in progress.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

For a relatively quiet and shy girl, I’ve always had an absolutely filthy imagination. This used to get me in trouble or function as a huge life distraction until I discovered the joys of writing erotic stories. I would always get really frustrated with books, movies, tv shows, etc. that didn’t include the “good parts”. I know some authors dread writing the steamy parts of their novels, but if I could, my books would be one humongous, kinky, weird (and exhausting!) sex scene. Might not be great for the plot but I’d have a lot of fun!

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

My books tend to become series when I don’t plan or it or particularly want them to. But when there’s more story left to tell, or reader/editor/publisher interest in learning about other aspects of the characters’ (or secondary characters’) lives, I usually can’t resist diving in to see what happens. I will say though that writing sequels is the hardest thing for me to do. Prequels are easier, but brand new stories are the best. I’ve never actually set out on book one with the intent to make it into a series.

Where do you do most of your writing?

There’s a giant stuffed blue chair and ottoman in my house that I like to camp out on with my iPod and a tall glass of water or mug of coffee. It has a sunny view of the street in front of my house and is in the main traffic area (with kids and hubby constantly coming and going and wanting to chat), so it’s not the most private or quietest spot, but it’s worked so far.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

My plate has been so full and I’ve been too stressed to read much besides comics, actually (but there’s a long list of them I’ve been regularly devouring!) The book I’m currently reading is Fortune Smiles by Adam Johnson, which is a collection of weird and wonderful short stories. I tend to read books that are either thousands of pages long, or super short. A few of my favorites are The House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (really hard to get through but well worth the effort!), The Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman (I named my son after one of the characters), and We So Seldom Look on Love (the most unique stories of love and sex I’ve ever read) by Barbara Gowdy.

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I feel that it’s growing in part to the world’s expanding awareness that erotic fiction exists, and that not all romance novels are the Harlequin type. The increased conversation around and growth of civil rights for the LGBTQ community has also helped to make the beautiful, wide diversity of people around us something more familiar to the widest audience. The more questions that are asked, the more minds are opened to new possibilities. Books are a great way to satisfy one’s curiosity.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

Something I wasn’t aware of until the past few years is that a writer is never completely satisfied unless they have just written something. Wanting to write is just as irksome as actively doing it, or not doing it at all. Writing itself is a compelling need, with the author constantly questioning the quality of what they’re producing. You love it and hate it in equal measure. At the same time, the discoveries that come from writing are always there for the writer, no matter what else they might be going through. It’s therapeutic and invigorating and a great way to feel wonderfully alive.

What are you working on now?

My next release is Caged Jaye, the prequel to Arctic Absolution ( It’s Jaye Larson’s nineteenth birthday, and all he wants is to spend time with his boyfriend and his mother—the people he loves most and who make life worth living. But, faced by his mother’s demons, the imperfections of his relationship with boyfriend, Kris, and dangerous, homophobic strangers, one by one, all of Jaye’s dreams are soon derailed. Plunging into a waking nightmare, shortly after going to bed alone, he wakes in an alley, pinned down by two men with slow, bloody rape and murder in mind. It’s just the start of Jaye’s fight for his life, and his sanity, as time and time again, he’s forced to make impossible choices and survive, no matter what it costs. (M/M) After that, a short story prequel in the Twin Ties series, called Only the Lonely (, will be released: Evan Savage is a young teen desperately searching for something to hold on to and a way to be noticed. Living in rural Whippoorwill, Pennsylvania, his only family is an absentee father who leaves Evan alone for days at a time while away for work. Friendless and bullied at school, with only a nearby preacher named Jimmy to look out for him; Evan gratefully accepts attention wherever and however he gets it. Sometimes it feels like part of him is missing, and every day the void consumes more of Evan’s ability to fight back against his circumstances. While looking at himself in the mirror within a recurring dream, his reflection keeps reaching out to him with happiness he doesn’t feel, from a world different than his own, though much less tangible. Anonymous sexual encounters with strange men satisfy Evan’s need for company and reassurance that he’s someone worth wanting, as well as test his boundaries. But, faced with the growing temptation to slip away for good, it’s up to Jimmy, and Evan’s dream-world counterpart, to try to keep him there.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Watch a good movie while cuddled up to my hubby, with a glass of whiskey and a little bit of chocolate to savor.

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

It’s hard to pick just one high and one low. The first set would have to be when my first book, Deliver Us, was released. It was something I’d never dreamed would happen, so it was quite thrilling and bewildering, like an entire new life had just opened up to me. The low that came with it was due to some negative reviews, but I tried to keep growing my skills, learning from my mistakes, and always strive to remember that you’re never going to please everyone all the time. Since then, I try to do justice to the characters and always try to write the story I’d most want to read. I’ve come a long way since then, and writing has gotten me through some really tough moments in my life, so I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

Lynn Kelling has donated 1 free ebook of any single story of your choosing from my entire back catalogue will be awarded to a lucky commenter

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!




MM March Madness – March 22 – AE Via

03-22 - AE Via


March 22

Twinsie Talk is proud to present the 3rd Annual MM March Madness – a month to focus on the M/M, F/F, M/M/F, M/F/M authors. We love these books and want to share it with the rest of the world. Each day we will post an interview. We will also include any reviews that we have done on these books as well as links to the books.

Our hope is that you will love this genre as much as we do! <3

Today is devoted to AE Via

author bio

A.E. Via is a best-selling author in the beautiful gay erotic genre. Her writing embodies everything from spicy to scandalous. Her novels often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths. Although she’s still a fairly new author, she has plenty more to come. So sit back and grab a cool drink, because the male on male action is just heating up! Go to A.E. Via’s official website for more detailed information on how to contact her, follow her, or get a sneak peak on upcoming work, free reads, and where she’ll appear next.

Tell us about something about you (not included in your normal author bio) that maybe not everyone knows about you.

Most of my loving or sweet lines that my characters say to each other come directly from my husband’s mouth. He’s a hopeless romantic.

There’s been a trend in writing a series. How do you feel about series? Do you write them? Do you think they are easier or harder?

I enjoy them – they give me a chance to tell multiple stories and peek in on old characters from time to time. 🙂

Where do you do most of your writing?

I’ll either lock myself in my office, write in the quiet of the living room when the kids are at school, or hide in a library when I need a change of scenery.

What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for your favorite books (beside your own, of course)?

Kindle Alexander’s ‘Full Domain,’ Sara York’s ‘Becoming Cherished,’ and then Morticia Knight’s ‘Bondage Rescue.’ Seriously, everyone, go read these! 🙂

Do you feel that this genre is growing? And what do you contribute to that growth or decline?

I know for a fact that we are growing in leaps and bounds. I see MF writers crossing over to write MM, readers picking up their first gay romance novel and raving about it in reviews how they are officially converted. It’s all very exciting! I don’t know if I’ve attributed very much to this genre’s success but I hope so… or will soon.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about writing?

My characters! They won’t be quiet long enough for me to focus on other things – so, until their stories are told, I write and write.

What are you working on now?

I’m actually wrapping up Promises 2, the second part of the Bounty Hunters series I began last October.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Spend the evening with my husband.

Tell us about the highest HIGH and lowest LOW in your career so far. How has it changed you?

The highest point is hearing from my readers and hearing how much they enjoy my stories. I can’t so I have a low since the MM community is so welcoming and full of passionately supportive readers and authors alike.

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Enter the giveaway!! You could win a Kindle from the Twinsies or one of the great prizes donated by our featured authors during the MM March Madness Celebration!!

AE Via has donated three sets of e-copies of Promises Part 1, and Part 2 (when it’s released).

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to all of the authors participating in our month long celebration!! We appreciate all that you do!!! MUAH!!

Much Love from the Twinsies!!! Angie, Brenda, Deb, Kelly, Kristi, Jen, Jo, and Melinda!!!
