Category Archives: Suspense

#WOTR24 #Review – A Bargain With The Shadow Prince by Genevieve Jack

It takes a monster to stop a monster.

Light the candle.
Stand naked before the symbol.
Offer your blood.

The advocate will come.

I left my abusive crime boss husband expecting to start over from nothing. After all, the prenup I signed when I married him is ironclad. But when Tony uses a loophole in the law to go after my ancestral family home—the one I’m currently living in and my grandmother is dying in—I’m desperate to stop him.

My witch best friend Maeve offers a solution. She lends me a family spell to call a supernatural advocate to deal with Tony. After all, it takes a monster to stop a monster.

But when I follow her instructions, I’m not expecting the darkly handsome Damien to form from the shadows, or to learn that he’s been a prisoner of Maeve’s family for centuries. From the moment he accepts my bargain and drinks my blood, he awakens a passion in me, one charged with latent magic. Magic formidable enough to restore my true self. Magic that holds the promise of Damien’s freedom.



Review by Twinsie Kelly

6 stars!!!! Grief, turmoil, secrets, vampires, witches, magic, love, and a million other things are within these pages!

Eloise has been left in quite the position. She left her abusive husband and her grams is dying. Everything she thought she knew about her soon-to-be ex-husband is false, everything she thought she knew about her best friend is false, and the world as she knows it is about to turn completely upside down.

Eloise is a pure spirit and soul. She just wants things to be made right. Unfortunately, she has been looking at things through rose colored glasses. When she calls on the advocate for help, she doesn’t realize exactly what she bargained for. Everything within her being tells her the situation is wrong, but it feels all so right.

The story took just a tad bit to really get going but I think that is necessary for the beginning of a series to ensure that the character and world building are solid. Then when I got to the point of no return, I could not put this book down! This is a unique spin on the supernatural and I am excitedly looking forward to the next!

Visit Genevieve Jack Store on Amazon

USA Today bestselling and multi-award winning author Genevieve Jack writes wild, witty, and wicked-hot paranormal romance and romantic fantasy. She believes there’s magic in every breath we take and probably something supernatural living in most dark basements. You can summon her with coffee, wine, and books, but she sticks around for dogs and chocolate. Her novels feature badass heroines, fiercely loyal heroes, and fantasy elements that will fill you with wonder. Learn more at

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#review #mystery #partofaseries Murder with Puffins (Meg Langslow Mystery 2) by Donna Andrews

In an attempt to get away from her family, Meg and her boyfriend go to a tiny island off the coast of Maine. What could have been a romantic getaway slowly turns into disaster.

Once there, they are marooned by a hurricane and that is only the beginning of their problems. Meg and her boyfriend arrive at the house only to discover that Meg’s parents and siblings, along with their spouses are all there. When a murder takes place, Meg realizes that she and her boyfriend can no longer sit by a cozy fireplace, but must instead tramp around the muddy island to keep try and clear her father who is the chief suspect.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book here is my honest review

Meg and Michael wanted some time alone with Michael house sitting for different coworkers, and Meg being at her parent house there was no time for just them. Well one rough ferry ride to Meg’s aunts’ cabin is just what they needed. A tropical storm, being surprised by Meg’s entire family at the cabin they were all trapped together still not alone, stuck on an island with a bunch of bird watchers, a grumpy unwelcomed homeowner, and a dead body what else could go wrong. Sometimes wanting to get away can be a bigger pain then staying put. also, who spots the most puffins on the island. this was such a interesting and hilarious read the birders just make it that much funnier.

Donna Andrews was born in Yorktown, Virginia, the setting of Murder with Peacocks and Revenge of the Wrought Iron Flamingos, and now lives and works in Reston, Virginia. When not writing fiction, Andrews is a self-confessed nerd, rarely found away from her computer, unless she’s messing in the garden

#Review – Late To The Game by Brian Anthony Ziroli

High School football is as important as religion in states like Texas, Alabama, and Georgia. Not in a little town on the North Carolina shore. No, there it’s more important than religion. A story that takes place in 1985 and is told by its star quarterback, Johnny Pelligrino, this is the best chance for the West Pennington Pirates to win that elusive state championship. What can stop them?

Where do we begin?

Johnny is trying to deal with the pressures and struggles of high school, his first love, an overbearing father, and the entire town depending on him and the Pirates to win the school’s first state championship. He could not have imagined what he’d experience in this senior year. One night, at the County Fair, something happens to one of the
seniors, and a friend of Johnny’s. What happened? Who did it? How does Johnny get so involved? How will this impact their season? Johnny will eventually find out that his head coach holds many old secrets, let alone being the most powerful figure in the entire community. Who can Johnny trust? His friends? His coaches? His family? Anyone?

A story that is filled with drama, love, lost relationships, and twists and turns along this very important season in West Pennington history. How will it end?



Review by Twinsie Kelly

First things first, high school in the 80’s! What a different time it was. It will definitely remind you how different things are today. Johnny, the star quarterback in small town North Carolina and a lot is riding on him taking the team to the championship. It’s his senior year with lots of classes, girls, and lots of pressure trying to lead the team and be who everyone expects him to be. It’s a LOT of pressure. Things are going good, really good. Things go from great to bad in about 3 seconds flat. Johnny walks away but it eats at him. One thing leads to another and an unexpected party brings out the truth. With the turmoil and the guilt eating at Johnny, he finds out that some people, even the ones you really trust, are not trustworthy at all. Tons of secrets are coming out and he really struggles with what and how he should handle things. He was learning at a young age that you really could not trust anyone and to be careful who you hold out as heroes. When everyone is telling you to “do the right thing” but they are not taking their own advice, how do you really know what the right thing is?

I have to tell you that Late to the Game was like going back in time. It was very refreshing to go back to the 80s and hang out. The author does a great job at the world building and giving the characters some depth. While there are some very heavy parts of the story, there is a lot of wit and banter that will have you laugh out loud (or LOL as we say nowadays)! It is a great coming of age story that will throw a few curveballs your way (I know this is baseball, not football, but I couldn’t think of a better way to say it), but it keeps you on your toes right to the very end. Then BAM! PLOT TWIST!

Give it a try, you won’t regret it, even if you are late to the game!

#review #partofatrilogy #whychoose Honed in Havoc (Corrupt Credence 3) by Albany Walker

They want an heir and I’m the only way they can get it. With or without my cooperation.

I thought Cadieux Island would be a new beginning, but the privileged estates and elite college turned into a nightmare.
My once tormentor and his twin brother somehow became my unlikely saviors while the grandparents, I didn’t know existed, lured me here with the promise of family have shown themselves to be the true tyrants.

The Umbra’s want an heir and I’m the only way they can get it, but I’m not the same girl I was when I stepped onto this island. The Morningstar twins have honed me, sharpened me into something my family will never see coming.

Honed in Havoc is the final book in the Corrupt Credence series. A dark college romance with mature content for adult readers.



Review by Twinsie Dee

I was given this book by the author for an honest review.

With the Umbra’s having kidnapped Nova, Lucian and Nox are on a mission to get her back and never let her out of their sights again. When 7 students die tragically Nova is allowed to leave the house with her captures, I mean grandparents to attend the memorial. Her heart breaks when Lucian and Nox barely look at her, but little does she know that’s all a part of their plan. 1 gps tracker placed and unknown Lucian is ready to get his lam back at all costs and who knows how much blood will be shed. OMFG this book WOW, swoon, makes you all hot and bothered, and have all the feels the Morningstar twins are so perfectly written Nova is definitely one lucky lady.

Albany lives in Michigan where she’s happily married to her high school sweetheart. She spends most of her time juggling her four children’s extracurricular activities, with her nose stuck in a book. When not reading you can find her writing her very own book boyfriends. Albany’s passion is writing romance with real characters that are far from perfect, but always seem to find their own happily ever afters.

#review #shortstory #short #mystery Red X (Run on Red short) by Noelle W. Ihli

A short story from RUN ON RED by Noelle W. Ihli.

Learn what happened to Ava Robles.

Fair warning: This short story contains spoilers for RUN ON RED.


Amazon   (buy run on red and get this short story at the end)

Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book and here is my honest review

if you read Run on Red you will know that the girls found the body of the missing girl Ava Robles, they solved the crime but now we get to find out how and why she got in the crawlspace the way she did. Ava was a new recruit to a sorority on campus and at a crazy college bonfire when she takes a breather before leaving one of her new sisters car she was met by a sister’s brother, they start talking and he takes her back to his truck they are drinking and making out, he’s got to be safe right I mean she knows his sister, but Ava couldn’t be more off on her gut feeling.

Noelle’s two great passions are murder and horses (separately, never together).

She lives in Idaho with her husband, two sons, and two cats. When she’s not plotting her next thriller, she’s scaring herself with true-crime documentaries or going for a trail ride in the foothills (with her trusty pepper spray).

#WOTR24 #Review – Shadow Unveiled: Reapers Book One by Tara Vasser

After a particularly nasty car wreck, I met Death, and he let me live. My doctors claim it was a hallucination brought on by the trauma, but it felt pretty damn real to me. Especially the part where Death said he’d call on me soon. Months after, he still hadn’t shown his face, but my life had fallen apart while I waited. Every waking hour was filled with the incessant chatter of voices in my head, and whenever I closed my eyes, I was plagued by night terrors. It was too much for my fiancé to handle, so he left. I couldn’t get out of bed anymore, so I got fired from my job. Even my own family began distancing themselves. I had no one and nothing left, except the voices and nightmares in my head. I couldn’t wait for Death anymore, so I decided to go to him the old-fashioned way–by dying.

Things don’t go as planned when Death sends his most loyal Reaper, Gunnar, to thwart my foray into The Realm of the Dead. That night I learned there is an entire hidden supernatural world, and the icing on the cake is that I’m a part of it. A BIG part. Magical abilities I didn’t know I had start to manifest and grow, gaining me all kinds of attention. Death offers me a place among his Reapers, and a power-hungry Necromancer tries to convince me to join his plot to overthrow Death.

Both sides make compelling arguments–but which one is right?



Review by Twinsie Kelly

This is truly a unique and captivating story. The world that this author has created is absolutely spellbinding. Tara Vasser is a ‘new to me’ author but has officially pulled me in as I fell into this story headfirst and couldn’t stop until the very end. Chloe feels like she has officially been abandoned. However, when she tries to end her life, Death comes barreling back into her life and does not let her disrupt the delicate balance between life and death. Chloe feels like she is going, very literally, insane. However, her saving grace is a vampire named Gunnar. She soon finds that she is a very powerful…well, no one knows what she is yet, but they are working on trying to figure it out. The one thing everyone can agree on is that she is powerful. While figuring out her powers, she has slipped into Shadow and has come face to face with a necromancer who has it out for her. She has so many obstacles to overcome but does it like any one of us would, she is scared and questions everything.

One of the things that I love about this book is that the story world is completely different from anything that I have read. The characters are great, and our strong female main character is like a normal human being. I have read so many stories where the lead just goes along with the magic stuff like they have lived it their entire lives. But Chloe, she is truly scared, she questions everything, she doubts herself, she doesn’t know if she is doing right or wrong, she truly was at the end of her rope. She is very real, and I think that is the cherry on top and what makes this book great.

I am loving this series and can’t wait to dive into book two!

By the way, don’t forget to pick up the prequel because it might give you some insight into what Chloe is going through. 😊

Tara Vasser profile image

Tara is a writer who lives in the frozen north in Minnesota with her wonderful husband and two rambunctious little dudes. She is an engineer during the day, a crazy mom in the afternoon and a writer at night. She enjoys spending her time playing in the dirt when her gardens aren’t covered in snow and listening to a wide variety of music that inspires her writing – sometimes doing both at the same time.

Be sure to visit Tara’s web page and sign up for her newsletter for updates on works in progress and upcoming new releases!

#WOTR24 #Review – No More Black Magic (Here Witchy Witchy Book 1) by A.L. Kessler

A hex. Ancient runes steeped in black magic. A decades-old crime. Abigail Collins has her hands full as a Paranormal Investigation Bureau Agent. Accompanied by a stubborn werewolf, challenged by an overprotective coven, and introduced to a Cult linked to her parent’s death, Abby must solve her case before the murderer comes for her. When an ancient langue connects her past with the murderer’s Abigail might just be in over her head.



Review by Twinsie Kelly

I really love when the blurb to a book instantly pulls you. It is even better when the story consumes you! I am a sucker for paranormal books! Abby is a powerful witch and works for the Paranormal Investigation Bureau, but also works “on the side” for the vampire that raised her. She is brought in to investigate a murder case where the only information they have on the deceased is an intact arm with a murder scene that brings her into a world that involves her deceased parents. As Abby works on the investigation, she uncovers more questions. The further she dives into this, the more her own life is in danger. This is definitely in the suspense category because everywhere Abby turns, there is a new obstacle that makes you question everything you know. It is harrowing and heart wrenching. You never know who is truly on your side. Even then, how close do you let the ones you love in? I did not see the twists at the end. This story is full of magic, criminals, hexes, multiple types of paranormal creatures, and a crazy cult. What more could you really want from a book? I look forward to continuing this series.

A.L. Kessler profile image

A.L. Kessler is a paranormal romance author residing in beautiful Colorado Springs, Co. Since she was a teenager she has loved spinning tales. She can easily be won over with gifts of coffee or chocolate.

#review #supernatural Havenfall Habor (Havenfall 1) by Albany Walker

Havenfall Harbor

Home for wayward and orphaned supernaturals.

Bridging the gap between supernaturals and humans is my only goal, or so I thought. Keeping myself alive and out of trouble is proving harder than expected.

Getting a job as the first human liaison at Havenfall was a dream come true, until I realize it’s not just humans that don’t want the species mixing.

Someone doesn’t want me a here, and they aren’t making it a secret that they will do just about anything to make sure I don’t stick around.

Seems like I have a few things to teach them about underestimating my determination.

Welcome to Havenfall where not just the students bite.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

Quinn Shaw’s life was flipped upside down when she found out that supernatural beings walked among them. but that was the past and now she was just hired to work at Havenfalls Habor as their human liaison. Havenfalls Habor was a home for supernatural children and her job was to now bridge the gap between them and humans, but some people don’t want that to happen. Will Quinn be able to handle her new job? Being the only human in a place with so many that are trying to intimidate her. Or is she going to find some friends and a possible love out of this life changing choice. I’m so glad that i finally got around to reading this book, Albany knows how to pull you in and make you feel and focus on all her words.

Albany lives in Michigan where she’s happily married to her high school sweetheart. She spends most of her time juggling her four children’s extracurricular activities, with her nose stuck in a book. When not reading you can find her writing her very own book boyfriends. Albany’s passion is writing romance with real characters that are far from perfect, but always seem to find their own happily ever afters.

#Review – Too Late by Colleen Hoover

The instant #1 New York Times and USA Today bestseller, a story about a woman caught in a dangerous web of obsessive love, trying to find a way out before it’s too late… this new, updated edition is a “barn-burner” (New York Post) and Colleen Hoover’s darkest romantic thriller since Verity.

Sloan will go through hell and back for those she loves. And she does so, every single day. Caught up with the alluring Asa Jackson, a notorious drug trafficker, Sloan has finally found a lifeline to cling to, even if it’s meant compromising her morals. She was in dire straits trying to pay for her brother’s care until she met Asa. But as Sloan became emotionally and economically reliant on him, he in turn developed a disturbing obsession with her—one that becomes increasingly dangerous every day.

When undercover DEA agent Carter enters the picture, Sloan’s surprised to feel an immediate attraction between them, despite knowing that if Asa finds out, he will kill him. And Asa has always been a step ahead of everyone in his life, including Sloan. No one has ever gotten in his way.

No one except Carter.

Together, Sloan and Carter must find a way out before it’s too late…

This book…wow.

So first thing, I have to point out that I love love love that the chapters were short. As a reader, I struggle with the longer chapters because I find that I get distracted. Thank you, Colleen, for that!

Now for the review:

We meet Sloan who’s strong, fiesty and has lived a hard life.

We then meet Carter who is your cinnamon roll type of hero. He’s super sweet, gentle, but is savage when his girl is hurt or is in danger.

This book is about Sloan and Carter and what they go through to be together. There were parts of the book where I actually wasn’t sure if this story had an HEA or not. You’ll have to read to find out by the way.

The book is also written in three POVs. Sloan, Carter and Asa’s. I have to say that as a lover of villains, I absolutely loved Asa and his twisted brain. My heart hurt for him and what he went through as a child and how he just wanted to be loved. Even though his views were messed up as a result of how he was raised, he loved Sloan. Hard. Will that love cost him everything in the end?

Colleen Hoover’s darker, thriller books, are my favourite of hers. Verity is my all time favourite book of hers but I enjoyed this one as well. I hope she writes more!

#BookPromo – Target Acquired: Volume 6 of the Don’t Close Your Eyes Series (Don’t Close Your Eyes – A Slow Burn Enemies to Lovers Series) by Lynessa Layne

Klive King warned me he was complicated. He drew me in, then pushed me away. He insisted a relationship was dangerous. I learned the hard way how right he was.
We fanned the flames of passion and ignited an inferno against us, but they greatly underestimated the lengths I’d go for the man I love.


* 2023 Best Book of the Year Silver Falchion Award

* 2023 Best Suspense Novel of the Year Silver Falchion Award

* First romance novel to win a Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award for Best Book of the Year (Top international Mystery, Thriller, Suspense books)! Past winners include Kiersten Modglin, Kate Gable, Paula Hawkins, Lisa Unger, Lisa Gardner,