Category Archives: Thriller

#mystery #thriller #family #horror – Home is Where the Bodies are by Jeneva Rose

From New York Times bestselling author of The Perfect Marriage and You Shouldn’t Have Come Here comes a chilling family thriller about the (sometimes literal) skeletons in the closet.

After their mother passes, three estranged siblings reunite to sort out her estate. Beth, the oldest, never left home. She stayed with her mom, caring for her until the very end. Nicole, the middle child, has been kept at arm’s length due to her ongoing battle with a serious drug addiction. Michael, the youngest, lives out of state and hasn’t been back to their small Wisconsin town since their father ran out on them seven years before.

While going through their parent’s belongings, the siblings stumble upon a collection of home videos and decide to revisit those happier memories. However, the nostalgia is cut short when one of the VHS tapes reveals a night back in 1999 that none of them have any recollection of. On screen, their father appears covered in blood. What follows is a dead body and a pact between their parents to get rid of it, before the video abruptly ends.

Beth, Nicole, and Michael must now decide whether to leave the past in the past or uncover the dark secret their mother took to her grave.



Review by Twinsie Angie

Home is Where the Bodies are by Jeneva Rose

I purchased this audio book.

I was scrolling on TikTok when I saw a post about this book.  The cover was amazing, but ya’ll did me dirty with this recommendation.  I read the blurb, and I was sold.  I mean it sounded like a book I would devour.  I knew there would be some thriller/mystery aspects and they aren’t usually my favorite, but I was all in because a friend keeps telling me I need to give mystery/thrillers another shot.  I was ready to love this book but that is not what happened.

When I started this book, I knew there would be world build and character building, so I settled in.  However, I felt there were so many spots where it was just 10 minutes of describing things…things I really didn’t care about or need to know.  I got bogged down with allllllllll the descriptions/details.  I honestly felt like 10 chapters could have been cut because it was almost a filler of sorts with all the descriptions.

The beginning story line was great.  I mean who killed Emma and where did Brian go plus why???  I was really wanting to get to the bottom of this especially after what mom spills in the first chapter. Again, I feel like it took forever to get to the bottom of the plot/story.  I feel like there was so much stuff and nothing really happened until chapter 40 of 48.  Then the story flew by and was over

I do think marketing the book as horror is completely not true. Seeing horror is what made me jump but there wasn’t anything really that was horror except a little girl is missing and presumed dead.  But that isn’t really “horror.”

I did like the book at the end when everything started to shake out but it took me 2 weeks to read this book because I kept putting it down and would read something else.  Would I reread?  No.  Might I try another book by this author as it was my first?  Maybe.

eneva Rose is the New York Times bestselling author of The Perfect Marriage, One of Us is Dead, The Girl I Was, You Shouldn’t Have Come Here & Home is Where the Bodies Are. Her work has been translated into more than two dozen languages and optioned for film/tv. Originally from Wisconsin, she currently lives in Chicago with her husband, Drew, and her English bulldog, Winston.
Want to be a part of Jeneva Rose’s exclusive reader group on Facebook? You can join here –…

#review #thriller #standalone Run on Red by Noelle W. Ihli

A rural country road. No cell signal for miles. A terrifying game of cat-and-mouse.

By the time Laura and Olivia notice the headlights tailing them through the hills, it’s too late. What seems, at first, like a case of road rage quickly unfolds into a heart-pounding chase—and a battle for survival.

Who are the men in the truck? What do they want? And can Laura and Olivia outrun—and outsmart—them long enough to call for help, even if it means taking their chances in the hills on foot?

As their situation grows more perilous, the girls realize that the real terror has only just begun. But flight won’t save them from their pursuers. If they’re going to make it home alive, they’ll have to fight.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book and here is my honest review

Olivia and Laura were on their way to a bonfire out in the middle of nowhere going on backroads, twist, turns and hills. Olivia was getting car sick in the old beat-up Volvo that Laura’s sister let them take for the night. Olivia noticed a truck following super close to them and was able to grab the plate number and text it to her bestie you know to be safe in her true crime mind you can’t be careful enough in a time like this, well this wasn’t because they were in the middle of nowhere she did it all the time so they didn’t think too much of it but she wanted them to have a lead just in case something bad were to happen to her. next thing the truck passes them and sits in wait blocking them from their path and now the girls were in their very own Dateline episode that they didn’t want to be in, with 2 mask men coming towards their car what happens next you will never see coming. What do these guys want to hurt them, or possibly kill them, what did they do. So many twists, turns, and gut retching pain that will have you on the edge of your seat till the last page.

Noelle’s two great passions are murder and horses (separately, never together).

She lives in Idaho with her husband, two sons, and two cats. When she’s not plotting her next thriller, she’s scaring herself with true-crime documentaries or going for a trail ride in the foothills (with her trusty pepper spray).

#WOTR24 #Review – Shadow Unveiled: Reapers Book One by Tara Vasser

After a particularly nasty car wreck, I met Death, and he let me live. My doctors claim it was a hallucination brought on by the trauma, but it felt pretty damn real to me. Especially the part where Death said he’d call on me soon. Months after, he still hadn’t shown his face, but my life had fallen apart while I waited. Every waking hour was filled with the incessant chatter of voices in my head, and whenever I closed my eyes, I was plagued by night terrors. It was too much for my fiancé to handle, so he left. I couldn’t get out of bed anymore, so I got fired from my job. Even my own family began distancing themselves. I had no one and nothing left, except the voices and nightmares in my head. I couldn’t wait for Death anymore, so I decided to go to him the old-fashioned way–by dying.

Things don’t go as planned when Death sends his most loyal Reaper, Gunnar, to thwart my foray into The Realm of the Dead. That night I learned there is an entire hidden supernatural world, and the icing on the cake is that I’m a part of it. A BIG part. Magical abilities I didn’t know I had start to manifest and grow, gaining me all kinds of attention. Death offers me a place among his Reapers, and a power-hungry Necromancer tries to convince me to join his plot to overthrow Death.

Both sides make compelling arguments–but which one is right?



Review by Twinsie Kelly

This is truly a unique and captivating story. The world that this author has created is absolutely spellbinding. Tara Vasser is a ‘new to me’ author but has officially pulled me in as I fell into this story headfirst and couldn’t stop until the very end. Chloe feels like she has officially been abandoned. However, when she tries to end her life, Death comes barreling back into her life and does not let her disrupt the delicate balance between life and death. Chloe feels like she is going, very literally, insane. However, her saving grace is a vampire named Gunnar. She soon finds that she is a very powerful…well, no one knows what she is yet, but they are working on trying to figure it out. The one thing everyone can agree on is that she is powerful. While figuring out her powers, she has slipped into Shadow and has come face to face with a necromancer who has it out for her. She has so many obstacles to overcome but does it like any one of us would, she is scared and questions everything.

One of the things that I love about this book is that the story world is completely different from anything that I have read. The characters are great, and our strong female main character is like a normal human being. I have read so many stories where the lead just goes along with the magic stuff like they have lived it their entire lives. But Chloe, she is truly scared, she questions everything, she doubts herself, she doesn’t know if she is doing right or wrong, she truly was at the end of her rope. She is very real, and I think that is the cherry on top and what makes this book great.

I am loving this series and can’t wait to dive into book two!

By the way, don’t forget to pick up the prequel because it might give you some insight into what Chloe is going through. 😊

Tara Vasser profile image

Tara is a writer who lives in the frozen north in Minnesota with her wonderful husband and two rambunctious little dudes. She is an engineer during the day, a crazy mom in the afternoon and a writer at night. She enjoys spending her time playing in the dirt when her gardens aren’t covered in snow and listening to a wide variety of music that inspires her writing – sometimes doing both at the same time.

Be sure to visit Tara’s web page and sign up for her newsletter for updates on works in progress and upcoming new releases!

#WOTR24 #Review – No More Black Magic (Here Witchy Witchy Book 1) by A.L. Kessler

A hex. Ancient runes steeped in black magic. A decades-old crime. Abigail Collins has her hands full as a Paranormal Investigation Bureau Agent. Accompanied by a stubborn werewolf, challenged by an overprotective coven, and introduced to a Cult linked to her parent’s death, Abby must solve her case before the murderer comes for her. When an ancient langue connects her past with the murderer’s Abigail might just be in over her head.



Review by Twinsie Kelly

I really love when the blurb to a book instantly pulls you. It is even better when the story consumes you! I am a sucker for paranormal books! Abby is a powerful witch and works for the Paranormal Investigation Bureau, but also works “on the side” for the vampire that raised her. She is brought in to investigate a murder case where the only information they have on the deceased is an intact arm with a murder scene that brings her into a world that involves her deceased parents. As Abby works on the investigation, she uncovers more questions. The further she dives into this, the more her own life is in danger. This is definitely in the suspense category because everywhere Abby turns, there is a new obstacle that makes you question everything you know. It is harrowing and heart wrenching. You never know who is truly on your side. Even then, how close do you let the ones you love in? I did not see the twists at the end. This story is full of magic, criminals, hexes, multiple types of paranormal creatures, and a crazy cult. What more could you really want from a book? I look forward to continuing this series.

A.L. Kessler profile image

A.L. Kessler is a paranormal romance author residing in beautiful Colorado Springs, Co. Since she was a teenager she has loved spinning tales. She can easily be won over with gifts of coffee or chocolate.

#Review – Georgia’s Forsaken (The Romy Files Book 2) by Shelly Small

Six months. Romy couldn’t believe it. She has been in Savannah for six months. Work has kept her busy and trying to build a relationship with her father. Time just slipped away from her. Everything is going well with no problems….
That is until Romy goes out with her new team for a welcome party, which lands her in the ER and being pulled into another nightmare.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

Romy has an unfortunate accident but luckily her new team is right by her side. Romy’s only family is her father, Chase, who has recently been released from prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Romy is alone and hasn’t even found a place to live in Savannah yet. However, that has to wait. She hurts herself and has to rely on her team for assistance all while navigating new visions to uncover a nightmarish crime. I do like how the author doesn’t just give Romy all the information within the visions to allow Romy to just  show up and bust the bad guy. The visions only give snippets and there is investigative work that has to be done to solve these. One small thing that bothers me a bit, and it could be some ignorance on my part, but Romy is referred to as being an empath and that is why she gets these visions. I feel like empath is being used incorrectly here and perhaps she is more of a medium (or something similar), but it is not a deal breaker as the stories have been great. I look forward to continuing Romy’s stories.

Author Logo

Growing up in a military family, Shelly Small mostly lived on the west coast. She was also in the military herself. Although she has only lived in 7 different states, Shelly has traveled across the country and has been to most of the 50 states. Most of that traveling is due to marrying a military man. He is now retired and they live in Wisconsin. Shelly also has two children.

Most of her life has been reading books and about 5 years ago started doing what her husband dubs “her hobby” began her own editing company. From doing that, she has met some fabulous authors and has since wanted to bring to others – Words and Worlds Unmasked.

#WOTR24 #Review Defying her Mafioso (The Vitucci Mafiosos Book 1) by Terri Anne Browning

Ciro Donati was many things:

My father’s most valued and trusted soldier.

My brother’s best friend and second in command.

The only man I would give up everything for.

We were still kids when I fell in love with the Mafioso, knowing full well who he was to become.

A beast of a man that made people disappear—and probably enjoyed every second of it.

But with me, he was tender, protective. He treated me like I was the most precious thing in the world to him.

And then he sent me away.

Scarlett Vitucci was many things:

The daughter of the biggest Cosa Nostra boss from New York to Chicago.

The sister of the man I would gladly take a bullet for.

The only woman I would ever love.

Sending her away was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I didn’t deserve her or her love. For years I stayed away. Ignored the gnawing ache that her absence left in my chest.

Seeing her now, I know fighting what I felt for her is impossible. Letting her go had been a huge mistake.

One I would never repeat again.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

I was absolutely hooked from the very first page! I needed the story and just knew that that the cleanup of the beginning was going to be epic. I keep reading and reading and got really invested in these characters. I keep turning the pages like crazy and then bam! I know that it is really going to get good because the beginning is about to be resolved. Justice is futile! This is about the half way point of the book. This is more of the turning point for Scarlet and Ciro as they are done fighting their attraction and love for each other. Ok, so now I know it is game on and the real bad guy is gonna get his. But then the story sort of fell flat for me. We got the love story and overcoming the terrible obstacles but there was no nothing for the bad guy. He just sort of fell off and everyone was just ok with it. It was definitely not what I would have expected in a Mafia book. Terri Anne Browning is a new to me author and I can say that she can definitely get you hooked because boy, did I have it bad! I just wish there was more to the second half of the book.

Author Logo

Terri Anne Browning is a Wall Street Journal and USA TODAY bestselling author. She writes contemporary romance featuring rockers, bikers, and mafiosos–but mostly about the strong female characters who rule what has become known as the Rocker Universe.

Terri Anne lives in Virginia with her husband, their three demons–err, children–and a Frenchie named Ciri.


TAB’s Rocker…Universe Group:

#Review – Too Late by Colleen Hoover

The instant #1 New York Times and USA Today bestseller, a story about a woman caught in a dangerous web of obsessive love, trying to find a way out before it’s too late… this new, updated edition is a “barn-burner” (New York Post) and Colleen Hoover’s darkest romantic thriller since Verity.

Sloan will go through hell and back for those she loves. And she does so, every single day. Caught up with the alluring Asa Jackson, a notorious drug trafficker, Sloan has finally found a lifeline to cling to, even if it’s meant compromising her morals. She was in dire straits trying to pay for her brother’s care until she met Asa. But as Sloan became emotionally and economically reliant on him, he in turn developed a disturbing obsession with her—one that becomes increasingly dangerous every day.

When undercover DEA agent Carter enters the picture, Sloan’s surprised to feel an immediate attraction between them, despite knowing that if Asa finds out, he will kill him. And Asa has always been a step ahead of everyone in his life, including Sloan. No one has ever gotten in his way.

No one except Carter.

Together, Sloan and Carter must find a way out before it’s too late…

This book…wow.

So first thing, I have to point out that I love love love that the chapters were short. As a reader, I struggle with the longer chapters because I find that I get distracted. Thank you, Colleen, for that!

Now for the review:

We meet Sloan who’s strong, fiesty and has lived a hard life.

We then meet Carter who is your cinnamon roll type of hero. He’s super sweet, gentle, but is savage when his girl is hurt or is in danger.

This book is about Sloan and Carter and what they go through to be together. There were parts of the book where I actually wasn’t sure if this story had an HEA or not. You’ll have to read to find out by the way.

The book is also written in three POVs. Sloan, Carter and Asa’s. I have to say that as a lover of villains, I absolutely loved Asa and his twisted brain. My heart hurt for him and what he went through as a child and how he just wanted to be loved. Even though his views were messed up as a result of how he was raised, he loved Sloan. Hard. Will that love cost him everything in the end?

Colleen Hoover’s darker, thriller books, are my favourite of hers. Verity is my all time favourite book of hers but I enjoyed this one as well. I hope she writes more!

#BookPromo – Target Acquired: Volume 6 of the Don’t Close Your Eyes Series (Don’t Close Your Eyes – A Slow Burn Enemies to Lovers Series) by Lynessa Layne

Klive King warned me he was complicated. He drew me in, then pushed me away. He insisted a relationship was dangerous. I learned the hard way how right he was.
We fanned the flames of passion and ignited an inferno against us, but they greatly underestimated the lengths I’d go for the man I love.


* 2023 Best Book of the Year Silver Falchion Award

* 2023 Best Suspense Novel of the Year Silver Falchion Award

* First romance novel to win a Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award for Best Book of the Year (Top international Mystery, Thriller, Suspense books)! Past winners include Kiersten Modglin, Kate Gable, Paula Hawkins, Lisa Unger, Lisa Gardner,

#review #YA #thriller #standalone The Island by Natasha Preston

They said goodbye to their friends and family for the weekend. They weren’t counting on forever.

Jagged Island: a private amusement park for the very rich—or the very influential. Liam, James, Will, Ava, Harper, and Paisley—social media influencers with millions of followers—have been invited for an exclusive weekend before the park opens. They’ll make posts and videos for their channels and report every second of their VIP treatment.

When the teens arrive, they’re stunned: the resort is even better than they’d imagined. Their hotel rooms are unreal, the park’s themed rides are incredible, and the island is hauntingly beautiful. They’re given a jam-packed itinerary for the weekend.

But soon they’ll discover that something’s missing from their schedule: getting off the island alive.



Review by Twinsie Dee

when a new all exclusive amusement park pops up on an island and only the rich could afford. the owner has only the top influencers on social media come for the weekend as the first to experience and post about how amazing the park is. the decor is creepy but stylish in a gothic way, but this isn’t the only thing that starts to seem creepy but when people start disappearing and there is no way off the island, a killer is among them, they just don’t know that they are hiding in plain sight. anther amazing YA thriller by Natasha that has more twist that you will never see coming.

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of The Cellar and The Cabin. Romance and YA Thriller writer, boy mum, Tom Hardy enthusiast. Always buried in a book and a glass of wine.

#Review – Carnival of Terror by William Joseph

Carnival of Terror by [William Joseph]

Welcome to the most spectacular, heart racing, entertaining, and deadliest show you’ll ever see.Ever want to see what happens after you leave the circus and the show is over? Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes? Have you ever wanted to see the darkest side of human nature? Then step right up, enter, and be prepared to have your breath taken away, literally.Victor, Jug, the Fortune Teller, Shilo, and Olivia. A horrifying, graphic, and pulse-pounding five-part novel from five different points of view in one interconnecting story surrounding one circus.Welcome to the Carnival of Terror.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

This is a truly twisted read! Who knew one circus would have so many levels of WTF… This is the stuff that nightmares are made of. Being able to experience the story from so many points of view was the right touch. The first experience is from a couple who visits the circus and ends up staying for dinner, to be dinner for the circus. Experiencing it from the ringmaster’s perspective, along with his heir, just reminds you how insane people can be. But also seeing it from the fortune teller and a relative of the circus really brings things full circle. I honestly can’t tell you how many times I cringed, winced, and uttered W…T…F…. No matter how much I wanted to look away, I just couldn’t. I HAD TO GET TO THE END!

Author Logo

William Joseph is an exciting Horror, Paranormal, and Psychological Thriller writer from New Jersey, USA. He loves to draw the reader into believable worlds, creating everyday characters the readers can relate and connect with, and then forcing them to face their deepest and darkest fears. William Joseph’s writing has been detailed as twisted, dark, terrifying, raw, and emotional.