Category Archives: new adult

#Review – Late To The Game by Brian Anthony Ziroli

High School football is as important as religion in states like Texas, Alabama, and Georgia. Not in a little town on the North Carolina shore. No, there it’s more important than religion. A story that takes place in 1985 and is told by its star quarterback, Johnny Pelligrino, this is the best chance for the West Pennington Pirates to win that elusive state championship. What can stop them?

Where do we begin?

Johnny is trying to deal with the pressures and struggles of high school, his first love, an overbearing father, and the entire town depending on him and the Pirates to win the school’s first state championship. He could not have imagined what he’d experience in this senior year. One night, at the County Fair, something happens to one of the
seniors, and a friend of Johnny’s. What happened? Who did it? How does Johnny get so involved? How will this impact their season? Johnny will eventually find out that his head coach holds many old secrets, let alone being the most powerful figure in the entire community. Who can Johnny trust? His friends? His coaches? His family? Anyone?

A story that is filled with drama, love, lost relationships, and twists and turns along this very important season in West Pennington history. How will it end?



Review by Twinsie Kelly

First things first, high school in the 80’s! What a different time it was. It will definitely remind you how different things are today. Johnny, the star quarterback in small town North Carolina and a lot is riding on him taking the team to the championship. It’s his senior year with lots of classes, girls, and lots of pressure trying to lead the team and be who everyone expects him to be. It’s a LOT of pressure. Things are going good, really good. Things go from great to bad in about 3 seconds flat. Johnny walks away but it eats at him. One thing leads to another and an unexpected party brings out the truth. With the turmoil and the guilt eating at Johnny, he finds out that some people, even the ones you really trust, are not trustworthy at all. Tons of secrets are coming out and he really struggles with what and how he should handle things. He was learning at a young age that you really could not trust anyone and to be careful who you hold out as heroes. When everyone is telling you to “do the right thing” but they are not taking their own advice, how do you really know what the right thing is?

I have to tell you that Late to the Game was like going back in time. It was very refreshing to go back to the 80s and hang out. The author does a great job at the world building and giving the characters some depth. While there are some very heavy parts of the story, there is a lot of wit and banter that will have you laugh out loud (or LOL as we say nowadays)! It is a great coming of age story that will throw a few curveballs your way (I know this is baseball, not football, but I couldn’t think of a better way to say it), but it keeps you on your toes right to the very end. Then BAM! PLOT TWIST!

Give it a try, you won’t regret it, even if you are late to the game!

#Review – The Seven Levels of Sin: Spark by SL Pearce

A proposal.
A plane crash.
Supernatural demons.
A battle for answers.

Kira must brave the depths of the unknown to uncover the truth behind the death of her beloved Leon. But as she dives deeper, she discovers a dark and terrifying world of demonic forces that threaten to consume both her and everything she holds dear. With the help of her newfound ally, Kira must confront her deepest fears and unravel the mystery that haunts her.

As she fights to save humanity from the brink of destruction, she must also confront the haunting truth about her own heart and the choices she must make.

Will Kira be able to face the danger that lies ahead and rescue those she loves?


Review by Twinsie Kelly

I was scrolling through Goodreads Giveaways and was intrigued by this cover. After reading the blurb I decided to enter the giveaway…and I won! The author, SL Pearce, is a new to me author. I dove right in and it did not take long for the action to start. I got super excited, but then started to realize some of the story is very rushed. Kira’s boyfriend/fiancé ends up in an accident and dies. His brother comes out of nowhere to save Kira and they start an epic journey of venturing to the underworld to find some really epic answers. Some aspects of the story are a bit predictable but the world that was created, the Seven Levels, is a pretty awesome concept. Kira and Luke, her dead fiance’s brother, end up falling for each other but some of the feelings they had for each other seemed to come out of left field. While I knew it was going to happen, there just wasn’t enough “meat and potatoes” to really satisfy the blossoming of these characters. I would love to see some more world building and character development because I am truly intrigued by this story. I plan to keep this one on my radar because I would love to see how this story unfolds as it has great potential.

Hi, I’m Sian Pearce, a passionate author from England, United Kingdom.

From a very young age, I’ve been intrigued by the world of books and crafting stories. I’ve always been fascinated with the mind and why people do things, which drove me to pursue a degree in Psychology as well as a career in the mental health sector. I also became a qualified primary school teacher, which allowed me to share my love of literature with young minds.

Although I’ve always possessed a talent for writing, I was hesitant to share my work with the world until my supportive family convinced me to take the plunge. Encouraged by my own daughter’s nickname, “Baby Bird,” I published my first children’s book, “What Does A Baby Bird Eat?,” which has been well-received by parents, carers and their little ones.

Fast forward a little under a year and now I am an award-winning author. Three of my children’s books have won the prestigious Golden Wizard Book Prize in 2023, including “The Bunny Who Couldn’t Hop,” “The Dinosaur That Had No Hobby,” and “What Does A Baby Bird Eat?”.

Even with my triumphs and successes, I am still exploring my passion for storytelling and I am always seeking to improve.

At the moment, I am eagerly awaiting the publication of my YA novel, “The Seven Levels of Sin: Spark,” which is being published under my pen name, S.L. Pearce. I also have another novel under S.L. Pearce due out in February 2024, titled “A Court of Moons and Stars,” and a sequel to “The Seven Levels of Sin” set to be released in the spring of 2024.

When I’m not writing, I enjoy spending quality time with my family or immersing myself in a good book.

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#BookPromo – Sweater Weather: FU Fire Hockey (FU HOCKEY Book 3) by Mandi Beck

Sweater Weather [ swet-er weth-er]
Noun: A slang term meaning hockey season used exclusively by the Fulton University hockey team and their fans.

Saffron Briggs—Fulton University’s newest pitcher—hates me. I shouldn’t like that fact, but I do. Maybe too much. She claims I’m not her type, which is ridiculous. There’s a reason they call me Levi “Sexy” Sexton…I’m everyone’s type. And thanks to my dad, who just happens to be her softball coach, I’ll get my chance to thaw out the ice queen. I’m her new tutor, so she has no choice but to spend time with me. It may be Sweater Weather, but I’ll make time to show her what a god I am. On and off the ice.

Levi Sexton—captain of the FU hockey team and my new tutor—drives me crazy. The man has zero boundaries. He doesn’t care that I have a boyfriend, that I’m friends with his sisters or that I don’t like him. And I don’t. Not even a little. Not when he’s winking at me from the ice or when he’s telling me how good I look in his hockey sweater and especially not when he’s kissing me, which he absolutely should not be doing.
And definitely not when I find myself kissing him back.
I’m pretty sure Sweater Weather isn’t supposed to be this hot.

#BookPromo #Sale – Mended Souls by Elizabeth Hayes


That was my life even before my mother died. Until I found my father and a sister with the life I should have had. I know my heart had a time limit.

Putting my plans on hold, I enrolled in college, and inserted myself into my sister’s life.

What could go wrong?

Evidently a lot. I didn’t count on her wanting to be friends. Or the guy across the street to end up in my bed. Relationships were not on my bucket list and I hate they all make me want more…more fun, more family, more love.

Should I give them the little time I have left or continue on with my plans to travel the world?

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