Category Archives: Review

#review #shortstory #partofaseries Dear Future Husband (Matchmaker Series) by Angel Devlin

Dear Future Husband…

Ella Cassidy is looking for love, so when she hears about Grace Graham’s dating service ‘What the Heart Wants’ where you handwrite love letters to your potential suitor, she’s eager to start.

She’s so in, she starts her letter ‘Dear Future Husband’. But there’s an error that leads to Ella getting letters from TWO potential suitors. One’s letters are the romance she’s dreamed of, the other’s letters are, well, just so darn… DIRTY.

Ella’s roommate, Finn, tells her she’s bound to end up on a date with a six-stone, pasty-faced serial killer. But are Finn’s concerns just for Ella’s safety, and are the suitors who she thinks…



Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book and here is my honest review

Ella and her bestie own a boutique and it’s the time of year that woman come into the store to shop for their perfect Valentine’s Day outfit, and as both single ladies Ella and Jodi dread with seeing the way they are all happy in love. Ella is a hopeless romantic and when a customer says she seen an advertisement about a matchmaker that does it old school by sending letters to the other person before getting to see what they looked like. Ella couldn’t help but think how amazing it would be and maybe she could fall in love by the end of the year. Especially since she had not one but two possible matches fighting for her heart.

Angel Devlin likes to write about bad boys and billionaires. She lives in Sheffield in the UK with her partner, son, and furbaby.

Angel also writes paranormal romance as Andie M. Long and psychological suspense as Angel Devlin.

#review #shortstory #partofaseries Dear Baby Daddy (Matchmakers Series) by Alexis Adaire

After years of playing the field, I’m finally ready to settle down. Rather than waste time with the endless aggravation and frustration of dating, I decide to go through the What The Heart Wants matchmaking service.

When the matchmaker pairs me with Scarlett, I’m more than intrigued. She’s smart as hell and incredibly sexy, but too many cheating boyfriends have left her with a singular focus: getting pregnant and raising a child on her own.

I may want a wife and family, but being an absentee baby daddy is a whole different story. Too bad Scarlett is more interested in her pregnancy project than in falling in love.

So now I’m in trouble. I’ve been matched with someone who wants my ability to father a child more than she wants me. And yet I still can’t seem to get her out of my mind.

Valentine’s Day comes once a year, but the Amazon best-selling authors who brought you #ResolutionPact are back at it, and their new The Matchmaker Series is more perfect than a dozen roses! Skip the box of chocolates — it’s time to devour FIFTEEN sweet, sexy, steamy, stand-alone stories set in a shared world.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book and here is my honest review

Scarlett sent a letter to a matchmaker but not in hopes of finding a forever love but just to find a sperm donor, without shots, appointments, and everything else that involves a sperm bank. Grace thinks she has the guy for the job and hopes to change Scarletts mind with her views of men in general, and that not all guys are cheaters.

Author Alexis Adaire is a master of scorching-hot romance writing that features strong, intelligent women and breathtakingly sexy men.

Living in the Pacific Northwest, Alexis spends her time indoors wrapped in a blanket at her computer, only emerging periodically to refill her coffee mug. Alexis delights in taking her readers to those unspeakable corners of their fantasies they may not even know exist.

#WOTR24 #Review – A Bargain With The Shadow Prince by Genevieve Jack

It takes a monster to stop a monster.

Light the candle.
Stand naked before the symbol.
Offer your blood.

The advocate will come.

I left my abusive crime boss husband expecting to start over from nothing. After all, the prenup I signed when I married him is ironclad. But when Tony uses a loophole in the law to go after my ancestral family home—the one I’m currently living in and my grandmother is dying in—I’m desperate to stop him.

My witch best friend Maeve offers a solution. She lends me a family spell to call a supernatural advocate to deal with Tony. After all, it takes a monster to stop a monster.

But when I follow her instructions, I’m not expecting the darkly handsome Damien to form from the shadows, or to learn that he’s been a prisoner of Maeve’s family for centuries. From the moment he accepts my bargain and drinks my blood, he awakens a passion in me, one charged with latent magic. Magic formidable enough to restore my true self. Magic that holds the promise of Damien’s freedom.



Review by Twinsie Kelly

6 stars!!!! Grief, turmoil, secrets, vampires, witches, magic, love, and a million other things are within these pages!

Eloise has been left in quite the position. She left her abusive husband and her grams is dying. Everything she thought she knew about her soon-to-be ex-husband is false, everything she thought she knew about her best friend is false, and the world as she knows it is about to turn completely upside down.

Eloise is a pure spirit and soul. She just wants things to be made right. Unfortunately, she has been looking at things through rose colored glasses. When she calls on the advocate for help, she doesn’t realize exactly what she bargained for. Everything within her being tells her the situation is wrong, but it feels all so right.

The story took just a tad bit to really get going but I think that is necessary for the beginning of a series to ensure that the character and world building are solid. Then when I got to the point of no return, I could not put this book down! This is a unique spin on the supernatural and I am excitedly looking forward to the next!

Visit Genevieve Jack Store on Amazon

USA Today bestselling and multi-award winning author Genevieve Jack writes wild, witty, and wicked-hot paranormal romance and romantic fantasy. She believes there’s magic in every breath we take and probably something supernatural living in most dark basements. You can summon her with coffee, wine, and books, but she sticks around for dogs and chocolate. Her novels feature badass heroines, fiercely loyal heroes, and fantasy elements that will fill you with wonder. Learn more at

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#review #seriesstarter #whychoose Tender Thorns (The Ivy Institute 1) by Albany Walker

Nestled in the shadows of the Mori Forest lies The Ivy Institute. It may look like something out of a fairytale, but if the rumors are true, it’s where nightmares reign.

The only way to get into the elite facility is by invitation and, once received, it’s impossible to refuse.

They were never supposed to know I existed, yet here I am, walking toward the only place that might be more dangerous to me than where I grew up.

Secrets shroud the institute and its inhabitants, but I have secrets too. Secrets that will get me killed… or worse.

I guess I’m about to find out.

Tender Thorns is a dark academia why choose romance novel intended for mature audiences.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

Last week I received my invitation to The Ivy Institute to train with all the others like me or so I’m told, my father got greedy and used me as his cash cow. I was almost unstoppable so when I got my invitation I was dreading it. al the Ivy Institute we were the elite from witches, vampires, shifters, healers and almost any kind of supernatural being you could think of now I was one of them, at my new home where I hope I would learn about my powers and hopefully survive. in a new place where I’m granted privacy and respect, I’m not sure what to do with it but I’m hoping they too aren’t taking advantage of me. this was a great read it started out a little slower for me, but I had just finished a different genre, so it took me a while to get into it but once it picked up for me it was fantastic as usual.

Albany lives in Michigan where she’s happily married to her high school sweetheart. She spends most of her time juggling her four children’s extracurricular activities, with her nose stuck in a book. When not reading you can find her writing her very own book boyfriends. Albany’s passion is writing romance with real characters that are far from perfect, but always seem to find their own happily ever afters.

#review #mystery #partofaseries Murder with Puffins (Meg Langslow Mystery 2) by Donna Andrews

In an attempt to get away from her family, Meg and her boyfriend go to a tiny island off the coast of Maine. What could have been a romantic getaway slowly turns into disaster.

Once there, they are marooned by a hurricane and that is only the beginning of their problems. Meg and her boyfriend arrive at the house only to discover that Meg’s parents and siblings, along with their spouses are all there. When a murder takes place, Meg realizes that she and her boyfriend can no longer sit by a cozy fireplace, but must instead tramp around the muddy island to keep try and clear her father who is the chief suspect.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book here is my honest review

Meg and Michael wanted some time alone with Michael house sitting for different coworkers, and Meg being at her parent house there was no time for just them. Well one rough ferry ride to Meg’s aunts’ cabin is just what they needed. A tropical storm, being surprised by Meg’s entire family at the cabin they were all trapped together still not alone, stuck on an island with a bunch of bird watchers, a grumpy unwelcomed homeowner, and a dead body what else could go wrong. Sometimes wanting to get away can be a bigger pain then staying put. also, who spots the most puffins on the island. this was such a interesting and hilarious read the birders just make it that much funnier.

Donna Andrews was born in Yorktown, Virginia, the setting of Murder with Peacocks and Revenge of the Wrought Iron Flamingos, and now lives and works in Reston, Virginia. When not writing fiction, Andrews is a self-confessed nerd, rarely found away from her computer, unless she’s messing in the garden

#review #newrelease #partofaseries Tempting Southern Days (Magnolia Grove 7) by L.P. Dover

Declan Parker thought he left the thrill of being an undercover FBI agent behind him when he moved to the small town of Magnolia Grove. But when he meets Ayla Carington, the town’s beautiful and feisty dentist, his heart starts racing again.

With her sweet smile and sparkling eyes, Ayla seems like the perfect distraction from his past. But as they get to know each other, Declan realizes that Ayla is much more than just a pretty face. She’s smart, tough, and not afraid to speak her mind.

But could someone like Ayla really be interested in a guy like him, with a past as checkered as his? Only time would tell, but one thing was for sure – life in Magnolia Grove was about to get a lot more interesting!



Review by Twinsie Dee

i was given this book by the author for an honest review

Small towns don’t always allow you to run away from your past or problems like most think they will. Declan was one of those people after resigning from his job after his brother got killed, Magnolia Grove was his fresh start or so he thought. Til he was confronted by his new neighbor yelling at him to quiet down and let her relax. Judging a book by the cover Declan thought Ayla was just a normal small-town woman relaxing at home next to the pool while her husband brings home the paycheck for her to spend. Fact Ayla is the town dentist after graduating from dental school and her dad handing the practice over to her, but Ayla had one day a week off from work where she can relax and decompress, and the rest of the neighbors knew that, so they respected her quiet. Declan wanted to keep his past pushed down but Ayla wasn’t one to let that happen, she was going to keep pushing to knock those walls down or will Declan keep adding brick by brick to those walls. will Ayla be the key to help Declan through his past trauma or will it cause him to self-destruct. omg this was such a great read, and I couldn’t put it down, the mystery behind it while the small-town love perfect combination

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author L. P. Dover is a southern belle living in North Carolina with her husband and two beautiful girls. Everything’s sweeter in the South has always been her mantra and she lives by it, whether it’s with her writing or in her everyday life. Maybe that’s why she’s seriously addicted to chocolate.

Dover has written countless novels in several different genres, including a children’s book with her daughter. Her favorite to write is romantic suspense, but she’s also found a passion in romantic comedy. She loves to make people laugh which is why you’ll never see her without a smile on her face.

#review #poetry #quickread Pretty Boys are Poisonous by Megan Fox

Megan Fox showcases her wicked humor throughout a heartbreaking and dark collection of poetry. Over the course of more than seventy poems Fox chronicles all the ways in which we fit ourselves into the shape of the ones we love, even if it means losing ourselves in the process.

“These poems were written in an attempt to excise the illness that had taken root in me because of my silence. I’ve spent my entire life keeping the secrets of men, my body aches from carrying the weight of their sins. My freedom lives in these pages, and I hope that my words can inspire others to take back their happiness and their identity by using their voice to illuminate what’s been buried, but not forgotten, in the darkness,” says Fox.

Pretty Boys Are Poisonous marks the powerful debut from one of the most well-known women of our time. Turn the page, bite the apple, and sink your teeth into the most deliciously compelling and addictive books you’ll read all year.



Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book here is my honest review

Poems are pulled from the deepest part of your soul. So, when a celebrity releases a poetry book they are letting down a chunk of their wall, pulling away their mask and cracking the door into their soul a tiny bit for people to see what they don’t get to see through a lens that they are always in front of. Megan lets her heart flow and words heal the pain a bit. Eyes opened they really are just normal people.

Megan is a mom, writer, actress

#review #shortstory #partofaseries #christmasread Naughty or Nice (Santa’s Coming Short Stories) by Laney Powell

The last time I saw Cate Morgan, she called me a name not fit for public consumption and walked away. This time wasn’t much better, since I was dressed in a Santa suit and had a kid reciting her list of wants in my ear.

Of course, the last time, I’d told her to go, but that was beside the point. She was here, now, in front of me – right where I’d always wanted her. Well, there are other places I want her, but in front of me is a good place to start. Now that she’s here – I’m going to do things differently. I don’t want to lose her again.

The challenge is getting her to see that we’re perfect for each other. I’m stuck playing Santa, so maybe I just need to get her to sit on my lap and tell me what she wants for Christmas. Then I can show her how nice it is to be on Santa’s Naughty List.

Santa comes once a year … or does he?



Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book and here is my honest review

the mall at Christmas time is the worst, Cate had just gotten her doctorate degree in marine biology but when she hasn’t heard back from the jobs she applied for after college she moved back in with her parents and got a job in the mall till her applications was accepted. but when she noticed that Santa was a ghost from Christmas past how she will handle it. Will Cate be able to overcome the hurt from her past and if so, will Santa put her on the naughty or nice list this Christmas

I’m a Midwestern lady, a USA Today bestselling author living life in the Rocky Mountains. Cowboys, bad boys, billionaires, demons, shifters, witches, warlocks – I write them because I love them all. Everyone deserves a steamy, happily ever after.

Twinsie Dee top 5 January- June #ya #thriller #romcom #rh



Going home isn’t easy.

Finding my comatose aunt deep in debt is harder.

What really sucks, though, is cleaning up the mess she’s made of her finances while living next to the enemy I moved away from.

He’s loathsome. Always wrong. And still an arrogant jerk like he was in high school.

I’ve got two weeks to turn in my aunt’s expected manuscript to her publisher and hope it helps with the money issue.

The catch?

She never wrote it. There is no book. Unless I try to save the day and write it on a deadline.

So, really, how hard can it be to whip up a paperback about falling in love…while tolerating a sexy man who doesn’t believe in it?

the last thing Ava wanted to do was be driving back home but here she was heading to her aunts, as she was now jobless, homeless and found out her boyfriend wasn’t just hers. Life up in flames and on the way home she gets a call that her aunt was in an accident and in critical condition. But she’s alive and can fight to get better. having to find any kind of medicine or proof of insurance, Ava was now in way over her head then she ever imagined she would be coming back home. Gage the jock that was an ass to nerdy Ava back in high school found out that she was next door when her broom met his nuts and fresh thigh tattoo, these two will butt heads and have all the sexual tension between them but will they give each other the shot they secretly want or continue to throw gasoline on the fire. Oh, and on top of everything else she now needs to write her aunt’s new romance novel, so she doesn’t get in trouble and have to pay back the publishing company the advance they gave her aunt. Ava’s world is getting flipped upside down rather she’s ready for it or not. OMG great rom-com perfect banter and the AC needs to be cranked for some of those hot and spicy I hate you moments. this is a fast pace read i couldn’t stop AMAZING….



At Fairview-Teller High, light mixes with dark. Good with evil. And heroes with villains. But there’s a reason students call it Fairy Tale High. They’ll get their happily ever after– even if they have to fight for it.

Popular girl Jessa is caught off guard when the school bad boy—the guy she hates—moves into her house temporarily.
Not knowing how her friends, or the rest of the school, will react, she keeps her new housemate a secret.
Though Jessa loathes Adam for humiliating her at school last year, the more they’re around each other, the more her hatred starts to wane.
And when Adam kisses her?
She doesn’t hate it—or him.
But it does ruin everything.

Welcome to Fairy Tale High well not really but that’s what everyone calls it. You have the queens, wolves, kings and of course a beast, everyone has their roles a d they know how to stay in their own lanes. Jessa got stuck with Adam for a present or fail project and when he didn’t show up to class, she failed and weeks later she still hasn’t let it go, it’s the only time she’s failed at something, and it wasn’t even her fault. Jessa’s dad wanted her with Jay who is from a powerful family and wanted them to rule the kingdom together, but Jessa isn’t having any of that. Jessa wants her own happily ever after even if it’s with someone her dad probably won’t approve of. this queen is her own hero and maybe with the right guy by her side she can truly do good. this was such a cute great story with a plot twist you might not see coming. who will truly rule the kingdom and how will it all play out.



what happens when your brother’s best friend buys your dirty panties.

Laney Wyatt has problems. She’s just been fired from her brand-new paralegal job. To make matters worse, her student loans are coming due and her medical bills from a past skiing accident are piling up.

When Laney learns about a website where she can sell her dirty panties, she initially laughs at off as a lark. But it’s no lark when she starts making hundreds of dollars a week and has more than enough to pay her medical bills and rent.

Too bad Milo Coulson, her old crush from high school and her brother’s best friend, finds her page and buys her underwear for his own naughty use…

Someone needs to take a cold shower after reading this book. Laney just got fired from her job and can barely pay her half of the rent now. her besties take her out to get drunk and they call her brother Landon and his super-hot friend Milo to come meet them at the bar. Landon and Milo will do anything to help Laney out, but Milo will do anything he’s always found her attractive, but lately it’s just hit him that she’s not just his best friend’s little sister but a woman. After a bit of a pity party Laney gets set up with a temp job with Milo’s help when one of his coworkers is about to have her baby. still needs more cash so she’s going to start selling her dirty panties online after her friend said it as a joke. Little does she know Milo is her biggest buyer after he overheard her 2 best friends talking about her profile on the site. but when both Milo and Laney finally tell each other about their feelings for each other will Milo’s obsession with her panties come between them or will it continue to be his dirty secret. Also, how will Landon take it when he finds out about his best friend and his sister. All the sexy time, talk and that time of the month are happening. You might want a fan on high to cool you off while reading this sexy, steamy book.



A rural country road. No cell signal for miles. A terrifying game of cat-and-mouse.

By the time Laura and Olivia notice the headlights tailing them through the hills, it’s too late. What seems, at first, like a case of road rage quickly unfolds into a heart-pounding chase—and a battle for survival.

Who are the men in the truck? What do they want? And can Laura and Olivia outrun—and outsmart—them long enough to call for help, even if it means taking their chances in the hills on foot?

As their situation grows more perilous, the girls realize that the real terror has only just begun. But flight won’t save them from their pursuers. If they’re going to make it home alive, they’ll have to fight.

Olivia and Laura were on their way to a bonfire out in the middle of nowhere going on backroads, twist, turns and hills. Olivia was getting car sick in the old beat-up Volvo that Laura’s sister let them take for the night. Olivia noticed a truck following super close to them and was able to grab the plate number and text it to her bestie you know to be safe in her true crime mind you can’t be careful enough in a time like this, well this wasn’t because they were in the middle of nowhere she did it all the time so they didn’t think too much of it but she wanted them to have a lead just in case something bad were to happen to her. next thing the truck passes them and sits in wait blocking them from their path and now the girls were in their very own Dateline episode that they didn’t want to be in, with 2 mask men coming towards their car what happens next you will never see coming. What do these guys want to hurt them, or possibly kill them, what did they do. So many twists, turns, and gut retching pain that will have you on the edge of your seat till the last page.



They want an heir and I’m the only way they can get it. With or without my cooperation.I thought Cadieux Island would be a new beginning, but the privileged estates and elite college turned into a nightmare.My once tormentor and his twin brother somehow became my unlikely saviors while the grandparents, I didn’t know existed, lured me here with the promise of family have shown themselves to be the true tyrants.The Umbra’s want an heir and I’m the only way they can get it, but I’m not the same girl I was when I stepped onto this island. The Morningstar twins have honed me, sharpened me into something my family will never see coming. Honed in Havoc is the final book in the Corrupt Credence series. A dark college romance with mature content for adult readers.

With the Umbra’s having kidnapped Nova, Lucian and Nox are on a mission to get her back and never let her out of their sights again. When 7 students die tragically Nova is allowed to leave the house with her captures, I mean grandparents to attend the memorial. Her heart breaks when Lucian and Nox barely look at her, but little does she know that’s all a part of their plan. 1 gps tracker placed and unknown Lucian is ready to get his lam back at all costs and who knows how much blood will be shed. OMFG this book WOW, swoon, makes you all hot and bothered, and have all the feels the Morningstar twins are so perfectly written Nova is definitely one lucky lady.

#review #shortstory #chrsitmasread Santa’s Christmas Cracker (Santa’s Coming Short Stories) by Angel Devlin

From Ho Ho Ho to Oh Oh Oh…

It’s been six years since Casey last saw her best friend’s brother…

Now her coffee shop is quiet at Christmas and her bestie, Audrina, has recruited Jared to come play Santa. Hot Spiced Pumpkin lattes versus Hot Santa, it’s a no-brainer for the women of NYC.

So Casey has to watch as the crush she’s never forgotten lets woman after woman sit on his lap. Even more humiliating is that she’s dressed in the worst outfit ever – as a British Christmas Cracker.

Can Casey get all she wants for Christmas?



Review by Twinsie Dee

i bought this book here is my honest review

Casey owned a local coffee shop, and she can’t stand Christmas because really what Christmas flavor is going to beat pumpkin spice. She needed a huge idea to get her costumers back in the shop, and her best friend and employee knew just the person to help bring this Christmas miracle to life. but is this the Christmas wish Casey was wanting or will she get a bigger surprise that she couldn’t ever wish for. this was a cute little story fast read.

Angel Devlin likes to write about bad boys and billionaires. She lives in Sheffield in the UK with her partner, son, and furbaby.

Angel also writes paranormal romance as Andie M. Long and psychological suspense as Angel Devlin.