Category Archives: Romantic Suspense

#WOTR24 #Review – A Bargain With The Shadow Prince by Genevieve Jack

It takes a monster to stop a monster.

Light the candle.
Stand naked before the symbol.
Offer your blood.

The advocate will come.

I left my abusive crime boss husband expecting to start over from nothing. After all, the prenup I signed when I married him is ironclad. But when Tony uses a loophole in the law to go after my ancestral family home—the one I’m currently living in and my grandmother is dying in—I’m desperate to stop him.

My witch best friend Maeve offers a solution. She lends me a family spell to call a supernatural advocate to deal with Tony. After all, it takes a monster to stop a monster.

But when I follow her instructions, I’m not expecting the darkly handsome Damien to form from the shadows, or to learn that he’s been a prisoner of Maeve’s family for centuries. From the moment he accepts my bargain and drinks my blood, he awakens a passion in me, one charged with latent magic. Magic formidable enough to restore my true self. Magic that holds the promise of Damien’s freedom.



Review by Twinsie Kelly

6 stars!!!! Grief, turmoil, secrets, vampires, witches, magic, love, and a million other things are within these pages!

Eloise has been left in quite the position. She left her abusive husband and her grams is dying. Everything she thought she knew about her soon-to-be ex-husband is false, everything she thought she knew about her best friend is false, and the world as she knows it is about to turn completely upside down.

Eloise is a pure spirit and soul. She just wants things to be made right. Unfortunately, she has been looking at things through rose colored glasses. When she calls on the advocate for help, she doesn’t realize exactly what she bargained for. Everything within her being tells her the situation is wrong, but it feels all so right.

The story took just a tad bit to really get going but I think that is necessary for the beginning of a series to ensure that the character and world building are solid. Then when I got to the point of no return, I could not put this book down! This is a unique spin on the supernatural and I am excitedly looking forward to the next!

Visit Genevieve Jack Store on Amazon

USA Today bestselling and multi-award winning author Genevieve Jack writes wild, witty, and wicked-hot paranormal romance and romantic fantasy. She believes there’s magic in every breath we take and probably something supernatural living in most dark basements. You can summon her with coffee, wine, and books, but she sticks around for dogs and chocolate. Her novels feature badass heroines, fiercely loyal heroes, and fantasy elements that will fill you with wonder. Learn more at

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#WOTR24 #Review – The Glassmaker’s Helper: The Getaway Chronicles by Darie McCoy

In a world of the blessed the unblessed, the Glassmaker proclaims the gifts of those in the realm with their reading of the sparks. They are the only ones with the ability to work the glass and declare the goddess’s blessing.
Generations before Ophelia was born, her birth was prophesied. The Enchantress proclaimed that a blessed girl child would restore honor to the Leander line. However, when she was presented to the Glassmaker to learn of her blessing, she was turned away. Many Winters passed and Ophelia remained unblessed. Until she and her brothers journeyed to Thistledown.
Rylan, the Glassmaker of Thistledown is able to do what none other before him had achieved. He read Ophelia’s blessing in the sparks. The gift from the goddess so rare, Rylan fears for her safety. Knowing the potential danger, he agrees to travel with Ophelia and her brothers on a quest to help her learn to use her blessing to its fullest potential.
The two are drawn together by an inexplicable bond that neither can ignore. As they trek across the realm from his home to hers, they are unable to deny their attraction. While danger lurks, they must reach the Keeper of the Blessings before it’s too late.
Can Ophelia navigate her new blessing and help restore her family’s honor? Can the bond between her and Rylan survive the obstacles before them? Together, can they bring about a change to the realm which hasn’t been seen in centuries?



Review by Twinsie Kelly

“With every great blessing, evil is always present.” What an amazing story! All the while reading this story, and even more so after I finished it, I have been trying to figure out how to categorize The Glassmaker’s Helper. It is definitely fantasy with a historical feel to it, fated mates, romance with some sexy time, and beings that are blessed and unblessed.

“I don’t question gifts from the goddess. I simply appreciate them.” The world building and character development is fantastic. Being unblessed or without a gift from the goddess isn’t uncommon but when your birth has been prophesied that you will save your family’s line and restore honor, there is no pressure…right? Wrong! Ophelia gets turned away from glassmaker after glassmaker. They cannot read her sparks. Until Rylan (wags eyebrows). Immediately their connection is strong and the need to protect Ophelia is completely instinctual. An unsavory character is now after Ophelia and her very rare blessing. The villain is a collector of sorts. From here, we follow Rylan and Ophelia on a quest that not only brings answers for the prophecy but is enchanting as well.

Highly recommend!

Darie McCoy profile image

Darie McCoy is an independent author of contemporary, interracial, romantic suspense and paranormal/shifter romance books. A reader first, she enjoys reading books across many genres although romance holds a special place in her heart. Her experience working in a STEM field offers her a unique perspective which she uses in each story she pens.

Her first novel, For Real, began as a short story written for a reader competition during an Authors and Readers conference. It was published in November of 2021. In July of 2022, she expanded her writing portfolio to include Kindle Vella serial stories.

When she doesn’t have her nose in a book or her fingers on the keyboard, Darie enjoys working in her vegetable garden. A serial hobbyist, she also enjoys knitting, sewing, baking and canning. One of her favorite treats to make is salted caramel popcorn. Amongst her friends, she’s known to transport the sweet treat in large quantities to share whenever they get together.

Born and raised in the south, Darie stands by the staunchly held southern sentiments that the best tea is sweet tea and college football is life.

#WOTR24 #Review Immortal Enemies: A STANDALONE Vampire Romance by Jessie Lane

More than a thousand years ago, their love burned brighter than the sun. Now, the only thing that burns is his hatred for the woman he once sacrificed his life to save… and his skin in the daylight. Arne Eriksson grew up in a time when Vikings ruled the seas. He’d longed for the day he would earn his entrance to Valhalla. A treasured afterlife he’d never see since being turned into a vampire. The person responsible for making him a monster—the woman he’d once wanted to marry. Liv Nornsdottir was the outcast of the Viking era. The daughter of the mystical Norns, she hid from the world around her. All except for one… a boy who grew into the man she came to love. When he sacrificed himself to protect her, she did the only thing she could think of to save him—she had him turned into a vampire. Something so taboo she knew it would cost her Arne’s affections for all eternity. In the moment, she didn’t think, she reacted. She’s been running from him ever since. Lovers turned to immortal enemies. The problem is… he’s found her. And Arne is none to happy to learn the woman who damned him to an eternity without glory is also his mate.



Review by Twinsie Kelly

I am a sucker for vampires, but when I read the blurb, I was immediately drawn in because we now have a Viking Vampire! Yes please! Arne is a true Viking and looks forward to raiding, protecting his family and earning his entrance to Valhalla. He is absolutely enamored by Liv. He spends much of his time more or less stalking her because he just can’t get enough. He is drawn to her by something unknown. When he and Liv finally become friends, things blossom between these two. They grow up together but have to keep their friendship hidden. It is an incredibly slow burn. Liv is very mysterious and just “knows things.” She knows, and fears, the fact that she has seen that Arne hates her for what she has to do. She can’t speak of it, but she knows. When the worst thing imaginable happens, she has to have him turned into a vampire so she won’t lose him.

The journey of these two getting to know each other, falling in love, and going through a thousand years before they crash together again was a great story. The Viking background was one of my favorite things about this story.

Jessie Lane profile image

Jessie Lane is an Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iBooks Top 100 best-selling author. She writes Paranormal and Contemporary Romance that might make you laugh, cry or do both at the same time! A sometimes shy, sometimes hyper, but often snarky chick who’s addicted to books, caffeine & hot fictional men. She lives in Kentucky with her two crazy ass grown kids, her dad and her overprotective alpha husband that she’s pretty sure is a latent grizzly bear shifter. Jessie has a passionate love for reading and writing romance, cliff hanging suspense, and out-of-this-world characters that demand your attention or threaten to slap you around until you pay attention to them. So, you’re going to pay attention now, right? *winks*

#Review – Piper’s Purgatory: A Paranormal Romantic Suspense Novel by Maureen Miller

Is it possible to fall in love in the afterlife?

The last thing Piper Malko ever expected was to have her life snatched away so early. When she wakes up on the front steps of her brownstone to a rose-colored facsimile of her world, she is forced to come to grips with her demise. Why is she still trapped on her street, though? Was there a debate as to her final destination? Any attempt to ask the gauzy pedestrians passing by goes unheard. No one notices her. Until she sees him—over six feet of well-defined humanity staring back at her from across the street.

Russell Hughes is dead. He can remember the impact of the car. But there was no bright light. No portal to the beyond. Instead, everything around him is pink. Except for her. The attractive woman across the street.

Piper and Russ try to piece together the crime that killed two strangers on the same road. If they can find their killer, then maybe they can escape this rosy limbo.

But will leaving purgatory tear them apart…just as they’re falling in love?



Review by Twinsie Kelly

“Who knew hell came in shades of pink?”

Piper finds herself alone in purgatory but happens to find another soul, Russ, stuck in the same place. These two are naturally drawn to each other, but they are the only people here. They are working through how they ended up here and how to move on. But then what does “moving on” really mean. I felt like this moved a bit slow at the beginning, working through purgatory. I expected there to be more paranormal activity, possibly other souls, ghouls, bad things…but that really wasn’t there. There was a being trying to get Piper, and Russ was ever so chivalrous to protect her. Eventually, the twist happens and that is when the story gets great. This is a true love story where fate was definitely involved. If you are looking for something more along the lines of ghosts, vampires, or other things that go bump in the night, I would not recommend this. However, if are looking for a super sweet love story that happens to start in Purgatory, this is perfect!

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USA TODAY bestselling author, Maureen A. Miller worked in the software industry for fifteen years. She crawled around plant floors in a hard hat and safety glasses hooking up computers to behemoth manufacturing machines. The job required extensive travel. The best form of escapism during those lengthy airport layovers became writing.

Maureen’s first novel, WIDOW’S TALE, earned her a Golden Heart nomination in Romantic Suspense. After that, she became hooked to the genre. As hooked as she was, childhood fantasies still danced around in her head––little voices calling for her to write the young adult science fiction BEYOND series. To her it was still romantic suspense…just on another planet! She now divides her time between romantic suspense and young adult novels.

Maureen is a wife. A mother of a crazy Corgi. And a lover of mozzarella.

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#Review #Cyborgs #HEA – Tin Soldier (Silver Cyborg Series Book 3) by Ava Cuvay

The Army shuffled Staff Sergeant Gage Austin off to a menial desk job at the Pentagon as hush money… as if he’d admit to anyone he’s a cyborg. Society abhors cyborgs, so Gage keeps to himself and suffers the daily humiliation of an extensive security scan with stoic fortitude. He’s a soldier down to his core processor and would willingly give his all—red blood and blue lubricant—for the land he loves. As such, he accepts the task to locate and safely retrieve missing Pentagon assistant Audra Muir. Yet as sparks sizzle between them, Gage questions whether he’s delivering her to salvation… or doom.

Audra Muir has spent years pilfering secrets about corrupt government oversight of the cybernetics industry under the guise of her job at the Pentagon. As she leaves for breast cancer treatment, she happens upon earth-shattering intel. Determined to hand this information over to the people who will wage that particular war, she battles her own personal recovery and rages against a society that can make a cyborg, but can’t save women from breast cancer. Yet when Gage Austin kisses her, that anger dissipates, replaced by a passion that just might deliver her flagging faith in humanity… and herself.

Gage and Audra find peace from their own inner demons within the heat of each other’s arms. But defeating the evil that is ruining the cybernetics industry is a far bigger enemy, and requires the force of a secret band of rebels and their hidden cyborg army.

Book Three of the Silver Cyborg Series. This story has a romantic happy ending and a resolution of the storyline continuing through books one and two.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

This book absolutely blew me away. I finished the story, which is the end of the series, and felt like I lost a limb. Cyborg fan for LIFE!! When you read this book, please make sure that you read the dedication and author notes. This book pulled at my heartstrings in a lot of ways. You will have all the feels right from jump with this one. When Audra and Gage finally come together, they collide and there are fireworks! These two, even though they are fighting their own battles, have been doing a ton on their own because of their own situations (which is explained in the book, so just read it!), and they don’t realize how much they need someone to help them. The best part is they are able to help each other fight their own battles. As the story progresses, they really figure out what is truly worth fighting for. I finished reading this book and just had no clue how I was going to express to anyone how much I love this book AND the series, let alone how I was going to write a review. I don’t think many people are into “cyborg” type romances and what not but the Silver Cyborg series is so much more than that. It is real people, with real problems, that come together to fight for a good cause. But let us not forget the humor, wit and sarcasm that comes right along with these characters. I literally messaged the author when I finished the book and asked why was it over… I know that all good things come to an end. I highly HIGHLY recommend this book and most of all, this series!

Ava Cuvay is an award-winning bestselling author of out of this world Sci-fi and Paranormal Romance featuring sassy heroines, gutsy heroes, passion, adventure… and the word “moist”.

She resides in central Indiana with her own scruffy-looking nerfherder and teen kiddos who think her “Rizz” is “cringe” but she “passes the vibe check” and her books “hit different.” No cap.

She believes life is too short to bother with negative people, everything is better with Champagne, and Han Solo shot first. When not writing, Ava is thinking about writing. Or wine. And she’s always thinking about bacon.

Ava Cuvay – Out of This World Romance


#Review – Too Late by Colleen Hoover

The instant #1 New York Times and USA Today bestseller, a story about a woman caught in a dangerous web of obsessive love, trying to find a way out before it’s too late… this new, updated edition is a “barn-burner” (New York Post) and Colleen Hoover’s darkest romantic thriller since Verity.

Sloan will go through hell and back for those she loves. And she does so, every single day. Caught up with the alluring Asa Jackson, a notorious drug trafficker, Sloan has finally found a lifeline to cling to, even if it’s meant compromising her morals. She was in dire straits trying to pay for her brother’s care until she met Asa. But as Sloan became emotionally and economically reliant on him, he in turn developed a disturbing obsession with her—one that becomes increasingly dangerous every day.

When undercover DEA agent Carter enters the picture, Sloan’s surprised to feel an immediate attraction between them, despite knowing that if Asa finds out, he will kill him. And Asa has always been a step ahead of everyone in his life, including Sloan. No one has ever gotten in his way.

No one except Carter.

Together, Sloan and Carter must find a way out before it’s too late…

This book…wow.

So first thing, I have to point out that I love love love that the chapters were short. As a reader, I struggle with the longer chapters because I find that I get distracted. Thank you, Colleen, for that!

Now for the review:

We meet Sloan who’s strong, fiesty and has lived a hard life.

We then meet Carter who is your cinnamon roll type of hero. He’s super sweet, gentle, but is savage when his girl is hurt or is in danger.

This book is about Sloan and Carter and what they go through to be together. There were parts of the book where I actually wasn’t sure if this story had an HEA or not. You’ll have to read to find out by the way.

The book is also written in three POVs. Sloan, Carter and Asa’s. I have to say that as a lover of villains, I absolutely loved Asa and his twisted brain. My heart hurt for him and what he went through as a child and how he just wanted to be loved. Even though his views were messed up as a result of how he was raised, he loved Sloan. Hard. Will that love cost him everything in the end?

Colleen Hoover’s darker, thriller books, are my favourite of hers. Verity is my all time favourite book of hers but I enjoyed this one as well. I hope she writes more!

#BookPromo – Target Acquired: Volume 6 of the Don’t Close Your Eyes Series (Don’t Close Your Eyes – A Slow Burn Enemies to Lovers Series) by Lynessa Layne

Klive King warned me he was complicated. He drew me in, then pushed me away. He insisted a relationship was dangerous. I learned the hard way how right he was.
We fanned the flames of passion and ignited an inferno against us, but they greatly underestimated the lengths I’d go for the man I love.


* 2023 Best Book of the Year Silver Falchion Award

* 2023 Best Suspense Novel of the Year Silver Falchion Award

* First romance novel to win a Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award for Best Book of the Year (Top international Mystery, Thriller, Suspense books)! Past winners include Kiersten Modglin, Kate Gable, Paula Hawkins, Lisa Unger, Lisa Gardner,

#FreeBook #BookPromo – Fine Line (Steele Security Crossing Lines Book 1) by A.D. Justice

From USA Today bestseller A.D. Justice comes a sexy and suspenseful new standalone romance novel. The CROSSING LINES series is a spinoff of the USA Today bestselling series STEELE SECURITY. Each book in this new series can be read as a complete standalone.

What readers are saying about FINE LINE:
“What a great story! I devoured it!! The scenario was awesome, the characters were so “real”, the love scenes were hot and sweet! There are twists and turns, humor, and “justice” 🙂 A wonderful beginning of a new series, I look forward to reading the rest!” -Amazon Reviewer

“OMGGGGGGG it was phenomenal! This story was everything I thought it would be and so much more.” -Amazon Reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “5 Fine Line Stars!! I was pulled in from page one and couldn’t put it down until I finished!”

“This story is amazing. It has just the right amount of angst and suspense. You can just feel their chemistry rolling off the pages.” -Alphas Do It Better Book Blog

“This book was everything I hope for in a romantic suspense book: great writing, realistic characters and relationships, intrigue, and passion.” -Amazon Reviewer

“A.D. Justice has done it again! Somehow she manages to give you the most amazing love story wrapped up with a no holds barred suspense thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat from the very beginning.” -Amazon Reviewer

I only wanted a cup of coffee. Alone.
It was a simple request, right? Just stroll into the coffee shop on the corner, grab my usual cup of liquid nitrogen, and walk back out. All while minding my own business.
But I had to walk in at that exact moment. Not ten minutes earlier. Not ten minutes later. Precisely when Savannah Fields needed someone to help her. When no one except me had the courage to stand up for her.
After the incident, she looked at me like I was her hero. But I’m no hero. I don’t even know who or what I am anymore. Who is Nick Tucker? A DEA agent? A criminal? Both? Neither? The lines I crossed while undercover blurred my staunch sense of morality.
Then the auburn-haired beauty showed up at my apartment, begging for my help. I couldn’t turn her away.
The more I lost myself in her, the more I found myself again. Or so I thought.
Even a broken clock gets to be right twice a day.
There’s a fine line between right and wrong, love and hate, heaven and hell.

#PreOrder #BookPromo – The Risk of Falling by Nikki Ash

The Risk of Falling: a standalone romantic suspense is releasing September 14th in paperback, ebook, and audio (being narrated by Sarah Puckett and Gideon Frost)! You can preorder the ebook now on Amazon at a special preorder price.

What you can expect:

🖤 Cinnamon roll Hero

🖤 Hero falls first

🖤 Marriage of convenience




From the first time I saw Sienna Bardot dancing on my stage, I was mesmerized. But after booking a private room and buying her time, I want more than just one night.

She thinks by telling me that she’s waiting for love and marriage it’ll scare me away, but what she doesn’t understand is that I plan to make her mine in every way.

When her life is threatened, I would do anything to keep her safe—even if that means forcing her to take my last name.


Micah Alexander is a man used to getting what he wants, and I’m a woman used to having my choices taken away.

The sexy club owner thinks he can charm me, but it’s never going to happen. I’m dancing my way to a better life—one that doesn’t include making the same mistakes my mom did.

But when her sins come back to haunt me yet again, I have no choice but to turn to the only man who can save me—and hope letting him in doesn’t put my heart in further danger.

#Review – Four Aces: 1880 Deadwood Diaries – An American Western Historical Romance by April Holthaus

A historic American Western story about second chances in life and love.

U.S. Marshal Jameson “Jake” Reid has been searching for the notorious outlaw, Harmon Elwood for nearly a year after he robbed the Midtown Lincoln Stage. From horse raids to train rides, every clue to finding Elwood has led Jake to the small mining town of Deadwood. Upon his arrival, he is immediately met with resistance and suspicion and no further at catching the elusive Elwood.

Newly widowed Emily Taylor is doing everything she can to save her farm. Deep in debt, and unable to tend the farm on her own, she is forced to hire a farmhand. Little does she know that the man who answered her ad is really an undercover marshal. When he begins to stir up trouble and the truth comes out, her way of life is threatened as well as her heart. Emily struggles to choose between living the life she had fought for or losing everything she has.

As Jake and Emily become close, Jake finds himself surrounded by conspiracy, blackmail, and a town full of secrets. Can he solve the mystery looming over this town and finally bring Harmon Elwood to justice or will his heart and senses get tangled in a web of lies?

Award-Winning Author A.K. Holthaus is stretching her wings in the publishing world with her first ever American Western Romance featuring her newest hero, U.S. Marshal Jameson “Jake” Reid in her new series, The 1880 Deadwood Diaries.


Review by Twinsie Kelly

Hope and tumbleweeds in the wild west!

“The PAST is like a slow death. It’s something no one can change or hide from.”

Sometimes embracing your past and moving beyond is the roughest thing someone can do.

When Jake and Emily’s paths cross they have no clue how intertwined their lives actually are. Both have a past with many secrets. Jake tries to keep a low profile so that he can catch the elusive Harmon Elwood, but is unable stay to himself once he uncovers the truths that are happening in Deadwood. There is an intensity between Jake and Emily that you know is going to explode but the author does a fabulous job of keeping it tamped down so as not to take away from the plot and story.

In full disclosure, I am not a fan of historical romance, but I am a fan of the Wild West. This story does not disappoint! I look forward to continuing the series.

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Writing historical romances across the ages…

April Holthaus is a certified genealogist, a visual communications account manager, an all-season sports mom, and a self-published, award-winning author of Historical Romances. From the Scottish Highlands to the dirt roads of the Old West, April’s stories are noted to be well written, rich in historical details, and full of tension, suspense, and slow-burning romance.

When she’s not absorbed in researching her next story, she loves spending time outdoors with her family. Born and raised in Minnesota, you will always find her outside pitching baseballs, tossing the football around or skating on the ice playing hockey with her boys. She is currently plotting several more romance stories in the coming months.


Twitter: @aprilholthaus

Instagram: authoraprilholthaus

