Category Archives: Dark Romance

#Review – Asking For More by @LilahPace

asking for more

The incendiary author of Begging for It and Asking for It again plunges readers into the shadowy depths of love, pain, pleasure and peril…

How far is too far?

Finally sure of each other’s strength and love, Jonah and Vivienne continue to explore their darkest fantasies together. However, what should be a night of ecstasy takes a dangerous turn, injuring Vivienne. She shrugs off the incident, but Jonah is haunted by it, particularly by the fear that others may believe he abuses her, or even glimpse the truth of their erotic obsession.

Then Jonah receives a call from his younger sister, Rebecca, who’s dealing with trouble of her own in South America. When Vivienne travels with him to aid Rebecca, she learns yet more about his tortured history—and Jonah opens up to Vivienne as never before.

Can Vivienne help Jonah cast off the shadows of his past forever?




Twinsie Deb’s Review

Asking for More by Lilah Pace
Jonah & Vivienne Continued…

So, this is just a little novella that covers about the span of a week in the trials and tribulations of Jonah and Vivienne. You don’t really discover too much more than you already knew, but you do get to explore Jonah’s sister a little bit.

As far as Jonah and Viv go, they are still up to their “play” frolics and still have a fascination with that taboo subject! Although Viv get’s hurt AFTER one of their “play” sessions, whiney Jonah seems to get hung up on it a little too long especially since it was not even close to being his fault, but oh well! I think he’s more fucked up than we really know!

Viv is still a very carefree, happy-go-lucky kind of gal and I appreciate that about her. I mean if we had two head cases to deal with I think I might go mental. She sticks pretty close to Jonah, but in my opinion, not for herself, but for him. He seems to need that and her to stay on the right path.

Now Rebecca , Jonah’s sister is pretty damn cool. She lives in Central America by herself and doing fairly well. She’s spunky, witty, and about as open as Jonah… lol! I can’t help but wonder if there might be a longer story there. We’ll see!

So, it’s short, it’s fast, and it’s not really anything new besides more on the sister. The pacing is good, the storyline predictable, and the dialogue somewhat natural. I liked it, but did not love it!

ARC Provided by Publisher and Author for an honest review

Start at the beginning with Asking For It

Book One
Book One
Book Two
Book Two


Sample Author Only. Actual Author may very.
Sample Author Only.  Actual Author may very.

Lilah Pace is a pseudonym for a New York Times bestselling author, so she can’t give away too much about herself here, but she has lived everywhere from Italy to the United Kingdom before putting down roots in the American South.

She’s addicted to Diet Coke, loves her dog, and daydreams about several British movie stars (though usually no more than two at a time).

And while it took her a long while to get up the courage to write books, now she hopes she’ll never stop.

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#Review – Exposed (Madame X #2) by @JasindaWilder


Exposed cover


New York Times bestselling author Jasinda Wilder presents the second darkly seductive novel starring the mysterious Madame X.

Everything Madame X has ever known is contained within the four walls of the penthouse owned by her lover, her keeper, the man who controls her every move and dominates her desires. While Caleb owns her body, someone else has touched her soul. X’s awakening at the hands of Logan’s raw, honest masculinity has led her down a new path, one that is as exciting as it is terrifying.

But Caleb’s need to own her completely knows no bounds, and he isn’t about to let her go. Not without a fight that could destroy them all…


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I am naked; you are clothed.

The way it always is, it seems. Do you keep me naked merely because you enjoy the sight of my nude body? Or is it another form of control, of manipulation? A way of keeping me contained, keeping me captive? Some of both, I think. When I am naked—which is often, now that I live with you in your cavernous tower-top home—your eyes flit and float to me, rake over me, absorb my dusky flesh and athletic curves. Your eyes are always on me, even when you are working. Your eyes move from your laptop to me, pause on the elegant column of my throat, slip and slide down to the valley between my heavy breasts, to the flat plain of my belly, the juncture between my thighs, and then you, somewhat reluctantly, it sometimes seems, force your gaze back to your work.

Life with Caleb Indigo: a concerto of keyboard keys clicking and clacking, an overture of gazes and glances. You are always working. Always. I wake at midnight in the morning to the sound of your phone ringing—your ringer is a plain, old-fashioned bleating of a rotary-style phone—and you answer it with a curt “Indigo,” and you listen carefully, intently, and then respond in as few syllables as possible, end the call, toss the phone onto the nightstand close to hand, and tug me roughly up against your chest. Four a.m.: you jab your legs into slacks, shrug into a button-down, fingers nimble on the buttons, announce that you have business to see to, and then you do not return till three in the morning or four or even six, when you appear looking haggard and unshaven with dark circles under your eyes. But then, I, anticipating your return, am awake. And you know this.

And you stand at my side of the bed, staring down at me, waiting. I roll over, gaze up at you. Slowly, you divest yourself of your clothing. Your gaze will not leave me, and perhaps you slide the flat sheet away to bare my form. I cannot help but notice the way the zipper of your slacks tents and tautens as you gaze at me. And I am, in that moment, flushed with desire.

I cannot help it.

And I do try. Just to see if I have found some new source of self-control where you are concerned.

But the result is always the same: I see you, watch you peel the shirt off, unbutton it quickly, swing your arms back to pinch your shoulder blades together, and the shirt falls away. Your torso is bare, magnificent, a sculpture of tanned, muscled perfection. My throat will tighten and I am compelled to swallow again and again, as if I could swallow down my need for you. And then my gaze will rake down your furrowed eight-pack abdomen to your groin, to your bulging zipper, and my thighs clench around the gush of heated need. My breath comes in panting gasps.

I don’t need to say anything.

You unhook the clasp of your trousers, pinch the zipper tab in your big thumb and long forefinger, slowly draw it down. Free your erection. It will sway in front of my face, tall and hard and perfect.

And I am undone.

Any will I possess is eradicated.

Your hands will be rough on my flesh, scraping, teasing, possessing. And I will revel in that roughness, in the clutch of hard hands on my buttocks, tugging me to the end of the bed and holding me aloft as you plunge into me, eliciting a whimper.

And I will come apart for you, watching the tendons in your neck pulse and tighten, watching your abdomen flex, watching your hips drive, watching your biceps ripple as you keep me held effortlessly where you want me.

And you will come, too, but never quickly. Never until I have reached my own climax. And sometimes not until I have reached it twice. If I do not find that release with the driving and thrust of your body, you press that big thumb to my clitoris and force me to it with gentle, skillful, insistent circles as if you somehow just know precisely how to pleasure me.

When you do find your own release, it is quiet, an intense groan, perhaps a bead of sweat trickling down your temple, as if even your sweat obeys the rule of artfulness that seems to dictate your existence.

And then, done with me, you will brush a thumb over my temple, sweep flyaway locks of raven-black hair aside, grant me a moment of eye contact, a moment of personal connection. Just a moment, only a fragment of time. But something, at least. As if you know I need those moments to continue this . . . game.

This ruse.

This deception.

This faux-domestic relationship.

Without those moments of intimacy granted in that postcoital gaze, I would combust. Detonate.

And even with them, I am discontent. Disturbed.

You know it.

I know it.

But we do not speak of it. I try, and you brush it aside, sweep the conversation away like so much dust from a corner. Answer a phone call, claim to have a meeting to scurry off to, an e-mail to answer, a deal to broker.

Twinsie Deb’s Review

Exposed by Jasinda Wilder
Caleb, X, and Logan
5 Nerve wracking stars

Ok, so I went into this one knowing that it would end on a cliffy… I mean, it’s the second book in a trilogy for fuck sake… but I’m still reeling from it! Damn it Jasinda! I want more! I need more! I grieve for X, I pine for Logan, and I plot for Caleb’s demise. This story is unusual and profound. You won’t want to miss it!

At the end of the first installment, Madame X, I have to admit I still kind of had hope for Caleb. I wanted to see him become the man I knew he could be. He teetered on the brink of evil, but always seemed to redeem himself at every turn. I’m not so sure he’s redeemable anymore. He has fallen down too many times to get back to where he needs to be. I guess anyone can change, but at this point, in my heart Caleb is dead to me! DEAD I TELL YOU!!!

Logan is still a breath of fresh air. He seems genuine and kind at the moment, but we all know shit can get pretty hairy in just the matter of a chapter or two. So far so good though. I know he means well where X is concerned, but sometimes I think he may be laying it on a little thick at times. I, myself would have been awfully overwhelmed by his presence and his need to fix everything. He does still make me swoon though!

X is still finding things out about herself. Good things, shocking things, and things she can’t explain. Caleb is still a lying sack of shit when it comes to what really happened to her and Logan seems to be an open book divulging anything and everything he can get his hands on that pertains to her. Now that she’s knows one of the most basic things about herself, she wants to transform to that person she now knows and not be X anymore. Who can blame her? My heart still breaks for her and I can’t wait to read the last installment, Exiled so that maybe reading her parts will make my heart sore instead of wilt.

It’s a well written book. The dialogue flows perfectly and the storyline is wonderful. The characters, good or bad were exceedingly powerful and kept me on the edge of my seat though most of it. From cover to cover you’ll be offered tons of excitement, loads of angst, and some of the longest sex scenes I think you’ll ever read. Oh. So. Hot. I loved it with my whole heart and can’t wait to see how this all plays out. Bravo Jasinda. You rocked it!


READING ORDER – Exiled coming 8.2.2016

cover  Exposed cover  

About the author:


Jasinda Wilder is a New York TimesUSA TodayWall Street Journal, and international bestselling author. She is a Michigan native and currently lives there with her family. Visit her official website at

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#Review – Soulless by @TM_Frazier


The finale to Bear and Thia’s epic love story.

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Soulless by T.M. Frazier
Bear & Thia

So, guess what? This book fucking rocked! That’s what! So much is going on. So many new things learned about both our lead characters and supporting ones for that matter. Emotions up the waazoo, love and hate flowing side by side, and shit that’ll make you go hmmmm!

Bear is such a dick, but man I can’t help but love that jerkface! He goes above and beyond where his friends and especially Ti are concerned, but holy freaking hell, does he really have to scare the ever-loving shit outta me in the process? He’s been dealt a bad hand in most everything he does, but who’s to say what game is being played? Maybe he does have a good hand after all. He makes the most of all the bad situations he’s in. He loves fiercely and he’s brutally honest to a fault.

Ti is unexpectedly more equipped to deal with the life she’s been given. The life she hopes to lead with Bear. She’s hilarious, she’s strong, and she’s more than ready to get on with killing if that’s what needs being done. She’s meets some interesting people on her journey and takes them in stride, but never forgets who she is, where she came from, or where she’s headed. I love this little pink headed monkey!

The supporting character cast is fairly large. Let’s see, we have King, Ray, and their crazy kids. I love knowing that King was always there every step of the way with Bear. Grace was wonderful as always. I wouldn’t mind having her for my “adopted” Momma any day. Now this Rage chick, holy hell! I need more of her. I need more quirkiness and more of her oddball ways. I love that tiny psycho germaphobe. Barbarian Barbie! My fave fer sure.

So, if you picked this up expecting hearts and flowers, then you’ll be truly let down, unless you like bloody hearts and wilted flowers… lol. I myself found it so persuasive that I could not put it down. I hung on every word and made Bear and Ti’s life my main concern for a short time. The pacing is superb and the storyline outstanding. The tension created throughout this tale was just right, but that climax, jaysus fekking christ TM, you trying to kill me? Loved it!



T.M. Frazier resides in sunny Southwest Florida with her husband and baby girl.

In the third grade she wrote her very first story about a lost hamster. It earned rave reviews from both her teacher and her parents although her spelling could have (and could still) use some help.

It only took her twenty years to start the next book.

The Dark Light of Day was her debut novel.
She LOVES talking books with her readers.

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#Review – Undo Me by @AuthorMRobinson #Dark #Gritty



I fell in love with her when I was seventeen.
She brought me to my knees when I was twenty.
I loved her against reason.
I loved her against hope.
I loved her against all odds.
Now she’s back, a constant reminder of what I lost, what could have been.
I hate her.
I resent her.
I still love her.
Can I forgive her…
Will she be my end once again or my beginning?

STANDALONE within a series. New Adult Contemporary Romance: Strong language and sexual content, not intended for readers under 18.


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Undo Me by M. Robinson
Dylan & Aubrey
5 Heart Wrenching Stars

Well peeps, this book is not what I thought it would be. It’s not wrapped up in a pretty little love story. Nope! It’s one of the most emotional stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Not many authors can keep me up till 2AM reading because I CAN’T put the book down. In fact there’s only a handful for me. Welcome to the club Ms. Robinson. You have done me in with this story. It’s not anything like the first two books in this series, not even close! It gave me heart palpitations… going back and forth between broken heart and mended heart! I. Fucking. Loved. It.

Dylan, our main lead character was all kinds of alpha, but not in the way you’d think he’d be. Even while he’s fucking his way through most of Oak Island, he seems to still be able to maintain this sort of southern charm. Most days the ladies fall at his feet and leave uttering the word “asshole,” on their way out, but he’s so smooth that you can’t help but laugh at him and be one of those followers. The transition from young man to man was exhilarating to see. His life was not an easy one and most of the time my heart was breaking for him, but somehow he manages to pull through it with a few bumps and bruises. From his beautiful hair and body to his witty charm and that sexy allure, I was hooked from word one.

Aubrey, well… Aubrey made me want to throw my kindle across the room on multiple occasions. She’s one character I’ll forever have a love/hate relationship with fer sure. I have to admit I did like her rough demeanor where Dylan was concerned in the beginning. It was refreshing to see a girl who DIDN’T fall at his feet and beg him to fuck her. Although that same rough demeanor would be her undoing later on in life. She did so many things wrong that it killed me to see her transition into womanhood. Life could have been so much easier for Aubrey had she just opened up her heart just a little bit more and let Dylan or anyone else in to help her through some serious shit. I think she would have been more at peace with herself and life.

The supporting character cast is the usual… Lucas and Alex. Jacob and Lily. and our one and only fuck up Austin. Can’t wait to see what Ms. Robinson has in store for that one. The only other supporting character that I found remotely important was Aubrey’s Mother. The woman who couldn’t bring herself to get engaged in her daughter’s life. I blame her for most of Aubrey’s decisions. There is a villain in the story actually, but they bare no mention at this time. You’ll find out soon enough who it is and hate them just as much as I do. Good luck!

So, if I had to say which one of the Good Ol’ Boys book I liked the best, it would be this one by far. It was effortless to read and the pacing was perfect and right on. The dialogue flowed with efficiency and the storyline was superb. The entire book is full from cover to cover with massive amounts of tension and apprehension that when you do finally reach the climax you’re so fucking exhausted that you will hardly be able to breathe. Bravo Ms. Robinson, you rocked this!

Check out the rest of the Good ‘Ol Boys…

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author pic

M. Robinson loves to read. She favors anything that has angst, romance, triangles, cheating, love, and of course sex! She has been reading since the Babysitters Club and R.L. Stein.

She was born in New Jersey but was raised in Tampa Fl.  She is currently pursuing her Ph.D in psychology, with two years left.

She is married to an amazing man who she loves to pieces. They have two German Shepherd mixes and a Tabby cat.

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#Review – Clubwhore by @authorkimjones #Erotic #Romance


I’m that girl…
The girl every woman loves to hate.
The one your man dreams about.
I live up to my name…
And this is my story.

She needs something. Something Devil’s Renegade MC Sergeant at Arms Bryce is more than willing to give. But he’s not the kind of man who asks. He takes. And soon, he will take her. He’ll dominate her. He’ll captivate her. She’ll be his—no patches…no property…no titles. Only her. Only him.
She thinks this is her story to tell.
It very well may be.
But he…is fixing to rewrite it.



Clubwhore by Kim Jones
Delilah & Bryce

So, if I’m being honest here, this was my first Kim Jones book! I know peeps, what the fuck was I thinking? This was a great intro into the world of Kim Jones. It has humor, drama, and uber hot sex appeal. This is not your typical MC book, nor is it your classic love story. It’s way more than that! Deeper, more emotional, and definitely more angst than some of the books I’ve read in this genre.

Delilah is our clubwhore. She knows her place, she likes that place, and she’s more than proud of it. Her past has her fucked up in the head, believing she’s not worthy of real love and somehow she needs pain to control the beast inside of her. She’s ok with all of that as long as she gets her escape every Sunday to put things back into perspective. When Bryce enters into her life, it’s no holds barred. Shit is definitely going to hit the fan… or maybe it’s Bryce’s hand hitting her ass… lol.. Ouch!

Bryce is all alpha, all sex on a stick, and all business when it comes to his club and Delilah. I have to admit, I wasn’t too sure about him and his methods at first, but he kinda grew on me throughout the story and now I’d give my left tit just for a glimpse of that huge… heart of his! Bwahahaha, you thought I was gonna say cock! I wouldn’t mind seeing that too! Bryce is just as fucked up as Delilah, but somehow manages to pull his shit together long enough to give her what she needs… but will it be enough? Will he break her down, build her up, and then break her once again?

The supporting character cast is pretty good. Even the fucking villains. Like I said before, I’ve never read Kim’s books till now and something tells me Dallas, Red, Regg, Luke, Linda, and the list goes on have made appearances in other books, but you don’t need to read them to appreciate this one. I will say this, Kim can seriously write the “bad guy” incredibly well. I had to PM her to tell her how much I hated a certain character and how I wanted to rip his dick off and make him eat it! You’ll see! I’m sure you’ll agree.

So, this is in the MC genre, however I felt the story was more about two lost souls trying to find their way in this world without hurting themselves or each other. The pacing is fair, not to fast, not to slow, but even keel. The dialogue flows pretty good and the storyline is exceptional. The build up to the end wasn’t exactly what I expected, but still good non-the-less. I am a Kim Jones fan now. Bring on Sinners Creed!

ARC provided by the Author for an honest review



Here’s a Little About Kim

In 2013, Kim began her self-publishing journey. Saving Dallas, her first MC series, is based on the life of an influential president who juggles the pressures of the Devil’s Renegades Motorcycle Club, and the search for true love.

Taking the club life and her career a step further, Berkley will be releasingSinner’s Creed, her second MC series, in March of 2016—an inside look into the life of a 1%er and his sacrifice for what he believes in.

Kim plans to continue to self-publish off her Saving Dallas series, and has signed a two book deal with Penguin-Random House for Sinner’s Creed.She resides in south Mississippi with her husband, Reggie, two dogs, a cat and a donkey.

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