Category Archives: Horror

#REVIEW – Scream Queens Anthology

In our world, there’s No Escape from the Silence. You can try Breaking Glass, but once you are Suspended in Blood there’s no way out. Hopefully you have an Alibi when you run away from the Silent Screams that fill the night.

Scream Queens is a horror anthology raising money for #PutTheNailInIt, a charity focused on helping domestic violence victims. Now get ready to dive in, and Hush Little Baby, don’t say a word. Stella will read you a horror tale.

**This anthology’s proceeds will benefit #PutTheNailInIt Charity which aids in the awareness of domestic violence.***

Twinsie Jo’s Review:

Well this anthology is definitely not for the faint of heart. While I was one of the contributing authors, I decided to read the rest of the stories and wow. Just wow. I gasped so many times, I lost count. I’m a huge fan of horror movies and I love horror stories just as much but these stories blew me away.

If you love horror stories, this is definitely the anthology for you! I even messaged Emery LeeAnn after finishing her story, Stella, and asked her for more. If you loved the movie, “I Spit On Your Grave”, you’ll like this little book.

These stories are gruesome and have people getting revenge in the most depraved way possible.

Enjoy and happy reading! Oh and don’t forget to turn on the lights.

#REVIEW – Death Blooms by Yolanda Olson

I deal in beautiful things.

I’m paid to create unique masterpieces and I enjoy my work.

I’m the best there is because I’m patient, kind, and quick.

I wear the mask of humanity when I need to, and I play the part of just another stranger walking past you on the street, but there’s something I want that I can’t quite seem to get my hands on.

For all of the blood I shed—for all of the flesh I’ve stripped, there’s only one touch that I long to feel. I may be a master of manipulation, yet when it comes to the hope of something that’s just mine—something unexplainable toward another living creature that I long so desperately for, I’m a coward.

But there’s only so many times I’ll be willing to stand by and watch what I want walk away from me before I acquire it.

I’ve had enough patience and I’ve scolded myself more than once over this and I refuse to wait any longer.

We belong together.

Twinsie Jo’s Review

While we usually review romance books on our page, I decided to read something new. I’m a huge fan of Stephen King and he’s usually the only horror author that I read. Or have read anyway. But I’m taking 2019 to read all new to me authors. Or try to at least.

So I didn’t read the blurb to this book but fell in love with the cover when Yolanda shared it forever ago. I’ve also had this book on my kindle for awhile now and finally got a chance to pick it up. And I’m glad I did!

So we meet Gray. Gray is an artist of sorts and he has a secret. His best friend, Aiden, knows about this secret and supports him fully. She even helps him with his final art pieces.

Gray has had a crush on Penn for awhile. Aiden finally helps him in that department and both Gray and Penn end up together. Woot!

All through the book, Gray is working on his latest art project. He ends up showing Penn this piece as well and he’s also super supportive of Gray’s work. He even wants to help him.

I don’t want to ruin it but the ending has an epic twist. Not what I was predicting exactly but definitely what I was expecting. I think if you’re a fan of horror movies, you would definitely like this book.